Planning for healthier and biodiverse cities: linking neighbourhoods through active mobility and landscape infrastructure

This project, a collaboration between ALICE (Atelier de la Conception de l’Espace) and LASIG (Laboratory of Geographic Information Systems), will address climate change from the perspective of landscape infrastructure as a nature-based solution capable of linking urban connectivity, active mobility and psychophysical health and wellbeing. Urban landscape has a key infrastructural role, supporting and making possible different practices and behaviors, and can thus be instrumentalized to address the complex interrelation between space, mobility and health in the contemporary city. This role will be studied combining LASIG’s approach to geographic information systems and territorial modelling with ALICE’s approach to public space, landscape infrastructure and mobility practices, and applied to the commune of Vernier (GE) where existing urban barriers as well as socio-spatial connectivity and mobility issues have determining effects on its inhabitants’ health. The project will actively collaborate with the canton of Geneva public authorities as well as from the commune of Vernier where, along a contributive approach and a series of workshops with citizens and stakeholders, the project will identify and analyze the commune’s environmental affordances linking landscape, health and mobility in order to advance, through adaptive and collaborative design strategies, a catalogue of alternative active mobility landscape infrastructure prototypes and policy guidelines oriented towards neighbourhood connectivity, territorial resilience and the improvement of its inhabitants wellbeing.
Principle Investigators
Lucía Jalón Oyarzun – ALICE / IA
Marco André Vieira Ruas – LASIG / IIE
Other team members
Emmanuelle Agustoni – ALICE / IA