
Publications in 2024 :

Peer Neighborhood Mechanisms: A Framework for Mechanism Generalization.
Adam Richardson and Boi Faltings
IProceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(9),
pp. 9883-9890, 2024.
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Differentially private multi-agent constraint optimization.
Sankarshan Damle, Aleksei Triastcyn, Boi Faltings and Sujit Gujar
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 38(1), pp. 8-46, 2024.
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REFINER: Reasoning Feedback on Intermediate Representations
P Debjit, M Ismayilzada, M Peyrard, B Borges, A Bosselut, R West, B Faltings
In Proceeding of the 2024 EACL 2024 Conference in Malta, pp. 2304.01904v1, 4 Apr 2023
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Publications in 2023 :

AI-driven Prices for Externalities and Sustainability in Production Markets
P Danassis, A. Filos-Ratsikas, H Chen, M Tambe, B Faltings
In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 2463-2465. 2023
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Incentive Mechanism Design for Responsible Data Governance: A Large-Scale Field Experiment
C Timko, M Niederstadt, N Goel, B Faltings
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality 15(2), pp. 1-18, 2023
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Game-theoretic mechanisms for eliciting accurate information
B Faltings
In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-23, pp. 6601-6609. 2023.
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Language Model Decoding as Likelihood-Utility Alignment
M Josifoski, M Peyrard, F Rajic, J Wei, P Debjit, V Hartmann, B Patra, V Chaudhary, E Kiciman, B Faltings, R West,
17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023)Dubrovnik, Croatia 2023
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Assistive Recipe Editing through Critiquing
D Antognini, S Li, B Faltings, J McAuley,
17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023)Dubrovnik, Croatia 2023
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A Practical Influence Approximation for Privacy-Preserving Data Filtering in Federated Learning
L Rokvic, P Danassis, B Faltings,
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Publications in 2022 :

Positive and Negative Critiquing for VAE-based Recommenders
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Interlock-Free Multi-Aspect Rationalization for Text Classification
S Li, D Antognini, B Faltings,
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SLIM: Explicit Slot-Intent Mapping With Bert For Joint Multi-Intent Detection And Slot Filling
F Cai, W Zhou, F Mi, B Faltings,
IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech And Signal Processing (Icassp)pp. 7607-7611, ISBN: 978-1-6654-0540-9, ISSN: 1520-6149 2022

Generating Higher-Fidelity Synthetic Datasets with Privacy Guarantees
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Algorithmsvol. 15, no. 7, pp. 232, ISSN: 1999-4893 2022
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T-RECS: a Transformer-based Recommender Generating Textual Explanations and Integrating Unsupervised Language-based Critiquing
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,

Active Learning for Imbalanced Civil Infrastructure Data
T Frick, D Antognini, M Rigotti, I Giurgiu, B Grewe, A Malossi,
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Vision for Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (ECCV)Tel-Aviv, Israel 2022
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Textual Explanations and Critiques in Recommendation Systems
D Antognini,
Link, Cite

A Distributed Differentially Private Algorithm for Resource Allocation in Unboundedly Large Settings
P Danassis, A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC 2022
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Putting Ridesharing to the Test: Efficient and Scalable Solutions and the Power of Dynamic Vehicle Relocation
P Danassis, M Sakota, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligence ReviewISSN: 1573-7462 2022
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Exploiting Environmental Signals to Enable Policy Correlation in Large-scale Decentralized Systems
P Danassis, ZD Erden, B Faltings,
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systemsvol. 36, no. 1, pp. 13, ISSN: 1573-7454 2022
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Publications in 2021 :

Momentum-based Gradient Methods in Multi-Objective Recommendation
B Mitrevski, M Filipovic, E Lejal Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat, D Antognini,
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2955Amsterdam, Netherlands 2021
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Modeling Online Behavior in Recommender Systems: The Importance of Temporal Context
M Filipovic, B Mitrevski, D Antognini, E Lejal Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat,
Perspectives 2021 – Proceedings of the Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems Workshop 2021 2021
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Recommending Burgers based on Pizza Preferences: Addressing Data Sparsity with a Product of Experts
D Antognini, M Milenkoski, C Musat,
RecSys Workshop on Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender SystemsAmsterdam, Netherlands 2021
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Differentially Private Multi-Agent Constraint Optimization
S Damle, A Triastcyn, B Faltings, S Gujar,
WI-IAT ’21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencevol. 20 2021
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Blockchain-based Practical Multi-agent Secure Comparison and its Application in Auctions
S Damle, B Faltings, S Gujar,
WI-IAT ’21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencevol. 20 2021
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Towards Mobile Distributed Ledgers
D Chatzopoulos, A Jain, S Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2021
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Self-training Improves Pre-training for Few-shot Learning in Task-oriented Dialog Systems
F Mi, W Zhou, F Cai, L Kong, M Huang, B Faltings,
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processingpp. 1887-1898 2021
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Improving Multi-agent Coordination by Learning to Estimate Contention
P Danassis, F Wiedemair, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 125-131 2021
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Multi-Step Critiquing User Interface for Recommender Systems
D Petrescu, D Antognini, B Faltings,
Demo Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems Proceedings (RecSys 2021) 2021

Fast Multi-Step Critiquing for VAE-based Recommender Systems
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems Proceedings (RecSys 2021) 2021
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Addressing Fairness in Classification with a Model-Agnostic Multi-Objective Algorithm
K Padh, D Antognini, EL Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat,
Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2021) 2021
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Rationalization through Concepts
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Findings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2021) 2021
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Improved Cooperation by Exploiting a Common Signal
P Danassis, ZD Erden, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC, pp. 395–403, ISBN: 9781450383073 2021
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Interacting with Explanations through Critiquing
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021) 2021
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Multi-Dimensional Explanation of Target Variables from Documents
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021) 2021
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Orthos: A Trustworthy AI Framework for Data Acquisition
Gujar S,
Springervol. 12589, pp. 100-118 2021
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Publications in 2020 :

Multi-Gradient Descent for Multi-Objective Recommender Systems
N Milojkovic, D Antognini, G Bergamin, B Faltings, C Musat,
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Budget-Bounded Incentives for Federated Learning
AF Richardson A., B Faltings,
Springervol. 12500, pp. 176-188 2020
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ADER: Adaptively Distilled Exemplar Replay Towards Continual Learning for Session-based Recommendation
Fei Mi Xiaoyu Lin BF,
The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)pp. 408-413 2020
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Efficient Allocations in Constant Time: Towards Scalable Solutions in the Era of Large Scale Intelligent Systems
P Danassis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 2895-2896 2020
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Memory Augmented Neural Model for Incremental Session-based Recommendation
F Mi, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 2169-2176 2020
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Continual Learning for Natural Language Generation in Task-oriented Dialog Systems
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020pp. 3461–3474 2020
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Peer-Prediction in the Presence of Outcome Dependent Lying Incentives
N Goel, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 124-131 2020
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Infochain: A Decentralized, Trustless and Transparent Oracle on Blockchain
N Goel*, C Schreven* van, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 4604-4610 2020
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Tackling Peer-to-Peer Discrimination in the Sharing Economy
N Goel, M Rutagarama, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 2020)pp. 355-361 2020
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Generalized Class Incremental Learning
F Mi, L Kong, T Lin, K Yu, B Faltings,
CVPR2020 Continual Learning Workshoppp. 1897-1906 2020
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Federated Generative Privacy
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
IEEE Intelligent Systemsvol. 35, no. 4, pp. 50-57, ISSN: 1541-1672 2020
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HotelRec: a Novel Very Large-Scale Hotel Recommendation Dataset
D Antognini, B Faltings,
LREC 2020, Twelveth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluationpp. 4917-4923 2020
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GameWikiSum: a Novel Large Multi-Document Summarization Dataset
D Antognini, B Faltings,
LREC 2020, Twelveth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 2020
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Bayesian Differential Privacy for Machine Learning
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020 – Workshop on Interactive and Conversational Recommendation Systems (WICRS) 2020

Publications in 2019 :

Learning to Create Sentence Semantic Relation Graphs for Multi-Document Summarization
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization (EMNLP)Hong Kong 2019
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The Pareto Frontier of Inefficiency in Mechanism Design
YG Filos-Ratsikas Aris, P Lazos,
The 15th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE 2019).pp. 186-199 2019
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Federated Learning with Bayesian Differential Privacy
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)pp. 2587-2596, ISBN: 9781728108582 2019
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Learning to Create Sentence Semantic Relation Graphs for Multi-Document Summarization
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2019 – Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization 2019
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Eliciting High-Quality Data via Influence for Linear Regression
AF Richardson Adam, B Faltings,
The 1st International Workshop on Federated Machine Learning for User Privacy and Data Confidentiality (FML 2019) 2019
Link, Cite

Personalized Peer Truth Serum for Eliciting Multi-Attribute Personal Data
N Goel, B Faltings,
35th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Tel Aviv (UAI 2019) 2019
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Anytime Heuristic for Weighted Matching Through Altruism-Inspired Behavior
AF Danassis Panayiotis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 215-222 2019
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On the Computational Complexity of Blind Detection of Binary Linear Codes
A Balatsoukas-Stimming, A Filos-Ratsikas,
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2019
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The Complexity of Splitting Necklaces and Bisecting Ham Sandwiches
A Filos-Ratsikas, PW Goldberg,
The 51st Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2019) 2019
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Stable Fractional Matchings
PK Filos-Ratsikas Aris Caragiannis Ioannis, R Vaish,
The 20th ACM conference on Economics and Computation (ACM EC ’19) 2019
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Meta-Learning for Low-resource Natural Language Generation in Task-oriented Dialogue Systems
F Mi, M Huang, J Zhang, B Faltings,
The 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’19)pp. 3151-3157 2019
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A Truthful, Privacy-Preserving, Approximately Efficient Combinatorial Auction For Single-minded Bidders
S Damle, B Faltings, S Gujar,
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2019)pp. 1916-1918 2019
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Courtesy As a Means to Coordinate
Panayiotis Danassis BF,
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC, pp. 665-673, ISBN: 9781450363099 2019
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Generating Artificial Data for Private Deep Learning
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the PAL: Privacy-Enhancing Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies, AAAI Spring Symposium Seriespp. 33-40, ISSN: 1613-0073 2019
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Context-Tree Recommendation vs Matrix-Factorization: Algorithm Selection and Live Users Evaluation
BF Martin Stephane, V Schickel,
Proceedings of the 31st AAAI Conference on Innovative Applications of AIvol. 31 2019
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Deep Bayesian Trust : A Dominant and Fair Incentive Mechanism for Crowd
N Goel, B Faltings,
33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 2019

Crowdsourcing with Fairness, Diversity and Budget Constraints
N Goel, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics and Society (AIES) 2019 2019
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Walrasian Dynamics in Multi-unit Markets
S Branzei, A Filos-Ratsikas,
The 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’19) 2019
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Publications in 2018 :

Privacy Preserving and Cost Optimal Mobile Crowdsensing Using Smart Contracts on Blockchain
D Chatzopoulos, S Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
IEEE 15th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS)pp. 442-450, ISSN: 2155-6814 2018
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Hardness Results for Consensus-Halving
PW Frederiksen Stiil Kristoffer Soren Filos-Ratsikas Aris, J Zhang,
43rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2018)Dagstuhl, Germany, vol. 117, pp. 24:1-24:16, ISBN: 9783959770866 2018
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Enhancing Session-Based Recommendations through Sequential Modeling
BF Martin Stephane, V Schickel,
32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalizationvol. 32 2018
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Non-Discriminatory Machine Learning through Convex Fairness Criteria
N Goel, M Yaghini, B Faltings,
Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018 2018
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Partial Truthfulness in Minimal Peer Prediction Mechanisms with Limited Knowledge
Goran Radanovic BF,
Link, Cite

Information Gathering with Peers: Submodular Optimization with Peer-Prediction Constraints
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the AAAI 2018
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A Bayesian Approach to Intervention-Based Clustering
I Kulev, P Pu, B Faltings,
ACMNew York, NY, USA, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 44:1-44:23, ISSN: 2157-6904 2018
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Publications in 2017 :

Dataset Construction via Attention for Aspect Term Extraction with Distant Supervision
A Giannakopoulos, D Antognini, C Musat, A Hossmann, M Baeriswyl,
7th ICDM Workshop on Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction (SENTIRE) 2017
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Game Theory for Data Science: Eliciting Truthful Information
Radanovic BF,
Morgan & Claypool Publishersvol. 35, ISBN: 9781627057295 2017
Link, Cite

DUCT: An Upper Confidence Bound Approach to Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems
Brammert Ottens Christos Dimitrakakis BF,
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 69:1-69:27 2017
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Adaptive Sequential Recommendation for Discussion Forums on MOOCs using Context Trees
Fei Mi BF,
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 2017
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L’intelligence artificielle par la pratique
Boi Faltings MS,
PPURISBN: 9782889150755 2017

Auction Based Mechanisms for Dynamic Task Assignments in Expert Crowdsourcing
SP Gujar, B Faltings,
Springerpp. 50-65, ISBN: 9783319542294 2017
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Publications in 2016 :

Incentives for Effort in Crowdsourcing using the Peer Truth Serum
G Radanovic, B Faltings, R Jurca,
Acm Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technologyvol. 7, no. 4, pp. 48:1-28 2016
Link, Cite

LocalCoin: An ad-hoc payment scheme for areas with high connectivity: poster
D Chatzopoulos, SP Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
ACM MobiHoc 2016 2016
Link, Cite

Limiting the Influence of Low Quality Information in Community Sensing
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th AAMASpp. 873-881 2016
Link, Cite

Learning to Scale Payments in Crowdsourcing with PropeRBoost
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Fourth AAAI conference on Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP’16) 2016
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Mechanismen zur Beschaffung korrekter Daten
B Faltings, G Radanovic,
Informatik Spektrum 2016
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Online Auctions for Dynamic Assignment: Theory and Empirical Evaluation
SP Gujar, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligencevol. 22, pp. 1035-1043 2016
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Publications in 2015 :

Incentives for Subjective Evaluations with Private Beliefs
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’15) 2015
Link, Cite

Incentive Schemes for Participatory Sensing
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems (AAMAS’15) 2015
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An Optimal Bidimensional Multi-Armed Bandit Auction for Multi-unit Procurement
S Bhat, S Jain, S Gujar, Y Narahari,
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, May 4-8, 2015pp. 1789-1790 2015
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Dynamic Task Assignments: An Online Two Sided Matching Approach
S Guajr, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 3rd International workshop on Matching Under Preferences, MATCHUP 2015
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Auction Based Mechanisms for Dynamic Task Assignments in Expert Crowdsourcing
S Guajr, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the International workshop on Agent Mediated E-Commerce and Trading Agent Design and Analysis (AMEC/TADA’15) 2015
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RISC: Robust Infrastructure over Shared Computing Resources Through Dynamic Pricing and Incentivization
T Mukherjee, P Dutta, VG Hegde, S Gujar,
29th IEEE International Parallel &Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2015
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Personalizing Product Rankings Using Collaborative Filtering on Opinion-Derived Topic Profiles
CC Musat, B Faltings,
24th IJCAIpp. 830-836 2015
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Predicting Online Performance of News Recommender Systems Through Richer Evaluation Metrics
A Maksai, F Garcin, B Faltings,
ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (Recsys)no. 9, pp. 179-186 2015
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Incentivizing Truthful Responses with the Logarithmic Peer Truth Serum
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. 2015
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Publications in 2014 :

Symmetric Subgame-Perfect Equilibria in Resource Allocation
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 49, pp. 323-361 2014
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A mechanism to optimally balance cost and quality of labeling tasks outsourced to strategic agents
S Bhat, S Nath, S Gujar, O Zoeter, Y Narahari, C Dance,
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systemspp. 917-924 2014
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A quality assuring multi-armed bandit crowdsourcing mechanism with incentive compatible learning
S Jain, S Gujar, O Zoeter, Y Narahari,
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systemspp. 1609-1610 2014
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Acquiring Commonsense Knowledge for Sentiment Analysis Using Human Computation (Poster)
M Boia, CC Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide WebSeoul, Korea, pp. 225-226 2014
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EmotionWatch: Visualizing Fine-Grained Emotions in Event-Related Tweets
R Kempter, V Sintsova, C Musat, P Pu,
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Incentives for Truthful Information Elicitation of Continuous Signals
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’14)pp. 770-776 2014

Constructing Context-Aware Sentiment Lexicons with an Asynchronous Game with a Purpose
M Boia, CC Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Part IIvol. 8404, pp. 32-44, ISBN: 9783642549021 2014
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Acquiring Commonsense Knowledge for Sentiment Analysis through Human Computation_1
M Boia, CC Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial IntelligenceQuébec City, Canada, pp. 901-907 2014
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Swissnoise: Online Polls with Game-Theoretic Incentives
F Garcin, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Innovative Applications of AIpp. 2972-2977 2014
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Incentives to Counter Bias in Human Computation
B Faltings, P Pu, BD Tran, R Jurca,
Proceedings of HCOMP 2014pp. 59-66 2014
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C-Cloud: A Cost-Efficient Reliable Cloud of Surplus Computing Resources
P Dutta, T Mukherjee, VG Hegde, S Gujar,
Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2014 IEEE 7th International Conference onpp. 986-987 2014
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Offline and Online Evaluation of News Recommender Systems at
F Garcin, B Faltings, O Donatsch, A Alazzawi, C Bruttin, A Huber,
ACM Conference on Recommender Systemspp. 169-176 2014
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A Region-Based Model for Estimating Urban Air Pollution
A Jutzeler, JJ Li, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 28th conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)pp. 424-430 2014
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Incentive Mechanisms for Community Sensing
B Faltings, JJ Li, R Jurca,
IEEE Transaction on Computersvol. 63, no. 1, pp. 115-128 2014
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Publications in 2013 :

PEN recsys: a Personalized News Recommender Systems Framework (DEMO)
F Garcin, B Faltings,
7th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (Recsys) 2013
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PEN recsys: a Personalized News Recommender Systems Framework
F Garcin, B Faltings,
News Recommender Systems Workshop (NRS) 2013
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Using Incentives to Obtain Truthful Information
Faltings B,
Communications in Computer and Information Sciencevol. 271, pp. 3-10 2013
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Network Self-organization Explains the Statistics and Dynamcis of Synaptic Connection Strengths in Cortex
P Zhang, C Dimitrakakis, J Triesch,
PLoS Computational Biologyvol. 9, no. 1 2013
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Utility-driven Data Acquisition in Participatory Sensing
M Riahi, T Papaioannou, K Aberer, I Trummer,
16th Int. Conf. on Extending Database Technology 2013

On Selecting the Nonce Length in Distance-Bounding Protocols
A Mitrokotsa, P Peris-Lopez, C Dimitrakakis, S Vaudenay,
The Computer Journal 2013
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Linear Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
N Tziortziotis, C Dimitrakakis, K Blekas,
Proceedings of the 23rd international joint conference on artififical intelligence (IJCAI 2013) 2013
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ABC Reinforcement Learning
C Dimitrakakis, N Tziortziotis,
ICML 2013 2013
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Recommendation Using Textual Opinions
CC Musat, Y Liang, B Faltings,
23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 2684-2690 2013
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A Robust Bayesian Truth Serum for Non-binary Signals
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’13)pp. 833-839 2013
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Probabilistic inverse reinforcement learning in unkown environments
A Tossou, C Dimitrakakis,
UAI 2013 2013
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Decomposition and Tractability in Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
J Huang, JJ Li, J Renz,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 195, pp. 140-164 2013
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Cover Tree Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
N Tziortziotis, C Dimitrakakis, K Blekas,
Link, Cite

Robust, Secure and Private Bayesian Inference
C Dimitrakakis, B Nelson, A Mitrokotsa, B Rubinstein,
Link, Cite

Relational Learning with Hypergraphs
Pu L,
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Monte-Carlo utility estimates for Bayesian reinforcement learning
Dimitrakakis C,
IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013) 2013
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Understanding and Improving Relational Matrix Factorization in Recommender Systems
L Pu, B Faltings,
7th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (Recsys) 2013
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Protecting Privacy through Distributed Computation in Multi-agent Decision Making
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Researchvol. 47, pp. 649-695 2013
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Decentralized Anti-coordination Through Multi-agent Learning_1
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Researchvol. 47, pp. 441-473 2013
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A 🙂 Is Worth a Thousand Words: How People Attach Sentiment to Emoticons and Words in Tweets
M Boia, B Faltings, CC Musat, P Pu,
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Social ComputingWashington D.C., USA, pp. 345-350 2013
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Direct Negative Opinions in Online Discussions
CC Musat, B Faltings, P Roussille,
2013 International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2013) 2013
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A Model of Online Social Interactions based on Sentiment Analysis and Content Similarity
CC Musat, B Faltings, P Rousille,
The Academy of Science and Engineering Human Journal 2013
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A Novel Human Computation Game for Critique Aggregation
CC Musat, B Faltings,
AAAI 2013
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Fine-Grained Emotion Recognition in Olympic Tweets Based on Human Computation
V Sintsova, CC Musat, P Pu,
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media AnalysisAtlanta, Georgia, pp. 12-20 2013
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Personalized News Recommendation with Context Trees
F Garcin, C Dimitrakakis, B Faltings,
7th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (Recsys) 2013
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Publications in 2012 :

Sparse Reward Processes
Dimitrakakis C,
Link, Cite

Expected loss bounds for authentication in constrained channels
C Dimitrakakis, A Mitrokotsa, S Vaudenay,
INFOCOM 2012 2012
Link, Cite

The RADO approach to Quality-Driven Service Composition – Approximating the Pareto-Frontier in Polynomial Time
I Trummer, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Sensing the Air We Breathe – the OpenSense Zurich Dataset
JJ Li, B Faltings, O Saukh, D Hasenfratz, J Beutel,
AAAI 2012
Link, Cite

DUCT: An Upper Confidence Bound Approach to Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems
B Ottens, C Dimitrakakis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 26th conference of the AAAIpp. 528-533 2012
Link, Cite

Symmetric subgame perfect equilibria for resource allocation
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 26th national conference on Artificial intelligence (AAAI-12)Menlo Park, CA, USA, pp. 1326-1331 2012
Link, Cite

Global Optimization for Multiple Agents
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent SystemsValencia, Spain 2012
Link, Cite

Resource-based Planning with Timelines
D Banerjee, JJ Li,
ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Scheduling with Timelines (PSTL). 2012
Link, Cite

Incentive Schemes for Community Sensing
JJ Li, B Faltings,
The 3rd International Conference in Computational Sustainability 2012
Link, Cite

Intrusion Detection in MANET Using Classification Algorithms: The Effects of Cost and Model Selection
A Mitrokotsa, C Dimitrakakis,
Ad Hoc Networks 2012
Link, Cite

Hypergraph Learning with Hyperedge Expansion
L Pu, B Faltings,
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases(ECML-PKDD)pp. 410-425 2012
Link, Cite

Sentiment Analysis Using a Novel Human Computation Game
CC Musat, A Ghasemi, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on the People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources and their Applications to NLPJeju, Republic of Korea, pp. 1-9 2012
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Personalized News Recommendation Based on Collaborative Filtering
F Garcin, K Zhou, B Faltings, V Schickel,
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 2012
Link, Cite

Eliciting Truthful Measurements from a Community of Sensors
B Faltings, R Jurca, JJ Li,
3rd International Conference on the Internet of Thingspp. 51-18 2012
Link, Cite

On selecting the nonce length in distance-bounding protocols
A Mitrokotsa, P Peris-Lopez, C Dimitrakakis, S Vaudenay,
The Computer Journal 2012

A Method for Multi-Objective Quality-Driven Service Selection

Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning with Answer Set Programming
Li JJ,
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’12)ISBN: 9781479902279 2012
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Publications in 2011 :

Reaching Correlated Equilibria Through Multi-agent Learning
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 10th Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS 2011
Link, Cite

Coordinating Logistics Operations with Privacy Guarantees
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’11)Barcelona, Spain 2011
Link, Cite

Distributed Constraint Optimization under Stochastic Uncertainty
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’11)San Francisco, USA 2011
Link, Cite

Distributed Constraint Optimization: Privacy Guarantees and Stochastic Uncertainty
Léauté T,
Lausanne, Switzerland 2011
Link, Cite

Robust Bayesian reinforcement learning through tight lower bounds
Dimitrakakis C,
European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2011) 2011
Link, Cite

Bayesian Multitask Inverse Reinforcement Learning
C Dimitrakakis, CA Rothkopf,
European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2011) 2011
Link, Cite

Preference Elicitation and Inverse Reinforcement Learning
CA Rothkopf, C Dimitrakakis,
European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML 2011) 2011

Context models on sequences of covers
Dimitrakakis C,
Link, Cite

Network Self-organization Explains Distribution of Synaptic Efficacies in Neocortex
P Zheng, C Dimitrakakis, J Triesch,
Link, Cite

Optimizing the Tradeoff between Discovery, Composition, and Execution Cost in Service Composition
I Trummer, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2011) 2011
Link, Cite

Hypergraph Clustering for Better Network Traffic Inspection
L Pu, B Faltings,
The 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Security at IJCAIpp. 18-25 2011
Link, Cite

Dynamically Selecting Composition Algorithms for Economical Composition as a Service
I Trummer, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2011) 2011
Link, Cite

Expected loss analysis of thresholded authentication protocols in noisy conditions
C Dimitrakakis, A Mitrokotsa, S Vaudenay,
Link, Cite

Towards a Qualitative, Region-Based Model for Air Pollution Dispersion
JJ Li, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’11 Workshop on Space, Time and Ambient Intelligence (STAMI’11), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011

Incentives for Answering Hypothetical Questions
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Workshop on Social Computing and User Generated Content, EC-11 2011
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Tag Your Memory with Colors: Semi-automatic Recoloring on Interested Objects via Hypergraph Learning
Chappuis A,
Link, Cite

Asynchronous Forward Bounding (AFB): Implementation and Performance Experiments
alexandra Olteanu, T L’eaut’e, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Asynchronous Forward Bounding (AFB): Implementation and Performance Experiments
Á Olteanu, T Léauté, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Publications in 2010 :

Heuristics for Distributed Pseudo-tree Regeneration
J Helfer, T Léauté, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2010
Link, Cite

Reporting Incentives and Biases in Online Review Forums
R Jurca, F Garcin, A Talwar, B Faltings,
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB)vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1-27 2010
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Citation graph based ranking in Invenio
L Marian, JY Meur, M Rajman, M Vesely,
Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Digital Libraries 2010

Ensuring Privacy through Distributed Computation in Multiple-Depot Vehicle Routing Problems
T Léauté, B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ECAI’10 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Logistics (AILog’10)Lisbon, Portugal 2010
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Relational Network-Service Clustering Analysis with Set Evidences
L Pu, B Faltings, Q Yang, DH Hu,
the 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security 2010
Link, Cite

Efficient methods for near-optimal sequential decision making under uncertainty
Dimitrakakis C,
Springervol. 281, pp. 125-153 2010
Link, Cite

Reid et al.’s Distance Bounding Protocol and Mafia Fraud Attacks over Noisy Channels
A Mitrokotsa, C Dimitrakakis, P Peris-Lopez, JC Hernandez-Castro,
IEEE Communication Lettersvol. 14, no. 2, pp. 121-123 2010
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Context model inference for large or partially observable MDPs
Dimitrakakis C,
ICML workshop on reinforcement learning and search in very large spaces 2010

Bayesian Variable Order Markov Models
Dimitrakakis C,
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)Chia Laguna Resort, Sardinia, Italy, vol. 9, pp. 161-168 2010
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Variable order Markov decision processes: Exact Bayesian inference with an application to POMDPs
Dimitrakakis C,

Cost-Optimal Outsourcing of Applications into the Clouds
I Trummer, F Leymann, R Mietzner, W Binder,
Proceedings of the Second International IEEE Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom) 2010
Link, Cite

Relational Network-Service Clustering Analysis with Set Evidences
L Pu, B Faltings, Q Yang, DH Hu,
The 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security 2010
Link, Cite

Restarts and Nogood Recording in Qualitative Constraint-based Reasoning
M Westphal, S Wölfl, JJ Li,
ECAI 2010 – 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal, August 16-20, 2010pp. 1093-1094 2010
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In Defense of Large Qualitative Calculi
JJ Li, J Renz,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 11-15, 2010 2010
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Publications in 2009 :

Multiversion concurrency control for the generalized search tree
W Binder, A Mosincat, S Spycher, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 2009
Link, Cite

Rank Aggregation in Scientific Publication Databases Based on Logistic Regression
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2009
Link, Cite

FRODO 2: An Open-Source Framework for Distributed Constraint Optimization
T Léauté, B Ottens, R Szymanek,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’09 Distributed Constraint Reasoning Workshop (DCR’09)Pasadena, California, USA, pp. 160-164 2009
Link, Cite

