EA164 QuadStat Module
module, four channel potentiostat, range 10mA to 200pA EA168 Quad PH MV Amp Module
four channel high impedance electrometer, type pH/mV amplifiers, range ±2 V EPU357 Conductivity IsoPod
suitable for most 2-electrode conductivity probes, input ranges 2uS to 200mSE Corder ED821 High Resolution Laboratory Data Recorder
8 channel, 16 bit A/D resolution, continuous recording up to
200 000 samples / s
Freezer ( 35°)
Fridge (not For Solvents)
Galvanostat Ecochemie PGstat12
max. current 250 mA, 12 V compliance Voltage, Bipot module (bipotentiostat), ECD low current module; lowest current resolution 0.3 fA at lowest current range of 100 pA
Nova 2 software
Orbital Shaker
IKA MS3 basic, 200-3000 rpm
Memmert UE200
(32 liter, T < 300°C)Oven Salvis TC100
(100 liter, T 120°)