College of Management of Technology
ODYSSEA building
EPFL Odyssea- Station 5
CH-1015 Lausanne

Swiss Finance Institute @ EPFL
Extranef building
Quartier UNIL- Chamberonne- Extranef 214
CH-1015 Lausanne
The Management of Technology & Entrepreneurship Institute | MTEI
Director of the Institute:
Prof. Daniel Kuhn
EPFL CDM MTEI – Odyssea – Station 5, 1015 Lausanne
Amandine Weissbrodt
The Swiss Finance Institute | SFI
Director of the Institute:
Prof. Damir Filipovic
EXTRA 218 (Extranef UNIL) , Quartier UNIL-Dorigny , CH-1015 Lausanne
Sophie Kauz-Cadena
MTE, MFE & SMT sections
- Deputy of sections: Géraldine Nagel d’Eternod | 3.18 – Odyssea building- Station 5, 1015 Lausanne
- Sections secretary: Amandine Weissbrodt | 3.18 – Odyssea building- Station 5, 1015 Lausanne
- SMT Program Deputy: Caroline Perrot | 2.15 Odyssea Building – Station 5, 1015 Lausanne
Internship/ Master projects coordinators
- MFE internship coordinator: Marjorie Ebbayilé | EXTRA 247 (Extranef UNIL), 1015 Lausanne
- MTE internship coordinator: Haoua Mahmoudi | ODY 2.15, Station 5, 1015 Lausanne