E[DPOP]: Distributed Constraint Optimization under Stochastic Uncertainty using Collaborative Sampling
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’09 Distributed Constraint Reasoning Workshop (DCR’09)Pasadena, California, USA, pp. 87-101 2009
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Distributed Constraint Optimization with Structured Resource Constraints
A Kumar, B Faltings, A Petcu,
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS)pp. 923-930 2009
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Mechanisms for Making Crowds Truthful
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 34, pp. 209-253 2009
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Aggregating Reputation Feedback
F Garcin, B Faltings, R Jurca,
1st International Conference on Reputation (ICORE), pp. 62-74 2009
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Privacy-Preserving Multi-agent Constraint Satisfaction
T Léauté, B Faltings,
2009 IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT-09)pp. 17-25 2009
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Rating Aggregation in Collaborative Filtering Systems
F Garcin, B Faltings, R Jurca, N Joswig,
Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Recommender systems – RecSys ’09pp. 349-352 2009
Link, Cite

Coherence of Theories: Dependencies and Weights
JJ Li, R Kwok, N Foo,
Springer-VerlagBerlin, vol. 28, pp. 297-318 2009
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Statistical Decision Making for Authentication and Intrusion Detection
C Dimitrakakis, A Mitrokotsa,
Machine Learning and Applications, Fourth International Conference on (ICMLA’09)Miami, FL, USA, pp. 409-414, ISBN: 9780769539263 2009
Link, Cite

Complexity of stochastic branch and bound methods for belief tree search in Bayesian reinforcement learning
Dimitrakakis C,
2nd international conference on agents and artificial intelligence (ICAART 2010)Valencia, Spain, pp. 259-264 2009
Link, Cite

Bayesian Variable Order Markov Models: Towards Bayesian Predictive State Representations
Dimitrakakis C,

A Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Solving Interval Algebra Networks
JJ Li, J Huang, J Renz,
IJCAI 2009, Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pasadena, California, USA, July 11-17, 2009pp. 572-577 2009
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Evaluating Cases in Legal Disputes as Rival Theories
P Stenetorp, JJ Li,
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, JSAI-isAI 2009 Workshops, LENLS, JURISIN, KCSD, LLLL, Tokyo, Japan, November 19-20, 2009, Revised Selected Papersvol. 6284, pp. 59-72, ISBN: 9783642148873 2009
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Making Them Remember—Emotional Virtual Characters with Memory
Z Kasap, MB Moussa, P Chaudhuri, N Magnenat-Thalmann,
IEEE Computer Society PressLos Alamitos, CA, USA, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 20-29 2009
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Publications in 2008 :

M-DPOP: Faithful Distributed Implementation of Efficient Social Choice Problems
A Petcu, B Faltings, D Parkes,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 32, pp. 705-755 2008
Link, Cite

Perspectives for Rank Aggregation within Scientific Publication Databases
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008

H-DPOP: Using Hard Constraints to Prune the Search Space
A Kumar, A Petcu, B Faltings,
AAAI’08 – Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial IntelligenceChicago, IL, USA 2008
Link, Cite

Privacy Guarantees through Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, T Léauté, A Petcu,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
Link, Cite

Enhancing Numerical Constraint Propagation using Multiple Inclusion Representations
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (to appear) 2008

Interval Propagation and Search on Directed Acyclic Graphs for Numerical Constraint Solving
XH Vu, H Schichl, D Sam-Haroud,
Journal of Global Optimization (to appear) 2008

Truthful Opinions from the Crowds
R Jurca, B Faltings,
ACM SIGEcom Exchangesvol. 7, no. 2 2008
Link, Cite

Incentives for Expressing Opinions in Online Polls
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceeddings of the 2008 ACM Conference on Electronic Commercepp. 119-128 2008
Link, Cite

Preference-based search with adaptive recommendations
P Viappiani, P Pu, B Faltings,
AI Communicationsvol. 21, no. 2-3, pp. 155-175 2008
Link, Cite

Using Bibliographic Knowledge for Ranking in Scientific Publication Databases
M Vesely, M Rajman, JY Meur,
Knowledge-Based Software EngineeringNieuwe Hemweg 6B, 1013 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands, vol. 180, pp. 201-212 2008

Asynchronous Open DPOP
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning – AAMAS08Estorial Portugal 2008
Link, Cite

ASODPOP: Making Open DPOP Asynchronous
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Doctoral Programme of the 14th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP07Sydney Australia 2008
Link, Cite

Coordination Agent Plans Trough Distributed Constraint Optimization
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Multi Agent Planning Workshop MASPLAN08Sydney Australia 2008
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Comparing Winner Determination Algorithms for Mixed Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions (Short paper)
B Ottens, U Endriss,
Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS08Estorial Portugal 2008
Link, Cite

Managing Collaborative Feedback Information for Distributed Retrieval
P Felber, T Luu, M Rajman, E Riviere,
6th Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems for Information Retrieval (LSDS-IR at CIKM’08) 2008
Link, Cite

Scalable Content-based Ranking in P2P Information Retrieval
M Puh, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman,
12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES’08) 2008
Link, Cite

Query-Driven Indexing for Scalable Peer-to-Peer Text Retrieval
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
Future Generation Computer Systems 2008

Privacy Guarantees through Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, T Léauté, A Petcu,
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’08)Sydney, Australia, pp. 350-358 2008
Link, Cite

Results of the first phase of the d-Rank project
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
Link, Cite

Truck Task Scheduling using DPOP
M Bettex, B Ottens, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
Link, Cite

Efficient Data Structures for Decision Diagrams
N Ouaret, T Léauté, R Szymanek, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
Link, Cite

Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
C Dimitrakakis, MG Lagoudakis,
Machine Learningvol. 72, no. 3, pp. 157-171 2008
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Exploration in POMDPs
Dimitrakakis C,
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Artificial Intelligence Journalvol. 1, pp. 24-31 2008

Tree Exploration for Bayesian RL Exploration
Dimitrakakis C,
Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, International Conference onWien, Austria, pp. 1029-1034, ISBN: 9780769535142 2008
Link, Cite

Algorithms and Bounds for Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
C Dimitrakakis, MG Lagoudakis,
EWRLpp. 27-40 2008
Link, Cite

Cost-minimising strategies for data labelling: optimal stopping and active learning
C Dimitrakakis, C Savu-Krohn,
Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS 2008)Pisa, Italy, vol. 4932, pp. 96-111 2008

Automated Complexity Proofs for Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Calculi
J Renz, JJ Li,
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference, KR 2008, Sydney, Australia, September 16-19, 2008pp. 715-723, ISBN: 9781577353843 2008
Link, Cite

Combining binary constraint networks in qualitative reasoning
JJ Li, T Kowalski, J Renz, S Li,
ECAI 2008 – 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Patras, Greece, July 21-25, 2008vol. 178, pp. 515-519, ISBN: 9781586038915 2008

White matter hyperintensities in the forties: Their prevalence and topography in an epidemiological sample aged 44-48
W Wen, PS Sachdev, JJ Li, X Chen, KJ Anstey,
Human Brain Mappingvol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1155-1167 2008
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Publications in 2007 :

MB-DPOP: A New Memory-Bounded Algorithm for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07Hyderabad, India, pp. 1452-1457 2007
Link, Cite

PC-DPOP: A New Partial Centralization Algorithm for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings, R Mailler,
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07Hyderabad, India, pp. 167-172 2007
Link, Cite

OSS: A semantic Similarity Function based on Hierarchical Onotlogies
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07pp. 551-556 2007
Link, Cite

Federated Directories of Semantic Web Services
M Schumacher, T Pelt van, I Constantinescu, A Sousa e Oliveira de, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2007
Link, Cite

H-DPOP: Using Hard Constraints to Prune the Search Space
A Kumar, A Petcu, B Faltings,
IJCAI’07 – Distributed Constraint Reasoning workshop, DCR’07Hyderabad, India 2007
Link, Cite

Eighth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning (DCR’07)
Hyderabad, India, vol. 8 2007
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Aggregating ranking methods for information retrieval: an overview
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007

Scalable P2P Search Engine using Highly Discriminative Keys
I Podnar, M Rajman, T Luu, F Klemm, K Aberer,
23rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’2007)Istanbul, Turkey 2007
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Query-Driven Indexing for Peer-to-Peer Text Retrieval (Poster)
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW’2007)Banff, Canada 2007
Link, Cite

Reliable QoS Monitoring Based on Client Feedback
R Jurca, W Binder, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW07)Banff, Canada, pp. 1003-1011 2007
Link, Cite

Interval Analysis, Constraint Propagation and Applications
C Jermann, Y Lebbah, D Sam-Haroud,
ISTELondon, UK, pp. 223-259 2007

BB-M-DPOP: Budget-Balance in Social Choice based on Problem Structure
A Petcu, B Faltings, D Parkes, W Xue,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007

Collusion Resistant, Incentive Compatible Feedback Payments
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC’07)pp. 200-209 2007
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Understanding User Behavior in Online Feedback Reporting
A Talwar, R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC’07)pp. 134-142 2007
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Web Text Retrieval with a P2P Query-Driven Index
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR’2007)Amsterdam, Netherlands 2007
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Obtaining Reliable Feedback for Sanctioning Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 29, pp. 391-419 2007
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Query-Driven Indexing for Scalable Peer-to-Peer Text Retrieval
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
The Second International Conference on Scalable Information Systems (Infoscale’2007)Suzhou, China 2007

Preference-based search for Configurable Catalogs
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
AAAI 2007 Workshop on ConfigutationVancouver 2007
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User Requirement Analysis for Meeting Information Retrieval Based on Query Elicitation
V Pallotta, V Seretan, M Ailomaa,
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2007)Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 1008-1015 2007
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Archivus: A user performance analysis with speech, keyboard and mouse as interaction modalities
M Ailomaa, A Lisowska,
Link, Cite

Robust Incentive-Compatible Feedback Payments
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg, vol. LNAI 4452, pp. 204-218 2007
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Collective search of a single odour source using cooperation
A Herrmann, A Petcu, T Lochmatter, T Léauté, B Faltings,

Adaptive and Distributed Speed Limitation in a Simulation of the Swiss Highway Network
CF Rey, A Petcu, M Schumacher, T Léauté, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007

Conversational Recommenders with Adaptive Suggestions
P Viappiani, P Pu, B Faltings,
Recommender Systems 2007Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2007
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Governing Environments for Agent-based Traffic Simulations
M Schumacher, L Grangier, R Jurca,
Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V – 5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2007vol. 4696 2007
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Discovering Semantic Web Services in Federated Directories
M Schumacher, T Pelt van, I Constantinescu, A Sousa e Oliveira de, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’07) 2007

R-DPOP: Optimal Solution Stability in Continuous-Time Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IAT 2007 – International Conference on Intelligent Agent TechnologyFremont, CA, USA 2007
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LS-DPOP: A Hybrid of Inference and Local Search for Distributed Combinatorial Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IAT 2007 – International Conference on Intelligent Agent TechnologyFremont, CA, USA 2007
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Morpho-lexical Processing and Part-of-Speech Tagging
Chappelier JC,
EPFL Presspp. 145-175 2007

Syntactic Processing
M Rajman, JC Chappelier, A Rozenknop,
EPFL Presspp. 177-203 2007

Ontology Filtering
Schickel-Zuber V,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Incentive-compatible Online Opinion Polls
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
Link, Cite

Providing Cooperative Incentives through the Structure of Social Networks
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
Link, Cite

Reporting Incentives in Online Feedback Forums: The Influence of Effort
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
Link, Cite

Automated Design of Prediction Market Pricing Functions
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
Link, Cite

A Class of Algorithms for Distributed Constraint Optimization
Petcu A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Automated Dynamic Maintenance of Composite Services Based on Service Reputation
D Bianculli, R Jurca, W Binder, C Ghezzi, B Faltings,
Fifth International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC-2007)vol. 4749, pp. 449-455 2007
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Intrusion Detection Using Cost-Sensitive Classification
A Mitrokotsa, C Dimitrakakis, C Douligeris,
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense (EC2ND’07)Heraklion, Greece, vol. 30, pp. 35-46 2007

Beliefbox: A framework for statistical methods in sequential decision making
Dimitrakakis C,

Publications in 2006 :

Design and Implementation of Preference-based Search
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
The 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems EngineeringWuhan, China, pp. 72-83 2006
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PC-DPOP: A New Partial Centralization Algorithm for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
ECAI’06 DCSP Workshop on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction ProblemsRiva del Garda, Italy 2006
Link, Cite

ALVIS Peers: A Scalable Full-text Peer-to-Peer Retrieval Engine
T Luu, F Klemm, I Podnar, M Rajman, K Aberer,
Workshop on Information Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer Networks P2P-IR at CIKM 2006 2006
Link, Cite

Using an Ontological A-priori Score To Infer User’s Preferences
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
In Workshop on Recommender Systems – ECAI06pp. 102-106 2006
Link, Cite

Proceedings of the European Conference on eHealth 2006
H Stormer, A Meier, M Schumacher,
GI-EditionGermany, vol. P-91 2006

Efficient Networking for Pervasive eHealth Applications
H Helin, T Pelt van, M Schumacher, A Syreeni,
Proceedings of the European Conference on EHealth (ECEH06)vol. P-91 2006
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Context-aware Service Coordination for Mobile e-Health Applications
F Bergenti, C Caceres, A Fernandez, N Fröhlich, H Helin, O Keller, A Kinnunen, M Klusch, H Laamanen, A Lopes, S Ossowski, H Schuldt, M Schumacher,
Proceedings of the European Conference on EHealth (ECEH06)Germany, vol. P-91 2006
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Explicit Passive Analysis in Electronic Catalogs
D Portabella-Clotet, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06). Member PosterMenlo Park, CA 2006
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A Study of User’s Online Decision Making Behavior
J Zhang, P Pu, P Viappiani,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Preference-based Search using Example-Critiquing with Suggestions
P Viappiani, B Faltings, P Pu,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 27, pp. 465-503 2006
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Revisiting Fisher Kernels for Document Similarities
M Nyffenegger, JC Chappelier, E Gaussier,
Machine Learning: ECML 2006 (Proc. of 17th European Conference on Machine Learning)vol. 4212/2006, pp. 727-734 2006

Random Subset Optimization
B Faltings, QH Nguyen,
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’06)pp. 88-92 2006
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A Multiagent System for the Reliable Execution of Automatically Composed Ad-hoc Processes
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings, K Haller, C Turker,
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systemsvol. 12, no. 2, pp. 219-237 2006
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Nearly optimal exploration-exploitation decision thresholds
Dimitrakakis C,
Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2006

Online statistical estimation for vehicle control
Dimitrakakis C,

Ensembles for Sequence Learning
Dimitrakakis C,

Offline Grammar-based Recognition of Handwritten Sentences
M Zimmermann, Chappelier, H Bunke,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligencevol. 28, no. 5, pp. 818-821 2006
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Secure Combinatorial Optimization simulating DFS tree-based Variable Elimination
MC Silaghi, B Faltings, A Petcu,
9th Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and MathematicsFt. Lauderdale, Florida, USA 2006
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Distributed Generator Maintenance Scheduling
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the First International ICSC Symposium on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN ENERGY SYSTEMS AND POWER: AIESP’06Madeira, Portugal 2006
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M-DPOP: Faithful Distributed Implementation of Efficient Social Choice Problems
A Petcu, B Faltings, D Parkes,
AAMAS’06 – Autonomous Agents and Multiagent SystemsHakodate, Japan, pp. 1397-1404 2006
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Distributed Constraint Programming
Faltings B,
Handbook of Constraint Programmingpp. 699-729 2006
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The Governing Environment
M Schumacher, S Ossowski,
Springer Verlagvol. 3830, pp. 88-104 2006
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FRODO: A FRamework for Open/Distributed constraint Optimization
Petcu A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Research on Environments in Multiagent Systems: Reflection on the State-of-the-Art
D Weyns, A Helleboogh, M Schumacher, T Holvoet,
Multiagent and Grid Systems 2006
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Increasing User Decision Accuracy using Suggestions
P Pu, P Viappiani, B Faltings,
ACM Conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI06)Montreal, Canada, pp. 121-130 2006
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Using CHI-Scores to Reward Honest Feedback from Repeated Interactions
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of AAMAS06Hakodate, Japan, pp. 1233-1240 2006
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Minimum Payments that Reward Honest Reputation Feedback
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic CommerceAnn Arbor, Michigan, USA, pp. 190-199 2006
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The Lookahead Principle for Preference Elicitation: Experimental Results
P Viappiani, B Faltings, P Pu,
Seventh International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS)Milan, Italy, pp. 378-389 2006
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Extending the Wizard of Oz Methodology for Language-enabled Multimodal Systems
M Rajman, M Ailomaa, A Lisowska, M Melichar, S Armstrong,
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)Genoa, Italy, pp. 2539-2543 2006
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Implementing Example-based Tools for Preference-based Search
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
The Sixth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 06)Menlo Park, California, USA, pp. 89-90 2006
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O-DPOP: An algorithm for Open/Distributed Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-06Boston, USA, pp. 703-708 2006
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Evaluating Preference-based Search Tools: a Tale of Two Approaches
P Viappiani, B Faltings, P Pu,
Proceedings of the Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06)Boston, MA, USA, pp. 205-211 2006
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Optimizing Streaming Applications with Self-Interested Users using M-DPOP
B Faltings, D Parkes, A Petcu, J Shneidman,
COMSOC’06: International Workshop on Computational Social ChoiceAmsterdam, The Netherlands 2006
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Recent Advances in Dynamic, Distributed Constraint Optimization
Petcu A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Overcoming Incomplete User Models in Recommendation Systems via an Ontology
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
Springer Berlin / Heidelbergvol. 4198, pp. 39-57 2006
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Inferring User’s Preferences using Ontologies
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06)pp. 1413-1416 2006
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Adaptive Suggestions for Example based Tools
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
ECAI 06 Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference HandlingRiva del Garda, Italy, pp. 134-140 2006
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Design and Implementation of Preference-based Search
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Branch-and-Prune Search Strategies for Numerical Constraint Solving
XH Vu, M Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Explicit Trade-off and Prospective Analysis in Eletronic Catalogs
DP Clotet, M Rajman,
Workshop on Recommender Systems. European Conference on Artificial IntelligenceRiva del Garda, Italy 2006
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From Vocal to Multimodal Dialogue Management
M Melichar, P Cenek, M Ailomaa, A Lisowska, M Rajman,
Eighth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI’06)Banff, Canada, pp. 59-67 2006
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A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Information Retrieval Across Digital Library Collections
I Podnar, T Luu, M Rajman, F Klemm, K Aberer,
European conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries (ECDL’2006) 2006
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Beyond term indexing: A P2P framework for Web information retrieval
I Podnar, M Rajman, T Luu, F Klemm, K Aberer,
Informatica, Special Issue on Specialised Web Searchvol. 30, no. 2 2006
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Archivus: A multimodal system for multimedia meeting browsing and retrieval
M Ailomaa, A Lisowska, M Melichar, S Armstrong, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Interactive Presentation SessionsSydney, Australia, pp. 49-52 2006
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Archivus: A multimodal system for multimedia meeting browsing and retrieval
P Cenek, M Melichar, A Lisowska, M Ailomaa, M Rajman,
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Publications in 2005 :

Solving Meeting Scheduling Problems Using Distributed Pseudotree-Optimization Procedure
Ushakov G,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Natural Language Techniques for Model-Driven Semantic Constraint Extraction
M Ailomaa, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Answering natural language queries on spoken dialogs in meeting discussions
Ghorbel, M Rajman,
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Online Policy Adaptation for Ensemble Classifiers
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
Neurocomputingvol. 64, pp. 211-221 2005

CONFESS: Eliciting Honest Feedback without Independent Verification Authorities
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springervol. 3435, pp. 59-72 2005
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Gradient-based estimates of return distributions
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
PASCAL workshop on principled methods of trading exploration and exploitation 2005

Boosting word error rates
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)vol. 5, pp. 501-504 2005

Gradient estimates of return
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,

Introduction: Special Issue on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, M Yokoo,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 161, pp. 1-5 2005
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Asynchronous Aggregation and Consistency in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
MC Silaghi, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 161, pp. 25-53 2005
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Rigorous Solution Techniques for Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Vu XH,
Switzerland 2005
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Agile Preference Models based on Soft Constraints
B Faltings, P Pu, J Zhang,
Challenges to Decision Support in a Changing World 2005
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DPOP: A Scalable Method for Multiagent Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IJCAI 05Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 266-271 2005
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Approximating Partial Interchangeability in CSP Solutions
N Neagu, B Faltings,
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Resource Allocation in Communication Networks Using Abstraction and Constraint Satisfaction
C Frei, B Faltings, M Hamdi,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communicationvol. 23, no. 2, pp. 304-320 2005
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Open Constraint Programming
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 161, no. 1-2, pp. 181-208 2005
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Efficient Integration of Automated Speech Recognition in the Framework of Dialogue-based Systems
Trutnev A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Optimally Distributing Interactions between Composed Semantic Web Services
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
Second European Semantic Web ConferenceHeraklion, Grece, vol. 3532, pp. 32-46 2005
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S-DPOP: Superstabilizing, Fault-containing Multiagent Combinatorial Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-05Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 449-454 2005
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Multi-agent Coordination using Local Search
B Faltings, QH Nguyen,
IJCAI 05Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 953-958 2005
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An Efficient Constraint Optimization Method for Large Multiagent Systems
A Petcu, B Faltings,
AAMAS 05 – LSMAS workshop (Large Scale Multi-Agent Systems)Utrecht, the Netherlands 2005
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Flexible and Efficient Matchmaking and Ranking in Service Directories
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005)Florida, USA, pp. 5-12 2005
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A-DPOP: Approximations in Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
poster in Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP 2005Sitges, Spain, pp. 802-806 2005
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A-DPOP: Approximations in Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
CP05 – workshop on Distributed and Speculative Constraint Processing, DSCPSitges, Spain 2005
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R-DPOP: Optimal Solution Stability in Continuous-Time Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IJCAI 2005 – DCR Workshop (Distributed Constraint Reasoning)Edinburgh, Scotland 2005
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Stimulating Preference Expression Using Suggestions
P Viappiani, B Faltings, V Schickel-Zuber, P Pu,
IJCAI-05 Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in PreferenceEdinburgh, UK, pp. 186-191 2005
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Eliminating Undesired Equilibrium Points from Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce (AMEC VII)Utrecht, The Netherlands 2005
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Eliminating Undesired Equilibrium Points from Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Reputation-based Pricing of P2P Services
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Wokshop on Economics of P2P SystemsPhiladelphia, USA 2005
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LS-DPOP: A Propagation/Local Search Hybrid for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
CP 2005- LSCS’05: Second International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint SatisfactionSitges, Spain 2005
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Selection and Ranking of Propositional Formulas for Large-Scale Service Directories
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2005)Pittsburgh, USA, pp. 1406-1411 2005
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Incentive Compatible Multiagent Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
LNCS 3828: WINE’05 – Workshop on Internet and Network EconomicsHong Kong, pp. 708-717 2005
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CASCOM: Context-Aware Service Co-ordination in Mobile P2P Environments
H Helin, M Klusch, A Lopez, A Fernandez, M Schumacher, H Schuldt, F Bergenti, A Kinnunen,
Proceedings of Third German Conference on Multiagent System Technologiesvol. 3550, pp. 242-243 2005
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Context-aware Business Application Service Co-ordination in Mobile Computing Environments
H Helin, M Klusch, A Lopez, A Fernandez, M Schumacher, H Schuldt, F Bergenti, A Kinnunen,
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Workshop on Ambient Intelligence – Agents for Ubiquitous Environments – AAMAS 2005 2005
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Environments for Multiagent Systems
D Weyns, M Schumacher, A Ricci, M Viroli, T Holvoet,
Knowledge Engineering Reviewvol. 20:2, pp. 127-141 2005
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Minimum Redundancy Cut in Ontologies for Semantic Indexing
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: Proc of the 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2005 (TeMA Workshop on Text Mining and Applications)Covilha, Portugal, vol. 3808 / 2005, pp. 658-668 2005
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Probing the robustness of the clustering
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS’05) 2005
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Semantic Indexing using Minimum Redundancy Cut in Ontologies
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2005)Borovets, Bulgaria, pp. 486-492 2005

TORCS, The Open Racing Car Simulator
E Espié, C Guionneau, B Wymann, C Dimitrakakis, R Coulom, A Sumner,
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Robust Stochastic Parsing using Optimal Maximum Coverage
V Kadlec, M Ailomaa, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2005)pp. 258-263 2005

Hypernyms Ontologies for Semantic Indexing
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Proc. of the Workshop on Methodologies and Evaluation of Lexical Cohesion Techniques in Real-world Applications (ELECTRA’2005), the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR ConferenceSalvador, Brazil, pp. 49-55 2005

Indexation sémantique au moyen de coupes de redondance minimale dans une onthologie
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Actes de la 12e conf. sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2005)Dourdan, France, vol. 1, pp. 33-42 2005

Efficient Processing of Extra-grammatical Sentences: Comparing and Combining two approaches to Robust Stochastic Parsing
M Ailomaa, V Kadlec, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2005)pp. 81-88 2005
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Synonym Dictionary Improvement through Markov Clustering and Clustering Stability
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
Proc. of International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2005)pp. 106-113 2005
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Robust Stochastic Parsing: Comparing Two Approaches for Processing Extra-Grammatical Sentences
M Ailomaa, V Kadlec, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
Proceedings of the 15th NODALIDA conferenceJoensuu, Finland, pp. 1-7 2005
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Stimulating Preference Expression Using Suggestions
P Viappiani, B Faltings, V Schickel-Zuber, P Pu,
Mixed-Initiative Problem-Solving AssistantsArlington, VA, USA, vol. FSS07-05, pp. 128-133 2005
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Using the EDR large scale semantic dictionary: application to conceptual document indexing
M Rajman, P Andrews, M Almenta Pérez Mar del, F Seydoux,
Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, AMSDA 2005Brest, France, pp. 98-105 2005

Enforcing Truthful Strategies in Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springer Verlagvol. 3828, pp. 268-277 2005
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Systematic definition and assent to eContracts for Web Services
DP Clotet, V Pallotta, M Rajman,
CoAla 2005 Workshop on Contract Architectures and LanguagesEnschede, The Netherlands 2005
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Reputation-based Service Level Agreements for Web Services
R Jurca, B Faltings,
vol. 3826, pp. 396-409 2005
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Random Subset Optimization
B Faltings, QH Nguyen,
Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction LSCS-05Barcelona, pp. 32-45 2005
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Randomization for Multi-agent Constraint Optimization
QH Nguyen, B Faltings,
Proceedings of CP2005Sitges, Spain, pp. 864-864 2005
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Heterogeneous Attribute Utility Model: A new approach for
SZ Vincent, B Faltings,
WebKDD 2005pp. 80-91 2005
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Concept Expansion Using semantic Fisheye Views
Janecek PP,
ICADL 2005pp. 273-282 2005
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Finding instabilities in the community structure of complex networks
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
Physical Review Evol. 72, pp. 056135 2005
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A Framework for Rapid Multimodal Application Design
P Cenek, M Melichar, M Rajman,
SpringerKarlovy Vary, Czech Republic, vol. 3658, pp. 393-403 2005
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Introducing reset patterns: An extension to a Rapid Dialogue Prototyping Methodology
S Quarteroni, M Rajman, M Melichar,
The IEE International Workshop on Intelligent EnvironmentsUniversity of Essex, Colchester, UK 2005
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Rapid Multimodal Dialogue Design: Application in a Multimodal Meeting Retrieval and Browsing System
M Melichar, A Lisowska, S Armstrong, M Rajman,
Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (MLMI’05)Edinburgh, UK 2005
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A Portable and Customizable Profiling Framework for Java Based on Bytecode Instruction Counting
Binder W,
The Third Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2005)Tsukuba, Japan, vol. 3780, pp. 178-194 2005

Portable Profiling of Memory Allocation in Java
Binder W,
Net.ObjectDays 2005 (NODe 2005)Erfurt, Germany, vol. P-69, pp. 110-128 2005

Optimal Workflow Execution in Grid Environments
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings, N Heterd,
2nd International Conference on Grid Service Engineering and Management (GSEM 2005)Erfurt, Germany, vol. P-69, pp. 276-295 2005

Directory Support for Large-Scale, Automated Service Composition
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Software CompositionEdinburgh, UK, vol. 3628, pp. 57-66 2005

Java Bytecode Transformations for Efficient, Portable CPU Accounting
W Binder, J Hulaas,
First Workshop on Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation (Bytecode 2005)Edinburgh, UK, vol. 141, pp. 53-73 2005

Using Bytecode Instruction Counting as Portable CPU Consumption Metric
W Binder, J Hulaas,
3rd Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (QAPL 2005)Edinburgh, UK 2005

Combining Text Mining and Information Retrieval Techniques for Enhanced Access to Statistical Data on the Web: A preliminary report
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Springer Verlagvol. 185/2005, pp. 213-222 2005
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Evaluating a System for Enhanced Access to Statistical Data on the Web: The StatSearch Evaluation Experiments
M Vesely, M Rajman, IM Boynton, B Fridlund, A Fyhrlund, L Peter, B Sundgren, H Thelander, M Wanerskar,
Proceedings og the 3rd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI2005)Las Vegas, USA 2005

Combining Text Mining and Information Retrieval Techniques for Enhanced Access to Statistical Data on the Web
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Proceedings og the 3rd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI2005)Las Vegas, USA 2005

Portable, Efficient, and Accurate Sampling Profiling for Java-Based Middleware
Binder W,
Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware (SEM 2005)Lisbon, Portugal 2005

