Training and Support
Support and Documentation
MOOC Production and Distribution
We are the MOOC Factory at EPFL. We help you design, record, build and distribute your online courses. Contact: Christian Vonarburg
Jupyter Notebooks For Education
Flexible and versatile, Jupyter Notebooks are great tools for teaching! We provide a centrally managed instance of Jupyter Labs for EPFL students and teachers as well as technical and pedagogical support. Contact: NOTO Support
Flexible Teaching
The Center for Digital Education (CEDE) and Teaching Support Center (CAPE) have setup documentation and a Help Desk to support teachers in adapting their classes to flexible teaching in September 2020. The documentation is more useful than ever in transforming the way we teach in this “post-pandemic” phase.
Open education
Open Education Initiative
At EPFL, we believe knowledge produced with the support of public funding should be freely available to anyone. Open education can contribute to the broader openness movement by providing lectures and course materials that create broader and better understanding of our work and impact.
Improving Access and Inclusion
EPFL aims to provide an inclusive and accessible and inclusive environment for all its students and staff, so that everyone can thrive and succeed. The Center for Digital Education (CEDE) can help you implement certain measures to enhance the accessibility of your courses, e.g. by recording your lectures and implementing interactive educational technologies.
Selecting an Appropriate License for your Course Materials
When it comes to protecting and sharing creative works, there are two main approaches: “All Rights Reserved” and Creative Commons licensing. In line with EPFL’s commitment to promoting open science and facilitating the unrestricted sharing of ideas, we advise opting for a Creative Commons license.
Campus Analytics
We build the datastore and the methods for learning analytics to enhance teaching and learning at EPFL. Do you want to apply data science to education ? We are looking forward to collaborating with you.
Ethical skills for the digital world
We provide support and develop resources to help teachers integrate ethical thinking skills into courses about digital technology.
Center for Learning Sciences
The Center for Digital Education is a member of the Center for Learning Sciences (LEARN). The Center LEARN organizes events which are of interest to the EPFL community, especially the Lunch&LEARN presentations which are a great opportunity to discover new approaches to teaching and learning.
Support and Training
DRIL fund
The vice-presidency for Education at EPFL supports innovative projects in education via the DRIL fund. Two calls for proposal are organised per year.
Join our Workshop Online Assessment
The Swiss MOOC Service Association organises an interactive online workshop focused on leveraging the robust testing and assessment capabilities of Open edX to enhance online learning experiences.