

Probing nanogap-dependent plasmonic coupling in gold nanoparticle superlattices by scanning tunneling microscopy induced light emission
Y. Ma, B. Lu, O.J.F. Martin, and A. Stemmer
Accepted for publication in ACS Photonics (2024)
PDF External link: 10.1021/acsphotonics.4c01408
Fundamentals of non-linear optics in nanostructures
S. Boroviks, and O.J.F. Martin
Laser-based Techniques for Nanomaterials: Processing to Characterization, Chapter 2 (N. Kalarikkal, et al. Eds) Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 2, p. 15-39 (2024)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1039/9781837673513-00015
Pulling force enabled by unlocking the optical phase
A. Kiselev, S. Zavatski, O.J.F. Martin, and K. Achouri
Physical Review B vol. 110, p. 195432 (2024)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.195432
Alternative plasmonic materials for fluorescence enhancement
S. Athanasiou, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 128, p. 18574-18581 (2024)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c05322
Engineering quasi-bound states in the continuum in asymmetric waveguide gratings
T. Yezekyan, S. Boroviks, O.J.F. Martin, and S.I. Bozhevolnyi
New Journal of Physics vol. 26, p. 093027 (2024)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ad787d
Visual and quantitative analysis of the trapping volume in dielectrophoresis of nanoparticles
S. Zavatski, and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 24, p. 10305-10312 (2024)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c02903
Emulating paper: a review of reflective display technologies
D. Herle, O.J.F. Martin, L. Guillermo, and N. Quack
Journal of Optical Microsystems vol. 4, p. 020901 (2024)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/1.JOM.4.2.020901
Planar 16-band metasurface-enhanced spectral filter for integrated image sensing
C. Zhou, O.J.F. Martin, and E. Charbon
Optics Express vol. 32, p. 7463-7472 (2024)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.515675


Theoretical future: Vision 2030
A. Boag, V.A. Markel, O.J.F. Martin, M.P. Mengüç, and K. Vynck
Adventures in Contemporary Elecromagnetic Theory, Chapter 22 (T.G. Mackay and A. Lakhtakia Eds.) Springer vol. , p.  (2023)
PDF External link: ISBN: 978-3-031-24617-3
Mind the gap between theory and experiment
A. Kiselev, J. Kim, and O.J.F. Martin
Adventures in Contemporary Elecromagnetic Theory, Chapter 21 (T.G. Mackay and A. Lakhtakia Eds.) Springer vol. , p.  (2023)
PDF External link: ISBN: 978-3-031-24617-3
Aperture-controlled fabrication of all-dielectric structural color pixels
C. Lipp, A. Jacquillat, D. Migliozzi, H.-C. Wang, A. Bertsch, E. Glushkov, O.J.F. Martin, and P. Renaud
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces vol. 2023, p. 33056-33604 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsami.3c03353
Quadrupolar susceptibility modeling of substrated metasurfaces with application to the generalized Brewster effect
V. Tiukuvaara, O.J.F. Martin, and K. Achouri
Optics Express vol. 31, p. 22982-22996 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: /10.1364/OE.488529
Spatial symmetries in nonlocal multipolar metasurfaces
K. Achouri , V. Tiukuvaara, and O.J.F. Martin
Advanced Photonics vol. 5, p. 046001 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/1.AP.5.4.046001
Broadband mechanically tunable metasurface reflectivity modulator in the visible spectrum
D. Herle, A. Kiselev, L.G. Villanueva, O.J.F. Martin, and N. Quack
ACS Photonics vol. 10, p. 1882-1889 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00276
Demonstration of a plasmonic nonlinear pseudodiode
S. Boroviks, A. Kiselev, K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 23, p. 3362-3368 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c00367
Crossing of the branch cut: The topological origin of a universal 2pi-phase retardation in non-Hermitian metasurfaces
R. Colom, E. Mikheeva, K. Achouri, J. Zuniga-Perez, N. Bonod, O.J.F. Martin, S. Burger, and P. Genevet
Laser and Photonic Reviews vol. 2023, p. 2200976 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/lpor.202200976
Trap-and-track for characterizing surfactants at interfaces
J. Kim, and O.J.F. Martin
Molecules vol. 2023, p. 2859 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.3390/molecules28062859
Selectively exciting and probing radiative plasmon modes on short gold nanorods by scanning tunneling microscope-induced light emission
Y. Ma, O.J.F. Martin, and A. Stemmer
ACS Photonics vol. 10, p. 743-750 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01899
Electromagnetic forces and torques: From dielectrophoresis to optical tweezers
M. Riccardi, and O.J.F. Martin
Chemical Reviews vol. 123, p. 1680-1711 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c00576
Polarization-controlled chromo-encryption
H.-S. Wang, and O.J.F. Martin
Advanced Optical Materials vol. 2023, p. 2202165 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/adom.202202165
Protein dielectrophoresis with gradient array of conductive electrodes sheds new light on empirical theory
S. Zavatski, H. Bandarenka, and O.J.F. Martin
Analytical Chemistry vol. 95, p. 2958-2966 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c04708
Probing surfactant bilayer interactions by tracking optically trapped single nanoparticles
J. Kim, and O.J.F. Martin
Advanced Materials Interfaces vol. 2023, p. 2201793 (2023)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/admi.202201793


Controlling the magnetic and electric responses of dielectric nanoparticles via near-field coupling
A. Kiselev, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B vol. 106, p. 205413 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.205413
Multipolar expansions for scattering and optical force calculations beyond the long wavelength approximation
M. Riccardi, A. Kiselev, K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B vol. 106, p. 115428 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.115428
Pitfalls in the spectral measurements of polarization-altering metasurfaces
H.-C. Wang, and O.J.F. Martin
Applied Optics vol. 16, p.  8100-8107 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/AO.469399
Electromagnetic forces in the time domain
A. Kiselev, K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 30, p. 32215-32229 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.461086
Controlling surface effects in extremely high aspect ratio gold plasmonic electrodes
M. Riccardi, Ch. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
Microelectronic Engineering vol. 263, p. 111856 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1016/j.mee.2022.111856
Robustness analysis of metasurfaces: Perfect structures are not always
H.-C. Wang, K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Photonics vol. 9, p. 2438-2447 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00563
Review – Origin and Promotional Effects of Plasmonics in Photocatalysis
M. Thangamuthu, J. Tang, T.V. Raziman, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of The Electrochemical Society vol. 169, p. 036512 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1149/1945-7111/ac5c97
Modeling of second-order nonlinear metasurfaces
K. Achouri, A. Kiselev, and O.J.F. Martin
New Journal of Physics vol. 24, p. 025006 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac5130
A Low-Temperature Annealing Method for Alloy Nanostructures and Metasurfaces: Unlocking a Novel Degree of Freedom
D. Ray, H.-C. Wang, J. Kim, Ch. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
Advanced Materials vol. 2022, p. 2108225 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/adma.202108225
Precise Capillary-Assisted Nanoparticle Assembly in Reusable Templates
H.S.C. Yu, A. Conde-Rubio, H.-C. Wang, O.J.F. Martin, G. Boero, and J. Brugger
Particle and Particle System Characterization vol. 39, p. 2100288 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/ppsc.202100288
Remarkable Color Gamut Enhancement of Dye LacquersUsing Corrugated Surfaces
S. Mader, and O.J.F. Martin
Advanced Photonics Research vol. 3, p. 2100245 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/adpr.202100245
Surfactants Control Optical Trapping near a Glass Wall
J. Kim, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 126, p. 378-386 (2022)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c08975


Engineering multi-state transparency on demand
S. Mader, and O.J.F. Martin
Nature Light: Advanced Manufacturing vol. 2, p. 26 (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.37188/lam.2021.026
Extension of Lorentz reciprocity and Poynting theorems for spatially dispersive media with quadrupolar responses
K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B vol. 104, p. 165426 (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.165426
Fundamental Properties and Classification of Polarization Converting Bianisotropic Metasurfaces
K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 69, p. 5653-5663 (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1109/TAP.2021.3060901
Fabrication of plasmonic structures with well-controlled nanometric features: a comparison between lift-off and ion beam etching
B. Abasahl, Ch. Santschi, T.V. Raziman, and O.J.F. Martin
Nanotechnology vol. 32, p. 475202 (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/ac1a93
Second harmonic generation in glass-based metasurfaces using tailored surface lattice resonances
T. Das Gupta, L. Martin-Monier, J. Butet, K.-Y. Yang, A. Leber, C. Dong, T. Nguyen-Dang, W. Yan, O.J.F. Martin, and F. Sorin
Nanophotonics vol. 10, p. 3465-3475 (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1515/nanoph-2021-0277
Multipolar origin of electromagnetic transverse force resulting from TE/TM waves interference
A. Kiselev, K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 11798, p. 117981B (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/12.2593432
Multipolar scattering analysis of a hybrid metal-dielectric stacked nanoantenna
A. Kiselev, D. Ray, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 11797, p. 117970E (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/12.2594110
Multipolar scattering analysis of hybrid metal-dielectric nanostructures
D. Ray, A. Kiselev, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 29, p. 24056-24067 (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.427911