Using Highly Discriminative Keys for Indexing in a Peer-to-Peer Full Text Retrieval System
T Luu, F Klemm, M Rajman, K Aberer,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Building a peer-to-peer full-text Web search engine with highly discriminative keys
K Aberer, F Klemm, T Luu, I Podnar, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction
C Jermann, A Neumaier, Deds Sam-Haroud,
Springer 2005
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A Budget-balanced, Incentive-compatible Scheme for Social Choice
Faltings B,
Springervol. 3435, pp. 30-43 2005
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Publications in 2004 :

Clustering for Disconnected Solution Sets of Numerical CSPs
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Recent Advances in Constraints: Joint ERCIM/CoLogNET International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2003, Budapest, Hungary, June 30 – July 2, 2003. Selected Papevol. LNAI 3010, pp. 25-43 2004
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Rapid Dialogue Prototyping Methodology
TH Bui, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Context-aware Mobile Assistants for Optimal Interaction: a Prototype for Supporting the Business Traveler
M Torrens, P Hertzog,
International Conference on Intelligent User InterfacesIsland of Madeira, Portugal, pp. 256-258 2004
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Designing Example-critiquing Interaction
B Faltings, P Pu, M Torrens, P Viappiani,
International Conference on Intelligent User InterfacesMadeira, Portugal, pp. 22-29 2004
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A Value Ordering Heuristic for Local Search in Distributed Resource Allocation
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Springer Verlag, pp. 86-97 2004
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Speech recognition simulation and its application for Wizard-of-Oz experiments
M Rajman, A Rozenknop, A Trutnev,
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004)Lisbon, Portugal 2004
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The Wall Street Journal experiment (and useful programs)
Rozenknop A,
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Applying interchangeability techniques to the distributed breakout algorithm
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IOS Press 2004
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Large scale testbed for type compatible service composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
ICAPS 04 workshop on planning and scheduling for web and grid servicesWhistler, Canada 2004
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Directory Services for Incremental Service Integration
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS 2004)Heraklion, Greece, vol. 3053, pp. 254-268 2004
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Type based service composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
Poster at International World Wide Web ConferenceNew York, USA, pp. 268-269 2004
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A Generic Scheme for Combining Multiple Inclusion Representations in Numerical Constraint Propagation
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Large scale, type-compatible service composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004)San Diego, USA, pp. 506-513 2004
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“CONFESS”. An Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanism for the Online Hotel Booking Industry
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on E-CommerceSan Diego, CA, USA, pp. 205-212 2004
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Truthful Reputation Information in Electronic Markets without Independent Verification
R Jurca, B Faltings, 2004
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Using Directed Acyclic Graphs to Coordinate Propagation and Search for Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems
XH Vu, H Schichl, D Sam-Haroud,
Lausanne, Switzerland 2004
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Rapid Dialogue Prototyping Methodology
TH Bui, M Rajman, M Melichar,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin HeidelbergBrno, Czech Republic, vol. 3206, pp. 579-586 2004
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ARCHIVUS: A System for Accessing the Content of Recorded Multimodal Meetings
A Lisowska, M Rajman, TH Bui,
In Procedings of the JOINT AMI/PASCAL/IM2/M4 Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms, Bourlard H. & Bengio S., eds. (2004), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.Martigny, Switzerland 2004
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Portable CPU Accounting in Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
10th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object SystemsOslo, Norway 2004

Reducing the Overhead of Portable CPU Accounting in Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
10th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object SystemsOslo, Norway 2004

An Extensible Directory Service for Efficient Service Integration
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
10th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object SystemsOslo, Norway 2004

Self-Accounting as Principle for Portable CPU Control in Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World (Net.ObjectDays’2004)Erfurt, Germany 2004

Program Transformations for Portable CPU Accounting and Control in Java
J Hulaas, W Binder,
ACM SIGPLAN 2004 Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM’04)Verona, Italy 2004
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Automated Generation of Finalized Dialogue Based Interfaces
M Rajman, TH Bui, D Portabella,
Swiss Computer Science Conference – SCSC04: Multimodal TechnologiesBern, Switzerland 2004

Enhancing Java Grid Computing Security with Resource Control
J Hulaas, W Binder, GD Serugendo,
International Conference on Grid Services Engineering and Management (GSEM 2004)Erfurt, Germany 2004
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Eliciting Truthful Feedback for Binary Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web IntelligenceBeijing, China, pp. 214-220 2004
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A Directory for Web Service Integration Supporting Custom Query Pruning and Ranking
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 2004)Erfurt, Germany, pp. 87-101 2004

Assessing the usability of a dialogue management system designed in the framework of a rapid dialogue prototyping methodology
M Rajman, TH Bui, A Rajman, F Seydoux, A Trutnev, S Quarteroni,
ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA, the Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA): International Journal on Acoustics. Vol. 90, no. 6 pp. 1096-1111 (Nov. /Dec. 2004) – ISSN 1610-1928 S. Hirze 2004
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Type-based composition of information services in large scale environments
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
The 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI’04)Beijing, China 2004
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A Distributed, Complete Method for Multi-Agent Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
CP 2004 – Fifth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning (DCR2004)Toronto, Canada 2004
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Using Directed Acyclic Graphs to Coordinate Propagation and Search for Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems
XH Vu, H Schichl, D Sam-Haroud,
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2004)Florida, USA, pp. 72-81 2004
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Combining Multiple Inclusion Representations in Numerical Constraint Propagation
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2004)Florida, USA, pp. 458-467 2004
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Solution Generation with Qualitative Models of Preferences
B Faltings, M Torrens, P Pu,
Computational Intelligencevol. 20, no. 2, pp. 246-263 2004
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Boosting HMMs with an application to speech recognition
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)vol. 5, pp. 621-624 2004
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A Budget-balanced, Incentive-compatible Scheme for Social Choice
Faltings B,
Agent-mediated E-commerce (AMEC) VI 2004
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Recent Advances in Constraints
B Faltings, A Petcu, F Fages, F Rossi,
Springer VerlagLausanne, Switzerland, vol. 3419 2004

Online Policy Adaptation for Ensemble Classifiers
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
12th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANNvol. 4 2004
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An Extensible Directory Enabling Efficient Semantic Web Service Integration
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC04)Hiroshima, Japan 2004
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Context-aware Mobile Assistants for Optimal Interaction: a prototype for supporting the business traveler
P Hertzog, M Torrens,
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-2004)pp. 256-258 2004
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Towards an Intelligent Mobile Travel Assistant
M Torrens, P Hertzog, P Pu, B Faltings,
19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC-2004) 2004
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Context-aware Computing for Business Traveler Care
P Hertzog, M Torrens, P Pu, B Faltings,
IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2004 2004
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Estimates of Parameter Distributions for Optimal Action Selection
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
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Efficiently Distributing Interactions between Composed Information Agents
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2004)Barcelona, Spain 2004
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A Multiagent System for the Reliable Execution of Automatically Composed Ad-hoc Processes
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings, K Haller, C Türker,
Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2004)Barcelona, Spain 2004
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Enhancing Java Grid Computing Security with Resource Control
J Hulaas, W Binder, GD Serugendo,
Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2004)Barcelona, Spain 2004
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A Portable CPU Management Framework for Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
IEEE Internet Computingvol. 8, no. 5, pp. 74-83 2004

Decision Tradeoff using Example-Critiquing and Constraint Programming
P Pu, B Faltings,
Constraintsvol. 9, no. 4, pp. 289-310 2004
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Heuristics for the Distributed Breakout Algorithm
Petcu A,
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP 2004Toronto, Canada, pp. 804 2004
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Dynamic Distributed backjumping
V Nguyen, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Joint Annual Workshop of ERCIM/CoLogNet on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming. 2004

Incentive-compatible Social Choice
Faltings B,
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE./ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencepp. 8-16 2004
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Comparative evaluations in the domain of automatic speech recognition
A Trutnev, M Rajman,
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004)Lisbon, Portugal 2004
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C++ par la pratique. Recueil d’exercices corrigés et aide-mémoire
JC Chappelier, F Seydoux,
Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) 2004

Discriminative Models of SCFG and STSG
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of 7th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2004)vol. 3206, pp. 187-194 2004
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Two approaches to Robust Stochastic Parsing
Ailomaa M,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Analysis of a Synonymy Network
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Tool for robust stochastic parsing using optimal maximum coverage
V Kadlec, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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A Dialogue-based Grounding mechanism and new Service Description Features for adapting Semantic (Web) Services to Personal Assistants
D Portabella, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control
S Moeller, J Krebber, A Raake, P Smeele, M Rajman, M Melichar, V Pallotta, G Tsakou, B Kladis, A Vovos, J Hoonhout, D Schuchardt, N Fakotakis, T Ganchev, I Potamitis,
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1603-1606 2004
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Turn on the lights: investigating the Inspire voice controlled smart home system
H Boland, J Hoonhout, C Schijndel van, J Krebber, M Melichar, D Schuchardt, H Baesekow, R Pegam, S Moeller, M Rajman, P Smeele,
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe ChapterDelft University, NL 2004

Wizard-of-Oz tests for a dialog system in smart homes
J Krebber, S Möller, R Pegam, U Jekosch, M Melichar, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the joint congress CFA/DAGAStrasbourg, France 2004
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Extending Standard Java Runtime Systems for Resource Management
W Binder, J Hulaas,
Software Engineering and MiddlewareLinz, Austria, vol. 3437, pp. 154-169 2004

Publications in 2003 :

Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Non-isolated Solutions
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, MC Silaghi,
Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: First International Workshop on Global Constraint Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, COCOS 2002vol. LNCS 2861, pp. 194-210 2003
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Solving Mixed and Conditional Constraint Satisfaction Problems
E Gelle, B Faltings,
Constraintsvol. 8, no. 2, pp. 107-141 2003
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On the Computation of Local Interchangeability in Soft Constraint Satisfaction Problems
N Neagu, S Bistarelli, B Faltings,
The 16th International FLAIRS ConferenceFlorida 2003
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Towards Incentive-Compatible Reputation Management
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg, vol. Lecture Notes in AI 2631, pp. 138-147 2003
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Applying interchangeability techniques to the distributed breakout algorithm
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Poster at the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-03Acapulco, Mexico 2003
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An Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanism
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on E-CommerceNewport Beach, CA, USA, pp. 285-292 2003
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Prototypage rapide et évaluation de modèles de dialogue finalisés
M Rajman, A Rajman, F Seydoux, A Trutnev,
Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)Batz-sur-Mer 2003
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Assessing the usability of a dialogue management system designed in the framework of a rapid dialogue prototyping methodology
M Rajman, A Rajman, F Seydoux, A Trutnev,
First ISCA Tutorial & Research Workshop on Auditory Quality of SystemsAkademie Mont-Cenis 2003
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Parsing DOP with Monte-Carlo Techniques
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
CSLI Publications, Stanford, USpp. 83-106 2003

Parsing N-Best Lists of Handwritten Sentences
M Zimmermann, JC Chappelier, H Bunke,
Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition — ICDAR2003Edinburgh 2003
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Gibbsian Tree Substitution Grammars
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proceedings of Formal Grammar 2003Vienna, Austria, pp. 137-148 2003
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Apprentissage discriminant pour les Grammaires à Substitution d’Arbres
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Actes de la 10$^mboxème$ conf’erence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2003)Batz-sur-Mer, vol. I, pp. 225-234 2003
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Incentive Compatible Open Constraint Optimization
Faltings B,
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Electronic Commercepp. 278-279 2003
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Incentive Compatible Open Constraint Optimization
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Proceedings of AAMAS 2003 2003
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Open Constraint Optimization
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-2003) 2003
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Incremental Breakout Algorithm With Variable Ordering
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
The 16th International FLAIRS ConferenceSt. Augustine, Florida, USA 2003
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Soft Interchangeability for Case Adaptation
N Neagu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2003)Trondheim, Norway, vol. LANI, pp. 347-362 2003
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Experimental Evaluation of Interchangeability in Soft CSPs
N Neagu, S Bistarelli, B Faltings,
Joint Annual ERCIM/CoLogNet Workshop on Constraint and Logic ProgrammingHungary 2003
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reality: a Scalable Intelligent Travel Planner. Decision Support for the Business Traveler
M Torrens, P Hertzog, L Samson, B Faltings,
The Eigthteenth ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC-2003)Melbourne, Florida, USA, pp. 623-630 2003
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User-Involved Preference Elicitation
P Pu, B Faltings, M Torrens,
Working Notes of the Workshop on Configuration. Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2003)Acapulco, Mexico 2003
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Making the Breakout Algorithm Complete Using Systematic Search
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2003)Acapulco, Mexico, pp. 1374-1375 2003
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A Multi-Agent System for Integrating a Large-Scale Project
C Eisenberg, B Faltings, L Leistam,
AAMAS 2003Melbourne, Australia 2003
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Hybrid Solving Scheme for Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
The Fourth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning at IJCAI 2003Acapulco, Mexico 2003
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Using the Breakout Algorithm to Identify Hard and Unsolvable Subproblems
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-2003), Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceKinsale, County Cork, Ireland 2003
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Using the Breakout Algorithm to Identify Hard and Unsolvable Subproblems
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2003
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Représentation vectorielle de connaissances sémantiques pour la recherche d information
R Besançon, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
HermesParis 2003

Algorithms for Identifying Rigid Subsystems in Geometric Constraint Systems
C Jermann, B Neveu, G Trombettoni,
18th International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-03pp. 233-238 2003
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Distributed Constraint Satisfaction For Coordinating And Integrating A Large-Scale, Heterogeneous Enterprise
Eisenberg C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2003
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Problem-solving in open environments
S Macho, B Faltings,
International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology 2003
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Efficient Matchmaking and Directory Services
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
The 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI’03)Halifax, Canada 2003
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Integrating Directories and Service Composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Poster at 2nd International Semantic Web Conference 2003 2003
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Benchmarking Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction Codes
O Shcherbina, A Neumaier, D Sam-Haroud, XH Vu, TV Nguyen,
Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: First International Workshop on Global Constraint Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, COCOS 2002vol. LNCS 2861, pp. 211-222 2003
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The Agentcities DAML-S Style Guide,
S Thompson, I Constantinescu,
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Deliverable 2.3: Agentcities Network Architecture
I Constantinescu, S Willmott, J Dale,
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Dialogue Management with weak speech recognition : a pragmatic approach
F Seydoux, A Trutnev, M Rajman,
ISCA workshop on Error handling in dialogue systemsChateau-d’Oex, Switzerland 2003
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Grammaires à Substitution d’Arbres Polynomiales et Discriminantes
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Traitement Automatique des Languesvol. 44, no. 3, pp. 141-165 2003
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Clustering the Search Tree for Numerical Constraints
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Notes of the Second International Workshop on Global Constrained Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, COCOS 2003Lausanne, Switzerland 2003
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Natural Language Queries on Natural Language Data: a Database of Meeting Dialogues
S Armstrong, A Clark, G Coray, M Georgescul, V Pallotta, A Popescu-Belis, D Portabella, M Rajman, M Starlander,
NLDB 2003 (8th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems)Burg/Cottbus, Germany 2003
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Publications in 2002 :

FAMING: supporting innovative design using adaptation – a description of the approach, implementation, illustrative example and evaluation
Faltings B,
Springer Verlag 2002
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Smart Clients: Constraint Satisfaction as a Paradigm for Scaleable Intelligent Information Systems
M Torrens, B Faltings, P Pu,
Special issue on Constraints and Agents. CONSTRAINTS: an Internation Journal. Kluwer Academic Publishersno. 7, pp. 49-69 2002
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Using Soft CSPs for Approximating Pareto-Optimal Solution Sets
M Torrens, B Faltings,
AAAI Workshop on Preferences in Constraint Satisfaction (Technical Report WS-02-13)pp. 99-106 2002
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A Definition of Interchangeability for Soft CSPs
S Bistarelli, B Faltings, N Neagu,
Ercim Workshop 2002
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Validation de la notion de similarité textuelle dans un cadre multilingue
R Besançon, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT)St Malo 2002
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Evaluation of a Vector Space similarity measure in a multilingual framework
R Besançon, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resource and Evaluation (LREC’2002)May 2002
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Filtrages syntaxiques de co-occurrences pour la représentation vectorielle de documents
R Besançon, M Rajman,
Actes de la 9ème conférence annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)Nancy 2002
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Intégration de connaissances syntaxiques et sémantiques dans les représentations vectorielles de textes
Besançon R,
Lausanne (Suisse) 2002
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Résolution de problèmes non-linéaires avec continuum de solutions
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, MC Silaghi,
Actes des Onzièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation Logique et Programmation par Contraintes (JFPLC’2002)France, vol. Programmation en logique avec, pp. 27-41 2002
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Approximation Techniques for Non-linear Problems with Continuum of Solutions
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, MC Silaghi,
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation, SARA 2002Canada, vol. LNAI 2371, pp. 224-241 2002
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Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Innovations using Statistical Analysis of Patents
M Rajman, V Peristera, JC Chappelier, F Seydoux, A Spinakis,
6th Int. Conf. on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT 2002)Saint-Malo, France, vol. 2, pp. 641-652 2002
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Polynomial Tree Substitution Grammars: Characterization and New Examples
JC Chappelier, M Rajman, A Rozenknop,
Proc. of 7th conference on Formal GrammarTrento, Italy, pp. 29-39 2002
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Grammaires à substitution d’arbre polynomiales : caractérisation et nouveaux exemples
JC Chappelier, M Rajman, A Rozenknop,
Proc. of 9ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2002)vol. Tome 1, pp. 359-364 2002
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Integrating Information Gathering and Problem-Solving in Open Environments
M Santiago, B Faltings,
Sixth International Workshop Cooperative Information Agents (CIA-2002) 2002
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Acquiring User Preferences for Personal Agents
P Viappiani, P Pu, B Faltings,
Personalized Agents – papers from 2002 AAAI Fall SymposiumCape Code, MA, pp. 53-59 2002
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Open Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2002pp. 356-370 2002
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Interchangeability in Soft CSPs
S Bistarelli, B Faltings, N Neagu,
the 8th International Conference in Constraint Programming (CP 2002)Ithaca, USA, vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Scie 2002

Une grammaire hors-contexte valuée pour l’analyse syntaxique
Rozenknop A,
9ème Conférence Annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues NaturellesNancy, vol. 1, pp. 95-104 2002
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Gibbsian Context-Free Grammar for Parsing
Rozenknop A,
Text, Speech and Dialogue (5th International Conference, TSD 2002)Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 49-56 2002
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Scalable Intelligent Electronic Catalogs
Torrens M,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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A Distributed Breakout Algorithm for Solving a Large-Scale Project Scheduling Problem
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning at the First Intl. Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsBlogna, Italy 2002
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A Multi-Agent System for Integrating a Large-Scale Project
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Workshop on Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints at the Fithteenth European Conference on Artificial IntelligenceLyon, France 2002
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Behavioural Description Formalisms for Service Integration – Survey and Comparation
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Enterprise Java Beans, Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Group Communication
I Constantinescu, S Willmott, M Calisti,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Abstract Behaviour Representation for Service Integration
I Constantinescu, S Willmott, B Faltings,
First International Workshop on Challenges in Open Agent Systems 2002
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Abstract Agents for Shared Instantiation in ABT
M Silaghi, I Constantinescu,
Third International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning 2002
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Intelligent Services Integration – Overview of Work at LIA-EPFL
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, S Willmott,
Intelligent Service Integration Workshop at AAAI Spring Symposium 2002
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The Agentcities Network Architecture
S Willmott, M Somacher, I Constantinescu, J Dale, S Poslad, D Bonnefoy, J Picault, JJ Tan,
First International Workshop on Challenges in Open Agent Systems 2002
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The Agentcities Network Architecture
S Willmott, M Somacher, I Constantinescu, J Dale, S Poslad, D Bonnefoy, J Picault, JJ Tan,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Efficient Matchmaking and Directory Services
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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An FPGA-based syntactic parser for large size real-life context-free grammars
Ciressan CR,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Personalized Navigation of Heterogeneous Product Spaces using SmartClient
P Pu, B Faltings,
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2002
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Publications in 2001 :

Exploiting Interchangeabilities for Case Adaptation
N Neagu, B Faltings,
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR’01)Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Scie 2001
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Algorithms for Solving Non-Linear Constrained and Optimization Problems: The State of The Art
C Bliek, P Spellucci, L Vincente, A Neumaier, L Granvilliers, E Monfroy, F Benhamou, E Huens, P Hentenryck van, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,

Localized Search by Interchangeability in Discrete Constraint Satisfaction Problems
N Neagu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems Engineering. Design and Implementation
Schumacher M,
Springer VerlagHeidelberg, Germany, vol. 2039 2001
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Constraint Satisfaction for Modelling Scalable Electronic Catalogs
M Torrens, B Faltings,
Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce; A European Perspective.pp. 214-228 2001
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Time in Connectionist Models
JC Chappelier, M Gori, A Grumbach,
Springerpp. 105-134 2001
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Search Techniques for Non-Linear Constraints with Inequalities
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 14th Canadian Conference on AI 2001
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Grammaire à substitution d’arbre de complexité polynomiale : un cadre efficace pour DOP
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Actes de la 8$^mboxème$ conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2001)vol. 1, pp. 133-142 2001
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Improving Text representations through Probabilistic Integration of Synonymy Relations
R Besançon, JC Chappelier, M Rajman, A Rozenknop,
Proceedings of the X$^mboxth$ International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA’2001)vol. 1, pp. 200-205 2001
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Intégration probabiliste de sens dans la représentation de textes
R Besançon, A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Actes de la 8$^mboxème$ conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2001)vol. 1, pp. 83-91 2001
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An FPGA-based syntactic parser for real-life almost unrestricted context-free grammars
C Ciressan, E Sanchez, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
11th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2001) 2001
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Integrating external dictionaries into stochastic part-of-speech taggers
JG Gil, JC Chappelier, MV Ferro,
Proc. of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2001) 2001
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Polynominal tree-substitution grammars: an efficient framework for Data-Oriented Parsing
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2001) 2001
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ABT with Asynchronous Reordering
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’2001) World Scientificpp. 54-63 2001
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Asynchronous Consistency Maintenance
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’2001) World Scientific 2001

Secure Asynchronous Search
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’2001) World Scientific 2001

Maintaining Consistency for ABT
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of CP’2001 2001

Parallel Proposals in Asynchronous Search
MC Silaghi, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Generalized English Auctions by Relaxation in Dynamic Distributed CSPs with Private Constraints
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, M Calisti, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’2001 workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoningpp. 45-54 2001
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Polynomial Space and Complete Multiply Asynchronous Search with Abstractions
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’2001 Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoningpp. 17-32 2001
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Asynchronous Consistency Maintenance with Reordering
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Hybridizing ABT and AWC into a polynomial space, complete protocol with reordering
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, R Weigel, XH Vu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Negotiation by Relaxation in Dynamic DisCSPs with Private Constraints
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, M Calisti, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001

Algorithme de décodage de treillis selon le critère du coût moyen pour la reconnaissance de la parole
A Rozenknop, MC Silaghi,
TALN 2001Tours, pp. 391-396 2001
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A Multi-Agent System for Planning Meetings
S Macho-Gonzalez, M Torrens, B Faltings,
Workshop Hispano-Luso de Agentes Fisicos (WAF’2001) 2001
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Multilingual Agents: Ontologies, Languages and Abstractions
S Willmott, I Constantinescu, M Calisti,
First International Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems, Autonomous Agents 2001, Montreal, Canadapp. 77-84 2001
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Agentcities Platform Interoperability Test Suite
D Bonnefoy, S Willmott, N Lhuillier, I Constantinescu, J Picault, Y Camenen,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Asynchronous Search for Numeric DisCSPs
MC Silaghi, S Sabau, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
LNCSvol. 2239, pp. 785 2001
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Multilingual Agents: Ontologies, Languages and Abstractions
S Willmott, I Constantinescu, M Calisti,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001

Polynomial Tree Substitution Grammars: an efficient framework for Data-Oriented Parsing
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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An FPGA-based syntactic parser for real-life unrestricted context-free grammars
C Cristian-Raul, S Eduardo, R Martin,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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May your Information Service Live in Interesting Times: Engineering Dynamic Service Environments
S Willmott, B Burg, P O’Brien,
Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS2001) 2001

Agentcities: A Worldwide Open Agent Network
S Willmott, J Dale, B Burg, P Charlton, P O’Brien,
Agentlink Newsvol. 8 2001

Coordination Structures for the Intelligent Control of Dynamic Distributed Systems
Willmott S,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Applying Adversarial Planning to Go
S Willmott, J Richardson, A Bundy, J Levine,
Journal of Theoretical Computer Sciencevol. B, no. 252, pp. 45-82 2001
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Open Standards and Open Source for Agent-Based Systems
B Burg, J Dale, S Willmott,
Agentlink Newsvol. 6 2001
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Publications in 2000 :

Structural Engineering Design Support by Constraint Satisfaction
E Gelle, B Faltings, IF Smith,
Artificial Intelligence in Design 2000pp. 311-331 2000
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Constraint Satisfaction Methods for Applications in Engineering
E Gelle, B Faltings, DE Clément, IF Smith,
Engineering with Computers, 16 (2000) 2pp. 81-95 2000
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The DSIR model: a Distributional Semantics approach to Information Retrieval
M Rajman, R Besançon, JC Chappelier,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000

Collaborative Design using Solution Spaces
Lottaz C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000
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Increasing understanding during collaboration through advanced representations
C Lottaz, R Stouffs, I Smith,
Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (http://www. itcon. org)vol. 5, pp. 1-24 2000
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Abstraction Techniques for Resource Allocation in Communication Networks
Frei C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000
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Abstraction and Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning Bandwidth Allocation
C Frei, B Faltings,
IEEE INFOCOM’2000Tel-Aviv, Israel 2000
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IconoNet: a tool for automated bandwidth allocation planning
C Frei, B Faltings,
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS’2000)Honolulu, Hawaii 2000
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Planning bandwidth allocation in communication networks
C Frei, B Faltings,
ICON Journal, Special Issue on Multimedia Network and Service Control 2000
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The Benefits of Environment Adaptive Organisations for Agent Coordination and Network Routing Problems
S Willmott, B Faltings,
The Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems (ICMAS-2000)Boston MA, USA., pp. TBD 2000

CCL: Expressions of Choice in Agent Communication
S Willmott, M Calisti, B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez, O Belakhdar, M Torrens,
The Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems (ICMAS-2000)Boston MA, USA 2000
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Integrating a Distributed and Heterogenous Organisation Using Constraint Programming
Eisenberg C,
Workshop on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction at the Sixth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2000)Singapore 2000
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An Agent Future for Network Control?
S Willmott, M Calisti,
Swiss Journal of Computer Science “Informatique”vol. 2000, no. 1, pp. 25-32 2000
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Using Topology for Spatial Reasoning
Faltings B,
Proceedings of the 2000 Symposium on AI and Mathematics 2000
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Enriching buyers’ experiences: the SmartClient approach
P Pu, B Faltings,
ACM Confernce on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)pp. 289-296 2000
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Designing and Implementing Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems
Schumacher M,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 2000
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An FPGA-based coprocessor for the parsing of context-free grammars
C Ciressan, E Sanchez, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
2000 IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines 2000
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Development of Acoustic and Linguistic Ressources for Research and Development in Interactive Vocal Information Servers
G Bernardis, H Bourlard, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
proc. of Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2000)Athens (Greece) 2000
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Monte-Carlo Sampling for NP-Hard Maximization Problems in the Framework of Weighted Parsing
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Springerpp. 106-117 2000
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Using Information Extraction to Classify Newspapers Advertisements
RA Peleato, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT 2000)Lausanne (Switzerland), pp. 309-316 2000
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Fractionnement Intelligent de domaine pour CSPs avec domaines ordonnes
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. RFIA2000Paris, vol. III, pp. 439-448 2000
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Distributed Asynchronous Search with Private Constraints
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of AA2000Barcelona, pp. 177-178 2000
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A new keyword spotting approach based on iterative dynamic programming
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
ICASSP2000Istanbul 2000
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Asynchronous Search with Aggregations
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
AAAI2000Austin 2000
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Visualization of Local Movements
R Boulic, MC Silaghi, D Thalmann,
Procs. of AMDO2000 2000
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Automated Information Extraction out of Classified Advertisements
RA Peleato, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
proc of 5th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB’2000)pp. 204-214 2000
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Constraints Extraction out of Airplane Fare Rules
M Malviya, JC Chappelier,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000
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Le modèle DSIR : une approche à base de sémantique distributionnelle pour la recherche documentaire
M Rajman, R Besançon, JC Chappelier,
Traitement automatique des languesvol. 41, no. 2, pp. 549-578 2000
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ISIS: Interaction through Speech with Information System
A Ballim, JC Chappelier, M Rajman, V Pallotta,
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Text, Speech and Dialogue—TSD 2000Brno (Czech Republic), vol. 1902, pp. 339-344 2000

Towards NLP-coprocessing: An FPGA implementation of a context-free parser
C Ciressan, M Rajman, E Sanchez, JC Chappelier,
7ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN 2000)Lausanne, Suisse, pp. 91-100 2000

