Faëzeh Rahbar



GR A2 475 (Building GR)
Station 2
CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone: +41 21 693 57 97
[email protected]

Short Biography

I am currently a PhD student at DISAL working on robotic olfaction. I received my M.Sc. in intelligent systems engineering in 2015 and my B.Sc. in electronic engineering in 2013 from Pierre and Marie Curie University. More information about me can be found in the following:

Research Interests and Projects

My research interests include olfactory robotics, multi-robot systems, probabilistic algorithms and machine learning. The main focus of my research has been on probabilistic algorithms for odor source localization. More information about my research can be found here.

Teaching and Service Activities

I have been involved in teaching since 2015 at EPFL. I have served as head TA and TA in the Distributed Intelligent Systems (DIS) and Signals, Instruments, and Systems (SIS) courses at DISAL. I particularly enjoy supervising and collaborating with students on topics relevant to my research. Projects on 3D bio-inspired algorithm, particle-based probabilistic algorithm, source term estimation for a multi-robot system, and deployement of a wireless sensor network for odor source localization are among the projects that I have supervised. More information about these projects can be found here. I have also been extensively involved in the review process of robotics journals and conferences since 2017.