Narrowband Optical Coupler Using Fano Interference in First Order Diffraction
G. Quaranta, F. Luetolf, O.J.F. Martin, and B. Gallinet
ACS Photonics vol. 8, p. 2017-2026 (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.1c00072
Role of electric currents in the Fano resonances of connected plasmonic structures
M. Riccardi, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 29, p. 11635-11644 (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.421951
Hot carrier-mediated avalanche multiphoton photoluminescence from coupled Au-Al nanoantennas
J. Wang, A.-L. Baudrion, J. Beal, A. Horneber, F. Tang, J. Butet, O.J.F. Martin, A.J. Meixner, P.-M. Adam, and D. Zhang
Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 154, p. 074701 (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1063/5.0032611
Successive training of a generative adversarial network for the design of an optical cloak
A.-P. Blanchard-Dionne, and O.J.F. Martin
OSA Continuum vol. 4, p. 87-95 (2021)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OSAC.413394


Hybrid metal-dielectric metasurfaces for refractive index sensing
D. Ray, T.V. Raziman, Ch. Santschi, D. Etezadi, H. Altug, and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 20, p. 8752-8759 (2020)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c03613
Multipole interplay controls optical forces and ultra-directional scattering
A. Kiselev, K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 28, p. 27547-27560 (2020)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.400387
Machine learning for the design of nanomaterials
A.-P. Blanchard-Dionne, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 11462 , p. 114621C (2020)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/12.2568471
Modes interplay controls the second harmonic generation dynamics of plasmonic nanostructures
A. Kiselev, G.D. Bernasconi, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 11462, p. 114621W (2020)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/12.2567966
Dynamics of optical forces and torques in plasmonic systems: a surface integral equation
A. Kiselev, K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 11463, p. 1146313 (2020)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/12.2567651
Multipolar origin of electromagnetic transverse force resulting from two-wave interference
K. Achouri, A. Kiselev, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B vol. 102, p. 085107 (2020)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.085107
Reliable Langmuir Blodgett colloidal masks for large area nanostructure realization
M. Thangamuthu, Ch. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
Thin Solid Films vol. 709, p. 138195 (2020)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2020.138195
Teaching optics to a machine learning network
A.P. Blanchard-Dionne, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 45, p. 2922-2925 (2020)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OL.390600
Angular scattering properties of metasurfaces
K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 68, p. 432-442 (2020)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1109/TAP.2019.2943423


Modes interplay and dynamics in the second harmonic generation of plasmonic nanostructures
A. Kiselev, G.D. Bernasconi, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 27, p. 38708-38720 (2019)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.382041
Studying the different coupling regimes for a plasmonic particle in a plasmonic trap
J. Kim, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 27, p. 38670-38682 (2019)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.379435
Strong second-harmonic generation from Au-Al heterodimers
J. Wang, J. Butet, G.D. Bernasconi, A.L. Baudrion, G. Lévèque, A. Horrer, A. Horneber, O.J.F. Martin, A.J. Meixner, M. Fleischer, P.M. Adam, and D. Zhang
Nanoscale vol. 11, p. 23475-23481 (2019)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1039/C9NR07644A
When light explores space and time
O.J.F. Martin
Advanced Photonics vol. 1, p. 050501 (2019)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/1.AP.1.5.050501
High-quality single crystal diamond diffraction gratings fabricated by crystallographic etching
M. Kiss, T. Graziosi, A. Toros, T. Scharf, Ch. Santschi, O.J.F. Martin, and Niels Quack
Optics Epxress vol. 27, p. 30371-30379 (2019)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.27.030371
Symmetries and angular scattering properties of metasurfaces
K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
Proc. Metamaterials 2019 vol. 1, p. X-007 (2019)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1109/MetaMaterials.2019.8900840
Electronic structure-dependent surface plasmon resonance in single Au-Fe nanoalloys
D.T.L. Alexander, D. Forrer, E. Rossi, E. Lidorikis, S. Agnoli, G.D. Bernasconi, J. Butet, O.J.F. Martin, and V. Amendola
Nano Letters vol. 19, p. 5754-5761 (2019)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b02396
Quantifying Fano properties in self-assembled metamaterials
R.N.S. Suryadharma, C. Rockstuh, O.J.F. Martin, I. Fernandez-Corbaton
Physical Review B vol. 99, p. 195416 (2019)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.195416
Surface-wave dispersion retrieval method and synthesis technique for bianisotropic metasurfaces
K. Achouri, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B vol. 99, p. 155140 (2019)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.155140
Photocatalytic ammonia production enhanced by a plasmonic near-field and hot electrons originating from aluminium nanostructures
M. Thangamuthu, Ch. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
Faraday Discussions vol. 214, p. 399-415 (2019)
PDF External link: 10.1039/c8fd00146d


Less is more: Enhancement of second-harmonic generation from metasurfaces by reduced nanoparticle density
R. Czaplicki, A. Kiviniemi, M.J. Huttunen, X. Zang, T. Stolt, I. Vartiainen, J. Butet, M. Kuittinen, O.J.F. Martin, and M. Kauranen
Nano Letters vol. 18, p. 7709-7714 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b03378
Silencing the second harmonic generation from plasmonic nanodimers: A comprehensive discussion
J. Butet, G.D. Bernasconi, and O.J.F. Martin
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology vol. 9, p. 2674-2683 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.3762/bjnano.9.250
Mechanisms of perfect absorption in nanocomposite systems
S. Mader, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 26, p. 27089-27100 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.26.027089
Second harmonic generation dynamics in plasmonic nanoparticles
G.D. Bernasconi, J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
SPIE Proceedings vol. 10722, p. 107221U (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/12.2321004
Homogenization and scattering analysis of second-order nonlinear metasurfaces
K. Achouri, G.D. Bernasconi, J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
Proc. Metamaterials 2018 vol. 1, p. 010 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1109/MetaMaterials.2018.8534130
Optical force control using phase-gradient metasurfaces
K. Hachouri, H.-C. Wang, and O.J.F. Martin
Proc. Metamaterials 2018 vol. 1, p. 007 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1109/MetaMaterials.2018.8534053
Universal trapping in a three-beam optical lattice
T.V. Raziman, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review A vol. 98, p. 023420 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.98.023420
Homogenization and scattering analysis of second-harmonic generation in nonlinear metasurfaces
K. Achouri, G.D. Bernasconi, J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
IEEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 66, p. 6061-6075 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1109/TAP.2018.2863116
Recent advances in resonant waveguide gratings
G. Quaranta, G. Basset, O.J.F. Martin, and B. Gallinet
Laser and Photonics Review vol. 2018, p. 1800017 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/lpor.201800017
Dynamics of second-harmonic generation in a plasmonic silver nanorod
G.D. Bernasconi, J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Photonics vol. 5, p. 3246-3254 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00479
Label-free electrochemical immunoassay for C-reactive protein
M. Thangamuthu, Ch. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
Biosensors vol. 8, p. 34 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.3390/bios8020034
Electrochemical sensor for Bilirubin detection using screen printed electrodes functionalized with Carbon nanotubes and raphene
M. Thangamuthu, W.E. Gabriel, Ch. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
Sensors vol. 18, p. 800 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.3390/s18030800
Origin of enhancement in Raman scattering from Ag-dressed carbon-nanotube antennas: experiment and modelling
T.V. Raziman, J.A. Duenas, W.I. Milne, O.J.F. Martin, and P. Dawson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics vol. 20, p. 5827 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1039/c7cp06416k
Light refocusing with up-scalable resonant waveguide gratings in confocal prolate spheroid arrangements
G. Quaranta, G. Basset, Z. Benes, O.J.F. Martin, and B. Gallinet
Journal of Nanophotonics vol. 12, p. 016004 (2018)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/1.JNP.12.016004


Optical second harmonic generation from nanostructured graphene: a full wave approach
B. Majerus, J. Butet, G.D. Bernasconi, T.V. Raziman, M. Lobet, L. Henrard, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 22, p. 27015-27027 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.25.027015
Self-Similarity of Plasmon Edge Modes on Koch Fractal Antennas
E.P. Bellido, G.D. Bernasconi, D. Rossouw, J. Butet, O.J.F. Martin, and G.A. Botton
ACS Nano vol. 11, p. 11240-11249 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b05554
Surface-to-volume ratio controls the radiation of stratified plasmonic antennas
B. Abasahl, Ch. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Nanophotonics vol. 11, p. 046006 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/1.JNP.11.046006.
