Jim Pugh


10/03 – 12/08 PhD Student in the Distributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms Laboratory, EPFL

8/03 – 9/03 Research Assistant, Caltech

9/99 – 6/03 Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Caltech

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Topics of Interest

My work is on exploring the dynamics of distributed robotic search, where a group of robots use distributed behavioral rules to localize targets in a possibly unknown environment. Specifically, I am interested in modeling the search process, synthesizing controllers for the robotic swarm, and developing technology to enable effective decentralized swarm control.

Current projects

Synthesis, Modeling, and Experimental Validation of Distributed Robotic Search
On-Board Relative Positioning for a Team of Miniature Robots
Realistic Multi-Robot Simulation (Webots)
The e-puck Educational Robot
