Gregory Mermoud


Grégory Mermoud graduated in Computer Science from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (I&CEPFL) in spring 2006. During his master thesis, he investigated agent-based approaches for modeling self-assembling chemical networks under the guidance of Prof. Alcherio Martinoli and Prof. Kay Severin.
After graduation, Grégory worked as a research assistant both in the Laboratory of Distributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms (DISALENAC) and the Laboratory of Microsystems (LMIS1STI) headed by Prof. Alcherio Martinoli and Prof. Juergen Brugger, respectively.
Since September 2007, Grégory is pursuing graduate studies at the Laboratory of Distributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms and the Laboratory of Microsystems at EPFL.


M. Sc. in Computer Science, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), April 2006

Professional course

Research Assistant, Swarm-Intelligent Systems Group, I&C-EPFL, 09-2006 to 09-2007

Main publications