Science and Engineering Ethics Network (SEEN)

Who we are
EPFL’s strategic plan states that in its capacity as a public university, EPFL has a special responsibility of “educating the next generation of responsible leaders”. To achieve this goal, the strategic plan emphasizes the strengthening of EPFL’s education through inclusion of projects and courses on societal issues that equip students with ethical skills needed to address the engineering challenges of today’s society. The ethical issues in neurotechnology, intelligent systems and digital skills are identified as particularly relevant.
The Science and Engineering Ethics Network (SEEN) is an informal grassroots initiative among EPFL scientists that supports the school in reaching these goals. An interdisciplinary network which brings together people with from a range of diverse backgrounds including in law, philosophy, neuroscience, computer science, mechanical engineering, psychology, and learning sciences, the network provides a space for sharing and collaborating to develop research and educational practice on how we can effectively educate the next generation of responsible leaders.