Van der Waals MoS2/VO2 heterostructure junction with tunable rectifier behavior and efficient photoresponse
N. Oliva, E.A. Casu, C. Yan, A. Krammer, T. Rosca, A. Magrez, I. Stolichnov, A. Schueler, O.J.F. Martin, and A.M. Ionescu
Scientific Reports vol. 7, p. 14250 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-12950-y
Revealing a Mode Interplay That Controls Second-Harmonic Radiation in Gold Nanoantennas
J. Butet, G.D. Bernasconi, M. Petit, A. Bouhelier, C. Yan, O.J.F. Martin, B. Cluzel, and O. Demichel
ACS Photonics vol. 4, p. 2923-2929 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b01027
Steering and filtering white light with resonant waveguide gratings
G. Quaranta, G. Basset, O.J.F. Martin, and B. Gallinet
SPIE Proceedings vol. 10354, p. 10354-1 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/12.2272683
Wavevector-selective nonlinear plasmonic metasurfaces
K.-Y. Yang, R. Verre, J. Butet, C. Yan, T.J. Antosiewicz, M. Kaell, and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 17, p. 5258-5263 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b01412
Fano-resonance-assisted metasurface for color routing
C. Yan, K.Y. Yang, and O.J.F. Martin
Nature Light: Science and Applications vol. 6, p. e17017 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1038/lsa.2017.17
Strong improvement of long-term chemical and thermal stability of plasmonic silver nanoantennas and films
X. Wang, Ch. Santschi, and O.J.F Martin
Small vol. 13, p. 1700044 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/smll.201700044
Mode evolution in strongly coupled plasmonic dolmens fabricated by templated assembly
V. Flauraud, G.D. Bernasconi, J. Butet, M. Mastrangeli, D.T.L. Alexander, O.J.F. Martin, and J. Brugger
ACS Photonics vol. 4, p. 1661-1668 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.6b01026
Enhancement mechanisms of the second harmonic generation from double resonant aluminum nanostructures
K.Y. Yang, J. Butet, C. Yan, G.D. Bernasconi, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Photonics vol. 4, p. 1522-1530 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00288
Full color generation using silver tandem nanodisks
H. Wang, X. Wang, C. Yan, H. Zhao, J. Zhang, Ch. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Nano vol. 11, p. 4419-4427 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsnano.6b08465
Twisting fluorescence through extrinsic chiral antennas
C. Yan, X. Wang, T.V. Raziman , and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 17, p. 2265-2272 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b04906
Mode coupling in plasmonic heterodimers probed with electron energy loss spectroscopy
V. Flauraud, G.D. Bernasconi, J. Butet, D.T.L. Alexander, O.J.F. Martin, and J. Brugger
ACS Nano vol. 11, p. 3485-3495 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsnano.6b08589
Phase bifurcation and zero reflection in planar plasmonic metasurfaces
C. Yan, T.V. Raziman , and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Photonics vol. 4, p. 852-860 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00914
Non-invasive continuous monitoring of pro-oxidant effects of engineered nanoparticles on aquatic microorganisms
Ch. Santschi, N. Von Moos, V.B. Koman, V.I. Slaveykova, P. Bowen and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Nanobiotechnology vol. 15, p. 19 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1186/s12951-017-0253-x
Tailoring the field enhancement in Fano-resonant nanoantennas for improved optical bistability
J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Nanophotonics vol. 11, p. 016007 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/1.JNP.11.016007
Highly sensitive SERS analysis of the cyclic arg-gly-asp peptide ligands of cells using nanogap antennas
A.Portela, T.A. Yano, Ch. Santschi, O.J.F. Martin, H. Tabata, and M. Hara
Journal of Biophotonics vol. 10, p. 294-302 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/jbio.201500327
Color-selective and versatile light steering with up-scalable subwavelength planar optics
G. Quaranta, G. Basset, O.J.F. Martin, and B. Gallinet
ACS Photonics vol. 4, p. 1060-1066 (2017)
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Where Does Energy Go in Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Nanostructures?
G.D. Bernasconi, J. Butet, V. Flauraud, D. Alexander, J. Brugger, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Photonics vol. 4, p. 156-164 (2017)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00761
Nanoscale topographical control of capillary assembly of nanoparticles
V. Flauraud, M. Mastrangeli, G.D. Bernasconi, J. Butet, D.T.L. Alexander, E. Shahrabi, O.J.F. Martin, and J. Brugger
Nature Nanotechnology vol. 12, p. 73-81 (2017)
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Pro-oxidant effects of nano-TiO2 on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii during short-term exposure
N. von Moos, V.B. Koman, Ch. Santschi, O.J.F. Martin, L. Maurizi, A. Jayaprakash, P. Bowen, and V.I. Slaveykova
RSC Advances vol. 6, p. 115271-115283 (2016)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1039/c6ra16639c
Revisiting Newton�s rings with a plasmonic optical flat for high-accuracy surface inspection
Y. Zheng, J. Bian, X. Wang, J.X. Liu, P. Feng, H.X. Ge, O.J.F. Martin, and W.H Zhang
Light-Science & Applications vol. 5, p. e16156 (2016)
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New numerical methods for the design of efficient nonlinear plasmonic sources of light and nanosensors
J. Butet, G.D. Bernasconi, KY. Yang, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 9921, p. 99210W1-6 (2016)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/12.2237556
Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of coupled plasmonic systems: beyond the standard electron perspective
G.D. Bernasconi, V. Flauraud, D.T.L. Alexander, J. Brugger, O.J F. Martin, and J. Butet
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 9925, p. 1-5 (2016)
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Maximal absorption regime in random media
V.B. Koman, C. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 24, p.  A1306-A1320 (2016)
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Does the real part contain all the physical information?