Maintaining Hierachical Distributed Consistency
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the CP2000 Workshop on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction 2000
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A new optimization algorithm
MC Silaghi, V Berinde,

A Prosodic/Syntactic Model for Integrating Prosody in a Continuous Speech Recognition System
A Rozenknop, A Drygajlo,
Workshop “Prosody 2000: speech recognition and synthesis”Krakov, Pologne 2000
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A Multi-Agent Recommender System for Planning Meetings
S Macho-Gonzalez, M Torrens, B Faltings,
Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Workshop on Agent-based Recommender Systems (WARS2000) 2000
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Bandwidth Adaptive Hierarchies for On-Line ATM Quality of Service Routing
S Willmott, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Routing and Switching: joint IEEE ATM Workshop 2000 and 3rd International Conference on ATM 2000
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Using Adaptation and Organisational Knowledge to Coordinate Mobile Agents
S Willmott, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications (ASA2000) and Mobile Agents (MA2000) 2000
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Publications in 1999 :

Constraint Satisfaction for Case Adaptation
N N, B Faltings,
Adaptation Workshop of International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning 1999Munich, Germany 1999
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Constraint-Based Support for Collaboration in Design and Construction
C Lottaz, D Cl‰ment, B Faltings, I Smith,
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineeringvol. 13, no. 1 1999
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Rewriting Numeric CSPs for Consistency Algorithms
Lottaz C,
Short paper in Principles and Practice of Constraint ProgrammingWashington DC, USA, pp. 486-487 1999
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Bandwidth allocation heuristics in communication networks
C Frei, B Faltings,
1ˆres Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des T‰l‰communications, ALGOTEL’99Roscoff, France, pp. 53-58 1999
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Resource Allocation in Networks Using Abstraction and Constraint Satisfaction Techniques
C Frei, B Faltings,
Fifth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP’99)Alexandria, Virginia, USA, pp. 204-218 1999
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Bandwidth allocation planning in communication networks
C Frei, B Faltings,
Symposium on High Speed Networks, IEEE Globecom’99Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 1473-1477 1999
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Constraint Choice Language (CCL), Language Specification v2.01
S Willmott, B Faltings, M Calisti, S Macho-Gonzalez, O Belakhdar, M Torrens,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Active Organisations for Routing
S Willmott, B Faltings,
First International Working Conference on Active NetworksBerlin, Germany, pp. 262-273 1999
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Organisation and Co-ordination for On-line Routing in Communications Networks
S Willmott, C Frei, B Faltings, M Calisti,
Springer Verlag 1999

Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Information Networking, papers from the AAAI Workshop, Technical WS-99-03
AAAI Press 1999

SmartClients: Constraint satisfaction as a paradigm for scaleable intelligent information systems
M Torrens, B Faltings,
AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commercevol. Technical Report WS-99-01, pp. 10-15 1999
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Textual Similarities based on a Distributional Approach
R Besançon, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA99)Firenze (Italy), pp. 180-184 1999
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Lattice Parsing for Speech Recognition
JC Chappelier, M Rajman, R Aragüés, A Rozenknop,
Proc. of 6ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN99)Cargèse (France), pp. 95-104 1999
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Métriques et premiers résultats de l’évaluation GRACE des étiqueteurs morphosyntaxiques pour le français
G Adda, J Mariani, P Paroubek, M Rajman, J Lecomte,
Proc. of 6ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN99)Cargèse (France) 1999
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L’action GRACE d’évaluation de l’assignation des parties du discours pour le français
G Adda, J Mariani, P Paroubek, M Rajman, J Lecomte,
revue Languesvol. 2, no. 2, pp. 119-129 1999
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Stochastic Distributional Models for Textual Information Retrieval
M Rajman, R Besançon,
Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA-99)Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 80-85 1999
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Disambiguation Experiment for Spanish
JG Gil, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Using Syntactic Constraints in Natural Language Disambiguation
JG Gil, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Integration of syntactic constraints within a speech recognition system: Coupling a speech recognizer and a stochastic context-free parser
RA Peleato, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Rewriting Numeric CSPs for Consistency Algorithms
Lottaz C,
Workshop on Non-Binary Constraints at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)Stockholm, pp. E:1-E:13 1999
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Intelligent and Self-Managed Service-Driven Networks
Belakhdar O,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Negotiated ATM VPN Service Provisioning: A Multi-operators Based Framework
Belakhdar O,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Supporting Interworking among Network Providers using a Multi-agent Architecture
M Calisti, S Willmott, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications, NOC’99Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 215-222 1999

A Multi-Agent Paradigm for the Inter-domain Demand Allocation Process
M Calisti, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the tenth IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed System: Operations & Management, DSOM’99Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 76-88 1999

A Distributed Approach for QoS-based multi-domain routing
M Calisti, C Frei, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the AiDIN’99, AAAI-Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Information NetworkingOrlando, FL, USA, pp. 44-50 1999

Constraint Satisfaction for Case Adaptation
N Neagu, B Faltings,
Workshop on Case Adaptation of the International Conference on Case-based Reasoning, ICCBR’99Kaiserslautern, Germany, pp. III:34-41 1999
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Reinforcement Learning with Continuous Action Values
Dimitrakakis C,

Eine Modellierungssprache f’r ein wissensbasiertes System zur computerunterst’tzten Gesch„ftsfallbearbetung in Diensleistungsunternehmen
Margelisch A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

The STL++ Coordination Language: A Base for Implementing Distributed Multi-Agent Applications
M Schumacher, F Chantemargue, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION’99)vol. 1594, pp. 399-414 1999
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The STL++ Coordination Language: Application to Simulating the Automation of a Trading System
M Schumacher, F Chantemargue, O Krone, S Schubiger, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’99)pp. 292-299 1999
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INtegrating SPEech acoustic and linguistic Constraints: Baseline System Development
G Bernardis, H Bourlard, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Ways of Maintaining Arc Consistency in Search using the Cartesian Representation
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of ERCIM’99Paphos,Cyprus 1999
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Intelligent Domain Splitting for CSPs with Ordered Domains
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of CP’99pp. 488-489 1999
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Iterative Posterior-Based Keyword Spotting Without Filler Models
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
Proc. of ASRU’99Keystone, Colorado 1999

Search Techniques for CSPs with Ordered Domains
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Path Consistency for Triangulated Constraint Graphs
C Bliek, D Sam-Haroud,
Proc. of IJCAI’99 1999
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Iterative Posterior-Based Keyword Spotting Without Filler Models: Iterative Viterbi Decoding and One-Pass Approach
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
Martigny (Switzerland) 1999
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Posterior-Based Keyword Spotting Approaches Without Filler Models –Iterative Viterbi Decoding and One-Pass Approaches–
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Information Networking, papers from the AAAI Workshop, Technical WS-99-03
Willmott S,

Compiling Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 115, pp. 257-287 1999
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Publications in 1998 :

On the Generation of Locally Consistent Solution Spaces in Mixed Dynamic CSPs
Gelle E,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998
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Constraint Techniques for Collaborative Design
C Lottaz, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings, I Smith,
IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence ICTAITaipei, R.O.C., pp. 34-41 1998
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A Dynamic Hierarchy of Intelligent Agents for Network Management
C Frei, B Faltings,
2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Agents for Telecommunications Applications, IATA’98Paris, France, pp. 1-16 1998
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Distributing Problem Solving on the Web Using Constraint Technology
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’98)Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 42-49 1998
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Interchangeability for Case Adaptation in Configuration Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings, M Torrens,
AAAI Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning Integrations (AAAI-98)Madison, Wisconsin, USA, vol. Technical Report WS-98-15, pp. 166-171 1998
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Knowledge Management: A Text Mining Approach
R Feldman, M Fresko, H Hirsh, Y Aumann, O Liphstat, Y Schler, R Martin,
Proc. the 2nd Int. Conf. on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM98)Basel (Switzerland), pp. 9.1-9.10 1998
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Text Mining at the Term Level
R Feldman, M Fresko, Y Kinar, Y Lindell, O Liphstat, M Rajman, Y Schler, O Zamir,
Proc. of the 2nd European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD’98)Nantes (France) 1998
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Text Mining – Knowledge extraction from unstructured textual data
M Rajman, R Besançon,
Proc. of 6th Conference of International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS-98)Roma (Italy), pp. 473-480 1998
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A Practical Bottom-Up Algorithm for On-Line Parsing with Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998
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Extraction stochastique d’arbres d’analyse pour le modêle DOP
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of 5e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN 98)Paris (France), pp. 52-61 1998
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Linguistic Issues in GRACE (evaluation of Part-Of-Speech tagging for French)
J Lecomte, N Lucas, M Rajman,
Proc. of LREC’98 (1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)Granada (Spain) 1998
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The GRACE French Part-Of-Speech Tagging Evaluation Task
G Adda, J Mariani, J Lecomte, P Paroubek, M Rajman,
Proc. of LREC’98 (1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)Granada (Spain), pp. 433-441 1998
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A generalized CYK algorithm for parsing stochastic CFG
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of 1st Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD’98)Paris (France), pp. 133-137 1998
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Similarit‰s pour donn‰es textuelles
M Rajman, L Lebart,
Proc. of 4th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT’98)Nice (France), pp. 545-555 1998
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Constraint Solving and Preference Activation for Interactive Design
C Lottaz, R Stalker, I Smith,
Artifical Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturingvol. 12, no. 1, pp. 13-27 1998
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Stereotype-Based Defeasible Argumentation in Multi-agent Systems
Belakhdar O,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998

Product Configuration Frameworks-A Survey
D Sabin, R Weigel,
Journal of the IEEE Intelligent Systems & their applicationspp. 42-49 1998
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Interaction of a TMN-oriented Network Management Platform with a Network Planning Application
M Calisti, B Faltings,
European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC’98) -pp. 267-274 1998

Generalizing Dynamic and Partial Order Backtracking
Bliek C,
15th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI’98, Madison, Wisconsin, USApp. 319-325 1998

On Reformulation of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, C Bliek,
13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI98Brighton, UK, pp. 254-258 1998

Using Graph Decomposition for Solving Continuous (CSP)s
C Bliek, B Neveu, G Trombettoni,
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP98Pisa, Italy, pp. 102-116 1998

Solving Mechanical Configuration Problems Using Graph Decomposition and Continuous Domain (CSP) Solvers
C Bliek, P Spiess, G Trombettoni, B Faltings,
4th ILOG International Users MeetingParis, France 1998

Interchangeability for Case Adaptation in Configuration Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Multimodal Reasoningpp. 69-73 1998

Dynamic Abstractions and Reformulations in Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Weigel R,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998

STL: Un Modèle et Langage de Coordination pour les Systèmes Distribués
M Schumacher, O Krone, F Chantemargue, B Hirsbrunner,
Actes des Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme des Architectures et des Systèmes (RENPAR’10) 1998
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Autonomous Agents: from Concepts to Implementations
F Chantemargue, O Krone, M Schumacher, T Dagaeff, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceeding of the 14th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR ’98) 1998
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Coordinating Autonomous Entities
O Krone, F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’98), Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications 1998
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STL++: A Coordination Language for Autonomy-based Multi-Agent Systems
M Schumacher, F Chantemargue, K Oliver, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1998
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Coordinating Autonomous Entities with STL
O Krone, F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher,
The Applied Computing Review – Special issue on Coordination Models Languages and Applicationsvol. 6 (2), pp. 18-32 1998
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On NICAM Datacasting
C Ciressan, L Prodan,
2nd Int. Conf. on Technical Informatics 1998
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Local and Global Skeleton Fitting Techniques for Optical Motion Capture
MC Silaghi, R Plaenkers, R Boulic, P Fua, D Thalmann,
Modeling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environmentspp. 26-40 1998
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An Anatomic Human Body For Motion Capture
R Boulic, P Fua, L Herda, MC Silaghi, JS Monzani, L Nedel, D Thalmann,
Proc. EMMSEC 98Bordeaux 1998
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Publications in 1997 :

Intelligent Agents for Network Management
C Frei, B Faltings,
Working Notes of the Colloquium on AI for Network Management Systems 1997
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A dynamic hierarchy of intelligent agents for network management
C Frei, B Faltings,
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Distributed Information Networks, IJCAI’97Nagoya, Japan 1997
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Constraint-based Algorithms in Java: the JCL
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
Working Notes of the Swiss Workshop on Collaborative and Distributed SystemsLausanne, Switzerland 1997

Java Constraint Library: bringing constraints technology on the Internet using the Java language
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
Workshop on Constraints and Agents (AAAI97)Providence, Rhode Island, USA, vol. Technical Report WS-97-05 1997
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Java Constraint Library
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
Workshop on Constraint Reasoning on the Internet (CP-97)Linz, Austria 1997
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Text Mining: Natural Language techniques and Text Mining applications
M Rajman, R Besançon,
Proc. of the 7th IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Database Semantics (DS-7)Leysin (Switzerland) 1997
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Progress report on the GRACE evaluation program for French Part-Of-Speech taggers
J Mariani, J Lecomte, P Paroubek, M Rajman, G Adda,
Proc. of Speech and Language Technology (SALT) Club Workshop on Evaluation in Speech and Language TechnologySheffield (UK) 1997

Text Mining, knowledge extraction from unstructured textual data
Rajman M,
Proc. of EUROSTAT ConferenceFrancfort (Deutchland) 1997

Le Systˆme D-SIR et le projet Amaryllis
A Rungsawang, M Rajman,
Proc. of Atelier Amaryllis, 1ˆres Journ‰es Scientifiques et Techniques du r‰seau FRANCophone de l’Ing‰nierie de la Langue (FRANCIL) de AUPELF-UREFAvignon (France) 1997

Les proc‰dures de mesure automatique de l’action GRACE pour l’‰valuation des assignateurs de Parties du Discours pour le Fran‡ais
P Paroubek, G Adda, J Mariani, M Rajman,
Proc. of 1ères Journ‰es Scientifiques et Techniques du r‰seau FRANCophone de l’Ing‰nierie de la Langue (FRANCIL) de AUPELF-UREFAvignon (France) 1997

Ressources pour l’apprentissage, le d‰veloppement et l’‰valuation des systˆmes de dict‰e vocale en fran‡ais : corpus de texte, de parole et lexical
G Adda, M Calmˆs de, G P‰rennou, L Lamel, M Rajman, S Rosset, J Zeiliger,
Proc. of 1ères Journ‰es Scientifiques et Techniques du r‰seau FRANCophone de l’Ing‰nierie de la Langue (FRANCIL) de AUPELF-UREFAvignon (France) 1997

Verbatim analysis and usability in operational management
M Rajman, T Delbecque,
Proc. of 9th Conference on the Scientific Use of Statistical Software (SoftStat’97)Heidelberg 1997

Collaborative Design using Constraint Solving
C Lottaz, I Smith,
Swiss Workshop on Collaborative and Distributed SystemsLausanne (Switzerland) 1997
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Using Ontology-Sharing to Designing Automated Cooperation in Protocol-Driven Multi-Agent Systems
Belakhdar O,
Second International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology (PAAM’97)London, pp. 133-144 1997

Ontology-Sharing Based Approach to Design Cooperation Protocols for Collaborative Decision systems
Belakhdar O,
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing (special issue on Agent-Oriented and Knowledge-Oriented Approaches)vol. 8 1997

Modelling Approach and Tool for Designing Protocols for Automated Cooperation in Multiagent Systems
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
Springer Verlagpp. 100-115 1997

Conversation-Based Multi-Agent Architecture for Computer Supporting Collaborative Work
Belakhdar O,
Swiss Workshop on Collaborative Design 1997

Research at the Laboratoire d’Intelligence Artificielle, EPFL
Faltings B,
Revue d’Intelligence Artificiellevol. 11, no. 1, pp. 11-26 1997

DISA: A Distributed scheduler using abstractions
L Friha, P Berry, B Choueiry,
Revue d’Intelligence Artificiellevol. 11, no. 1, pp. 27-42 1997

Probabilistic Indexing for Case-Based Prediction
Faltings B,
Case-Based Reasoning – Research and Developmentvol. 1266, pp. 611-622 1997
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Case Reuse by Model-Based Interpretation
Faltings B,
Lawrence-Earlbaumpp. 39-60 1997
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Local Consistency for Ternary Numeric Constraints
B Faltings, E Gelle,
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceNagoya, Japan, pp. 392-400 1997
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Structuring Techniques for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceNagoya, Japan, pp. 418-423 1997

Constructing Problem-Specific Abstractions for Case Adaptation
Faltings B,
IJCAI-97, Workshop on Using Abstraction and Reformulation in Analogy 1997
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Using Topology for Spatial Reasoning
Faltings B,
IJCAI-97 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, 1997

Coordinating Autonomous Entities
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, O Krone, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1997
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Qualitative Models as Indices for Memory-Based Prediction
Faltings B,
IEEE Expert – Intelligent Systems and their Applicationsvol. 12, pp. 47-53 1997
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Publications in 1996 :

Creating design objects from cases for interactive spatial composition
I Smith, R Stalker, C Lottaz,
Artificial Intelligence in Design ’96pp. 97-116 1996

Constraint Solving, Preference Activation and Solution Adaptation in IDIOM
Lottaz C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996
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Protocol Sharing Oriented Cooperation: Ontologies based approach
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
Second International Conference of Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS96)Kyoto, pp. 16-27 1996

Meeting Scheduling: an Application for Protocols Driven Cooperation
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
First International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent TechnologyLondon, UK, pp. 25-44 1996

Impl‰mentation d’un systˆme multi-agent dans MASCOOF pour la restauration des circuits dans d’un r‰seau t‰l‰phonique aux ressources limit‰es
O Belakhdar, J Astor,
Chamb‰ry, France 1996

Les Protocoles de Coop‰ration dans les Systˆmes Multi-Agents : langage de sp‰cification, modˆle d’agent et cadre de d‰veloppement
Belakhdar O,
Chamb‰ry, France 1996

Modelling Approach and Tool for Designing Protocols for Automated Cooperation in Multiagent Systems
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligencepp. 100-115 1996

FAMING: supporting innovative mechanism shape design
B Faltings, K Sun,
Computer-Aided Designvol. 28, pp. 207-216 1996
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Dynamic constraint satisfaction with conflict management in design
E Gelle, IF Smith,
Over-Constrained Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1106, Springerpp. 237-251 1996
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Interactive Configuration using Constraint Satisfaction Techniques
E Gelle, R Weigel,
Second International Conference on Practical Application of Constraint Technology, PACT-96London, UK 1996
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Interactive Configuration using Constraint Satisfaction Techniques
E Gelle, R Weigel,
AAAI-Symposium on ConfigurationBoston,MA USA 1996
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CADRE : Case-based geometric design
K Hua, B Faltings, IF Smith,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineeringvol. 10, pp. 171-183 1996
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A Qualitative Model of Physical Fields
Lundell M,
Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Reasoning, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)Portland, USA 1996

A Qualitative Model of Physical Fields
Lundell M,
International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning about Physical SystemsLake Tahoe, USA 1996

Context in discrete Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings, B Choueiry,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)Wiley. UK, pp. 205-209 1996

Solving Non-Binary Convex CSPs in Continuous Domains
D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lecture notes in computer science 1118: Principles and practice of constraint programming – CP96 1996
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Consistency Techniques for Continuous Constraints
D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Constraintsvol. 1, no. 1&2, pp. 85-118 1996
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Multi-agent interaction in a complex virtual environment
G Schmitt, M Engeli, D Kurmann, B Faltings, S Monnier,
AI Communicationsvol. 9, pp. 74-78 1996
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Interactive design – time to bite the bullet
Smith IF,
Information Processing in Civil and Structural Engineering DesignEdinburgh, UK, pp. 23-30 1996

Augmenting design interaction and communication using IDIOM
Smith IF,
Construction on the information highway, CIB Proceedings 198, International Council for Building Research Studiespp. 467-478 1996

Support for spatial configuration tasks
Smith IF,
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering IIIpp. 1-8 1996

Implementation and Evaluation of a WWW multiple choice question server
H Warkentyne, IF Smith, E Forte,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1108pp. 228-235 1996

Qualitative Modelling and Simulation of Spatially Distributed Parameter Systems
Lundell M,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996

A Functional Model of Software and its Application in Troubleshooting, Design and Reuse
Liver B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996
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Model Based Supervisory Control using Empirical Knowledge
Sauthier E,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996
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Spatial Reasoning in Two Dimensions using Topology
Faltings B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996

The Design and Development of IDIOM-GUI, Graphical User Interface for Interactive Design using Intelligent Objects and Models
Stalker R,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996

Coopération Implicite et Antagonisme dans les Systèmes Multi-Agents
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1996

Coopération implicite et Performance
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Actes du 6ème colloque de l’Association pour la Recherche Cognitive (ARC) 1996

Implicit Cooperation and Antagonism in Multi-Agent Systems
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1996

Learning to Cope with an Open World
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM)vol. 10, pp. 143-145 1996
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FAMING: supporting innovative mechanism shape design
B Faltings, K Sun,
Computer-Aided Designvol. 28, pp. 207-216 1996
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Working group in model-based design and reasoning. Part II: design
Faltings B,
AI Communicationsvol. 9, pp. 65-73 1996
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Working group in model-based design and reasoning. Part I: modeling and diagnosis
Faltings B,
AI Communicationsvol. 9, pp. 59-64 1996
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Publications in 1995 :

Spatial composition using cases : IDIOM
I Smith, C Lottaz, B Faltings,
CBR Research and Developmentpp. 88-97 1995

Using Abstractions for Resource Allocation
B Choueiry, B Faltings,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automationpp. 1027-1033 1995

Abstraction by Interchangeability in Resource Allocation
B Choueiry, B Faltings, W Rainer,
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 1694-1701 1995

Case-based Modeling with Qualitative Indices
B Richards, B Faltings, P Duxburry-Smith,
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 1757-1763 1995
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Computer-aided Creative Mechanism Design (incl. Video)
B Faltings, K Sun,
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 2055-2056 1995

Topology-Based Spatial Reasoning
Faltings B,
KI-95pp. 99-100 1995

Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Using Algebraic Topology
Faltings B,
Spatial Information Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 988pp. 17-30 1995
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Resolving Conflicts as Knowledge Evolves
Smith I,
Product and Process Modelling in the Building IndustryRotterdam (The Netherlands), pp. 191-197 1995

Management of conflict for preliminary engineering design tasks
D Sam-Haroud, S Boulanger, E Gelle, I Smtih,
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturingvol. 9, pp. 313-323 1995

Case combination and adaptation of buildings spaces
I Smith, D Kurmann, G Schmitt,
Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCEpp. 155-162 1995

Taking Advantage of design process models
S Boulanger, E Gelle, I Smtih,
IABSE Report 72pp. 87-96 1995

Conflict managment in design
Smith I,
Special Issue of Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturingvol. 9 1995

A Qualitative Model of Gradient Flow in a Spatially Distributed Parameter
Lundell M,
International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning about Physical SystemsAmsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 131-138 1995
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Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction with Conflict Management in Design
E Gelle, I Smith,
CP95 Workshop on Over-Constrained SystemsCassis, France 1995
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Interactive Configuration Based on Incremental Constraint Satisfaction
E Gelle, R Weigel,
IFIP TC5/WG 5.2 Workshop Series Knowledge-Intensive CADHelsinki, Finland, pp. 117-126 1995
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Constraint Consistency Techniques for Continuous Domains
D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995

Computing Glue Device Implementations in ZD
Liver B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995

Formalizing Aspects of Design Patterns
Liver B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995

Constraint consistency techniques for continuous constraints
Haroud JS,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995
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Publications in 1994 :

Arc-consistency for continuous variables
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 65 1994
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Diagnosis of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems
E Gelle, B Faltings,
Proc. of SPICIS-94 , B309-314, Singapore 1994
Link, Cite

Assumptions and conflict resolution in preliminary engineering design
D Haroud, S Boulanger, IF Smith, E Gelle,
Workshop on Conflict Management in design, AIEDAM’94 1994

Global Consistency for Continuous Constraints
D Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of PPCP’94 1994
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Publications in 1993 :

Computer-aided Creative Mechanism Design
B Faltings, K Sun,
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 1451-1457 1993
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Imagery for Open-World Spatial Problems
B Faltings, P Pu,
Computational Intelligencevol. 9, no. 4 1993
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Exploring Case-Based Building Design-CADRE
K Hua, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM) 1993
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Publications in 1992 :

A Symbolic Approach to Qualitative Kinematics
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 56, no. 2 1992
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Domain Modeling for Monitoring Systems
J Primus, B Faltings,
10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1992
Link, Cite

Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction with Continuous Variables
B Faltings, D Haroud, IF Smith,
10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1992
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Mechanical Engineering is more than Differential Equations
Faltings B,
Computational Intelligencevol. 8, no. 2, pp. 319-322 1992
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Applying Means-Ends Analysis to Spatial Planning
B Faltings, P Pu,
AAAI Spring Symposium on Reasoning with Diagrammatic Representations 1992
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Model-based Traffic Control
B Faltings, E Sauthier,
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineeringvol. 7 1992
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Supporting Creativity in Symbolic Computation
Faltings B,
Second International Round-Table Conference on Computational Models of Creative Design 1992
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Publications in 1991 :

Qualitative Models in Conceptual Design: A Case Study
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligence in Design ’91 1991
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Applying Means-Ends Analysis to Spatial Planning
B Faltings, P Pu,
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systemspp. 80-85 1991
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Publications in 1990 :

Qualitative Kinematics in Mechanisms
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 44, no. 1, pp. 89-119 1990
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Publications in 2023 :

AI-driven Prices for Externalities and Sustainability in Production Markets
P Danassis, A. Filos-Ratsikas, H Chen, M Tambe, B Faltings
In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 2463-2465. 2023
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Incentive Mechanism Design for Responsible Data Governance: A Large-Scale Field Experiment
C Timko, M Niederstadt, N Goel, B Faltings
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality 15(2), pp. 1-18, 2023
Link, Cite

Game-theoretic mechanisms for eliciting accurate information
B Faltings
In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-23, pp. 6601-6609. 2023.
Link, Cite

Language Model Decoding as Likelihood-Utility Alignment
M Josifoski, M Peyrard, F Rajic, J Wei, P Debjit, V Hartmann, B Patra, V Chaudhary, E Kiciman, B Faltings, R West,
17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023)Dubrovnik, Croatia 2023
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Assistive Recipe Editing through Critiquing
D Antognini, S Li, B Faltings, J McAuley,
17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023)Dubrovnik, Croatia 2023
Link, Cite

A Practical Influence Approximation for Privacy-Preserving Data Filtering in Federated Learning
L Rokvic, P Danassis, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Publications in 2022 :

Positive and Negative Critiquing for VAE-based Recommenders
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Interlock-Free Multi-Aspect Rationalization for Text Classification
S Li, D Antognini, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

SLIM: Explicit Slot-Intent Mapping With Bert For Joint Multi-Intent Detection And Slot Filling
F Cai, W Zhou, F Mi, B Faltings,
IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech And Signal Processing (Icassp)pp. 7607-7611, ISBN: 978-1-6654-0540-9, ISSN: 1520-6149 2022

Generating Higher-Fidelity Synthetic Datasets with Privacy Guarantees
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Algorithmsvol. 15, no. 7, pp. 232, ISSN: 1999-4893 2022
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T-RECS: a Transformer-based Recommender Generating Textual Explanations and Integrating Unsupervised Language-based Critiquing
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,

Active Learning for Imbalanced Civil Infrastructure Data
T Frick, D Antognini, M Rigotti, I Giurgiu, B Grewe, A Malossi,
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Vision for Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (ECCV)Tel-Aviv, Israel 2022
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Textual Explanations and Critiques in Recommendation Systems
D Antognini,
Link, Cite

A Distributed Differentially Private Algorithm for Resource Allocation in Unboundedly Large Settings
P Danassis, A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC 2022
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Putting Ridesharing to the Test: Efficient and Scalable Solutions and the Power of Dynamic Vehicle Relocation
P Danassis, M Sakota, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligence ReviewISSN: 1573-7462 2022
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Exploiting Environmental Signals to Enable Policy Correlation in Large-scale Decentralized Systems
P Danassis, ZD Erden, B Faltings,
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systemsvol. 36, no. 1, pp. 13, ISSN: 1573-7454 2022
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Publications in 2021 :

Momentum-based Gradient Methods in Multi-Objective Recommendation
B Mitrevski, M Filipovic, E Lejal Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat, D Antognini,
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2955Amsterdam, Netherlands 2021
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Modeling Online Behavior in Recommender Systems: The Importance of Temporal Context
M Filipovic, B Mitrevski, D Antognini, E Lejal Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat,
Perspectives 2021 – Proceedings of the Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems Workshop 2021 2021
Link, Cite

Recommending Burgers based on Pizza Preferences: Addressing Data Sparsity with a Product of Experts
D Antognini, M Milenkoski, C Musat,
RecSys Workshop on Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender SystemsAmsterdam, Netherlands 2021
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Differentially Private Multi-Agent Constraint Optimization
S Damle, A Triastcyn, B Faltings, S Gujar,
WI-IAT ’21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencevol. 20 2021
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Blockchain-based Practical Multi-agent Secure Comparison and its Application in Auctions
S Damle, B Faltings, S Gujar,
WI-IAT ’21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencevol. 20 2021
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Towards Mobile Distributed Ledgers
D Chatzopoulos, A Jain, S Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2021
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Self-training Improves Pre-training for Few-shot Learning in Task-oriented Dialog Systems
F Mi, W Zhou, F Cai, L Kong, M Huang, B Faltings,
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processingpp. 1887-1898 2021
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Improving Multi-agent Coordination by Learning to Estimate Contention
P Danassis, F Wiedemair, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 125-131 2021
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Multi-Step Critiquing User Interface for Recommender Systems
D Petrescu, D Antognini, B Faltings,
Demo Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems Proceedings (RecSys 2021) 2021

