Emergency arrangement request further an accident

In the case of

  • an accident
  • sudden chronic illness
  • sudden incapacity

reducing the ability to take exams, a temporary arrangement can be implemented where possible. Indeed, it is necessary to consider:

  • A minimum of 7 working days (before the first exam) to set up an arrangement with an EPFL tablet.
  • A minimum of 3 working days (before the first exam) to arrange for additional time.

Due to organizational reasons, the EPFL cannot guarantee the implementation of these emergency arrangements, even if the deadlines mentioned above are met.


Only complete requests will be processed by the Commission. The following documents will be needed:

  • An application form (student or PhD) filled in and signed.
  • A report* of a specialist

The request should be sent to [email protected] in a single PDF document and in the order mentioned above.

*The report of a specialist must be very recent, written in one of the official Swiss languages (French, German, Italian) or in English and provide the following informations:

  1. Diagnosis (according to ICF or DSM) and its foreseeable evolution (permanence, progression or decrease).
  2. Functional limitations and their impact on exams and/or courses.
  3. Effectiveness of care and/or measures taken.
  4. The requested arrangements (e.g. 20% or 33% additional time, being in a quiet place in the exams room, use of a tablet with keyboard, etc.).
  5. The date until which the recommended accommodation is valid.