Institutional Robotics for Socially Aware Multi-Robot Systems

Bridging the gap between human-aware behaviors and multi-robot navigation is a challenging problem whose solution is still in its infancy. To the best of our knowledge, up to the date no study on human-aware robot formations has been carried out. We propose an Institutional Robotics (IR) approach to socially-aware multi-robot systems (MRIs), where cooperation among the robots as well as their social interactions with humans are guided using Institutions – coordination artifacts specifying behavioral rules and norms that are acceptable and desirable given the situation.

This research project was part of the European project MOnarCH from August 2014 to March 2016.

Team and Collaborators

In collaboration with:

Research Period and Sponsors

This project started in August 2014 and is still ongoing.

Supported by ISR/LARSyS Strategic Funds from FCT project FCT[UID/EEA/5009/2013] and FCT/11145/12/12/2014/S.

DISAL-MP27: Emil Bryngelsson, Distributed Multi-Robot Coverage in Realistic Environments

DISAL-SP87: Arnaud Wald, Social awareness in multi-robot systems – An institutional approach to robotic formations

DISAL-SP116: Lucas Burget, Normative Multi-Robot Navigation in Crowds

DISAL-SP115: Michael Spahr, Distributed Formations With Non-Cooperative Human Agents