Fast Multi-Step Critiquing for VAE-based Recommender Systems
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems Proceedings (RecSys 2021) 2021
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Addressing Fairness in Classification with a Model-Agnostic Multi-Objective Algorithm
K Padh, D Antognini, EL Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat,
Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2021) 2021
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Rationalization through Concepts
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Findings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Improved Cooperation by Exploiting a Common Signal
P Danassis, ZD Erden, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC, pp. 395–403, ISBN: 9781450383073 2021
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Interacting with Explanations through Critiquing
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Multi-Dimensional Explanation of Target Variables from Documents
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Orthos: A Trustworthy AI Framework for Data Acquisition
Gujar S,
Springervol. 12589, pp. 100-118 2021
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Publications in 2020 :

Multi-Gradient Descent for Multi-Objective Recommender Systems
N Milojkovic, D Antognini, G Bergamin, B Faltings, C Musat,
Link, Cite

Budget-Bounded Incentives for Federated Learning
AF Richardson A., B Faltings,
Springervol. 12500, pp. 176-188 2020
Link, Cite

ADER: Adaptively Distilled Exemplar Replay Towards Continual Learning for Session-based Recommendation
Fei Mi Xiaoyu Lin BF,
The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)pp. 408-413 2020
Link, Cite

Efficient Allocations in Constant Time: Towards Scalable Solutions in the Era of Large Scale Intelligent Systems
P Danassis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 2895-2896 2020
Link, Cite

Memory Augmented Neural Model for Incremental Session-based Recommendation
F Mi, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 2169-2176 2020
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Continual Learning for Natural Language Generation in Task-oriented Dialog Systems
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020pp. 3461–3474 2020
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Peer-Prediction in the Presence of Outcome Dependent Lying Incentives
N Goel, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 124-131 2020
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Infochain: A Decentralized, Trustless and Transparent Oracle on Blockchain
N Goel*, C Schreven* van, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 4604-4610 2020
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Tackling Peer-to-Peer Discrimination in the Sharing Economy
N Goel, M Rutagarama, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 2020)pp. 355-361 2020
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Generalized Class Incremental Learning
F Mi, L Kong, T Lin, K Yu, B Faltings,
CVPR2020 Continual Learning Workshoppp. 1897-1906 2020
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Federated Generative Privacy
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
IEEE Intelligent Systemsvol. 35, no. 4, pp. 50-57, ISSN: 1541-1672 2020
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HotelRec: a Novel Very Large-Scale Hotel Recommendation Dataset
D Antognini, B Faltings,
LREC 2020, Twelveth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluationpp. 4917-4923 2020
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GameWikiSum: a Novel Large Multi-Document Summarization Dataset
D Antognini, B Faltings,
LREC 2020, Twelveth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 2020
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Bayesian Differential Privacy for Machine Learning
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020 – Workshop on Interactive and Conversational Recommendation Systems (WICRS) 2020

Publications in 2019 :

Learning to Create Sentence Semantic Relation Graphs for Multi-Document Summarization
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization (EMNLP)Hong Kong 2019
Link, Cite

The Pareto Frontier of Inefficiency in Mechanism Design
YG Filos-Ratsikas Aris, P Lazos,
The 15th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE 2019).pp. 186-199 2019
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Federated Learning with Bayesian Differential Privacy
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)pp. 2587-2596, ISBN: 9781728108582 2019
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Learning to Create Sentence Semantic Relation Graphs for Multi-Document Summarization
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2019 – Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization 2019
Link, Cite

Eliciting High-Quality Data via Influence for Linear Regression
AF Richardson Adam, B Faltings,
The 1st International Workshop on Federated Machine Learning for User Privacy and Data Confidentiality (FML 2019) 2019
Link, Cite

Personalized Peer Truth Serum for Eliciting Multi-Attribute Personal Data
N Goel, B Faltings,
35th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Tel Aviv (UAI 2019) 2019
Link, Cite

Anytime Heuristic for Weighted Matching Through Altruism-Inspired Behavior
AF Danassis Panayiotis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 215-222 2019
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On the Computational Complexity of Blind Detection of Binary Linear Codes
A Balatsoukas-Stimming, A Filos-Ratsikas,
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2019
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The Complexity of Splitting Necklaces and Bisecting Ham Sandwiches
A Filos-Ratsikas, PW Goldberg,
The 51st Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2019) 2019
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Stable Fractional Matchings
PK Filos-Ratsikas Aris Caragiannis Ioannis, R Vaish,
The 20th ACM conference on Economics and Computation (ACM EC ’19) 2019
Link, Cite

Meta-Learning for Low-resource Natural Language Generation in Task-oriented Dialogue Systems
F Mi, M Huang, J Zhang, B Faltings,
The 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’19)pp. 3151-3157 2019
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A Truthful, Privacy-Preserving, Approximately Efficient Combinatorial Auction For Single-minded Bidders
S Damle, B Faltings, S Gujar,
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2019)pp. 1916-1918 2019
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Courtesy As a Means to Coordinate
Panayiotis Danassis BF,
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC, pp. 665-673, ISBN: 9781450363099 2019
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Generating Artificial Data for Private Deep Learning
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the PAL: Privacy-Enhancing Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies, AAAI Spring Symposium Seriespp. 33-40, ISSN: 1613-0073 2019
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Context-Tree Recommendation vs Matrix-Factorization: Algorithm Selection and Live Users Evaluation
BF Martin Stephane, V Schickel,
Proceedings of the 31st AAAI Conference on Innovative Applications of AIvol. 31 2019
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Deep Bayesian Trust : A Dominant and Fair Incentive Mechanism for Crowd
N Goel, B Faltings,
33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 2019

Crowdsourcing with Fairness, Diversity and Budget Constraints
N Goel, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics and Society (AIES) 2019 2019
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Walrasian Dynamics in Multi-unit Markets
S Branzei, A Filos-Ratsikas,
The 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’19) 2019
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Publications in 2018 :

Privacy Preserving and Cost Optimal Mobile Crowdsensing Using Smart Contracts on Blockchain
D Chatzopoulos, S Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
IEEE 15th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS)pp. 442-450, ISSN: 2155-6814 2018
Link, Cite

Hardness Results for Consensus-Halving
PW Frederiksen Stiil Kristoffer Soren Filos-Ratsikas Aris, J Zhang,
43rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2018)Dagstuhl, Germany, vol. 117, pp. 24:1-24:16, ISBN: 9783959770866 2018
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Enhancing Session-Based Recommendations through Sequential Modeling
BF Martin Stephane, V Schickel,
32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalizationvol. 32 2018
Link, Cite

Non-Discriminatory Machine Learning through Convex Fairness Criteria
N Goel, M Yaghini, B Faltings,
Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018 2018
Link, Cite

Partial Truthfulness in Minimal Peer Prediction Mechanisms with Limited Knowledge
Goran Radanovic BF,
Link, Cite

Information Gathering with Peers: Submodular Optimization with Peer-Prediction Constraints
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the AAAI 2018
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A Bayesian Approach to Intervention-Based Clustering
I Kulev, P Pu, B Faltings,
ACMNew York, NY, USA, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 44:1-44:23, ISSN: 2157-6904 2018
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Publications in 2017 :

Dataset Construction via Attention for Aspect Term Extraction with Distant Supervision
A Giannakopoulos, D Antognini, C Musat, A Hossmann, M Baeriswyl,
7th ICDM Workshop on Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction (SENTIRE) 2017
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Game Theory for Data Science: Eliciting Truthful Information
Radanovic BF,
Morgan & Claypool Publishersvol. 35, ISBN: 9781627057295 2017
Link, Cite

DUCT: An Upper Confidence Bound Approach to Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems
Brammert Ottens Christos Dimitrakakis BF,
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 69:1-69:27 2017
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Adaptive Sequential Recommendation for Discussion Forums on MOOCs using Context Trees
Fei Mi BF,
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 2017
Link, Cite

L’intelligence artificielle par la pratique
Boi Faltings MS,
PPURISBN: 9782889150755 2017

Auction Based Mechanisms for Dynamic Task Assignments in Expert Crowdsourcing
SP Gujar, B Faltings,
Springerpp. 50-65, ISBN: 9783319542294 2017
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Publications in 2016 :

Incentives for Effort in Crowdsourcing using the Peer Truth Serum
G Radanovic, B Faltings, R Jurca,
Acm Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technologyvol. 7, no. 4, pp. 48:1-28 2016
Link, Cite

LocalCoin: An ad-hoc payment scheme for areas with high connectivity: poster
D Chatzopoulos, SP Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
ACM MobiHoc 2016 2016
Link, Cite

Limiting the Influence of Low Quality Information in Community Sensing
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th AAMASpp. 873-881 2016
Link, Cite

Learning to Scale Payments in Crowdsourcing with PropeRBoost
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Fourth AAAI conference on Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP’16) 2016
Link, Cite

Mechanismen zur Beschaffung korrekter Daten
B Faltings, G Radanovic,
Informatik Spektrum 2016
Link, Cite

Online Auctions for Dynamic Assignment: Theory and Empirical Evaluation
SP Gujar, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligencevol. 22, pp. 1035-1043 2016
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Publications in 2015 :

Incentives for Subjective Evaluations with Private Beliefs
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’15) 2015
Link, Cite

Incentive Schemes for Participatory Sensing
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems (AAMAS’15) 2015
Link, Cite

An Optimal Bidimensional Multi-Armed Bandit Auction for Multi-unit Procurement
S Bhat, S Jain, S Gujar, Y Narahari,
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, May 4-8, 2015pp. 1789-1790 2015
Link, Cite

Dynamic Task Assignments: An Online Two Sided Matching Approach
S Guajr, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 3rd International workshop on Matching Under Preferences, MATCHUP 2015
Link, Cite

Auction Based Mechanisms for Dynamic Task Assignments in Expert Crowdsourcing
S Guajr, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the International workshop on Agent Mediated E-Commerce and Trading Agent Design and Analysis (AMEC/TADA’15) 2015
Link, Cite

RISC: Robust Infrastructure over Shared Computing Resources Through Dynamic Pricing and Incentivization
T Mukherjee, P Dutta, VG Hegde, S Gujar,
29th IEEE International Parallel &Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2015
Link, Cite

Personalizing Product Rankings Using Collaborative Filtering on Opinion-Derived Topic Profiles
CC Musat, B Faltings,
24th IJCAIpp. 830-836 2015
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Predicting Online Performance of News Recommender Systems Through Richer Evaluation Metrics
A Maksai, F Garcin, B Faltings,
ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (Recsys)no. 9, pp. 179-186 2015
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Incentivizing Truthful Responses with the Logarithmic Peer Truth Serum
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. 2015
Link, Cite

Publications in 2014 :

Symmetric Subgame-Perfect Equilibria in Resource Allocation
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 49, pp. 323-361 2014
Link, Cite

A mechanism to optimally balance cost and quality of labeling tasks outsourced to strategic agents
S Bhat, S Nath, S Gujar, O Zoeter, Y Narahari, C Dance,
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systemspp. 917-924 2014
Link, Cite

A quality assuring multi-armed bandit crowdsourcing mechanism with incentive compatible learning
S Jain, S Gujar, O Zoeter, Y Narahari,
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systemspp. 1609-1610 2014
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Acquiring Commonsense Knowledge for Sentiment Analysis Using Human Computation (Poster)
M Boia, CC Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide WebSeoul, Korea, pp. 225-226 2014
Link, Cite

EmotionWatch: Visualizing Fine-Grained Emotions in Event-Related Tweets
R Kempter, V Sintsova, C Musat, P Pu,
Link, Cite

Incentives for Truthful Information Elicitation of Continuous Signals
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’14)pp. 770-776 2014

Constructing Context-Aware Sentiment Lexicons with an Asynchronous Game with a Purpose
M Boia, CC Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Part IIvol. 8404, pp. 32-44, ISBN: 9783642549021 2014
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Acquiring Commonsense Knowledge for Sentiment Analysis through Human Computation_1
M Boia, CC Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial IntelligenceQuébec City, Canada, pp. 901-907 2014
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Swissnoise: Online Polls with Game-Theoretic Incentives
F Garcin, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Innovative Applications of AIpp. 2972-2977 2014
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Incentives to Counter Bias in Human Computation
B Faltings, P Pu, BD Tran, R Jurca,
Proceedings of HCOMP 2014pp. 59-66 2014
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C-Cloud: A Cost-Efficient Reliable Cloud of Surplus Computing Resources
P Dutta, T Mukherjee, VG Hegde, S Gujar,
Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2014 IEEE 7th International Conference onpp. 986-987 2014
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Offline and Online Evaluation of News Recommender Systems at
F Garcin, B Faltings, O Donatsch, A Alazzawi, C Bruttin, A Huber,
ACM Conference on Recommender Systemspp. 169-176 2014
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A Region-Based Model for Estimating Urban Air Pollution
A Jutzeler, JJ Li, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 28th conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)pp. 424-430 2014
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Incentive Mechanisms for Community Sensing
B Faltings, JJ Li, R Jurca,
IEEE Transaction on Computersvol. 63, no. 1, pp. 115-128 2014
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Publications in 2013 :

PEN recsys: a Personalized News Recommender Systems Framework (DEMO)
F Garcin, B Faltings,
7th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (Recsys) 2013
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PEN recsys: a Personalized News Recommender Systems Framework
F Garcin, B Faltings,
News Recommender Systems Workshop (NRS) 2013
Link, Cite

Using Incentives to Obtain Truthful Information
Faltings B,
Communications in Computer and Information Sciencevol. 271, pp. 3-10 2013
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Network Self-organization Explains the Statistics and Dynamcis of Synaptic Connection Strengths in Cortex
P Zhang, C Dimitrakakis, J Triesch,
PLoS Computational Biologyvol. 9, no. 1 2013
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Utility-driven Data Acquisition in Participatory Sensing
M Riahi, T Papaioannou, K Aberer, I Trummer,
16th Int. Conf. on Extending Database Technology 2013

On Selecting the Nonce Length in Distance-Bounding Protocols
A Mitrokotsa, P Peris-Lopez, C Dimitrakakis, S Vaudenay,
The Computer Journal 2013
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Linear Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
N Tziortziotis, C Dimitrakakis, K Blekas,
Proceedings of the 23rd international joint conference on artififical intelligence (IJCAI 2013) 2013
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ABC Reinforcement Learning
C Dimitrakakis, N Tziortziotis,
ICML 2013 2013
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Recommendation Using Textual Opinions
CC Musat, Y Liang, B Faltings,
23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 2684-2690 2013
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A Robust Bayesian Truth Serum for Non-binary Signals
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’13)pp. 833-839 2013
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Probabilistic inverse reinforcement learning in unkown environments
A Tossou, C Dimitrakakis,
UAI 2013 2013
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Decomposition and Tractability in Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
J Huang, JJ Li, J Renz,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 195, pp. 140-164 2013
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Cover Tree Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
N Tziortziotis, C Dimitrakakis, K Blekas,
Link, Cite

Robust, Secure and Private Bayesian Inference
C Dimitrakakis, B Nelson, A Mitrokotsa, B Rubinstein,
Link, Cite

Relational Learning with Hypergraphs
Pu L,
Link, Cite

Monte-Carlo utility estimates for Bayesian reinforcement learning
Dimitrakakis C,
IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013) 2013
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Understanding and Improving Relational Matrix Factorization in Recommender Systems
L Pu, B Faltings,
7th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (Recsys) 2013
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Protecting Privacy through Distributed Computation in Multi-agent Decision Making
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Researchvol. 47, pp. 649-695 2013
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Decentralized Anti-coordination Through Multi-agent Learning_1
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Researchvol. 47, pp. 441-473 2013
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A 🙂 Is Worth a Thousand Words: How People Attach Sentiment to Emoticons and Words in Tweets
M Boia, B Faltings, CC Musat, P Pu,
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Social ComputingWashington D.C., USA, pp. 345-350 2013
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Direct Negative Opinions in Online Discussions
CC Musat, B Faltings, P Roussille,
2013 International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2013) 2013
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A Model of Online Social Interactions based on Sentiment Analysis and Content Similarity
CC Musat, B Faltings, P Rousille,
The Academy of Science and Engineering Human Journal 2013
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A Novel Human Computation Game for Critique Aggregation
CC Musat, B Faltings,
AAAI 2013
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Fine-Grained Emotion Recognition in Olympic Tweets Based on Human Computation
V Sintsova, CC Musat, P Pu,
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media AnalysisAtlanta, Georgia, pp. 12-20 2013
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Personalized News Recommendation with Context Trees
F Garcin, C Dimitrakakis, B Faltings,
7th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (Recsys) 2013
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Publications in 2012 :

Sparse Reward Processes
Dimitrakakis C,
Link, Cite

Expected loss bounds for authentication in constrained channels
C Dimitrakakis, A Mitrokotsa, S Vaudenay,
INFOCOM 2012 2012
Link, Cite

The RADO approach to Quality-Driven Service Composition – Approximating the Pareto-Frontier in Polynomial Time
I Trummer, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Sensing the Air We Breathe – the OpenSense Zurich Dataset
JJ Li, B Faltings, O Saukh, D Hasenfratz, J Beutel,
AAAI 2012
Link, Cite

DUCT: An Upper Confidence Bound Approach to Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems
B Ottens, C Dimitrakakis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 26th conference of the AAAIpp. 528-533 2012
Link, Cite

Symmetric subgame perfect equilibria for resource allocation
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 26th national conference on Artificial intelligence (AAAI-12)Menlo Park, CA, USA, pp. 1326-1331 2012
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Global Optimization for Multiple Agents
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent SystemsValencia, Spain 2012
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Resource-based Planning with Timelines
D Banerjee, JJ Li,
ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Scheduling with Timelines (PSTL). 2012
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Incentive Schemes for Community Sensing
JJ Li, B Faltings,
The 3rd International Conference in Computational Sustainability 2012
Link, Cite

Intrusion Detection in MANET Using Classification Algorithms: The Effects of Cost and Model Selection
A Mitrokotsa, C Dimitrakakis,
Ad Hoc Networks 2012
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Hypergraph Learning with Hyperedge Expansion
L Pu, B Faltings,
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases(ECML-PKDD)pp. 410-425 2012
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Sentiment Analysis Using a Novel Human Computation Game
CC Musat, A Ghasemi, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on the People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources and their Applications to NLPJeju, Republic of Korea, pp. 1-9 2012
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Personalized News Recommendation Based on Collaborative Filtering
F Garcin, K Zhou, B Faltings, V Schickel,
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 2012
Link, Cite

Eliciting Truthful Measurements from a Community of Sensors
B Faltings, R Jurca, JJ Li,
3rd International Conference on the Internet of Thingspp. 51-18 2012
Link, Cite

On selecting the nonce length in distance-bounding protocols
A Mitrokotsa, P Peris-Lopez, C Dimitrakakis, S Vaudenay,
The Computer Journal 2012

A Method for Multi-Objective Quality-Driven Service Selection

Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning with Answer Set Programming
Li JJ,
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’12)ISBN: 9781479902279 2012
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Publications in 2011 :

Reaching Correlated Equilibria Through Multi-agent Learning
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 10th Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS 2011
Link, Cite

Coordinating Logistics Operations with Privacy Guarantees
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’11)Barcelona, Spain 2011
Link, Cite

Distributed Constraint Optimization under Stochastic Uncertainty
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’11)San Francisco, USA 2011
Link, Cite

Distributed Constraint Optimization: Privacy Guarantees and Stochastic Uncertainty
Léauté T,
Lausanne, Switzerland 2011
Link, Cite

Robust Bayesian reinforcement learning through tight lower bounds
Dimitrakakis C,
European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2011) 2011
Link, Cite

Bayesian Multitask Inverse Reinforcement Learning
C Dimitrakakis, CA Rothkopf,
European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2011) 2011
Link, Cite

Preference Elicitation and Inverse Reinforcement Learning
CA Rothkopf, C Dimitrakakis,
European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML 2011) 2011

Context models on sequences of covers
Dimitrakakis C,
Link, Cite

Network Self-organization Explains Distribution of Synaptic Efficacies in Neocortex
P Zheng, C Dimitrakakis, J Triesch,
Link, Cite

Optimizing the Tradeoff between Discovery, Composition, and Execution Cost in Service Composition
I Trummer, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2011) 2011
Link, Cite

Hypergraph Clustering for Better Network Traffic Inspection
L Pu, B Faltings,
The 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Security at IJCAIpp. 18-25 2011
Link, Cite

Dynamically Selecting Composition Algorithms for Economical Composition as a Service
I Trummer, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2011) 2011
Link, Cite

Expected loss analysis of thresholded authentication protocols in noisy conditions
C Dimitrakakis, A Mitrokotsa, S Vaudenay,
Link, Cite

Towards a Qualitative, Region-Based Model for Air Pollution Dispersion
JJ Li, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’11 Workshop on Space, Time and Ambient Intelligence (STAMI’11), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011

Incentives for Answering Hypothetical Questions
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Workshop on Social Computing and User Generated Content, EC-11 2011
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Tag Your Memory with Colors: Semi-automatic Recoloring on Interested Objects via Hypergraph Learning
Chappuis A,
Link, Cite

Asynchronous Forward Bounding (AFB): Implementation and Performance Experiments
alexandra Olteanu, T L’eaut’e, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Asynchronous Forward Bounding (AFB): Implementation and Performance Experiments
Á Olteanu, T Léauté, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Publications in 2010 :

Heuristics for Distributed Pseudo-tree Regeneration
J Helfer, T Léauté, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2010
Link, Cite

Reporting Incentives and Biases in Online Review Forums
R Jurca, F Garcin, A Talwar, B Faltings,
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB)vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1-27 2010
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Citation graph based ranking in Invenio
L Marian, JY Meur, M Rajman, M Vesely,
Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Digital Libraries 2010

Ensuring Privacy through Distributed Computation in Multiple-Depot Vehicle Routing Problems
T Léauté, B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ECAI’10 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Logistics (AILog’10)Lisbon, Portugal 2010
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Relational Network-Service Clustering Analysis with Set Evidences
L Pu, B Faltings, Q Yang, DH Hu,
the 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security 2010
Link, Cite

Efficient methods for near-optimal sequential decision making under uncertainty
Dimitrakakis C,
Springervol. 281, pp. 125-153 2010
Link, Cite

Reid et al.’s Distance Bounding Protocol and Mafia Fraud Attacks over Noisy Channels
A Mitrokotsa, C Dimitrakakis, P Peris-Lopez, JC Hernandez-Castro,
IEEE Communication Lettersvol. 14, no. 2, pp. 121-123 2010
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Context model inference for large or partially observable MDPs
Dimitrakakis C,
ICML workshop on reinforcement learning and search in very large spaces 2010

Bayesian Variable Order Markov Models
Dimitrakakis C,
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)Chia Laguna Resort, Sardinia, Italy, vol. 9, pp. 161-168 2010
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Variable order Markov decision processes: Exact Bayesian inference with an application to POMDPs
Dimitrakakis C,

Cost-Optimal Outsourcing of Applications into the Clouds
I Trummer, F Leymann, R Mietzner, W Binder,
Proceedings of the Second International IEEE Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom) 2010
Link, Cite

Relational Network-Service Clustering Analysis with Set Evidences
L Pu, B Faltings, Q Yang, DH Hu,
The 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security 2010
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Restarts and Nogood Recording in Qualitative Constraint-based Reasoning
M Westphal, S Wölfl, JJ Li,
ECAI 2010 – 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal, August 16-20, 2010pp. 1093-1094 2010
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In Defense of Large Qualitative Calculi
JJ Li, J Renz,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 11-15, 2010 2010
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Publications in 2009 :

Multiversion concurrency control for the generalized search tree
W Binder, A Mosincat, S Spycher, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 2009
Link, Cite

Rank Aggregation in Scientific Publication Databases Based on Logistic Regression
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2009
Link, Cite

FRODO 2: An Open-Source Framework for Distributed Constraint Optimization
T Léauté, B Ottens, R Szymanek,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’09 Distributed Constraint Reasoning Workshop (DCR’09)Pasadena, California, USA, pp. 160-164 2009
Link, Cite

E[DPOP]: Distributed Constraint Optimization under Stochastic Uncertainty using Collaborative Sampling
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’09 Distributed Constraint Reasoning Workshop (DCR’09)Pasadena, California, USA, pp. 87-101 2009
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Distributed Constraint Optimization with Structured Resource Constraints
A Kumar, B Faltings, A Petcu,
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS)pp. 923-930 2009
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Mechanisms for Making Crowds Truthful
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 34, pp. 209-253 2009
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Aggregating Reputation Feedback
F Garcin, B Faltings, R Jurca,
1st International Conference on Reputation (ICORE), pp. 62-74 2009
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Privacy-Preserving Multi-agent Constraint Satisfaction
T Léauté, B Faltings,
2009 IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT-09)pp. 17-25 2009
Link, Cite

Rating Aggregation in Collaborative Filtering Systems
F Garcin, B Faltings, R Jurca, N Joswig,
Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Recommender systems – RecSys ’09pp. 349-352 2009
Link, Cite

Coherence of Theories: Dependencies and Weights
JJ Li, R Kwok, N Foo,
Springer-VerlagBerlin, vol. 28, pp. 297-318 2009
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Statistical Decision Making for Authentication and Intrusion Detection
C Dimitrakakis, A Mitrokotsa,
Machine Learning and Applications, Fourth International Conference on (ICMLA’09)Miami, FL, USA, pp. 409-414, ISBN: 9780769539263 2009
Link, Cite

Complexity of stochastic branch and bound methods for belief tree search in Bayesian reinforcement learning
Dimitrakakis C,
2nd international conference on agents and artificial intelligence (ICAART 2010)Valencia, Spain, pp. 259-264 2009
Link, Cite

Bayesian Variable Order Markov Models: Towards Bayesian Predictive State Representations
Dimitrakakis C,

A Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Solving Interval Algebra Networks
JJ Li, J Huang, J Renz,
IJCAI 2009, Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pasadena, California, USA, July 11-17, 2009pp. 572-577 2009
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Evaluating Cases in Legal Disputes as Rival Theories
P Stenetorp, JJ Li,
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, JSAI-isAI 2009 Workshops, LENLS, JURISIN, KCSD, LLLL, Tokyo, Japan, November 19-20, 2009, Revised Selected Papersvol. 6284, pp. 59-72, ISBN: 9783642148873 2009
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Making Them Remember—Emotional Virtual Characters with Memory
Z Kasap, MB Moussa, P Chaudhuri, N Magnenat-Thalmann,
IEEE Computer Society PressLos Alamitos, CA, USA, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 20-29 2009
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Publications in 2008 :

M-DPOP: Faithful Distributed Implementation of Efficient Social Choice Problems
A Petcu, B Faltings, D Parkes,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 32, pp. 705-755 2008
Link, Cite

Perspectives for Rank Aggregation within Scientific Publication Databases
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008

H-DPOP: Using Hard Constraints to Prune the Search Space
A Kumar, A Petcu, B Faltings,
AAAI’08 – Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial IntelligenceChicago, IL, USA 2008
Link, Cite

Privacy Guarantees through Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, T Léauté, A Petcu,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
Link, Cite

Enhancing Numerical Constraint Propagation using Multiple Inclusion Representations
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (to appear) 2008

Interval Propagation and Search on Directed Acyclic Graphs for Numerical Constraint Solving
XH Vu, H Schichl, D Sam-Haroud,
Journal of Global Optimization (to appear) 2008

Truthful Opinions from the Crowds
R Jurca, B Faltings,
ACM SIGEcom Exchangesvol. 7, no. 2 2008
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Incentives for Expressing Opinions in Online Polls
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceeddings of the 2008 ACM Conference on Electronic Commercepp. 119-128 2008
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Preference-based search with adaptive recommendations
P Viappiani, P Pu, B Faltings,
AI Communicationsvol. 21, no. 2-3, pp. 155-175 2008
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Using Bibliographic Knowledge for Ranking in Scientific Publication Databases
M Vesely, M Rajman, JY Meur,
Knowledge-Based Software EngineeringNieuwe Hemweg 6B, 1013 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands, vol. 180, pp. 201-212 2008

Asynchronous Open DPOP
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning – AAMAS08Estorial Portugal 2008
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ASODPOP: Making Open DPOP Asynchronous
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Doctoral Programme of the 14th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP07Sydney Australia 2008
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Coordination Agent Plans Trough Distributed Constraint Optimization
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Multi Agent Planning Workshop MASPLAN08Sydney Australia 2008
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Comparing Winner Determination Algorithms for Mixed Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions (Short paper)
B Ottens, U Endriss,
Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS08Estorial Portugal 2008
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Managing Collaborative Feedback Information for Distributed Retrieval
P Felber, T Luu, M Rajman, E Riviere,
6th Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems for Information Retrieval (LSDS-IR at CIKM’08) 2008
Link, Cite

