José Nuno Pereira


I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Distributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms Laboratory (DISAL) (since 2014). I am currently involved in the MOnarCH FP7 European project about the deployment of a team of social robots in the pediatric wing of a hospital. My research interests include distributed and networked robotic systems, in particular their coordination and cooperation with humans, swarm robotics and multi-agent systems.

In 2014, I completed my Ph.D. in the scope of the Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon, Portugal) and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne IST-EPFL Joint Doctoral Initiative, being granted a joint degree issued by both universities (Electrical and Computer Engineering at IST, Manufacturing Systems and Robotics at EPFL). I was co-advised by Prof. Alcherio Martinoli (EPFL) and Prof. Pedro Lima (IST) and my thesis title was “Advancing Social Interactions Among Robots: An Institutional Economics-based Approach to Distributed Robotic Systems”. I have also received B.Sc. and a M.Sc. degrees in Applied Mathematics and Computation and in Mathematics and Applications, respectively, at IST in 2007.
