Ston emasonry dashboard

Stone Masonry Database Dashboard


The database of stone masonry (described in Vanin et al, 2017), is now openly accessible and can be explored interactively at : Contributors : EESD, ENAC-IT4R, P. Loelliger (civilist)

About Us PIXE – Demo


Contact PIXE – Demo


Best teaching awards


We congratulate Prof. Jean François Molinari (GC) and the team of teachers at the Arts of Sciences Laboratory (AR) for winning the best teaching awards of their sections.

Student data project proposals


A consolidated list of data-related student project proposal can now be found on this new webpage, allowing ENAC labs to reach more easily EPFL students from all sections and to foster interdisciplinary and data-driven projects.


Development of CLIMACT


At the beginning of the year, CLIMACT has become an official UNIL-EPFL center headed by Prof. Michael Lehning (ENAC/EPFL) and Prof. Julia Steinberger (FGSE/UNIL). On January 26th, more than 120 scientists from both universities participated in a joint virtual workshop to learn more about the activities already started and planned as well as to interact (…)

Creation of ENAC IT4Research

Research, Uncategorized

ENAC-IT diversifies its offer with a new branch ENAC-IT4Research, to support more closely the ENAC research community with their data and IT needs. It proposes from now on advanced services, in the realms of research data management, data science and visualization, as well as infrastructure.


Six ENAC Cluster Grant projects

Research, Uncategorized

Discover here the six projects led by early career researchers that won a grant in 2020 for developing promising topics within the ENAC clusters “Digitalization of infrastructure and cities” and “Sustainable territories”.

Highlights: Habiter l’urgence

Projeter Ensemble

[epfl_quote quote=”Une semaine enrichissante, complète et intense sur un sujet d’actualité peu abordé en cours.” cite=”Zélie Beuchat (GC), Katarzyna Dudka (SIE), Luana Ferrari (AR), Lea Gaille (GC), Francesca Igowa (AR), Chiara Kempter (AR), Marine Lachat (AR)” footer=”étudiantes ENAC” /] Image 1: Abri construit pour le scénario du Bangladesh 1.     Enjeux Sensibiliser les étudiants ayant des (…)

Rénover un mazot à petit prix

Projeter Ensemble

[epfl_custom_highlight title=”Sylvain Collet” description=”Etudiant en Génie Civil” link=”” image=”10023″ /] Rénover un chalet de montagne à petit prix, voilà le défi lancé par un étudiant en génie civil dans le cadre d’un projet de semestre du SKIL (Student Kreativity and Innovation Laboratory). Avec l’aide d’amis en architecture, des solutions concrètes et simples à mettre en (…)