Scalable Content-based Ranking in P2P Information Retrieval
M Puh, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman,
12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES’08) 2008
Link, Cite

Query-Driven Indexing for Scalable Peer-to-Peer Text Retrieval
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
Future Generation Computer Systems 2008

Privacy Guarantees through Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, T Léauté, A Petcu,
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’08)Sydney, Australia, pp. 350-358 2008
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Results of the first phase of the d-Rank project
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
Link, Cite

Truck Task Scheduling using DPOP
M Bettex, B Ottens, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
Link, Cite

Efficient Data Structures for Decision Diagrams
N Ouaret, T Léauté, R Szymanek, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
Link, Cite

Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
C Dimitrakakis, MG Lagoudakis,
Machine Learningvol. 72, no. 3, pp. 157-171 2008
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Exploration in POMDPs
Dimitrakakis C,
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Artificial Intelligence Journalvol. 1, pp. 24-31 2008

Tree Exploration for Bayesian RL Exploration
Dimitrakakis C,
Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, International Conference onWien, Austria, pp. 1029-1034, ISBN: 9780769535142 2008
Link, Cite

Algorithms and Bounds for Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
C Dimitrakakis, MG Lagoudakis,
EWRLpp. 27-40 2008
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Cost-minimising strategies for data labelling: optimal stopping and active learning
C Dimitrakakis, C Savu-Krohn,
Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS 2008)Pisa, Italy, vol. 4932, pp. 96-111 2008

Automated Complexity Proofs for Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Calculi
J Renz, JJ Li,
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference, KR 2008, Sydney, Australia, September 16-19, 2008pp. 715-723, ISBN: 9781577353843 2008
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Combining binary constraint networks in qualitative reasoning
JJ Li, T Kowalski, J Renz, S Li,
ECAI 2008 – 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Patras, Greece, July 21-25, 2008vol. 178, pp. 515-519, ISBN: 9781586038915 2008

White matter hyperintensities in the forties: Their prevalence and topography in an epidemiological sample aged 44-48
W Wen, PS Sachdev, JJ Li, X Chen, KJ Anstey,
Human Brain Mappingvol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1155-1167 2008
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Publications in 2007 :

MB-DPOP: A New Memory-Bounded Algorithm for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07Hyderabad, India, pp. 1452-1457 2007
Link, Cite

PC-DPOP: A New Partial Centralization Algorithm for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings, R Mailler,
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07Hyderabad, India, pp. 167-172 2007
Link, Cite

OSS: A semantic Similarity Function based on Hierarchical Onotlogies
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07pp. 551-556 2007
Link, Cite

Federated Directories of Semantic Web Services
M Schumacher, T Pelt van, I Constantinescu, A Sousa e Oliveira de, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2007
Link, Cite

H-DPOP: Using Hard Constraints to Prune the Search Space
A Kumar, A Petcu, B Faltings,
IJCAI’07 – Distributed Constraint Reasoning workshop, DCR’07Hyderabad, India 2007
Link, Cite

Eighth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning (DCR’07)
Hyderabad, India, vol. 8 2007
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Aggregating ranking methods for information retrieval: an overview
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007

Scalable P2P Search Engine using Highly Discriminative Keys
I Podnar, M Rajman, T Luu, F Klemm, K Aberer,
23rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’2007)Istanbul, Turkey 2007
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Query-Driven Indexing for Peer-to-Peer Text Retrieval (Poster)
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW’2007)Banff, Canada 2007
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Reliable QoS Monitoring Based on Client Feedback
R Jurca, W Binder, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW07)Banff, Canada, pp. 1003-1011 2007
Link, Cite

Interval Analysis, Constraint Propagation and Applications
C Jermann, Y Lebbah, D Sam-Haroud,
ISTELondon, UK, pp. 223-259 2007

BB-M-DPOP: Budget-Balance in Social Choice based on Problem Structure
A Petcu, B Faltings, D Parkes, W Xue,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007

Collusion Resistant, Incentive Compatible Feedback Payments
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC’07)pp. 200-209 2007
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Understanding User Behavior in Online Feedback Reporting
A Talwar, R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC’07)pp. 134-142 2007
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Web Text Retrieval with a P2P Query-Driven Index
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR’2007)Amsterdam, Netherlands 2007
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Obtaining Reliable Feedback for Sanctioning Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 29, pp. 391-419 2007
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Query-Driven Indexing for Scalable Peer-to-Peer Text Retrieval
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
The Second International Conference on Scalable Information Systems (Infoscale’2007)Suzhou, China 2007

Preference-based search for Configurable Catalogs
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
AAAI 2007 Workshop on ConfigutationVancouver 2007
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User Requirement Analysis for Meeting Information Retrieval Based on Query Elicitation
V Pallotta, V Seretan, M Ailomaa,
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2007)Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 1008-1015 2007
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Archivus: A user performance analysis with speech, keyboard and mouse as interaction modalities
M Ailomaa, A Lisowska,
Link, Cite

Robust Incentive-Compatible Feedback Payments
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg, vol. LNAI 4452, pp. 204-218 2007
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Collective search of a single odour source using cooperation
A Herrmann, A Petcu, T Lochmatter, T Léauté, B Faltings,

Adaptive and Distributed Speed Limitation in a Simulation of the Swiss Highway Network
CF Rey, A Petcu, M Schumacher, T Léauté, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007

Conversational Recommenders with Adaptive Suggestions
P Viappiani, P Pu, B Faltings,
Recommender Systems 2007Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2007
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Governing Environments for Agent-based Traffic Simulations
M Schumacher, L Grangier, R Jurca,
Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V – 5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2007vol. 4696 2007
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Discovering Semantic Web Services in Federated Directories
M Schumacher, T Pelt van, I Constantinescu, A Sousa e Oliveira de, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’07) 2007

R-DPOP: Optimal Solution Stability in Continuous-Time Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IAT 2007 – International Conference on Intelligent Agent TechnologyFremont, CA, USA 2007
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LS-DPOP: A Hybrid of Inference and Local Search for Distributed Combinatorial Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IAT 2007 – International Conference on Intelligent Agent TechnologyFremont, CA, USA 2007
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Morpho-lexical Processing and Part-of-Speech Tagging
Chappelier JC,
EPFL Presspp. 145-175 2007

Syntactic Processing
M Rajman, JC Chappelier, A Rozenknop,
EPFL Presspp. 177-203 2007

Ontology Filtering
Schickel-Zuber V,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Incentive-compatible Online Opinion Polls
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Providing Cooperative Incentives through the Structure of Social Networks
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
Link, Cite

Reporting Incentives in Online Feedback Forums: The Influence of Effort
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Automated Design of Prediction Market Pricing Functions
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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A Class of Algorithms for Distributed Constraint Optimization
Petcu A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Automated Dynamic Maintenance of Composite Services Based on Service Reputation
D Bianculli, R Jurca, W Binder, C Ghezzi, B Faltings,
Fifth International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC-2007)vol. 4749, pp. 449-455 2007
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Intrusion Detection Using Cost-Sensitive Classification
A Mitrokotsa, C Dimitrakakis, C Douligeris,
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense (EC2ND’07)Heraklion, Greece, vol. 30, pp. 35-46 2007

Beliefbox: A framework for statistical methods in sequential decision making
Dimitrakakis C,

Publications in 2006 :

Design and Implementation of Preference-based Search
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
The 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems EngineeringWuhan, China, pp. 72-83 2006
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PC-DPOP: A New Partial Centralization Algorithm for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
ECAI’06 DCSP Workshop on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction ProblemsRiva del Garda, Italy 2006
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ALVIS Peers: A Scalable Full-text Peer-to-Peer Retrieval Engine
T Luu, F Klemm, I Podnar, M Rajman, K Aberer,
Workshop on Information Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer Networks P2P-IR at CIKM 2006 2006
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Using an Ontological A-priori Score To Infer User’s Preferences
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
In Workshop on Recommender Systems – ECAI06pp. 102-106 2006
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Proceedings of the European Conference on eHealth 2006
H Stormer, A Meier, M Schumacher,
GI-EditionGermany, vol. P-91 2006

Efficient Networking for Pervasive eHealth Applications
H Helin, T Pelt van, M Schumacher, A Syreeni,
Proceedings of the European Conference on EHealth (ECEH06)vol. P-91 2006
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Context-aware Service Coordination for Mobile e-Health Applications
F Bergenti, C Caceres, A Fernandez, N Fröhlich, H Helin, O Keller, A Kinnunen, M Klusch, H Laamanen, A Lopes, S Ossowski, H Schuldt, M Schumacher,
Proceedings of the European Conference on EHealth (ECEH06)Germany, vol. P-91 2006
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Explicit Passive Analysis in Electronic Catalogs
D Portabella-Clotet, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06). Member PosterMenlo Park, CA 2006
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A Study of User’s Online Decision Making Behavior
J Zhang, P Pu, P Viappiani,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Preference-based Search using Example-Critiquing with Suggestions
P Viappiani, B Faltings, P Pu,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 27, pp. 465-503 2006
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Revisiting Fisher Kernels for Document Similarities
M Nyffenegger, JC Chappelier, E Gaussier,
Machine Learning: ECML 2006 (Proc. of 17th European Conference on Machine Learning)vol. 4212/2006, pp. 727-734 2006

Random Subset Optimization
B Faltings, QH Nguyen,
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’06)pp. 88-92 2006
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A Multiagent System for the Reliable Execution of Automatically Composed Ad-hoc Processes
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings, K Haller, C Turker,
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systemsvol. 12, no. 2, pp. 219-237 2006
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Nearly optimal exploration-exploitation decision thresholds
Dimitrakakis C,
Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2006

Online statistical estimation for vehicle control
Dimitrakakis C,

Ensembles for Sequence Learning
Dimitrakakis C,

Offline Grammar-based Recognition of Handwritten Sentences
M Zimmermann, Chappelier, H Bunke,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligencevol. 28, no. 5, pp. 818-821 2006
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Secure Combinatorial Optimization simulating DFS tree-based Variable Elimination
MC Silaghi, B Faltings, A Petcu,
9th Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and MathematicsFt. Lauderdale, Florida, USA 2006
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Distributed Generator Maintenance Scheduling
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the First International ICSC Symposium on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN ENERGY SYSTEMS AND POWER: AIESP’06Madeira, Portugal 2006
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M-DPOP: Faithful Distributed Implementation of Efficient Social Choice Problems
A Petcu, B Faltings, D Parkes,
AAMAS’06 – Autonomous Agents and Multiagent SystemsHakodate, Japan, pp. 1397-1404 2006
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Distributed Constraint Programming
Faltings B,
Handbook of Constraint Programmingpp. 699-729 2006
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The Governing Environment
M Schumacher, S Ossowski,
Springer Verlagvol. 3830, pp. 88-104 2006
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FRODO: A FRamework for Open/Distributed constraint Optimization
Petcu A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Research on Environments in Multiagent Systems: Reflection on the State-of-the-Art
D Weyns, A Helleboogh, M Schumacher, T Holvoet,
Multiagent and Grid Systems 2006
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Increasing User Decision Accuracy using Suggestions
P Pu, P Viappiani, B Faltings,
ACM Conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI06)Montreal, Canada, pp. 121-130 2006
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Using CHI-Scores to Reward Honest Feedback from Repeated Interactions
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of AAMAS06Hakodate, Japan, pp. 1233-1240 2006
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Minimum Payments that Reward Honest Reputation Feedback
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic CommerceAnn Arbor, Michigan, USA, pp. 190-199 2006
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The Lookahead Principle for Preference Elicitation: Experimental Results
P Viappiani, B Faltings, P Pu,
Seventh International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS)Milan, Italy, pp. 378-389 2006
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Extending the Wizard of Oz Methodology for Language-enabled Multimodal Systems
M Rajman, M Ailomaa, A Lisowska, M Melichar, S Armstrong,
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)Genoa, Italy, pp. 2539-2543 2006
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Implementing Example-based Tools for Preference-based Search
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
The Sixth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 06)Menlo Park, California, USA, pp. 89-90 2006
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O-DPOP: An algorithm for Open/Distributed Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-06Boston, USA, pp. 703-708 2006
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Evaluating Preference-based Search Tools: a Tale of Two Approaches
P Viappiani, B Faltings, P Pu,
Proceedings of the Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06)Boston, MA, USA, pp. 205-211 2006
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Optimizing Streaming Applications with Self-Interested Users using M-DPOP
B Faltings, D Parkes, A Petcu, J Shneidman,
COMSOC’06: International Workshop on Computational Social ChoiceAmsterdam, The Netherlands 2006
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Recent Advances in Dynamic, Distributed Constraint Optimization
Petcu A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Overcoming Incomplete User Models in Recommendation Systems via an Ontology
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
Springer Berlin / Heidelbergvol. 4198, pp. 39-57 2006
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Inferring User’s Preferences using Ontologies
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06)pp. 1413-1416 2006
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Adaptive Suggestions for Example based Tools
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
ECAI 06 Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference HandlingRiva del Garda, Italy, pp. 134-140 2006
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Design and Implementation of Preference-based Search
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Branch-and-Prune Search Strategies for Numerical Constraint Solving
XH Vu, M Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Explicit Trade-off and Prospective Analysis in Eletronic Catalogs
DP Clotet, M Rajman,
Workshop on Recommender Systems. European Conference on Artificial IntelligenceRiva del Garda, Italy 2006
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From Vocal to Multimodal Dialogue Management
M Melichar, P Cenek, M Ailomaa, A Lisowska, M Rajman,
Eighth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI’06)Banff, Canada, pp. 59-67 2006
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A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Information Retrieval Across Digital Library Collections
I Podnar, T Luu, M Rajman, F Klemm, K Aberer,
European conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries (ECDL’2006) 2006
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Beyond term indexing: A P2P framework for Web information retrieval
I Podnar, M Rajman, T Luu, F Klemm, K Aberer,
Informatica, Special Issue on Specialised Web Searchvol. 30, no. 2 2006
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Archivus: A multimodal system for multimedia meeting browsing and retrieval
M Ailomaa, A Lisowska, M Melichar, S Armstrong, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Interactive Presentation SessionsSydney, Australia, pp. 49-52 2006
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Archivus: A multimodal system for multimedia meeting browsing and retrieval
P Cenek, M Melichar, A Lisowska, M Ailomaa, M Rajman,
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Publications in 2005 :

Solving Meeting Scheduling Problems Using Distributed Pseudotree-Optimization Procedure
Ushakov G,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Natural Language Techniques for Model-Driven Semantic Constraint Extraction
M Ailomaa, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Answering natural language queries on spoken dialogs in meeting discussions
Ghorbel, M Rajman,
Link, Cite

Online Policy Adaptation for Ensemble Classifiers
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
Neurocomputingvol. 64, pp. 211-221 2005

CONFESS: Eliciting Honest Feedback without Independent Verification Authorities
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springervol. 3435, pp. 59-72 2005
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Gradient-based estimates of return distributions
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
PASCAL workshop on principled methods of trading exploration and exploitation 2005

Boosting word error rates
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)vol. 5, pp. 501-504 2005

Gradient estimates of return
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,

Introduction: Special Issue on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, M Yokoo,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 161, pp. 1-5 2005
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Asynchronous Aggregation and Consistency in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
MC Silaghi, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 161, pp. 25-53 2005
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Rigorous Solution Techniques for Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Vu XH,
Switzerland 2005
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Agile Preference Models based on Soft Constraints
B Faltings, P Pu, J Zhang,
Challenges to Decision Support in a Changing World 2005
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DPOP: A Scalable Method for Multiagent Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IJCAI 05Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 266-271 2005
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Approximating Partial Interchangeability in CSP Solutions
N Neagu, B Faltings,
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Resource Allocation in Communication Networks Using Abstraction and Constraint Satisfaction
C Frei, B Faltings, M Hamdi,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communicationvol. 23, no. 2, pp. 304-320 2005
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Open Constraint Programming
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 161, no. 1-2, pp. 181-208 2005
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Efficient Integration of Automated Speech Recognition in the Framework of Dialogue-based Systems
Trutnev A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Optimally Distributing Interactions between Composed Semantic Web Services
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
Second European Semantic Web ConferenceHeraklion, Grece, vol. 3532, pp. 32-46 2005
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S-DPOP: Superstabilizing, Fault-containing Multiagent Combinatorial Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-05Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 449-454 2005
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Multi-agent Coordination using Local Search
B Faltings, QH Nguyen,
IJCAI 05Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 953-958 2005
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An Efficient Constraint Optimization Method for Large Multiagent Systems
A Petcu, B Faltings,
AAMAS 05 – LSMAS workshop (Large Scale Multi-Agent Systems)Utrecht, the Netherlands 2005
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Flexible and Efficient Matchmaking and Ranking in Service Directories
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005)Florida, USA, pp. 5-12 2005
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A-DPOP: Approximations in Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
poster in Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP 2005Sitges, Spain, pp. 802-806 2005
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A-DPOP: Approximations in Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
CP05 – workshop on Distributed and Speculative Constraint Processing, DSCPSitges, Spain 2005
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R-DPOP: Optimal Solution Stability in Continuous-Time Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IJCAI 2005 – DCR Workshop (Distributed Constraint Reasoning)Edinburgh, Scotland 2005
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Stimulating Preference Expression Using Suggestions
P Viappiani, B Faltings, V Schickel-Zuber, P Pu,
IJCAI-05 Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in PreferenceEdinburgh, UK, pp. 186-191 2005
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Eliminating Undesired Equilibrium Points from Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce (AMEC VII)Utrecht, The Netherlands 2005
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Eliminating Undesired Equilibrium Points from Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Reputation-based Pricing of P2P Services
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Wokshop on Economics of P2P SystemsPhiladelphia, USA 2005
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LS-DPOP: A Propagation/Local Search Hybrid for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
CP 2005- LSCS’05: Second International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint SatisfactionSitges, Spain 2005
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Selection and Ranking of Propositional Formulas for Large-Scale Service Directories
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2005)Pittsburgh, USA, pp. 1406-1411 2005
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Incentive Compatible Multiagent Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
LNCS 3828: WINE’05 – Workshop on Internet and Network EconomicsHong Kong, pp. 708-717 2005
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CASCOM: Context-Aware Service Co-ordination in Mobile P2P Environments
H Helin, M Klusch, A Lopez, A Fernandez, M Schumacher, H Schuldt, F Bergenti, A Kinnunen,
Proceedings of Third German Conference on Multiagent System Technologiesvol. 3550, pp. 242-243 2005
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Context-aware Business Application Service Co-ordination in Mobile Computing Environments
H Helin, M Klusch, A Lopez, A Fernandez, M Schumacher, H Schuldt, F Bergenti, A Kinnunen,
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Workshop on Ambient Intelligence – Agents for Ubiquitous Environments – AAMAS 2005 2005
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Environments for Multiagent Systems
D Weyns, M Schumacher, A Ricci, M Viroli, T Holvoet,
Knowledge Engineering Reviewvol. 20:2, pp. 127-141 2005
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Minimum Redundancy Cut in Ontologies for Semantic Indexing
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: Proc of the 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2005 (TeMA Workshop on Text Mining and Applications)Covilha, Portugal, vol. 3808 / 2005, pp. 658-668 2005
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Probing the robustness of the clustering
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS’05) 2005
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Semantic Indexing using Minimum Redundancy Cut in Ontologies
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2005)Borovets, Bulgaria, pp. 486-492 2005

TORCS, The Open Racing Car Simulator
E Espié, C Guionneau, B Wymann, C Dimitrakakis, R Coulom, A Sumner,
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Robust Stochastic Parsing using Optimal Maximum Coverage
V Kadlec, M Ailomaa, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2005)pp. 258-263 2005

Hypernyms Ontologies for Semantic Indexing
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Proc. of the Workshop on Methodologies and Evaluation of Lexical Cohesion Techniques in Real-world Applications (ELECTRA’2005), the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR ConferenceSalvador, Brazil, pp. 49-55 2005

Indexation sémantique au moyen de coupes de redondance minimale dans une onthologie
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Actes de la 12e conf. sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2005)Dourdan, France, vol. 1, pp. 33-42 2005

Efficient Processing of Extra-grammatical Sentences: Comparing and Combining two approaches to Robust Stochastic Parsing
M Ailomaa, V Kadlec, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2005)pp. 81-88 2005
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Synonym Dictionary Improvement through Markov Clustering and Clustering Stability
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
Proc. of International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2005)pp. 106-113 2005
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Robust Stochastic Parsing: Comparing Two Approaches for Processing Extra-Grammatical Sentences
M Ailomaa, V Kadlec, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
Proceedings of the 15th NODALIDA conferenceJoensuu, Finland, pp. 1-7 2005
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Stimulating Preference Expression Using Suggestions
P Viappiani, B Faltings, V Schickel-Zuber, P Pu,
Mixed-Initiative Problem-Solving AssistantsArlington, VA, USA, vol. FSS07-05, pp. 128-133 2005
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Using the EDR large scale semantic dictionary: application to conceptual document indexing
M Rajman, P Andrews, M Almenta Pérez Mar del, F Seydoux,
Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, AMSDA 2005Brest, France, pp. 98-105 2005

Enforcing Truthful Strategies in Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springer Verlagvol. 3828, pp. 268-277 2005
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Systematic definition and assent to eContracts for Web Services
DP Clotet, V Pallotta, M Rajman,
CoAla 2005 Workshop on Contract Architectures and LanguagesEnschede, The Netherlands 2005
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Reputation-based Service Level Agreements for Web Services
R Jurca, B Faltings,
vol. 3826, pp. 396-409 2005
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Random Subset Optimization
B Faltings, QH Nguyen,
Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction LSCS-05Barcelona, pp. 32-45 2005
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Randomization for Multi-agent Constraint Optimization
QH Nguyen, B Faltings,
Proceedings of CP2005Sitges, Spain, pp. 864-864 2005
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Heterogeneous Attribute Utility Model: A new approach for
SZ Vincent, B Faltings,
WebKDD 2005pp. 80-91 2005
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Concept Expansion Using semantic Fisheye Views
Janecek PP,
ICADL 2005pp. 273-282 2005
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Finding instabilities in the community structure of complex networks
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
Physical Review Evol. 72, pp. 056135 2005
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A Framework for Rapid Multimodal Application Design
P Cenek, M Melichar, M Rajman,
SpringerKarlovy Vary, Czech Republic, vol. 3658, pp. 393-403 2005
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Introducing reset patterns: An extension to a Rapid Dialogue Prototyping Methodology
S Quarteroni, M Rajman, M Melichar,
The IEE International Workshop on Intelligent EnvironmentsUniversity of Essex, Colchester, UK 2005
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Rapid Multimodal Dialogue Design: Application in a Multimodal Meeting Retrieval and Browsing System
M Melichar, A Lisowska, S Armstrong, M Rajman,
Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (MLMI’05)Edinburgh, UK 2005
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A Portable and Customizable Profiling Framework for Java Based on Bytecode Instruction Counting
Binder W,
The Third Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2005)Tsukuba, Japan, vol. 3780, pp. 178-194 2005

Portable Profiling of Memory Allocation in Java
Binder W,
Net.ObjectDays 2005 (NODe 2005)Erfurt, Germany, vol. P-69, pp. 110-128 2005

Optimal Workflow Execution in Grid Environments
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings, N Heterd,
2nd International Conference on Grid Service Engineering and Management (GSEM 2005)Erfurt, Germany, vol. P-69, pp. 276-295 2005

Directory Support for Large-Scale, Automated Service Composition
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Software CompositionEdinburgh, UK, vol. 3628, pp. 57-66 2005

Java Bytecode Transformations for Efficient, Portable CPU Accounting
W Binder, J Hulaas,
First Workshop on Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation (Bytecode 2005)Edinburgh, UK, vol. 141, pp. 53-73 2005

Using Bytecode Instruction Counting as Portable CPU Consumption Metric
W Binder, J Hulaas,
3rd Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (QAPL 2005)Edinburgh, UK 2005

Combining Text Mining and Information Retrieval Techniques for Enhanced Access to Statistical Data on the Web: A preliminary report
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Springer Verlagvol. 185/2005, pp. 213-222 2005
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Evaluating a System for Enhanced Access to Statistical Data on the Web: The StatSearch Evaluation Experiments
M Vesely, M Rajman, IM Boynton, B Fridlund, A Fyhrlund, L Peter, B Sundgren, H Thelander, M Wanerskar,
Proceedings og the 3rd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI2005)Las Vegas, USA 2005

Combining Text Mining and Information Retrieval Techniques for Enhanced Access to Statistical Data on the Web
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Proceedings og the 3rd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI2005)Las Vegas, USA 2005

Portable, Efficient, and Accurate Sampling Profiling for Java-Based Middleware
Binder W,
Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware (SEM 2005)Lisbon, Portugal 2005

Using Highly Discriminative Keys for Indexing in a Peer-to-Peer Full Text Retrieval System
T Luu, F Klemm, M Rajman, K Aberer,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Building a peer-to-peer full-text Web search engine with highly discriminative keys
K Aberer, F Klemm, T Luu, I Podnar, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction
C Jermann, A Neumaier, Deds Sam-Haroud,
Springer 2005
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A Budget-balanced, Incentive-compatible Scheme for Social Choice
Faltings B,
Springervol. 3435, pp. 30-43 2005
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Publications in 2004 :

Clustering for Disconnected Solution Sets of Numerical CSPs
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Recent Advances in Constraints: Joint ERCIM/CoLogNET International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2003, Budapest, Hungary, June 30 – July 2, 2003. Selected Papevol. LNAI 3010, pp. 25-43 2004
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Rapid Dialogue Prototyping Methodology
TH Bui, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Context-aware Mobile Assistants for Optimal Interaction: a Prototype for Supporting the Business Traveler
M Torrens, P Hertzog,
International Conference on Intelligent User InterfacesIsland of Madeira, Portugal, pp. 256-258 2004
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Designing Example-critiquing Interaction
B Faltings, P Pu, M Torrens, P Viappiani,
International Conference on Intelligent User InterfacesMadeira, Portugal, pp. 22-29 2004
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A Value Ordering Heuristic for Local Search in Distributed Resource Allocation
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Springer Verlag, pp. 86-97 2004
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Speech recognition simulation and its application for Wizard-of-Oz experiments
M Rajman, A Rozenknop, A Trutnev,
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004)Lisbon, Portugal 2004
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The Wall Street Journal experiment (and useful programs)
Rozenknop A,
Link, Cite

Applying interchangeability techniques to the distributed breakout algorithm
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IOS Press 2004
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Large scale testbed for type compatible service composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
ICAPS 04 workshop on planning and scheduling for web and grid servicesWhistler, Canada 2004
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Directory Services for Incremental Service Integration
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS 2004)Heraklion, Greece, vol. 3053, pp. 254-268 2004
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Type based service composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
Poster at International World Wide Web ConferenceNew York, USA, pp. 268-269 2004
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A Generic Scheme for Combining Multiple Inclusion Representations in Numerical Constraint Propagation
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Large scale, type-compatible service composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004)San Diego, USA, pp. 506-513 2004
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“CONFESS”. An Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanism for the Online Hotel Booking Industry
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on E-CommerceSan Diego, CA, USA, pp. 205-212 2004
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Truthful Reputation Information in Electronic Markets without Independent Verification
R Jurca, B Faltings, 2004
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Using Directed Acyclic Graphs to Coordinate Propagation and Search for Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems
XH Vu, H Schichl, D Sam-Haroud,
Lausanne, Switzerland 2004
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Rapid Dialogue Prototyping Methodology
TH Bui, M Rajman, M Melichar,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin HeidelbergBrno, Czech Republic, vol. 3206, pp. 579-586 2004
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ARCHIVUS: A System for Accessing the Content of Recorded Multimodal Meetings
A Lisowska, M Rajman, TH Bui,
In Procedings of the JOINT AMI/PASCAL/IM2/M4 Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms, Bourlard H. & Bengio S., eds. (2004), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.Martigny, Switzerland 2004
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Portable CPU Accounting in Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
10th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object SystemsOslo, Norway 2004

Reducing the Overhead of Portable CPU Accounting in Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
10th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object SystemsOslo, Norway 2004

An Extensible Directory Service for Efficient Service Integration
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
10th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object SystemsOslo, Norway 2004

Self-Accounting as Principle for Portable CPU Control in Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World (Net.ObjectDays’2004)Erfurt, Germany 2004

Program Transformations for Portable CPU Accounting and Control in Java
J Hulaas, W Binder,
ACM SIGPLAN 2004 Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM’04)Verona, Italy 2004
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Automated Generation of Finalized Dialogue Based Interfaces
M Rajman, TH Bui, D Portabella,
Swiss Computer Science Conference – SCSC04: Multimodal TechnologiesBern, Switzerland 2004

Enhancing Java Grid Computing Security with Resource Control
J Hulaas, W Binder, GD Serugendo,
International Conference on Grid Services Engineering and Management (GSEM 2004)Erfurt, Germany 2004
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Eliciting Truthful Feedback for Binary Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web IntelligenceBeijing, China, pp. 214-220 2004
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A Directory for Web Service Integration Supporting Custom Query Pruning and Ranking
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 2004)Erfurt, Germany, pp. 87-101 2004

