Types of contract

The types of contracts are the following, and correspond to different levels of overheads:
RESEARCH CONTRACT: execution of a scientific research project financed by an external partner who obtains rights on the intellectual property generated. EPFL researchers must maintain the right to publish the scientific results.
INDUSTRIAL GRANT: financial contribution by a company to a scientific research project without any counterpart other than regular information on the results obtained and an option to negotiate access rights to intellectual property generated.
SERVICE CONTRACT: execution of services for an external partner by using expertise, knowledge and existing installations: tests, routine analyses, expert
opinions, expert advice, access to equipment, etc. Results from service contracts belong to the partner, the methods and tools remain the property of EPFL.
GRANTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS: other research-related contracts can be drawn up, for example: for scientific research projects supported by public grants,
foundations or other non-profit organizations; for the transfer of biological material (MTA) or the protection of confidential information (NDA); for the execution of European projects; etc. Each contract must define the research program, the budget, and the rights to the results of the project, the liability, as well as the other rights and obligations of the implicated parties.

In the case of the structural engineering group, the services offered correspond to:
• consultations for the analysis of particular structures,
• laboratory tests,
• field measurements,
• research and development agreements.
• expert services in the event of an accident or failure of structure,
• selection jury services for new bridge or building projects,
• evaluation of existing structures,
• expert witness services for legal cases.