Graph Search

You are studying for your exams and want to recall the precise moment of a course? You want to know the EPFL researchers active in the field of bioinformatics or related disciplines? You want to discover EPFL’s academic contributions in domains such as “machine learning” or “neuroprosthetics”?
EPFL has developed a technology that makes it easy to obtain all this information, and much more. Its name? Graph Search!
Graph Search at a glance
An innovative application
Graph Search is a network of interconnected data instantly accessible in a single place. Thanks to the power of advanded machine learning, you can efficiently navigate through the complexity of the EPFL academic world (courses, sessions, concepts, people, publications and laboratories) in order to better understand it, quickly find information, create new collaborations and make decisions.
Who can use Graph Search?
Graph Search is open to everyone: students, researchers, professors, members of EPFL Direction and the general public.
Please note that some content, such as courses recordings, is reserved for the EPFL community only (Gaspar login required).
Future developments
The application and the quality of the data will be improved in the coming months. If you have any questions or need information, do not hesitate to contact us at the address below.
Documentation and useful links
Disclaimer. This is a first release of Graph Search. The search results and recommendations provided are generated by algorithms that are based on limited volume of historical data. EPFL makes no warranty whatsoever regarding the search results and any recommendations provided. In particular, EPFL does not warrant that the data are up-to-date, that the information provided is complete and that the recommendations are relevant. The users are therefore solely responsible for the use they make of the information, data and recommendations provided by this site.