Assessing the usability of a dialogue management system designed in the framework of a rapid dialogue prototyping methodology
M Rajman, TH Bui, A Rajman, F Seydoux, A Trutnev, S Quarteroni,
ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA, the Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA): International Journal on Acoustics. Vol. 90, no. 6 pp. 1096-1111 (Nov. /Dec. 2004) – ISSN 1610-1928 S. Hirze 2004
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Type-based composition of information services in large scale environments
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
The 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI’04)Beijing, China 2004
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A Distributed, Complete Method for Multi-Agent Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
CP 2004 – Fifth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning (DCR2004)Toronto, Canada 2004
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Using Directed Acyclic Graphs to Coordinate Propagation and Search for Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems
XH Vu, H Schichl, D Sam-Haroud,
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2004)Florida, USA, pp. 72-81 2004
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Combining Multiple Inclusion Representations in Numerical Constraint Propagation
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2004)Florida, USA, pp. 458-467 2004
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Solution Generation with Qualitative Models of Preferences
B Faltings, M Torrens, P Pu,
Computational Intelligencevol. 20, no. 2, pp. 246-263 2004
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Boosting HMMs with an application to speech recognition
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)vol. 5, pp. 621-624 2004
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A Budget-balanced, Incentive-compatible Scheme for Social Choice
Faltings B,
Agent-mediated E-commerce (AMEC) VI 2004
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Recent Advances in Constraints
B Faltings, A Petcu, F Fages, F Rossi,
Springer VerlagLausanne, Switzerland, vol. 3419 2004

Online Policy Adaptation for Ensemble Classifiers
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
12th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANNvol. 4 2004
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An Extensible Directory Enabling Efficient Semantic Web Service Integration
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC04)Hiroshima, Japan 2004
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Context-aware Mobile Assistants for Optimal Interaction: a prototype for supporting the business traveler
P Hertzog, M Torrens,
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-2004)pp. 256-258 2004
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Towards an Intelligent Mobile Travel Assistant
M Torrens, P Hertzog, P Pu, B Faltings,
19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC-2004) 2004
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Context-aware Computing for Business Traveler Care
P Hertzog, M Torrens, P Pu, B Faltings,
IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2004 2004
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Estimates of Parameter Distributions for Optimal Action Selection
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
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Efficiently Distributing Interactions between Composed Information Agents
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2004)Barcelona, Spain 2004
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A Multiagent System for the Reliable Execution of Automatically Composed Ad-hoc Processes
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings, K Haller, C Türker,
Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2004)Barcelona, Spain 2004
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Enhancing Java Grid Computing Security with Resource Control
J Hulaas, W Binder, GD Serugendo,
Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2004)Barcelona, Spain 2004
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A Portable CPU Management Framework for Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
IEEE Internet Computingvol. 8, no. 5, pp. 74-83 2004

Decision Tradeoff using Example-Critiquing and Constraint Programming
P Pu, B Faltings,
Constraintsvol. 9, no. 4, pp. 289-310 2004
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Heuristics for the Distributed Breakout Algorithm
Petcu A,
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP 2004Toronto, Canada, pp. 804 2004
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Dynamic Distributed backjumping
V Nguyen, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Joint Annual Workshop of ERCIM/CoLogNet on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming. 2004

Incentive-compatible Social Choice
Faltings B,
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE./ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencepp. 8-16 2004
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Comparative evaluations in the domain of automatic speech recognition
A Trutnev, M Rajman,
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004)Lisbon, Portugal 2004
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C++ par la pratique. Recueil d’exercices corrigés et aide-mémoire
JC Chappelier, F Seydoux,
Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) 2004

Discriminative Models of SCFG and STSG
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of 7th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2004)vol. 3206, pp. 187-194 2004
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Two approaches to Robust Stochastic Parsing
Ailomaa M,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Analysis of a Synonymy Network
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Tool for robust stochastic parsing using optimal maximum coverage
V Kadlec, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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A Dialogue-based Grounding mechanism and new Service Description Features for adapting Semantic (Web) Services to Personal Assistants
D Portabella, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control
S Moeller, J Krebber, A Raake, P Smeele, M Rajman, M Melichar, V Pallotta, G Tsakou, B Kladis, A Vovos, J Hoonhout, D Schuchardt, N Fakotakis, T Ganchev, I Potamitis,
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1603-1606 2004
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Turn on the lights: investigating the Inspire voice controlled smart home system
H Boland, J Hoonhout, C Schijndel van, J Krebber, M Melichar, D Schuchardt, H Baesekow, R Pegam, S Moeller, M Rajman, P Smeele,
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe ChapterDelft University, NL 2004

Wizard-of-Oz tests for a dialog system in smart homes
J Krebber, S Möller, R Pegam, U Jekosch, M Melichar, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the joint congress CFA/DAGAStrasbourg, France 2004
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Extending Standard Java Runtime Systems for Resource Management
W Binder, J Hulaas,
Software Engineering and MiddlewareLinz, Austria, vol. 3437, pp. 154-169 2004

Publications in 2003 :

Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Non-isolated Solutions
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, MC Silaghi,
Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: First International Workshop on Global Constraint Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, COCOS 2002vol. LNCS 2861, pp. 194-210 2003
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Solving Mixed and Conditional Constraint Satisfaction Problems
E Gelle, B Faltings,
Constraintsvol. 8, no. 2, pp. 107-141 2003
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On the Computation of Local Interchangeability in Soft Constraint Satisfaction Problems
N Neagu, S Bistarelli, B Faltings,
The 16th International FLAIRS ConferenceFlorida 2003
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Towards Incentive-Compatible Reputation Management
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg, vol. Lecture Notes in AI 2631, pp. 138-147 2003
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Applying interchangeability techniques to the distributed breakout algorithm
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Poster at the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-03Acapulco, Mexico 2003
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An Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanism
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on E-CommerceNewport Beach, CA, USA, pp. 285-292 2003
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Prototypage rapide et évaluation de modèles de dialogue finalisés
M Rajman, A Rajman, F Seydoux, A Trutnev,
Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)Batz-sur-Mer 2003
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Assessing the usability of a dialogue management system designed in the framework of a rapid dialogue prototyping methodology
M Rajman, A Rajman, F Seydoux, A Trutnev,
First ISCA Tutorial & Research Workshop on Auditory Quality of SystemsAkademie Mont-Cenis 2003
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Parsing DOP with Monte-Carlo Techniques
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
CSLI Publications, Stanford, USpp. 83-106 2003

Parsing N-Best Lists of Handwritten Sentences
M Zimmermann, JC Chappelier, H Bunke,
Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition — ICDAR2003Edinburgh 2003
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Gibbsian Tree Substitution Grammars
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proceedings of Formal Grammar 2003Vienna, Austria, pp. 137-148 2003
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Apprentissage discriminant pour les Grammaires à Substitution d’Arbres
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Actes de la 10$^mboxème$ conf’erence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2003)Batz-sur-Mer, vol. I, pp. 225-234 2003
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Incentive Compatible Open Constraint Optimization
Faltings B,
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Electronic Commercepp. 278-279 2003
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Incentive Compatible Open Constraint Optimization
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Proceedings of AAMAS 2003 2003
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Open Constraint Optimization
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-2003) 2003
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Incremental Breakout Algorithm With Variable Ordering
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
The 16th International FLAIRS ConferenceSt. Augustine, Florida, USA 2003
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Soft Interchangeability for Case Adaptation
N Neagu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2003)Trondheim, Norway, vol. LANI, pp. 347-362 2003
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Experimental Evaluation of Interchangeability in Soft CSPs
N Neagu, S Bistarelli, B Faltings,
Joint Annual ERCIM/CoLogNet Workshop on Constraint and Logic ProgrammingHungary 2003
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reality: a Scalable Intelligent Travel Planner. Decision Support for the Business Traveler
M Torrens, P Hertzog, L Samson, B Faltings,
The Eigthteenth ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC-2003)Melbourne, Florida, USA, pp. 623-630 2003
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User-Involved Preference Elicitation
P Pu, B Faltings, M Torrens,
Working Notes of the Workshop on Configuration. Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2003)Acapulco, Mexico 2003
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Making the Breakout Algorithm Complete Using Systematic Search
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2003)Acapulco, Mexico, pp. 1374-1375 2003
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A Multi-Agent System for Integrating a Large-Scale Project
C Eisenberg, B Faltings, L Leistam,
AAMAS 2003Melbourne, Australia 2003
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Hybrid Solving Scheme for Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
The Fourth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning at IJCAI 2003Acapulco, Mexico 2003
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Using the Breakout Algorithm to Identify Hard and Unsolvable Subproblems
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-2003), Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceKinsale, County Cork, Ireland 2003
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Using the Breakout Algorithm to Identify Hard and Unsolvable Subproblems
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2003
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Représentation vectorielle de connaissances sémantiques pour la recherche d information
R Besançon, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
HermesParis 2003

Algorithms for Identifying Rigid Subsystems in Geometric Constraint Systems
C Jermann, B Neveu, G Trombettoni,
18th International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-03pp. 233-238 2003
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Distributed Constraint Satisfaction For Coordinating And Integrating A Large-Scale, Heterogeneous Enterprise
Eisenberg C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2003
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Problem-solving in open environments
S Macho, B Faltings,
International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology 2003
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Efficient Matchmaking and Directory Services
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
The 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI’03)Halifax, Canada 2003
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Integrating Directories and Service Composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Poster at 2nd International Semantic Web Conference 2003 2003
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Benchmarking Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction Codes
O Shcherbina, A Neumaier, D Sam-Haroud, XH Vu, TV Nguyen,
Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: First International Workshop on Global Constraint Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, COCOS 2002vol. LNCS 2861, pp. 211-222 2003
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The Agentcities DAML-S Style Guide,
S Thompson, I Constantinescu,
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Deliverable 2.3: Agentcities Network Architecture
I Constantinescu, S Willmott, J Dale,
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Dialogue Management with weak speech recognition : a pragmatic approach
F Seydoux, A Trutnev, M Rajman,
ISCA workshop on Error handling in dialogue systemsChateau-d’Oex, Switzerland 2003
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Grammaires à Substitution d’Arbres Polynomiales et Discriminantes
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Traitement Automatique des Languesvol. 44, no. 3, pp. 141-165 2003
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Clustering the Search Tree for Numerical Constraints
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Notes of the Second International Workshop on Global Constrained Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, COCOS 2003Lausanne, Switzerland 2003
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Natural Language Queries on Natural Language Data: a Database of Meeting Dialogues
S Armstrong, A Clark, G Coray, M Georgescul, V Pallotta, A Popescu-Belis, D Portabella, M Rajman, M Starlander,
NLDB 2003 (8th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems)Burg/Cottbus, Germany 2003
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Publications in 2002 :

FAMING: supporting innovative design using adaptation – a description of the approach, implementation, illustrative example and evaluation
Faltings B,
Springer Verlag 2002
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Smart Clients: Constraint Satisfaction as a Paradigm for Scaleable Intelligent Information Systems
M Torrens, B Faltings, P Pu,
Special issue on Constraints and Agents. CONSTRAINTS: an Internation Journal. Kluwer Academic Publishersno. 7, pp. 49-69 2002
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Using Soft CSPs for Approximating Pareto-Optimal Solution Sets
M Torrens, B Faltings,
AAAI Workshop on Preferences in Constraint Satisfaction (Technical Report WS-02-13)pp. 99-106 2002
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A Definition of Interchangeability for Soft CSPs
S Bistarelli, B Faltings, N Neagu,
Ercim Workshop 2002
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Validation de la notion de similarité textuelle dans un cadre multilingue
R Besançon, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT)St Malo 2002
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Evaluation of a Vector Space similarity measure in a multilingual framework
R Besançon, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resource and Evaluation (LREC’2002)May 2002
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Filtrages syntaxiques de co-occurrences pour la représentation vectorielle de documents
R Besançon, M Rajman,
Actes de la 9ème conférence annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)Nancy 2002
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Intégration de connaissances syntaxiques et sémantiques dans les représentations vectorielles de textes
Besançon R,
Lausanne (Suisse) 2002
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Résolution de problèmes non-linéaires avec continuum de solutions
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, MC Silaghi,
Actes des Onzièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation Logique et Programmation par Contraintes (JFPLC’2002)France, vol. Programmation en logique avec, pp. 27-41 2002
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Approximation Techniques for Non-linear Problems with Continuum of Solutions
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, MC Silaghi,
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation, SARA 2002Canada, vol. LNAI 2371, pp. 224-241 2002
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Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Innovations using Statistical Analysis of Patents
M Rajman, V Peristera, JC Chappelier, F Seydoux, A Spinakis,
6th Int. Conf. on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT 2002)Saint-Malo, France, vol. 2, pp. 641-652 2002
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Polynomial Tree Substitution Grammars: Characterization and New Examples
JC Chappelier, M Rajman, A Rozenknop,
Proc. of 7th conference on Formal GrammarTrento, Italy, pp. 29-39 2002
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Grammaires à substitution d’arbre polynomiales : caractérisation et nouveaux exemples
JC Chappelier, M Rajman, A Rozenknop,
Proc. of 9ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2002)vol. Tome 1, pp. 359-364 2002
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Integrating Information Gathering and Problem-Solving in Open Environments
M Santiago, B Faltings,
Sixth International Workshop Cooperative Information Agents (CIA-2002) 2002
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Acquiring User Preferences for Personal Agents
P Viappiani, P Pu, B Faltings,
Personalized Agents – papers from 2002 AAAI Fall SymposiumCape Code, MA, pp. 53-59 2002
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Open Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2002pp. 356-370 2002
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Interchangeability in Soft CSPs
S Bistarelli, B Faltings, N Neagu,
the 8th International Conference in Constraint Programming (CP 2002)Ithaca, USA, vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Scie 2002

Une grammaire hors-contexte valuée pour l’analyse syntaxique
Rozenknop A,
9ème Conférence Annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues NaturellesNancy, vol. 1, pp. 95-104 2002
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Gibbsian Context-Free Grammar for Parsing
Rozenknop A,
Text, Speech and Dialogue (5th International Conference, TSD 2002)Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 49-56 2002
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Scalable Intelligent Electronic Catalogs
Torrens M,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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A Distributed Breakout Algorithm for Solving a Large-Scale Project Scheduling Problem
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning at the First Intl. Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsBlogna, Italy 2002
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A Multi-Agent System for Integrating a Large-Scale Project
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Workshop on Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints at the Fithteenth European Conference on Artificial IntelligenceLyon, France 2002
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Behavioural Description Formalisms for Service Integration – Survey and Comparation
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Enterprise Java Beans, Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Group Communication
I Constantinescu, S Willmott, M Calisti,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Abstract Behaviour Representation for Service Integration
I Constantinescu, S Willmott, B Faltings,
First International Workshop on Challenges in Open Agent Systems 2002
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Abstract Agents for Shared Instantiation in ABT
M Silaghi, I Constantinescu,
Third International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning 2002
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Intelligent Services Integration – Overview of Work at LIA-EPFL
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, S Willmott,
Intelligent Service Integration Workshop at AAAI Spring Symposium 2002
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The Agentcities Network Architecture
S Willmott, M Somacher, I Constantinescu, J Dale, S Poslad, D Bonnefoy, J Picault, JJ Tan,
First International Workshop on Challenges in Open Agent Systems 2002
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The Agentcities Network Architecture
S Willmott, M Somacher, I Constantinescu, J Dale, S Poslad, D Bonnefoy, J Picault, JJ Tan,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Efficient Matchmaking and Directory Services
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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An FPGA-based syntactic parser for large size real-life context-free grammars
Ciressan CR,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Personalized Navigation of Heterogeneous Product Spaces using SmartClient
P Pu, B Faltings,
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2002
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Publications in 2001 :

Exploiting Interchangeabilities for Case Adaptation
N Neagu, B Faltings,
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR’01)Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Scie 2001
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Algorithms for Solving Non-Linear Constrained and Optimization Problems: The State of The Art
C Bliek, P Spellucci, L Vincente, A Neumaier, L Granvilliers, E Monfroy, F Benhamou, E Huens, P Hentenryck van, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,

Localized Search by Interchangeability in Discrete Constraint Satisfaction Problems
N Neagu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems Engineering. Design and Implementation
Schumacher M,
Springer VerlagHeidelberg, Germany, vol. 2039 2001
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Constraint Satisfaction for Modelling Scalable Electronic Catalogs
M Torrens, B Faltings,
Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce; A European Perspective.pp. 214-228 2001
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Time in Connectionist Models
JC Chappelier, M Gori, A Grumbach,
Springerpp. 105-134 2001
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Search Techniques for Non-Linear Constraints with Inequalities
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 14th Canadian Conference on AI 2001
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Grammaire à substitution d’arbre de complexité polynomiale : un cadre efficace pour DOP
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Actes de la 8$^mboxème$ conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2001)vol. 1, pp. 133-142 2001
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Improving Text representations through Probabilistic Integration of Synonymy Relations
R Besançon, JC Chappelier, M Rajman, A Rozenknop,
Proceedings of the X$^mboxth$ International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA’2001)vol. 1, pp. 200-205 2001
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Intégration probabiliste de sens dans la représentation de textes
R Besançon, A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Actes de la 8$^mboxème$ conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2001)vol. 1, pp. 83-91 2001
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An FPGA-based syntactic parser for real-life almost unrestricted context-free grammars
C Ciressan, E Sanchez, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
11th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2001) 2001
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Integrating external dictionaries into stochastic part-of-speech taggers
JG Gil, JC Chappelier, MV Ferro,
Proc. of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2001) 2001
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Polynominal tree-substitution grammars: an efficient framework for Data-Oriented Parsing
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2001) 2001
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ABT with Asynchronous Reordering
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’2001) World Scientificpp. 54-63 2001
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Asynchronous Consistency Maintenance
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’2001) World Scientific 2001

Secure Asynchronous Search
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’2001) World Scientific 2001

Maintaining Consistency for ABT
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of CP’2001 2001

Parallel Proposals in Asynchronous Search
MC Silaghi, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Generalized English Auctions by Relaxation in Dynamic Distributed CSPs with Private Constraints
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, M Calisti, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’2001 workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoningpp. 45-54 2001
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Polynomial Space and Complete Multiply Asynchronous Search with Abstractions
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’2001 Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoningpp. 17-32 2001
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Asynchronous Consistency Maintenance with Reordering
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Hybridizing ABT and AWC into a polynomial space, complete protocol with reordering
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, R Weigel, XH Vu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Negotiation by Relaxation in Dynamic DisCSPs with Private Constraints
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, M Calisti, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001

Algorithme de décodage de treillis selon le critère du coût moyen pour la reconnaissance de la parole
A Rozenknop, MC Silaghi,
TALN 2001Tours, pp. 391-396 2001
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A Multi-Agent System for Planning Meetings
S Macho-Gonzalez, M Torrens, B Faltings,
Workshop Hispano-Luso de Agentes Fisicos (WAF’2001) 2001
Link, Cite

Multilingual Agents: Ontologies, Languages and Abstractions
S Willmott, I Constantinescu, M Calisti,
First International Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems, Autonomous Agents 2001, Montreal, Canadapp. 77-84 2001
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Agentcities Platform Interoperability Test Suite
D Bonnefoy, S Willmott, N Lhuillier, I Constantinescu, J Picault, Y Camenen,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Asynchronous Search for Numeric DisCSPs
MC Silaghi, S Sabau, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
LNCSvol. 2239, pp. 785 2001
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Multilingual Agents: Ontologies, Languages and Abstractions
S Willmott, I Constantinescu, M Calisti,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001

Polynomial Tree Substitution Grammars: an efficient framework for Data-Oriented Parsing
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
Link, Cite

An FPGA-based syntactic parser for real-life unrestricted context-free grammars
C Cristian-Raul, S Eduardo, R Martin,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
Link, Cite

May your Information Service Live in Interesting Times: Engineering Dynamic Service Environments
S Willmott, B Burg, P O’Brien,
Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS2001) 2001

Agentcities: A Worldwide Open Agent Network
S Willmott, J Dale, B Burg, P Charlton, P O’Brien,
Agentlink Newsvol. 8 2001

Coordination Structures for the Intelligent Control of Dynamic Distributed Systems
Willmott S,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Applying Adversarial Planning to Go
S Willmott, J Richardson, A Bundy, J Levine,
Journal of Theoretical Computer Sciencevol. B, no. 252, pp. 45-82 2001
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Open Standards and Open Source for Agent-Based Systems
B Burg, J Dale, S Willmott,
Agentlink Newsvol. 6 2001
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Publications in 2000 :

Structural Engineering Design Support by Constraint Satisfaction
E Gelle, B Faltings, IF Smith,
Artificial Intelligence in Design 2000pp. 311-331 2000
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Constraint Satisfaction Methods for Applications in Engineering
E Gelle, B Faltings, DE Clément, IF Smith,
Engineering with Computers, 16 (2000) 2pp. 81-95 2000
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The DSIR model: a Distributional Semantics approach to Information Retrieval
M Rajman, R Besançon, JC Chappelier,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000

Collaborative Design using Solution Spaces
Lottaz C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000
Link, Cite

Increasing understanding during collaboration through advanced representations
C Lottaz, R Stouffs, I Smith,
Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (http://www. itcon. org)vol. 5, pp. 1-24 2000
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Abstraction Techniques for Resource Allocation in Communication Networks
Frei C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000
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Abstraction and Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning Bandwidth Allocation
C Frei, B Faltings,
IEEE INFOCOM’2000Tel-Aviv, Israel 2000
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IconoNet: a tool for automated bandwidth allocation planning
C Frei, B Faltings,
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS’2000)Honolulu, Hawaii 2000
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Planning bandwidth allocation in communication networks
C Frei, B Faltings,
ICON Journal, Special Issue on Multimedia Network and Service Control 2000
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The Benefits of Environment Adaptive Organisations for Agent Coordination and Network Routing Problems
S Willmott, B Faltings,
The Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems (ICMAS-2000)Boston MA, USA., pp. TBD 2000

CCL: Expressions of Choice in Agent Communication
S Willmott, M Calisti, B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez, O Belakhdar, M Torrens,
The Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems (ICMAS-2000)Boston MA, USA 2000
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Integrating a Distributed and Heterogenous Organisation Using Constraint Programming
Eisenberg C,
Workshop on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction at the Sixth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2000)Singapore 2000
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An Agent Future for Network Control?
S Willmott, M Calisti,
Swiss Journal of Computer Science “Informatique”vol. 2000, no. 1, pp. 25-32 2000
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Using Topology for Spatial Reasoning
Faltings B,
Proceedings of the 2000 Symposium on AI and Mathematics 2000
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Enriching buyers’ experiences: the SmartClient approach
P Pu, B Faltings,
ACM Confernce on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)pp. 289-296 2000
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Designing and Implementing Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems
Schumacher M,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 2000
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An FPGA-based coprocessor for the parsing of context-free grammars
C Ciressan, E Sanchez, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
2000 IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines 2000
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Development of Acoustic and Linguistic Ressources for Research and Development in Interactive Vocal Information Servers
G Bernardis, H Bourlard, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
proc. of Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2000)Athens (Greece) 2000
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Monte-Carlo Sampling for NP-Hard Maximization Problems in the Framework of Weighted Parsing
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Springerpp. 106-117 2000
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Using Information Extraction to Classify Newspapers Advertisements
RA Peleato, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT 2000)Lausanne (Switzerland), pp. 309-316 2000
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Fractionnement Intelligent de domaine pour CSPs avec domaines ordonnes
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. RFIA2000Paris, vol. III, pp. 439-448 2000
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Distributed Asynchronous Search with Private Constraints
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of AA2000Barcelona, pp. 177-178 2000
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A new keyword spotting approach based on iterative dynamic programming
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
ICASSP2000Istanbul 2000
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Asynchronous Search with Aggregations
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
AAAI2000Austin 2000
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Visualization of Local Movements
R Boulic, MC Silaghi, D Thalmann,
Procs. of AMDO2000 2000
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Automated Information Extraction out of Classified Advertisements
RA Peleato, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
proc of 5th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB’2000)pp. 204-214 2000
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Constraints Extraction out of Airplane Fare Rules
M Malviya, JC Chappelier,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000
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Le modèle DSIR : une approche à base de sémantique distributionnelle pour la recherche documentaire
M Rajman, R Besançon, JC Chappelier,
Traitement automatique des languesvol. 41, no. 2, pp. 549-578 2000
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ISIS: Interaction through Speech with Information System
A Ballim, JC Chappelier, M Rajman, V Pallotta,
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Text, Speech and Dialogue—TSD 2000Brno (Czech Republic), vol. 1902, pp. 339-344 2000

Towards NLP-coprocessing: An FPGA implementation of a context-free parser
C Ciressan, M Rajman, E Sanchez, JC Chappelier,
7ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN 2000)Lausanne, Suisse, pp. 91-100 2000

Maintaining Hierachical Distributed Consistency
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the CP2000 Workshop on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction 2000
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A new optimization algorithm
MC Silaghi, V Berinde,

A Prosodic/Syntactic Model for Integrating Prosody in a Continuous Speech Recognition System
A Rozenknop, A Drygajlo,
Workshop “Prosody 2000: speech recognition and synthesis”Krakov, Pologne 2000
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A Multi-Agent Recommender System for Planning Meetings
S Macho-Gonzalez, M Torrens, B Faltings,
Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Workshop on Agent-based Recommender Systems (WARS2000) 2000
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Bandwidth Adaptive Hierarchies for On-Line ATM Quality of Service Routing
S Willmott, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Routing and Switching: joint IEEE ATM Workshop 2000 and 3rd International Conference on ATM 2000
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Using Adaptation and Organisational Knowledge to Coordinate Mobile Agents
S Willmott, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications (ASA2000) and Mobile Agents (MA2000) 2000
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Publications in 1999 :

Constraint Satisfaction for Case Adaptation
N N, B Faltings,
Adaptation Workshop of International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning 1999Munich, Germany 1999
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Constraint-Based Support for Collaboration in Design and Construction
C Lottaz, D Cl‰ment, B Faltings, I Smith,
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineeringvol. 13, no. 1 1999
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Rewriting Numeric CSPs for Consistency Algorithms
Lottaz C,
Short paper in Principles and Practice of Constraint ProgrammingWashington DC, USA, pp. 486-487 1999
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Bandwidth allocation heuristics in communication networks
C Frei, B Faltings,
1ˆres Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des T‰l‰communications, ALGOTEL’99Roscoff, France, pp. 53-58 1999
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Resource Allocation in Networks Using Abstraction and Constraint Satisfaction Techniques
C Frei, B Faltings,
Fifth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP’99)Alexandria, Virginia, USA, pp. 204-218 1999
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Bandwidth allocation planning in communication networks
C Frei, B Faltings,
Symposium on High Speed Networks, IEEE Globecom’99Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 1473-1477 1999
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Constraint Choice Language (CCL), Language Specification v2.01
S Willmott, B Faltings, M Calisti, S Macho-Gonzalez, O Belakhdar, M Torrens,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Active Organisations for Routing
S Willmott, B Faltings,
First International Working Conference on Active NetworksBerlin, Germany, pp. 262-273 1999
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Organisation and Co-ordination for On-line Routing in Communications Networks
S Willmott, C Frei, B Faltings, M Calisti,
Springer Verlag 1999

Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Information Networking, papers from the AAAI Workshop, Technical WS-99-03
AAAI Press 1999

SmartClients: Constraint satisfaction as a paradigm for scaleable intelligent information systems
M Torrens, B Faltings,
AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commercevol. Technical Report WS-99-01, pp. 10-15 1999
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Textual Similarities based on a Distributional Approach
R Besançon, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA99)Firenze (Italy), pp. 180-184 1999
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Lattice Parsing for Speech Recognition
JC Chappelier, M Rajman, R Aragüés, A Rozenknop,
Proc. of 6ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN99)Cargèse (France), pp. 95-104 1999
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Métriques et premiers résultats de l’évaluation GRACE des étiqueteurs morphosyntaxiques pour le français
G Adda, J Mariani, P Paroubek, M Rajman, J Lecomte,
Proc. of 6ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN99)Cargèse (France) 1999
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L’action GRACE d’évaluation de l’assignation des parties du discours pour le français
G Adda, J Mariani, P Paroubek, M Rajman, J Lecomte,
revue Languesvol. 2, no. 2, pp. 119-129 1999
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Stochastic Distributional Models for Textual Information Retrieval
M Rajman, R Besançon,
Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA-99)Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 80-85 1999
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Disambiguation Experiment for Spanish
JG Gil, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Using Syntactic Constraints in Natural Language Disambiguation
JG Gil, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Integration of syntactic constraints within a speech recognition system: Coupling a speech recognizer and a stochastic context-free parser
RA Peleato, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Rewriting Numeric CSPs for Consistency Algorithms
Lottaz C,
Workshop on Non-Binary Constraints at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)Stockholm, pp. E:1-E:13 1999
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Intelligent and Self-Managed Service-Driven Networks
Belakhdar O,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Negotiated ATM VPN Service Provisioning: A Multi-operators Based Framework
Belakhdar O,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Supporting Interworking among Network Providers using a Multi-agent Architecture
M Calisti, S Willmott, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications, NOC’99Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 215-222 1999

