EDPO New Doctoral candidate

To finalize the registration, the candidate receives a registration form upon arrival at EPFL. In principle the date of registration is the starting date in the laboratory. This form must be completed and signed by the candidate, the supervisor and returned to the Administrative Assistant program (see schedule on the side).
The authorization for a thesis co-supervision must be requested in a letter that explains briefly why the co-direction is necessary, that clarifies the role of the co-advisor and clearly states who is the supervisor in charge” of the Doctoral candidate.
If the co-supervisor is neither a Professor, or a senior scientist, he has to supply the administrative assistant of the programme with his CV and publication list.
The registration will not be possible without the following original documents (along with translations if they are not in English or one of the Swiss national languages):
  • Master Diploma 
  • Master final transcript of records
  • Bachelor Diploma
  • Bachelor final transcript of records
  • Passport (/identity card for Swiss nationals)
In order not to delay the registration of the future PhD, he will send as soon as possible the missing documents (PDF) / information in his application file to the Administrative Assistant program.
Once his file is completed, the doctoral candidate will receive a letter from the reigstrar’s office, confirming his registration at the Doctoral School.
Verification of doctoral studies’ admission documents: please visit this webpage or contact the Doctoral Students Office (Registrar’s Office).