Trajectory Analysis using Point Distribution Models for Mobile Robots

TRAJAN project aims to develop behavioral analysis tools for autonomous agents (pedestrians, mobile robots, cars, animals,…) based on their trajectory. In the first step, we have to classify the different behaviors from a trajectory set. In the second step, the information extracted from the analysis will be used to qualify and quantify a behavior. Thus, in addition to the behavior recognition, we would be able to qualify a behavior (repeatability,…) and in the field of mobile-robot research, this information would help us to optimize the robot controllers leading to the different behaviors.

This project is done in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Production Microtechnique (LPM) .

Team and Collaborators

In collaboration with:

  • Jacques Jacot
  • Alain Dufaux

Sponsors and Research Period

This project is founded by the Swiss National Fundation (SNF) grant  200021-105565.
