DISAL’s Contributions to the Design and Development of the Webots Robotics Simulator

In collaboration with Cyberbotics Ltd the SWIS group participates in the development of a mobile robot simulation package called Webots. This software development effort aims to build realistic simulations of the robotic hardware platforms used at SWIS. This includes the extention and improvement of the physical models and interfaces (API) of the simulated devices (sensors and communication), 3D-modelling, cross-compilation, etc.

In 2005 and 2006 the Webots contribution was sponsored by the Fond d’Innovation pour l’Education (FIFO) at the EPFL. The objective of the FIFO grant was to facilitate the use of the Webots simulator in teaching environments. The various developements were carried out in collaboration with the Biologically Inspired Robotics Group (BIRG) at EPFL and allowed to improve the ergonomy of Webots and facilitate its regular use in the classroom. The project allowed, among other things, the addition of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to Webots, improvements in the computational model of the simulated sensors and actuators, and to integrate models of the new e-puck educational robot and radio communication module in Webots.

Webots is now an open-source project (since December 2018).




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