
EPFL lives at the rhythm of its events and its student associations. Buildings with outstanding architecture host our library, shops, restaurants and exhibitions.
Des étudiantes et étudiants posés devant le Rolex Learning Center © Alain Herzog / EPFL, 2019

Students seated in front of the Rolex Learning Center © Alain Herzog / EPFL, 2019

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A city within a city

L'intérieur de la bibliothèque du Rolex learning center de l'EPFL


Located at the Rolex Learning Center, the library offers state-of-the-art services to School members and visitors.

Une employée sert une cliente, avec des fruits frais et du jus sur le comptoir du Takinoa, l'ancienne cafetariat de la bibliothèque du rolex learning center à l'EPFL.

Restaurants, shops and hotels

Many places to eat, drink, shop and sleep. By the way, take a look at the official EPFL shop!

Collage de photos illustrant la sécurité, la prévention et la santé à l'EPFL © EPFL

Security, Prevention and Health

An assistance organization and specialists to ensure the well-being of EPFL community

A healthy environment

Une foule d'étudiants s'élancent en courant à travers le campus de l'EPFL pendant les "Journées santé".


Amateur or professional sports enthusiasts, UNIL and EPFL join forces to offer you the best sports facilities to practice your activity

Des étudiantes et étudiants se retrouvant ensemble pour se soutenir © Alain Herzog / EPFL, 2020

Community & Support

EPFL strives for respect, equality, diversity and inclusion for its members.

Un repas en extérieur organisé par l'aumonerie de l'EPFL


Activities that encourage encounters, dialogue and reflection in a mutually respectful environment

A living place

Collage représentant la diversité des événements à l'EPFL


Find out about EPFL events and all the information you need to organise one on campus.

Deux danseuses au sol exécutant une performance artistique

Art and culture

From museums to exhibitions, discover our cultural activities on campus.

Des étudiants scrutent le ciel à l'aide d'un petit télescope installé sur la place de l'esplanade du campus.


Get together to share your passions, and share them with the whole community

Next events


AMLD EPFL 2025 – get your tickets!


Place and room: SwissTech Convention Center
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Ciné-débat : Quand la cybersurveillance menace les droits humains


With: À venir
Place and room: Forum Rolex
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Ig Nobel

Ig Nobel Award Tour Show 2025


With: Marc Abraham, Mariska Kret, Marjolaine Willems, Roman Khonsari, Alexandra Sarafoglou, and Frantisek Bartos
Place and room: Forum Rolex
Category: Public Science Events

See all events

On the road

Carte des campus de l'EPFL

Visit EPFL

Find all the information you need to visit our five campuses

Le métro M2 à direction de Renens gare, à l'arrêt EPFL.

Mobility and Travel

Commuting, business and student travel: find out how to get to campus and read the new EPFL travel policies

carte de l'EPFL

Campus map

Are you looking for a specific venue? Check our interactive map!

Une personne, assise sur un banc, et tenant dans sa main un smartphone avec l'application EPFL Campus © Pocketcampus

Une personne, assise sur un banc, et tenant dans sa main un smartphone avec l’application EPFL Campus © Pocketcampus

EPFL Campus

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