T.V. Raziman, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Modern Optics vol. 18, p. 095002 (2016)
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Controlling the nonlinear optical properties of plasmonic nanoparticles with the phase of their linear response
J. Butet,T.V. Raziman, KY. Yang, G.D. Bernasconi, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 24, p. 17138-17148 (2016)
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Direct comparison of second harmonic generation and two-photon photoluminescence from single connected gold nanodimers
J. Wang, J. Butet, A.L. Baudrion, A. Horrer, G. Lévêque, O.J.F. Martin, A.J. Meixner, M. Fleischer, P.M. Adam, A. Horneber, and D. Zhang
Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 120, p. 17699-17710 (2016)
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Orientation dependence of plasmonically enhanced spontaneous emission
T.Z. Raziman, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 120, p. 21037-21046 (2016)
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Maximizing nonlinear optical conversion in plasmonic nanoparticles through ideal absorption of light
J. Butet, K.-Y- Yang, S. Dutta-Gupta, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Photonics vol. 3, p. 1453-1460 (2016)
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Mode analysis of second-harmonic generation in plasmonic nanostructures
G.D. Bernasconi, J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of the Optical Society of America B vol. 33, p. 768-779 (2016)
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New insights into ros dynamics: a multi-layered microfluidic chip for ecotoxicological studies on aquatic microorganisms
V.B. Koman, N.R. von Moos, Ch. Santschi, V.I. Slaveykova, and O.J.F. Martin
Nanotoxicology vol. 10, p. 1041-1050 (2016)
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Highly improved fabrication of Ag and Al nanostructures for uv and nonlinear plasmonics
K. Thyagarajan, Ch. Santschi, P. Langlet, and O.J.F. Martin
Advanced Optical Materials vol. 4, p. 871-876 (2016)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/adom.201500740
Evaluation of the nonlinear response of plasmonic metasurfaces: Miller’s rule, nonlinear effective susceptibility method, and full-wave computation
J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of the Optical Society of America B vol. 33, p. A8-A15 (2016)
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Numerical methods for nanophotonics: standard problems and future challenges
B. Gallinet, J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
Laser & Photonics Reviews vol. 9, p. 577-603 (2015)
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Optical second harmonic generation in plasmonic nanostructures: From fundamental principles to advanced applications
J. Butet, P.-F. Brevet, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Nano vol. 9, p. 10545-10562 (2015)
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Fano-resonant aluminum and gold nanostructures created with a tunable, up-scalable process
F. Lütolf, O.J.F. Martin, and B. Gallinet
Nanoscale vol. 7, p. 18179-18187 (2015)
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Metallized gratings enable color effects and floating screen films by first-order diffraction
F. Lütolf, M. Stalder, and O.J.F. Martin
Advanced Optical Materials vol. 3, p. 1793-1799 (2015)
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Internal optical forces in plasmonic nanostructures
T. V. Raziman and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 23, p.  20143-20157 (2015)
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A miniaturized electrochemical assay for homocysteine using screen-printed electrodes with cytochrome c anchored gold nanoparticles
M. Thangamuthu, C. Santschi and O.J.F. Martin
Analyst, Royal Soc Chemistry vol. 140, p. 6071-6078 (2015)
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Cavity-coupled plasmonic device with enhanced sensitivity and figure-of-merit
M. Bahramipanah, S. Dutta-Gupta, B. Abasahl and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Nano vol. 9, p. 7621-7633 (2015)
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Surface-enhaced hyper-Raman scattering: A new road to the observation of low energy molecular vibrations
J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 119, p. 15547-15556 (2015)
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Multiscattering-enhanced optical biosensor: multiplexed, non-invasive and continuous measurements of cellular processes
V.B. Koman, Ch. Santschi, O.J.F. Martin
Biomedical Optics Express vol. 6, p. 2353-2365 (2015)
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Optical forces in nanoplasmonic systems: how do they work, what can they be useful for?
T.V. Raziman, R.J. Wolke, O.F.J. Martin
Faraday Discussions vol. 178, p. 421-434 (2015)
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Accuracy of surface integral equation matrix elements in plasmonic calculations
T.V. Raziman, W.R.C. Somerville, O.J.F. Martin and E.C. Le Ru
Journal of the Optical Society of America B vol. 32, p. 485-492 (2015)
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Multiscattering-enhanced absorption spectroscopy
V.B. Koman, Ch. Santschi and Martin Olivier J.F.
Analytical Chemistry vol. 87, p. 1536-1543 (2015)
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Insight into the eigenmodes of plasmonic nanoclusters based on the Greens tensor method
S. Dutta-Gupta and Olivier J.F. Martin
Journal of the Optical Society of America B vol. 32, p. 194-200 (2015)
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Manipulating the Optical Bistability in a Nonlinear Plasmonic Nanoantenna Array with a Reflecting Surface
J. Butet and O.J.F. Martin
Plasmonics vol. 10, p. 203-209 (2015)
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Portable oxidative stress sensor: Dynamic and non-invasive measurements of extracellular H2O2 released by algae
V.B. Koman, Ch. Santschi, N.von Moos, V.I. Slaveykova and Martin Olivier J.F.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics vol. 68, p. 245-252 (2015)
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A Universal Law for Plasmon Resonance Shift in Biosensing
W.Zhang, O.J.F. Martin
ACS Photonics vol. 2, p. 144-150 (2015)
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Fano resonances in the nonlinear optical response of coupled plasmonic nanostructures
J. Butet and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 22, p. 29693-29707 (2014)
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Up-scalable method to amplify the diffraction efficiency of simple gratings
F. Luetolf, M. Stalder and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 39, p. 6557-6560 (2014)
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Periodicity-Induced Symmetry Breaking in a Fano Lattice: Hybridization and Tight-Binding Regimes
C. Yan, O.J.F. Martin
ACS Nano vol. 8, p. 11860-11868 (2014)
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Refractive index sensing with Fano resonant plasmonic nanostructures: a symmetry based nonlinear approach
J.Butet and O.J.F. Martin
Nanoscale vol. 6, p. 15262-15270 (2014)
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Spectral tunability of realistic plasmonic nanoantennas
A. Portela, T. Yano, Ch. Santschi, H. Matsui, T. Hayashi, M.Hara, O.J.F. Martin and H. Tabata
Applied Physics Letters vol. 105, p. 091105 (2014)
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Optical forces and torques on realistic plasmonic nanostructures: a surface integral approach
A. Ji, T.V. Raziman, J. Butet, R.P. Sharma, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 39, p. 4699-4702 (2014)
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Surface second-harmonic generation from coupled spherical plasmonic nanoparticles: Eigenmode analysis and symmetry properties
J. Butet, S. Dutta-Gupta, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B vol. 89, p. 245449 (2014)
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Nonlinear plasmonic nanorulers
J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Nano vol. 8, p. 4931-4939 (2014)
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Quantitative extraction of equivalent lumped circuit elements for complex plasmonic nanostructures
B. Abasahl, Ch. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Photonics vol. 1, p. 403-407 (2014)
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Metal Double Layers with Sub-10 nm Channels
T.Siegfried, L.Wang, Y.Ekinci, O.J.F. Martin and H.Sigg
ACS Nano vol. 8, p. 3700-3706 (2014)
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Absorbance enhancement in microplate wells for improved-sensitivity biosensors
G. Suárez, C.Santschi, G. Plateel, O.J.F. Martin, M. Riediker
Bioesensors and Bioelectronics vol. 56, p. 198-203 (2014)
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Large-scale sub-100 nm compound plasmonic grating arrays to control the interaction between localized and propagating plasmons
A. Farhang, T. Siegfried, Y. Ekinci, Hans Sigg, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Nanpophotonics vol. 8, p. 083897 (2014)
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Sensing the dynamics of oxidative stress using enhanced absorption in protein-loaded random media
G. Suarez, C. Santschi, V. I. Slaveykova & O.J.F. Martin
Scientific Reports vol. 3, p. 3447 (2013)
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Detecting the trapping of small metal nanoparticles in the gap of nanoantennas with optical second harmonic generation
J. Butet, A. Lovera, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 21, p. 27810-18 (2013)
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Coupling of multiple LSP and SPP resonances: interactions between an elongated nanoparticle and a thin metallic film
A. Farhang, N. Bigler, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 38, p. 4758-61 (2013)
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Second-harmonic generation from periodic arrays of arbitrary shape plasmonic nanostructures: a surface integral approach
