Research Integrity

Check out the EPFL Course on Research Integrity

Duration: 2h 

Passing grade: 80%

The course covers the fundamentals of research integrity and good laboratory practices, as well as best practices in Switzerland and beyond.

Scientific integrity defines the commitment of researchers to adhere to the fundamental rules of good scientific practice. Concern for honesty, respect, reliability in ensuring the quality of research, and accountability represent the basis of all scientific activity and are prerequisites for the credibility and acceptance of science.

Scientific integrity is not only dictated by ethics, it also contributes to EPFL’s reputation as an institution. It is the responsibility of all EPFL researchers to respect scientific integrity and institutional guidelines, and to implement best practice in their research.

Experience shows that, in day-to-day research work, even experienced scientists may have questions regarding the best way of carrying out their research successfully. The Directive concerning research integrity and good scientific practice at EPFL (LEX 3.3.2). Defines the rules, based on long experience, that apply to EPFL researchers in all disciplines.

This comic book (English version / French version) tells the story of a researcher, Jack Shin Hendron, a young physics prodigy and rising star in the field of nanotechnology.

Although fictional, this story is inspired by a real case of fraud that deeply shook the scientific community.


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