Ali Marjovi



GR A2 475 (Building GR)
Station 2
CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone: +41 21 693 80 99
[email protected]

Short Biography

I am a postdoctoral researcher at DISAL working on intelligent systems and algorithms for monitoring and modeling environmental processes. As an example, at DISAL, we developed an end-to-end framework for sensing, modeling and predicting air quality in smart cities. I received my Ph.D. in intelligent systems and robotics from University of Coimbra, Portugal, my M.Sc. in computer engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Iran and my B.Sc. in computer hardware engineering from University of Isfahan, Iran. More information about me can be found in the following:

Research Interests and Projects

My research interests include IoT systems, machine learning, data science, and embedded systems. I have collaborated in several national and international projects such as OpenSense I and II, AutoNet2030, OpenSWISS, 3DNoseNet, Guardians and Tiramisu.  More information about my research can be found here.