J. Butet, B. Gallinet, K. Thyagarajan, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of the Optical Society of America B vol. 30, p. 2970-79 (2013)
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Gap Plasmons and Near-Field Enhancement in Closely Packed Sub- 10 nm Gap Resonators
T. Siegfried, Y. Ekinci, O.J.F. Martin and H. Sigg
Nano Letters vol. 13, p. 5449−5453 (2013)
PDF External link: doi:
Polarisation charges and scattering behaviour of realistically rounded plasmonic nanostructures
T. V. Raziman and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 21, p. 21500-21507 (2013)
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Coupling Strength Can Control the Polarization Twist of a Plasmonic Antenna
B. Abasahl, S. Dutta-Gupta, C. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 13, p. 4575−4579 (2013)
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Refractive Index Sensing with Subradiant Modes: A Framework To Reduce Losses in Plasmonic Nanostructures
B.Gallinet and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Nano vol. 7, p. 6978–6987 (2013)
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Universal scaling of plasmon coupling in metal nanostructures: Checking the validity for higher plasmonic modes using second harmonic generation
J. Butet, I. Russier-Antoine, C. Jonin, N. Lascoux, E. Benichou, O.J.F. Martin, and P.F. Brevet
Physical Review B vol. 87, p. 235437 (2013)
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Mechanisms of Fano resonances in coupled plasmonic systems
A. Lovera, B. Gallinet, P. Nordlander, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Nano vol. 7, p. 4527–4536 (2013)
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Augmenting second harmonic generation using Fano resonances in plasmonic systems
K. Thyagarajan, J. Butet, and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 13, p. 1847-1851 (2013)
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Broadband wide-angle dispersion measurements: Instrumental setup, alignment, and pitfalls
A. Farhang, B. Abasahl, S. Dutta-Gupta, A. Lovera, P. Mandracci, E. Descrovi, and O.J.F. Martin
Review of Scientific Instruments vol. 84, p. 033107 (2013)
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Ultrasensitive optical shape characterization of gold nanoantennas using second harmonic generation
J. Butet, K. Thyagarajan , and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 13, p. 1787-1792 (2013)
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Engineering metal adhesion layers that do not deteriorate plasmon resonances
T. Siegfried, Y. Ekinci, O.J.F. Martin, and H. Sigg
ACS Nano vol. 7, p. 2751–2757 (2013)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1021/nn4002006
A portable microfluidic-based biophotonic sensor for extracellular H2O2 measurements
V. Koman, G. Suárez, Ch. Santschi, V.J. Cadarso, J. Brugger, N. von Moos, V.I. Slaveykova, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 8572, p. 857218 (2013)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1117/12.2008329
Reusable plasmonic substrates fabricated by interference lithography: a platform for systematic sensing studies
T. Siegfried, M. Kind, A. Terfort, O.J.F. Martin, M. Zharnikov, N. Ballave, and H. Sigg
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy vol. 44, p. 170-175 (2013)
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Large-area gold/parylene plasmonic nanostructures fabricated by direct nanocutting
V. Auzelyte, B. Gallinet, V. Flauraud, Ch. Santschi, S. Dutta-Gupta, O.J.F. Martin, and J. Brugger
Advanced Optical Materials vol. 1, p. 50-54 (2013)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1002/adom.201200017
Biosensor based on chemically-designed anchorable cytochrome c for thedetection of H2O2 released by aquatic cells
G. Suarez, Ch. Santschi, O.J.F. Martin, and V.I. Slaveykova
Biosensors and Bioelectronics vol. 42, p. 385-390 (2013)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2012.10.083
Plasmonic radiance: Probing structure at the Ångström scale with visible light
B. Gallinet, T. Siegfried, H. Sigg, P. Nordlander, and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 13, p. 497-503 (2013)
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Compound resonance-induced coupling effects in composite plasmonic metamaterials
A. Farhang, S.A. Ramakrishna, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 20, p. 29447-29456 (2012)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.20.029447
Fano resonant plasmonic systems: Functioning principles and applications
B. Gallinet, A. Lovera, T. Siegfried, H. Sigg, ans O.J.F. Martin
AIP Conference Proceedings vol. 1475, p. 18-20 (2012)
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Coherent perfect absorption mediated anomalous reflection and refraction
S Dutta-Gupta, R. Deshmukh, A. Venu Gopal, O.J.F. Martin, and S. Dutta Gupta
Optics Letters vol. 37, p. 4452-4454 (2012)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OL.37.004452
Molecule-dependent plasmonic enhancement of fluorescence and Raman scattering near realistic nanostructures
A.M. Kern, A.J. Meixner, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Nano vol. 6, p. 9829-9836 (2012)
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Fast three-dimensional imaging of gold nanoparticles in living cells with photothermal optical lock-in OpticalCoherence Microscopy
C.Pache, N.L.Bocchio, A.Bouwens, M.Villiger, C.Berclaz, J.Goulley, M.I.Gibson, Ch.Santschi, and T.Lasser
Optics Express vol. 20, p. 21385-21399 (2012)
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Enhanced second-harmonic generation from double resonant plasmonic antennae
K. Thyagarajan, S. Rivier, A. Lovera, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 20, p. 12860-12865 (2012)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.20.012860
Surface-plasmon-induced modification on the spontaneous emission spectrum via subwavelength-confined anisotropic purcell factor
Y. Gu, L. Wang, P. Ren, J. Zhang, T. Zhang, O.J.F. Martin, and Qihuang Gong
Nano Letters vol. 12, p. 2488–2493 (2012)
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Nonlinear plasmonics of metallic heptamers
K. Thyagarajan, S. Rivier, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 8269, p. 82691Z-1 – 82691Z-6 (2012)
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Multipolar effects and strong coupling in hybrid plasmonic metamaterials
A. Farhang, A. Ramakrishna, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 8269, p. 82691B-1 (2012)
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Ultrasensitive system for the real time detection of H2O2 based on strong coupling in a bio-plasmonic system
S. Dutta-Gupta, G. Suarez, Ch. Santschi, L. Juillerat-Jeanneret and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 8234, p.  (2012)
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Hybrid nanoparticle and thin film SPR biosensor with a high figure of merit
Arash Farhang, Abasahl Banafsheh, Olivier J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 8234, p.  (2012)
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Strong enhancement of forbidden atomic transitions using plasmonic nanostructures
A.M. Kern, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review A vol. 85, p. 022501 (2012)
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Controllable coherent perfect absorption in a composite film
S. Dutta-Gupta, O.J.F. Martin, S. Dutta Gupta, and G.S. Agarwal
Optics Express vol. 20, p. 1330-1336 (2012)
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A zeptoliter volume meter for analysis of single protein molecules
T. Sandeìn, R. Wyss, C. Santschi, G. Hassaïne, C. Deluz, O.J.F. Martin, S. Wennmalm, and H. Vogel
Nano Letters vol. 12, p. 370-375 (2012)
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Fabrication of sub-10 nm gap arrays over large areas for plasmonic sensors
T. Siegfried, Y. Ekinci, H.H. Solak, O.J.F. Martin, and H. Sigg
Applied Physics Letters vol. 99, p. 263302 (2011)
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Influence of electromagnetic interactions on the lineshape of plasmonic Fano resonances
B. Gallinet, and O.J.F. Martin
ACS Nano vol. 5, p. 8999-9008 (2011)
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Relation between near–field and far–field properties of plasmonic Fano resonances
B. Gallinet, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 19, p. 22167-22175 (2011)
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Plasmonic trapping with realistic dipole nanoantennas: Analysis of the detection limit
A. Lovera, and O.J.F. Martin
Applied Physics Letters vol. 99, p. 151104 (2011)
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Analytical description of Fano resonances in plasmonic nanostructures
B. Gallinet, and O.J.F. Martin
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings vol. 1398, p. 73-75 (2011)
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Simulation of complex plasmonic circuits including bends
C. Dellagiacoma, T. Lasser, O.J.F. Martin, A. Degiron, J.J. Mock, and D.R. Smith
Optics Express vol. 19, p. 18979-18988 (2011)
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Strongly coupled bio-plasmonic system: Application to oxygen sensing
S. Dutta-Gupta, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 110, p. 044701 (2011)
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Controlling and utilizing optical forces at the nanoscale with plasmonic antennas
A. Lovera, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 8097, p. 80971Q (2011)
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Ab initio engineering of Fano resonances
G. Gallinet, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 8096, p. 80961R (2011)
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Ab initio theory of Fano resonances in plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials
