SSOM 3D-Symposium 2016

Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy 2016

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Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy 2016

Taking place from October 18-21, 2016 in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, is an interdisciplinary symposium focused on 3D imaging and spectroscopy in science. The objective of this symposium is to create a forum for researchers with different expertise and scientific interests to present their knowhow and the techniques they use to answer their scientific questions. Methods using three-dimensional imaging and spectroscopy to retrieve data in volume will be discussed, whether “light”, x-rays or electrons are used. The conference contains plenary talks and sessions with invited and contributed talks and poster sessions as well as hands-on image processing.

detailed program day by day !

Accommodation and Traveling information


The meetings are held at the Les Diablerets Conference Center, which is about a 5 minute walk from the Eurotel.

train time table from 

Session topics are:

1) 3D X-ray microscopy and tomography

2) 3D FIB/SEM or serial sectioning block-face tomography

3) TEM Tomography in life Science

4) TEM Tomography in materials science, Atom probe

5) Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy CLEM

6) 3D LM

7) Image processing “night” (hands-on workshops)


General Organisation

Marco Cantoni (EPFL), Miriam S. Lucas (ETHZ), Christel Genoud (FMI)


Scientific Committee / Chairpersons:

M. S. Lucas (ETHZ), C. Genoud (FMI), M. Cantoni (EPFL)

S. Abolhassani (PSI), M. Griffa (EMPA), M. Dürrenberger (UNIBA), M. Rossell (EMPA), Y. Schwab (EMLB), O. Medalia (UniZH), S. Gerstl (ETHZ), G. Csucs (ETHZ)Program







Bronce: Zeiss, Gloor Instruments, Diatome