Andrea Ferrario


Balancing central control and sensory feedback produces adaptable and robust locomotor patterns in a spiking, neuromechanical model of the salamander spinal cord

A. Pazzaglia; A. Bicanski; A. Ferrario; J. Arreguit; D. Ryczko et al. 

PLoS Computational Biology. 2025. Vol. 21, num. 1, p. e1012101. DOI : 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012101.

Hierarchical processing underpins competition in tactile perceptual bistability

F. Darki; A. Ferrario; J. Rankin 

Journal Of Computational Neuroscience. 2023. DOI : 10.1007/s10827-023-00852-0.

Mechanisms Underlying the Recruitment of Inhibitory Interneurons in Fictive Swimming in Developing Xenopus laevis Tadpoles

A. Ferrario; V. Saccomanno; H-Y. Zhang; R. Borisyuk; W-C. Li 

Journal Of Neuroscience. 2023. Vol. 43, num. 8, p. 1387 – 1404. DOI : 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0520-22.2022.