B. Gallinet, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B vol. 83, p. 235427 (2011)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.235427
Plasmon delocalization onset in finite sized nanostructures
A. Farhang, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 19, p. 11387-11396 (2011)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1364/OE.19.011387
Combined antenna and localized plasmon resonance in Raman scattering from random arrays of Silver-coated, vertically aligned multiwalled Carbon nanotubes
P. Dawson, J.A. Duenas, M.G. Boyle, M.D. Doherty, S.E.J. Bell, A.M. Kern, O.J.F. Martin, A.S. Teh, K.B.K. Teo, and W.I. Milne
Nano Letters vol. 11, p. 365-371 (2011)
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Snap-shot profilometry with the empirical mode decomposition and a 3-layer color sensor
S. Equis, R. Schnabel, and P. Jacquot
Optics Express vol. 19, p. 1284-1290 (2011)
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Excitation and reemission of molecules near realistic plasmonic nanostructures
A.M. Kern, and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 11, p. 482-487 (2011)
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Phase extraction in dynamic speckle interferometry with empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform
S. Equis, and P. Jacquot
Strain vol. 46, p. 550-558 (2010)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1111/j.1475-1305.2008.00451.x
Accurate and versatile modeling of electromagnetic scattering on periodic nanostructures with a surface integral approach
B. Gallinet, A.M. Kern, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of the Optical Society of America A vol. 27, p. 2261-2271 (2010)
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Solving surface plasmon resonances and near field in metallic nanostructures: Green’s matrix method and its applications
Y. Gu, J. Li, O.J.F. Martin, and Q.H. Gong
Chinese Science Bulletin vol. 55, p. 2608-2617 (2010)
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Optical trapping and sensing with plasmonic dipole antennas
W. Zhang, and O.J.F. Martin
Proc. of SPIE vol. 7757, p. 775712-1 – 775712-7 (2010)
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Bloch surface waves in ultrathin waveguides: near-field investigation of mode polarization and propagation
T. Sfez, E. Descrovi, L. Yu, D. Brunazzo, M. Quaglio, L. Dominici, W. Nakagawa, F. Michelotti, F. Giorgis, O.J.F. Martin, and H.P. Herzig
Journal of the Optical Society of America B vol. 27, p. 1617-1625 (2010)
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Symmetry and selection rules for localized surface plasmon resonances in nanostructures
W. Zhang, B. Gallinet, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B vol. 81, p. 233407 (2010)
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Controlling plasmonic resonances in binary metallic nanostructures
Y. Gu, J. Li, O.J.F. Martin, and Q. Gong
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 107, p. 114313 (2010)
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Scattering on plasmonic nanostructures arrays modeled with a surface integral formulation
B. Gallinet, and O.J.F. Martin
Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications vol. 8, p. 278-284 (2010)
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Pitfalls in the determination of optical cross sections from surface integral equation simulations
A.M. Kern, and O.J.F. Martin
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 58, p. 2158-2161 (2010)
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Resonance fluorescence of single molecules assisted by a plasmonic structure
Y. Gu, L. Huang, O.J.F. Martin, and Q. Gong
Physical Review B vol. 81, p. 193103 (2010)
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Guided Bloch surface waves on ultra-thin polymeric ridges
E. Descrovi, T. Sfez, M. Quaglio, D. Brunazzo, L. Dominici, F. Michelotti, H.P. Herzig, O.J.F. Martin, and F. Giorgis
Nano Letters vol. 10, p. 2087-2091 (2010)
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Light scattering by an array of electric and magnetic nanoparticles
B. García-Cámara, F. Moreno, F. González, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 18, p. 10001-10015 (2010)
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A broadband and high-gain metamaterial microstrip antenna
Le-Wei Li, Ya-Nan Li, Tat Soon Yeo, J.R. Mosig, and O.J.F. Martin
Applied Physics Letters vol. 96, p. 164101 (2010)
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Trapping and sensing 10 nm metal nanoparticles using plasmonic dipole antennas
W. Zhang, L. Huang, C. Santschi, and O.J.F. Martin
Nano Letters vol. 10, p. 1006-1011 (2010)
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Interplay of plasmon resonances in binary nanostructures
Y. Gu, Y. Wang, J. Li, O.J.F. Martin, and Q. Gong
Applied Physics B vol. 98, p. 353-363 (2010)
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Distance-controlled scattering in a plasmonic trap
L. Huang, and O.J.F. Martin
Applied Physics Letters vol. 96, p. 073104 (2010)
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Electromagnetic scattering of finite and infinite 3D lattices in polarizable backgrounds
B. Gallinet, and O.J.F. Martin
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings vol. 1176, p. 63-65 (2009)
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Local field enhancement of an infinite conical metal tip illuminated by a focused beam
W. Zhang, X. Cui, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy vol. 40, p. 1338–1342 (2009)
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Modeling near-field properties of plasmonic nanoparticles: a surface integral approach
A.M. Kern, and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 7395, p. 739518 (2009)
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A New Closed Form Solution to Light Scattering by Spherical Nanoshells
L.-W. Li, Z.-C. Li, H.-Y. She, S. Zouhdi, J.R. Mosig, and O.J.F. Martin
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology vol. 8, p. 617-626 (2009)
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Mode-selective surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using nanofabricated plasmonic dipole antennas
W. Zhang, H. Fischer, T. Schmid, R. Zenobi, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 113, p. 14672-14675 (2009)
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Polarization sensitive silicon photodiodes using nanostructured metallic grids
M. Guillaumée, L.A. Dunbar, Ch. Santschi, E. Grenet, R. Eckert, O.J.F. Martin, and R.P. Stanley
Applied Physics Letters vol. 94, p. 193503 (2009)
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Narrowband optical interactions in a plasmonic nanoparticle chain coupled to a metallic film
D. Brunazzo, E. Descrovi, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 34, p. 1405-1407 (2009)
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Integration of plasmonic trapping in a microfluidic environment
L. Huang, S.J. Maerkl, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 17, p. 6018-6024 (2009)
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Surface integral formulation for 3-D simulations of plasmonic and high permittivity nanostructures
A.M. Kern, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of the Optical Society of America A vol. 26, p. 732-740 (2009)
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Focused ion beam: A versatile technique for the fabrication of nano-devices
C. Santschi, J. Przybylska, M. Guillaumée, O. Vazquez-Mena, J. Brugger, and O.J.F. Martin
Practical Metallography vol. 46, p. 154-156 (2009)
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Channel and wedge plasmon modes of metallic V-grooves with finite metal thickness
J. Dintinger, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 17, p. 2364-2374 (2009)
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The empirical mode decomposition: a must-have tool in speckle interferometry?
S. Equis, and P. Jacquot
Optics Express vol. 17, p. 611-623 (2009)
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Retardation induced plasmonic blinking in coupled nanoparticles
H. Fischer, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 34, p. 368–370 (2009)
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Phase extraction in dynamic speckle interferometry with empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform
S. Equis, and P. Jacquot
Accepted for publication in Strain (2008)
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Reversal of the optical force in a plasmonic trap
L. Huang and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 33, p. 3001-3003 (2008)
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Enhanced backscattering by multiple nanocylinders illuminated by TE plane wave
H.-Y. She, L.-W. Li, S.J. Chua, W.-B. Ewe, O.J.F. Martin, and J. R. Mosig
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 104, p. 064310 (2008)
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Real-time Java simulations of multiple interference dielectric filters
A.N. Kireev, and O.J.F. Martin
Computer Physics Communications vol. 179, p. 903-907 (2008)
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Electric and magnetic resonances in arrays of coupled gold nanoparticle in-tandem pairs
Y. Ekinci, A. Christ, M. Agio, O.J.F. Martin, H.H. Solak, and J.F. Löffler
Optics Express vol. 16, p. 13287-13295 (2008)
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Symmetry breaking in a plasmonic metamaterial at optical wavelength
A. Christ, O.J.F. Martin, Y. Ekincy, N.A. Gippius, and S.G. Tikhodeev
Nano Letters vol. 8, p. 2171-2175 (2008)
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Engineering the optical response of plasmonic nanoantennas
H. Fischer, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 16, p. 9144-9154 (2008)
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Polarization sensitivity of optical resonant dipole antennas
H. Fischer and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of the European Optical Society – Rapid Publications vol. 3, p. 08018 (2008)
