DLL Engineering- photonics

Our DLL in photonics is open to groups of fewer than 20 students or classes of more than 100 Bachelor’s students. Participants can conduct cross-disciplinary experiments or experiments designed for their specific section. The topics currently covered are: Fourier optics, digital holography, fiber optics, amplifiers, Fabry-Pérot interferometers, Mie scattering and lock-in techniques, micromechanical lasers, double-frequency lasers, Nd:YAG lasers, plasmonics, microwave optics, birefringence, solar-cell characterization, laser safety and optical lenses. EPFL experts and advanced equipment are also available for cross-disciplinary projects.

Equipement and user guides
- Optical oscilloscope
- Fiber connectivity kit Diamond ZEUS D50
- Micro-interferometer
- Heating stage Mettler Toledo HS82
- Lock-in Amplifier SRS 830
- High Precision LCR meter HP 4284A
- Network analyzer Keysight N9000B
- Signal Generator Keysight N5173B
- Spectrometer ARCOPTIX FTNIR 0.9-2.6
- Avantes AvaSpec-ULS2048L-USB2- UARS
- Optical Spectrum Analyzer AQ-6315A/-6315B
- Optical power meter Thorlabs PM100D
- Optical Power meter and wavelengths meter OMM-6810B
- Beam Profiler Thorlabs BP209-VIS_M
Access et safety rules
Training and reservation
For more information about the lab (including training on its equipment) or to reserve a time slot, send us an email by clicking on the link below:
Cours | Description | Cours | Description |
Micro 322 | Optical engineering II | BIOENG-444 | Advanced bioengineering methods laboratory |
Micro 423 | Optics Laboratories I | ENG-602 | Optical fibers and fiber devices |
Micro 424 | Optics Laboratories II | PHYS-611 | Optics and technology of liquid crystal displays |
EE-395 | Lab in information technologies | MICRO-421 | Imaging optics |