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Characterization of the polarization sensitivity anisotropy of a near-field probe using phase measurements
H. Fischer, A. Nesci, G. Lévêque, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Microscopy vol. 230, p. 27-31 (2008)
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Narrow-band multiresonant plasmon nanostructure for the coherent control of light: An optical analog of the xylophone
G. Lévêque, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review Letters vol. 100, p. 117402 (2008)
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Molecular quenching and relaxation in a plasmonic tunable system
G. Baffou, C. Girard, E. Dujardin, G. Colas des Francs, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B (Rapid Communication) vol. 77, p. 121101 (2008)
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Experimental comparison between conventional and hybrid long-range surface plasmon waveguide bends
A, Degiron, S.-Y. Cho, C. Harrison, N.M. Jokerst, C. Dellagiacoma, O.J.F. Martin, and D.R. Smith
Physical Review A vol. 77, p. 021804(R) (2008)
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Near-field induced tunability of surface plasmon polaritons in composite metallic nanostructures
A. Christ, G. Lévêque, O.J.F. Martin, T. Zentgraf, J. Kuhl, C. Bauer, H. Giessen, and S.G. Tikhodeev
Journal of Microscopy vol. 229, p. 344-353 (2008)
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Surface polaritons of small coated cylinders illuminated by normal incident TM and TE plane waves
H.-Y. She, L.-W. Li, O.J.F. Martin, and J.R. Mosig
Optics Express vol. 16, p. 1007-1019 (2008)
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Speckle interferometry: A review of the principal methods in use for experimental mechanics applications
P. Jacquot
Strain vol. 44, p. 57-69 (2008)
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Controlling the Fano interference in a plasmonic lattice
A. Christ, Y. Ekinci, H.H. Solak, N.A. Gippius, S.G. Tikhodeev, and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) vol. 76, p. 201405(R) (2007)
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Transient behavior of surface plasmon polaritons scattered at a subwavelength groove
G. Lévêque, O.J.F. Martin, and J. Weiner
Physical Review B vol. 76, p. 155418 (2007)
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Simulatons of hybrid long-range plasmon modes with application to ninety degree bends
A. Degiron, C. Dellagiacoma, O.J.F. Martin, and D.R. Smith
Optics Letters vol. 32, p. 2354 (2007)
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Theory of molecular excitation and relaxation near a plasmonic device
G. Colas des Francs, C. Girard, T. Laroche, G. Lévêque, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 127, p. 034701 (2007)
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Optical forces in coupled plasmonic nanosystems: near field and far field interaction regimes
E. Lamothe, G. Lévêque, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 15, p. 9631-9644 (2007)
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Resonant tunneling of surface plasmon-polaritons
S. Sidorenko, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 15, p. 6380-6388 (2007)
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Optimization of finite diffraction gratings for the excitation of surface plasmons
G. Lévêque, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 100, p. 124301 (2006)
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Optical interactions in a plasmonic particle coupled to a metallic film
G. Lévêque, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 14, p. 9971-9981 (2006)
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Prospects of resonant optical antennas for nano-analysis
B. Hecht, P. Mühlschlegel, J.N. Farahani, H.-J. Eisler, D.W. Pohl, O.J.F. Martin, and P. Biagioni
Chimia vol. 60, p. 765-769 (2006)
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Tunable composite nanoparticle for plasmonics
G. Lévêque, and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 31, p. 2750-2752 (2006)
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Interaction between localized and delocalized surface plasmon polariton modes in a metallic photonic crystal
A. Christ, T. Zentgraf, S.G. Tikhodeev, N.A. Gippius, O.J.F. Martin, J. Kuhl, and H. Giessen
Phys. Stat. Sol. B vol. 243, p. 2344-2348 (2006)
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Confining the sampling volume for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy using sub-wavelength sized aperture
M. Leutenegger, M. Gösch, A. Perentes, P. Hoffmann, O.J.F. Martin, and T. Lasser
Optics Express vol. 14, p. 956-969 (2006)
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Resolving the wave vector in negative refractive media
S.A. Ramakrishna and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 30, p. 2626-2628 (2005)
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Optical Nano-Imaging of Metallic Nanostructures
A. Nesci and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 5928, p. 59280U1-9 (2005)
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Numerical study and optimization of a diffraction grating for surface plasmon excitation
G. Lévêque and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 5927, p. 13 (2005)
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Resonant optical antennas
P. Mühlschlegel, H.-J. Eisler, O.J.F. Martin, B. Hecht, and D.W. Pohl
Science vol. 308, p. 1607-1609 (2005)
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Generalized Bloch equations for optical interactions in confined geometries
C. Girard, O.J.F. Martin, G. Lévêque, G. Colas des Francs, and A. Dereux
Chemical Physics Letters vol. 404, p. 44-48 (2004)
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Lifetime of an emitting dipole near various types of interfaces including magnetic and negative refractive materials
R. Ruppin, and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 121, p. 11358-11361 (2004)
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Efficient scattering calculations in complex backgrounds
O.J.F. Martin
International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU) vol. 58, p. 93-99 (2004)
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Numerical Modelling of Light Emission and Propagation in (Organic) LEDs with the Green
H. Greiner and O.J.F. Martin
Proceedings of the SPIE vol. 5214, p. 248-259 (2004)
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Plasmon resonances in nanowires with a non-regular cross-section
O.J.F. Martin
Optical Technologies: The Manipulation of Surface and Local Plasmons, Springer Verlag Series on Topics in Applied Physics vol. 88, p. 183-210 (2003)
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Surface plasmon illumination scheme for contact lithography
O.J.F. Martin
Microelectronic Engineering vol. 67-68, p. 23-30 (2003)
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Fluorescence resonant energy transfer in the optical near field
G. Colas des Francs, C. Girard, and O.J.F: Martin
Physical Review A vol. 67, p. 053805 (2003)
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Microwire arrays with plasmonic response at microwave frequencies
P. Gay-Balmaz, C. Maccio and O.J.F. Martin
Applied Physics Letters vol. 81, p. 2896-2898 (2002)
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Electromagnetic resonances in individual and coupled split-ring resonators
P. Gay-Balmaz and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 92, p. 2929-2936 (2002)
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Efficient isotropic magnetic resonators
P. Gay-Balmaz and O.J.F. Martin
Applied Physics Letters vol. 81, p. 939-941 (2002)
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A Green’s tensor approach to the modeling of nanostructure replication and characterization
M. Paulus and O.J.F. Martin
Radio Science vol. 38, p. 8024 (2003)
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A library for computing the filtered and non-filtered 3D Green
P. Gay-Balmaz and O.J.F. Martin
Computer Physics Communications vol. 144, p. 111-120 (2002)
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Influence of the surface roughness on the near-field generated by an aperture / apertureless probe
O.J.F. Martin, and M. Paulus
Journal of Microscopy vol. 205, p. 147-152 (2002)
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Plasmon resonances of silver nanowires with a nonregular cross section
J.P. Kottmann, O.J.F. Martin, D.R. Smith and S. Schultz
Physical Review B vol. 64, p. 235402.1-10 (2001)
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Scattering experiments with a diving cylinder
M. Paulus and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 9, p. 303-311 (2001)
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Electromagnetic scattering of high permittivity particles on a substrate
P. Gay-Balmaz and O.J.F. Martin
Applied Optics vol. 40, p. 4562-4569 (2001)
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Contrast mechanisms in high-resolution contact lithography: A comparative study
M. Paulus, H. Schmid, B. Michel and O.J.F. Martin
Microelectronic Engineering vol. 57-58, p. 109-116 (2001)
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Influence of the cross section and the permittivity on the plasmon resonances spectrum of silver nanowires
J.P. Kottmann and O.J.F. Martin
Applied Physics B vol. 73, p. 299-304 (2001)
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Retardation-induced plasmon resonances in coupled nanoparticles
J.P. Kottmann and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 26, p. 1096-1098 (2001)
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Dramatic localized electromagnetic enhancement in plasmon resonant nanowires
J.P. Kottmann, O.J.F. Martin, D.R. Smith and S. Schultz
Chemical Physics Letters vol. 341, p. 1-6 (2001)
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How to tap an innocent waveguide?
M. Paulus and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 8, p. 644-648 (2001)
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Plasmon resonant coupling in metallic nanowires
J.P. Kottmann and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Express vol. 8, p. 655-663 (2001)
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Green’s tensor technique for scattering in two-dimensional stratified media
M. Paulus and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review E vol. 63, p. 066615.1-066615.8 (2001)
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Light propagation and scattering in stratified media: A Green’s tensor approach
M. Paulus and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of the Optical Society of America A vol. 18, p. 854-861 (2001)
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Non-regularly shaped plasmon resonant nanoparticle as localized light source for near field microscopy
J.P. Kottmann, O.J.F. Martin, D.R. Smith and S. Schultz
Journal of Microscopy vol. 202, p. 60-65 (2001)
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A Fully vectorial technique for scattering and propagation in three-dimensional stratified photonic structures
M. Paulus and O.J.F. Martin
Optical and Quantum Electronics vol. 33, p. 315-325 (2001)
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Accurate solution of the volume integral equation for high permittivity scatterers
J.P. Kottmann and O.J.F. Martin
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 48, p. 1719-1726 (2000)
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Field polarization and polarization charge distributions in plasmon resonant particles
J.P. Kottmann, O.J.F. Martin, D.R. Smith and S. Schultz
New Journal of Physics vol. 2, p. 27.1-27.9 (2000)
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Accurate and efficient computation of the Green’s tensor for stratified media
M. Paulus, P. Gay-Balmaz and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review E vol. 62, p. 5797-5807 (2000)
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Validity domain and limitation of non-retarded Green’s tensor for electromagnetic scattering at surfaces
P. Gay-Balmaz and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Communications vol. 184, p. 37-47 (2000)
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Spectral response of plasmon resonant nanoparticles with a non-regular shape
J.P. Kottmann, O.J.F. Martin, D.R. Smith and S. Schultz
Optics Express vol. 6, p. 213-219 (2000)
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Scanning near-field optical microscopy with aperture probes: Fundamentals and applications (Review article)
B. Hecht, B. Sick, U.P. Wild, V. Deckel, R. Zenobi, O.J.F. Martin and D.W. Pohl
Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 112, p. 7761-7774 (2000)
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Near-field distribution in light-coupling masks for contact lithography
M. Paulus, B. Michel and O.J.F. Martin
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B vol. 17, p. 3314-3317 (1999)
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3D Simulations of the experimental signal measured in near-field optical microscopy
O.J.F. Martin
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Generalized field propagator for arbitrary finite size photonic bandgap
O.J.F. Martin, C. Girard, D. R. Smith and S. Schultz
Physical Review Letters vol. 82, p. 315-318 (1999)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.315


Energy flow in light-coupling masks for lensless optical lithography
O.J.F. Martin, N.B. Piller, H. Schmid, H. Biebuyck and B. Michel
Optics Express vol. 3, p. 280-285 (1998)
PDF External link:
Light-coupling masks: an alternative, lensless approach to high-resolution optical contact lithography
H. Schmid, H. Biebuyck, B. Michel, O.J.F. Martin and N.B. Piller
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B vol. 16, p. 3422-3425 (1998)
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Electromagnetic scattering in polarizable backgrounds
O.J.F. Martin and N.B. Piller
Physical Review E vol. 58, p. 3909-3915 (1998)
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Increasing the performances of the coupled-dipole approximation: A spectral approach
N.B. Piller and O.J.F. Martin
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 46, p. 1126-1137 (1998)
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Light-coupling masks for lensless, sub-wavelength optical lithography
H. Schmid, H. Biebuyck, B. Michel and O.J.F. Martin
Applied Physics Letters vol. 72, p. 2379-2381 (1998)
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Extension of the generalized multipole technique to anisotropic media
N.B. Piller and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Communications vol. 150, p. 9-14 (1998)
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Extension of the generalized multipole technique to 3D anisotropic scatterers
N.B. Piller and O.J.F. Martin
Optics Letters vol. 23, p. 579-581 (1998)
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Optical Microscopy in the nano-world (Review article)
B. Hecht, P. Mühlschlegel, J.N. Farahani, H.J. Eisler, D.W. Pohl, O.J.F. Martin, and P. Biagioni
Chimia vol. 51, p. 760-767 (1997)
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Optical magnetic near-field around nanometer-scale surface structures
C. Girard, J.-C. Weeber, A. Dereux, O.J.F. Martin and J.-P. Goudonnet
Physical Review B vol. 55, p. 16487-16497 (1997)
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Controlling and tuning strong optical field gradients at a local probe microscope tip apex
O.J.F. Martin and C. Girard
Applied Physics Letters vol. 70, p. 705-707 (1997)
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Electrodynamics in complex systems: Application to near-field probing of optical microresonators
A. Castiaux, C. Girard, A. Dereux, O.J.F. Martin, J.-P. Vigneron
Physical Review E vol. 54, p. 5752-5760 (1996)
PDF External link: doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.54.5752
Computing the optical near-field distributions around complex subwavelength surface structures: A comparative study of different methods
D. Barchiesi, C. Girard, O.J.F. Martin, D. van Labeke, and D. Courjon
Physical Review E vol. 54, p. 4285-4292 (1996)
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Dielectric vs. topographic contrast in near-field microscopy
O.J.F. Martin, C. Girard and A. Dereux
Journal of the Optical Society of America A vol. 13, p. 1801-1808 (1996)
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Reply to a comment by Garcia and Nieto-Vesperinas
O.J.F. Martin, C. Girard, and A. Dereux
Physical Review Letters vol. 76, p. 2405 (1996)
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Molecular lifetime changes induced by nanometer scale optical fields
C. Girard, O.J.F. Martin and A. Dereux
Physical Review Letters vol. 75, p. 3098-3101 (1995)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.75.3098
Electromagnetic field in two-dimensional models of near-field optical microscope tips
A. Castiaux, A. Dereux, J.P. Vigneron, C. Girard and O.J.F. Martin
Ultramicroscopy vol. 60, p. 1-9 (1995)
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Scanning near-field optical microscopy in Basel, Rueschlikon and Zurich (Review article)
H. Heinzelmann, T.R. Huser, T.D. Lacoste, H.J. Guentherodt, D.W. Pohl, B. Hecht, L. Novotny, O.J.F. Martin, C. Hafner, H. Baggenstos, U.P. Wild, and A. Renn
Optical Engineering vol. 34, p. 2441-2454 (1995)
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Generation of optical standing waves around mesoscopic surface structures: scattering and light confinement
C. Girard, A. Dereux, O.J.F. Martin and M. Devel
Physical Review B vol. 52, p. 2889-2898 (1995)
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Field induced manipulation of fullerene molecules with the STM: a self-consistent theoretical study
M. Devel, C. Girard, C. Joachim and O.J.F. Martin
Applied Surface Science vol. b7/88, p. 390-397 (1995)
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Generalized field propagator for electromagnetic scattering and light confinement
O.J.F. Martin, C. Girard and A. Dereux
Physical Review Letters vol. 74, p. 526-529 (1995)
PDF External link: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.74.526
Theory of near field optics
C. Girard, A. Dereux, and O.J.F. Martin
Photons and Local Probes, NATO ASI Series vol. 300, p. 1-20 (1995)
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Importance of confined fields in near-field optical imaging of subwavelength objects
C. Girard, A. Dereux, O.J.F. Martin and M. Devel
Physical Review B vol. 50, p. 14467-14473 (1994)
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Physical interaction between tip and molecules in scanning force microscopy imaging of adsorbed C60 and fullerene tubules
A. Dereux, C. Girard, O.J.F. Martin, P. Lambin and H. Richter
Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 101, p. 10973-10979 (1994)
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Suppression of current leakage in semiconductor laser diodes
A. Jakubowicz, O.J.F. Martin and A. Oosenbrug
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin vol. 37, p. 543-544 (1994)
Theoretical analysis of light-induced forces in scanning probe microscopy
C. Girard, A. Dereux and O.J.F. Martin
Physical Review B vol. 49, p. 13872-13881 (1994)
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Optical binding in scanning probe microscopy
A. Dereux, C. Girard, O.J.F. Martin and M. Devel
Europhysics Letters vol. 26, p. 37-42 (1994)
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Iterative scheme for computing exactly the total field propagating in dielectric structures of arbitrary shape
O.J.F. Martin, A. Dereux and C. Girard
Journal of the Optical Society of America A vol. 11, p. 1073-1080 (1994)
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Theoretical atomic force microscopy study of adsorbed fullerene molecules
C. Girard, X. Bouju, O.J.F. Martin, A. Dereux, C. Chavy, H. Tang and C. Joachim
Physical Rev B vol. 48, p. 15417-15424 (1993)
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Field susceptibility of a composite system : application to van der Waals dispersive interactions inside a finite line of physisorbed atoms
C. Girard, A. Dereux and O.J.F. Martin
Surface Science vol. 295, p. 445-456 (1993)
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New heat sink technique for semiconductors
T. Forster, A. Jakubowicz, O.J.F. Martin, A. Oosenbrug and P. Unger
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin vol. 36, p. 39-40 (1993)


Thermal behavior of visible AlGaInP-GaInP ridge laser diodes
O.J.F. Martin, G-L. Bona and P. Wolf
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High power laser diode with self-adjusted thermal lateral mode control
G.L. Bona, R. Clauberg, H. Jaeckel, O.J.F. Martin and H.K. Seitz
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin vol. 35, p. 443-445 (1992)


Effects of Cu substitution by Zn on transport properites of YBCO
M. Affronte, O.J.F. Martin, D. Pavuna, F. Licci, T. Besagni and S. Cattani
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