A Multi-Agent Paradigm for the Inter-domain Demand Allocation Process
M Calisti, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the tenth IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed System: Operations & Management, DSOM’99Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 76-88 1999

A Distributed Approach for QoS-based multi-domain routing
M Calisti, C Frei, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the AiDIN’99, AAAI-Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Information NetworkingOrlando, FL, USA, pp. 44-50 1999

Constraint Satisfaction for Case Adaptation
N Neagu, B Faltings,
Workshop on Case Adaptation of the International Conference on Case-based Reasoning, ICCBR’99Kaiserslautern, Germany, pp. III:34-41 1999
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Reinforcement Learning with Continuous Action Values
Dimitrakakis C,

Eine Modellierungssprache f’r ein wissensbasiertes System zur computerunterst’tzten Gesch„ftsfallbearbetung in Diensleistungsunternehmen
Margelisch A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

The STL++ Coordination Language: A Base for Implementing Distributed Multi-Agent Applications
M Schumacher, F Chantemargue, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION’99)vol. 1594, pp. 399-414 1999
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The STL++ Coordination Language: Application to Simulating the Automation of a Trading System
M Schumacher, F Chantemargue, O Krone, S Schubiger, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’99)pp. 292-299 1999
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INtegrating SPEech acoustic and linguistic Constraints: Baseline System Development
G Bernardis, H Bourlard, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Ways of Maintaining Arc Consistency in Search using the Cartesian Representation
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of ERCIM’99Paphos,Cyprus 1999
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Intelligent Domain Splitting for CSPs with Ordered Domains
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of CP’99pp. 488-489 1999
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Iterative Posterior-Based Keyword Spotting Without Filler Models
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
Proc. of ASRU’99Keystone, Colorado 1999

Search Techniques for CSPs with Ordered Domains
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Path Consistency for Triangulated Constraint Graphs
C Bliek, D Sam-Haroud,
Proc. of IJCAI’99 1999
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Iterative Posterior-Based Keyword Spotting Without Filler Models: Iterative Viterbi Decoding and One-Pass Approach
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
Martigny (Switzerland) 1999
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Posterior-Based Keyword Spotting Approaches Without Filler Models –Iterative Viterbi Decoding and One-Pass Approaches–
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Information Networking, papers from the AAAI Workshop, Technical WS-99-03
Willmott S,

Compiling Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 115, pp. 257-287 1999
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Publications in 1998 :

On the Generation of Locally Consistent Solution Spaces in Mixed Dynamic CSPs
Gelle E,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998
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Constraint Techniques for Collaborative Design
C Lottaz, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings, I Smith,
IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence ICTAITaipei, R.O.C., pp. 34-41 1998
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A Dynamic Hierarchy of Intelligent Agents for Network Management
C Frei, B Faltings,
2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Agents for Telecommunications Applications, IATA’98Paris, France, pp. 1-16 1998
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Distributing Problem Solving on the Web Using Constraint Technology
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’98)Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 42-49 1998
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Interchangeability for Case Adaptation in Configuration Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings, M Torrens,
AAAI Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning Integrations (AAAI-98)Madison, Wisconsin, USA, vol. Technical Report WS-98-15, pp. 166-171 1998
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Knowledge Management: A Text Mining Approach
R Feldman, M Fresko, H Hirsh, Y Aumann, O Liphstat, Y Schler, R Martin,
Proc. the 2nd Int. Conf. on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM98)Basel (Switzerland), pp. 9.1-9.10 1998
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Text Mining at the Term Level
R Feldman, M Fresko, Y Kinar, Y Lindell, O Liphstat, M Rajman, Y Schler, O Zamir,
Proc. of the 2nd European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD’98)Nantes (France) 1998
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Text Mining – Knowledge extraction from unstructured textual data
M Rajman, R Besançon,
Proc. of 6th Conference of International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS-98)Roma (Italy), pp. 473-480 1998
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A Practical Bottom-Up Algorithm for On-Line Parsing with Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998
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Extraction stochastique d’arbres d’analyse pour le modêle DOP
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of 5e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN 98)Paris (France), pp. 52-61 1998
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Linguistic Issues in GRACE (evaluation of Part-Of-Speech tagging for French)
J Lecomte, N Lucas, M Rajman,
Proc. of LREC’98 (1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)Granada (Spain) 1998
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The GRACE French Part-Of-Speech Tagging Evaluation Task
G Adda, J Mariani, J Lecomte, P Paroubek, M Rajman,
Proc. of LREC’98 (1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)Granada (Spain), pp. 433-441 1998
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A generalized CYK algorithm for parsing stochastic CFG
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of 1st Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD’98)Paris (France), pp. 133-137 1998
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Similarit‰s pour donn‰es textuelles
M Rajman, L Lebart,
Proc. of 4th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT’98)Nice (France), pp. 545-555 1998
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Constraint Solving and Preference Activation for Interactive Design
C Lottaz, R Stalker, I Smith,
Artifical Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturingvol. 12, no. 1, pp. 13-27 1998
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Stereotype-Based Defeasible Argumentation in Multi-agent Systems
Belakhdar O,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998

Product Configuration Frameworks-A Survey
D Sabin, R Weigel,
Journal of the IEEE Intelligent Systems & their applicationspp. 42-49 1998
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Interaction of a TMN-oriented Network Management Platform with a Network Planning Application
M Calisti, B Faltings,
European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC’98) -pp. 267-274 1998

Generalizing Dynamic and Partial Order Backtracking
Bliek C,
15th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI’98, Madison, Wisconsin, USApp. 319-325 1998

On Reformulation of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, C Bliek,
13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI98Brighton, UK, pp. 254-258 1998

Using Graph Decomposition for Solving Continuous (CSP)s
C Bliek, B Neveu, G Trombettoni,
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP98Pisa, Italy, pp. 102-116 1998

Solving Mechanical Configuration Problems Using Graph Decomposition and Continuous Domain (CSP) Solvers
C Bliek, P Spiess, G Trombettoni, B Faltings,
4th ILOG International Users MeetingParis, France 1998

Interchangeability for Case Adaptation in Configuration Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Multimodal Reasoningpp. 69-73 1998

Dynamic Abstractions and Reformulations in Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Weigel R,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998

STL: Un Modèle et Langage de Coordination pour les Systèmes Distribués
M Schumacher, O Krone, F Chantemargue, B Hirsbrunner,
Actes des Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme des Architectures et des Systèmes (RENPAR’10) 1998
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Autonomous Agents: from Concepts to Implementations
F Chantemargue, O Krone, M Schumacher, T Dagaeff, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceeding of the 14th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR ’98) 1998
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Coordinating Autonomous Entities
O Krone, F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’98), Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications 1998
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STL++: A Coordination Language for Autonomy-based Multi-Agent Systems
M Schumacher, F Chantemargue, K Oliver, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1998
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Coordinating Autonomous Entities with STL
O Krone, F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher,
The Applied Computing Review – Special issue on Coordination Models Languages and Applicationsvol. 6 (2), pp. 18-32 1998
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On NICAM Datacasting
C Ciressan, L Prodan,
2nd Int. Conf. on Technical Informatics 1998
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Local and Global Skeleton Fitting Techniques for Optical Motion Capture
MC Silaghi, R Plaenkers, R Boulic, P Fua, D Thalmann,
Modeling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environmentspp. 26-40 1998
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An Anatomic Human Body For Motion Capture
R Boulic, P Fua, L Herda, MC Silaghi, JS Monzani, L Nedel, D Thalmann,
Proc. EMMSEC 98Bordeaux 1998
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Publications in 1997 :

Intelligent Agents for Network Management
C Frei, B Faltings,
Working Notes of the Colloquium on AI for Network Management Systems 1997
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A dynamic hierarchy of intelligent agents for network management
C Frei, B Faltings,
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Distributed Information Networks, IJCAI’97Nagoya, Japan 1997
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Constraint-based Algorithms in Java: the JCL
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
Working Notes of the Swiss Workshop on Collaborative and Distributed SystemsLausanne, Switzerland 1997

Java Constraint Library: bringing constraints technology on the Internet using the Java language
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
Workshop on Constraints and Agents (AAAI97)Providence, Rhode Island, USA, vol. Technical Report WS-97-05 1997
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Java Constraint Library
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
Workshop on Constraint Reasoning on the Internet (CP-97)Linz, Austria 1997
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Text Mining: Natural Language techniques and Text Mining applications
M Rajman, R Besançon,
Proc. of the 7th IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Database Semantics (DS-7)Leysin (Switzerland) 1997
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Progress report on the GRACE evaluation program for French Part-Of-Speech taggers
J Mariani, J Lecomte, P Paroubek, M Rajman, G Adda,
Proc. of Speech and Language Technology (SALT) Club Workshop on Evaluation in Speech and Language TechnologySheffield (UK) 1997

Text Mining, knowledge extraction from unstructured textual data
Rajman M,
Proc. of EUROSTAT ConferenceFrancfort (Deutchland) 1997

Le Systˆme D-SIR et le projet Amaryllis
A Rungsawang, M Rajman,
Proc. of Atelier Amaryllis, 1ˆres Journ‰es Scientifiques et Techniques du r‰seau FRANCophone de l’Ing‰nierie de la Langue (FRANCIL) de AUPELF-UREFAvignon (France) 1997

Les proc‰dures de mesure automatique de l’action GRACE pour l’‰valuation des assignateurs de Parties du Discours pour le Fran‡ais
P Paroubek, G Adda, J Mariani, M Rajman,
Proc. of 1ères Journ‰es Scientifiques et Techniques du r‰seau FRANCophone de l’Ing‰nierie de la Langue (FRANCIL) de AUPELF-UREFAvignon (France) 1997

Ressources pour l’apprentissage, le d‰veloppement et l’‰valuation des systˆmes de dict‰e vocale en fran‡ais : corpus de texte, de parole et lexical
G Adda, M Calmˆs de, G P‰rennou, L Lamel, M Rajman, S Rosset, J Zeiliger,
Proc. of 1ères Journ‰es Scientifiques et Techniques du r‰seau FRANCophone de l’Ing‰nierie de la Langue (FRANCIL) de AUPELF-UREFAvignon (France) 1997

Verbatim analysis and usability in operational management
M Rajman, T Delbecque,
Proc. of 9th Conference on the Scientific Use of Statistical Software (SoftStat’97)Heidelberg 1997

Collaborative Design using Constraint Solving
C Lottaz, I Smith,
Swiss Workshop on Collaborative and Distributed SystemsLausanne (Switzerland) 1997
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Using Ontology-Sharing to Designing Automated Cooperation in Protocol-Driven Multi-Agent Systems
Belakhdar O,
Second International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology (PAAM’97)London, pp. 133-144 1997

Ontology-Sharing Based Approach to Design Cooperation Protocols for Collaborative Decision systems
Belakhdar O,
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing (special issue on Agent-Oriented and Knowledge-Oriented Approaches)vol. 8 1997

Modelling Approach and Tool for Designing Protocols for Automated Cooperation in Multiagent Systems
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
Springer Verlagpp. 100-115 1997

Conversation-Based Multi-Agent Architecture for Computer Supporting Collaborative Work
Belakhdar O,
Swiss Workshop on Collaborative Design 1997

Research at the Laboratoire d’Intelligence Artificielle, EPFL
Faltings B,
Revue d’Intelligence Artificiellevol. 11, no. 1, pp. 11-26 1997

DISA: A Distributed scheduler using abstractions
L Friha, P Berry, B Choueiry,
Revue d’Intelligence Artificiellevol. 11, no. 1, pp. 27-42 1997

Probabilistic Indexing for Case-Based Prediction
Faltings B,
Case-Based Reasoning – Research and Developmentvol. 1266, pp. 611-622 1997
Link, Cite

Case Reuse by Model-Based Interpretation
Faltings B,
Lawrence-Earlbaumpp. 39-60 1997
Link, Cite

Local Consistency for Ternary Numeric Constraints
B Faltings, E Gelle,
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceNagoya, Japan, pp. 392-400 1997
Link, Cite

Structuring Techniques for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceNagoya, Japan, pp. 418-423 1997

Constructing Problem-Specific Abstractions for Case Adaptation
Faltings B,
IJCAI-97, Workshop on Using Abstraction and Reformulation in Analogy 1997
Link, Cite

Using Topology for Spatial Reasoning
Faltings B,
IJCAI-97 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, 1997

Coordinating Autonomous Entities
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, O Krone, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1997
Link, Cite

Qualitative Models as Indices for Memory-Based Prediction
Faltings B,
IEEE Expert – Intelligent Systems and their Applicationsvol. 12, pp. 47-53 1997
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Publications in 1996 :

Creating design objects from cases for interactive spatial composition
I Smith, R Stalker, C Lottaz,
Artificial Intelligence in Design ’96pp. 97-116 1996

Constraint Solving, Preference Activation and Solution Adaptation in IDIOM
Lottaz C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996
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Protocol Sharing Oriented Cooperation: Ontologies based approach
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
Second International Conference of Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS96)Kyoto, pp. 16-27 1996

Meeting Scheduling: an Application for Protocols Driven Cooperation
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
First International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent TechnologyLondon, UK, pp. 25-44 1996

Impl‰mentation d’un systˆme multi-agent dans MASCOOF pour la restauration des circuits dans d’un r‰seau t‰l‰phonique aux ressources limit‰es
O Belakhdar, J Astor,
Chamb‰ry, France 1996

Les Protocoles de Coop‰ration dans les Systˆmes Multi-Agents : langage de sp‰cification, modˆle d’agent et cadre de d‰veloppement
Belakhdar O,
Chamb‰ry, France 1996

Modelling Approach and Tool for Designing Protocols for Automated Cooperation in Multiagent Systems
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligencepp. 100-115 1996

FAMING: supporting innovative mechanism shape design
B Faltings, K Sun,
Computer-Aided Designvol. 28, pp. 207-216 1996
Link, Cite

Dynamic constraint satisfaction with conflict management in design
E Gelle, IF Smith,
Over-Constrained Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1106, Springerpp. 237-251 1996
Link, Cite

Interactive Configuration using Constraint Satisfaction Techniques
E Gelle, R Weigel,
Second International Conference on Practical Application of Constraint Technology, PACT-96London, UK 1996
Link, Cite

Interactive Configuration using Constraint Satisfaction Techniques
E Gelle, R Weigel,
AAAI-Symposium on ConfigurationBoston,MA USA 1996
Link, Cite

CADRE : Case-based geometric design
K Hua, B Faltings, IF Smith,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineeringvol. 10, pp. 171-183 1996
Link, Cite

A Qualitative Model of Physical Fields
Lundell M,
Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Reasoning, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)Portland, USA 1996

A Qualitative Model of Physical Fields
Lundell M,
International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning about Physical SystemsLake Tahoe, USA 1996

Context in discrete Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings, B Choueiry,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)Wiley. UK, pp. 205-209 1996

Solving Non-Binary Convex CSPs in Continuous Domains
D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lecture notes in computer science 1118: Principles and practice of constraint programming – CP96 1996
Link, Cite

Consistency Techniques for Continuous Constraints
D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Constraintsvol. 1, no. 1&2, pp. 85-118 1996
Link, Cite

Multi-agent interaction in a complex virtual environment
G Schmitt, M Engeli, D Kurmann, B Faltings, S Monnier,
AI Communicationsvol. 9, pp. 74-78 1996
Link, Cite

Interactive design – time to bite the bullet
Smith IF,
Information Processing in Civil and Structural Engineering DesignEdinburgh, UK, pp. 23-30 1996

Augmenting design interaction and communication using IDIOM
Smith IF,
Construction on the information highway, CIB Proceedings 198, International Council for Building Research Studiespp. 467-478 1996

Support for spatial configuration tasks
Smith IF,
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering IIIpp. 1-8 1996

Implementation and Evaluation of a WWW multiple choice question server
H Warkentyne, IF Smith, E Forte,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1108pp. 228-235 1996

Qualitative Modelling and Simulation of Spatially Distributed Parameter Systems
Lundell M,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996

A Functional Model of Software and its Application in Troubleshooting, Design and Reuse
Liver B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996
Link, Cite

Model Based Supervisory Control using Empirical Knowledge
Sauthier E,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996
Link, Cite

Spatial Reasoning in Two Dimensions using Topology
Faltings B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996

The Design and Development of IDIOM-GUI, Graphical User Interface for Interactive Design using Intelligent Objects and Models
Stalker R,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996

Coopération Implicite et Antagonisme dans les Systèmes Multi-Agents
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1996

Coopération implicite et Performance
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Actes du 6ème colloque de l’Association pour la Recherche Cognitive (ARC) 1996

Implicit Cooperation and Antagonism in Multi-Agent Systems
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1996

Learning to Cope with an Open World
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM)vol. 10, pp. 143-145 1996
Link, Cite

FAMING: supporting innovative mechanism shape design
B Faltings, K Sun,
Computer-Aided Designvol. 28, pp. 207-216 1996
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Working group in model-based design and reasoning. Part II: design
Faltings B,
AI Communicationsvol. 9, pp. 65-73 1996
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Working group in model-based design and reasoning. Part I: modeling and diagnosis
Faltings B,
AI Communicationsvol. 9, pp. 59-64 1996
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Publications in 1995 :

Spatial composition using cases : IDIOM
I Smith, C Lottaz, B Faltings,
CBR Research and Developmentpp. 88-97 1995

Using Abstractions for Resource Allocation
B Choueiry, B Faltings,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automationpp. 1027-1033 1995

Abstraction by Interchangeability in Resource Allocation
B Choueiry, B Faltings, W Rainer,
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 1694-1701 1995

Case-based Modeling with Qualitative Indices
B Richards, B Faltings, P Duxburry-Smith,
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 1757-1763 1995
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Computer-aided Creative Mechanism Design (incl. Video)
B Faltings, K Sun,
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 2055-2056 1995

Topology-Based Spatial Reasoning
Faltings B,
KI-95pp. 99-100 1995

Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Using Algebraic Topology
Faltings B,
Spatial Information Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 988pp. 17-30 1995
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Resolving Conflicts as Knowledge Evolves
Smith I,
Product and Process Modelling in the Building IndustryRotterdam (The Netherlands), pp. 191-197 1995

Management of conflict for preliminary engineering design tasks
D Sam-Haroud, S Boulanger, E Gelle, I Smtih,
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturingvol. 9, pp. 313-323 1995

Case combination and adaptation of buildings spaces
I Smith, D Kurmann, G Schmitt,
Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCEpp. 155-162 1995

Taking Advantage of design process models
S Boulanger, E Gelle, I Smtih,
IABSE Report 72pp. 87-96 1995

Conflict managment in design
Smith I,
Special Issue of Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturingvol. 9 1995

A Qualitative Model of Gradient Flow in a Spatially Distributed Parameter
Lundell M,
International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning about Physical SystemsAmsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 131-138 1995
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Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction with Conflict Management in Design
E Gelle, I Smith,
CP95 Workshop on Over-Constrained SystemsCassis, France 1995
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Interactive Configuration Based on Incremental Constraint Satisfaction
E Gelle, R Weigel,
IFIP TC5/WG 5.2 Workshop Series Knowledge-Intensive CADHelsinki, Finland, pp. 117-126 1995
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Constraint Consistency Techniques for Continuous Domains
D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995

Computing Glue Device Implementations in ZD
Liver B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995

Formalizing Aspects of Design Patterns
Liver B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995

Constraint consistency techniques for continuous constraints
Haroud JS,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995
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Publications in 1994 :

Arc-consistency for continuous variables
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 65 1994
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Diagnosis of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems
E Gelle, B Faltings,
Proc. of SPICIS-94 , B309-314, Singapore 1994
Link, Cite

Assumptions and conflict resolution in preliminary engineering design
D Haroud, S Boulanger, IF Smith, E Gelle,
Workshop on Conflict Management in design, AIEDAM’94 1994

Global Consistency for Continuous Constraints
D Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of PPCP’94 1994
Link, Cite

Publications in 1993 :

Computer-aided Creative Mechanism Design
B Faltings, K Sun,
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 1451-1457 1993
Link, Cite

Imagery for Open-World Spatial Problems
B Faltings, P Pu,
Computational Intelligencevol. 9, no. 4 1993
Link, Cite

Exploring Case-Based Building Design-CADRE
K Hua, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM) 1993
Link, Cite

Publications in 1992 :

A Symbolic Approach to Qualitative Kinematics
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 56, no. 2 1992
Link, Cite

Domain Modeling for Monitoring Systems
J Primus, B Faltings,
10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1992
Link, Cite

Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction with Continuous Variables
B Faltings, D Haroud, IF Smith,
10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1992
Link, Cite

Mechanical Engineering is more than Differential Equations
Faltings B,
Computational Intelligencevol. 8, no. 2, pp. 319-322 1992
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Applying Means-Ends Analysis to Spatial Planning
B Faltings, P Pu,
AAAI Spring Symposium on Reasoning with Diagrammatic Representations 1992
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Model-based Traffic Control
B Faltings, E Sauthier,
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineeringvol. 7 1992
Link, Cite

Supporting Creativity in Symbolic Computation
Faltings B,
Second International Round-Table Conference on Computational Models of Creative Design 1992
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Publications in 1991 :

Qualitative Models in Conceptual Design: A Case Study
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligence in Design ’91 1991
Link, Cite

Applying Means-Ends Analysis to Spatial Planning
B Faltings, P Pu,
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systemspp. 80-85 1991
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Publications in 1990 :

Qualitative Kinematics in Mechanisms
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 44, no. 1, pp. 89-119 1990
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Publications in 2023 :

AI-driven Prices for Externalities and Sustainability in Production Markets
P Danassis, A. Filos-Ratsikas, H Chen, M Tambe, B Faltings
In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 2463-2465. 2023
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Incentive Mechanism Design for Responsible Data Governance: A Large-Scale Field Experiment
C Timko, M Niederstadt, N Goel, B Faltings
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality 15(2), pp. 1-18, 2023
Link, Cite

Game-theoretic mechanisms for eliciting accurate information
B Faltings
In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-23, pp. 6601-6609. 2023.
Link, Cite

Language Model Decoding as Likelihood-Utility Alignment
M Josifoski, M Peyrard, F Rajic, J Wei, P Debjit, V Hartmann, B Patra, V Chaudhary, E Kiciman, B Faltings, R West,
17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023)Dubrovnik, Croatia 2023
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Assistive Recipe Editing through Critiquing
D Antognini, S Li, B Faltings, J McAuley,
17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023)Dubrovnik, Croatia 2023
Link, Cite

A Practical Influence Approximation for Privacy-Preserving Data Filtering in Federated Learning
L Rokvic, P Danassis, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Publications in 2022 :

Positive and Negative Critiquing for VAE-based Recommenders
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Interlock-Free Multi-Aspect Rationalization for Text Classification
S Li, D Antognini, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

SLIM: Explicit Slot-Intent Mapping With Bert For Joint Multi-Intent Detection And Slot Filling
F Cai, W Zhou, F Mi, B Faltings,
IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech And Signal Processing (Icassp)pp. 7607-7611, ISBN: 978-1-6654-0540-9, ISSN: 1520-6149 2022

Generating Higher-Fidelity Synthetic Datasets with Privacy Guarantees
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Algorithmsvol. 15, no. 7, pp. 232, ISSN: 1999-4893 2022
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T-RECS: a Transformer-based Recommender Generating Textual Explanations and Integrating Unsupervised Language-based Critiquing
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,

Active Learning for Imbalanced Civil Infrastructure Data
T Frick, D Antognini, M Rigotti, I Giurgiu, B Grewe, A Malossi,
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Vision for Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (ECCV)Tel-Aviv, Israel 2022
Link, Cite

Textual Explanations and Critiques in Recommendation Systems
D Antognini,
Link, Cite

A Distributed Differentially Private Algorithm for Resource Allocation in Unboundedly Large Settings
P Danassis, A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC 2022
Link, Cite

Putting Ridesharing to the Test: Efficient and Scalable Solutions and the Power of Dynamic Vehicle Relocation
P Danassis, M Sakota, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligence ReviewISSN: 1573-7462 2022
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Exploiting Environmental Signals to Enable Policy Correlation in Large-scale Decentralized Systems
P Danassis, ZD Erden, B Faltings,
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systemsvol. 36, no. 1, pp. 13, ISSN: 1573-7454 2022
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Publications in 2021 :

Momentum-based Gradient Methods in Multi-Objective Recommendation
B Mitrevski, M Filipovic, E Lejal Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat, D Antognini,
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2955Amsterdam, Netherlands 2021
Link, Cite

Modeling Online Behavior in Recommender Systems: The Importance of Temporal Context
M Filipovic, B Mitrevski, D Antognini, E Lejal Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat,
Perspectives 2021 – Proceedings of the Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems Workshop 2021 2021
Link, Cite

Recommending Burgers based on Pizza Preferences: Addressing Data Sparsity with a Product of Experts
D Antognini, M Milenkoski, C Musat,
RecSys Workshop on Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender SystemsAmsterdam, Netherlands 2021
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Differentially Private Multi-Agent Constraint Optimization
S Damle, A Triastcyn, B Faltings, S Gujar,
WI-IAT ’21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencevol. 20 2021
Link, Cite

Blockchain-based Practical Multi-agent Secure Comparison and its Application in Auctions
S Damle, B Faltings, S Gujar,
WI-IAT ’21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencevol. 20 2021
Link, Cite

Towards Mobile Distributed Ledgers
D Chatzopoulos, A Jain, S Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2021
Link, Cite

Self-training Improves Pre-training for Few-shot Learning in Task-oriented Dialog Systems
F Mi, W Zhou, F Cai, L Kong, M Huang, B Faltings,
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processingpp. 1887-1898 2021
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Improving Multi-agent Coordination by Learning to Estimate Contention
P Danassis, F Wiedemair, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 125-131 2021
Link, Cite

Multi-Step Critiquing User Interface for Recommender Systems
D Petrescu, D Antognini, B Faltings,
Demo Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems Proceedings (RecSys 2021) 2021

Fast Multi-Step Critiquing for VAE-based Recommender Systems
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems Proceedings (RecSys 2021) 2021
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Addressing Fairness in Classification with a Model-Agnostic Multi-Objective Algorithm
K Padh, D Antognini, EL Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat,
Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2021) 2021
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Rationalization through Concepts
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Findings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Improved Cooperation by Exploiting a Common Signal
P Danassis, ZD Erden, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC, pp. 395–403, ISBN: 9781450383073 2021
Link, Cite

Interacting with Explanations through Critiquing
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Multi-Dimensional Explanation of Target Variables from Documents
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Orthos: A Trustworthy AI Framework for Data Acquisition
Gujar S,
Springervol. 12589, pp. 100-118 2021
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Publications in 2020 :

Multi-Gradient Descent for Multi-Objective Recommender Systems
N Milojkovic, D Antognini, G Bergamin, B Faltings, C Musat,
Link, Cite

Budget-Bounded Incentives for Federated Learning
AF Richardson A., B Faltings,
Springervol. 12500, pp. 176-188 2020
Link, Cite

ADER: Adaptively Distilled Exemplar Replay Towards Continual Learning for Session-based Recommendation
Fei Mi Xiaoyu Lin BF,
The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)pp. 408-413 2020
Link, Cite

Efficient Allocations in Constant Time: Towards Scalable Solutions in the Era of Large Scale Intelligent Systems
P Danassis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 2895-2896 2020
Link, Cite

Memory Augmented Neural Model for Incremental Session-based Recommendation
F Mi, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 2169-2176 2020
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Continual Learning for Natural Language Generation in Task-oriented Dialog Systems
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020pp. 3461–3474 2020
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Peer-Prediction in the Presence of Outcome Dependent Lying Incentives
N Goel, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 124-131 2020
Link, Cite

Infochain: A Decentralized, Trustless and Transparent Oracle on Blockchain
N Goel*, C Schreven* van, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 4604-4610 2020
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Tackling Peer-to-Peer Discrimination in the Sharing Economy
N Goel, M Rutagarama, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 2020)pp. 355-361 2020
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Generalized Class Incremental Learning
F Mi, L Kong, T Lin, K Yu, B Faltings,
CVPR2020 Continual Learning Workshoppp. 1897-1906 2020
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Federated Generative Privacy
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
IEEE Intelligent Systemsvol. 35, no. 4, pp. 50-57, ISSN: 1541-1672 2020
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HotelRec: a Novel Very Large-Scale Hotel Recommendation Dataset
D Antognini, B Faltings,
LREC 2020, Twelveth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluationpp. 4917-4923 2020
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GameWikiSum: a Novel Large Multi-Document Summarization Dataset
D Antognini, B Faltings,
LREC 2020, Twelveth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 2020
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Bayesian Differential Privacy for Machine Learning
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020 – Workshop on Interactive and Conversational Recommendation Systems (WICRS) 2020

Publications in 2019 :

Learning to Create Sentence Semantic Relation Graphs for Multi-Document Summarization
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization (EMNLP)Hong Kong 2019
Link, Cite

The Pareto Frontier of Inefficiency in Mechanism Design
YG Filos-Ratsikas Aris, P Lazos,
The 15th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE 2019).pp. 186-199 2019
Link, Cite

Federated Learning with Bayesian Differential Privacy
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)pp. 2587-2596, ISBN: 9781728108582 2019
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Learning to Create Sentence Semantic Relation Graphs for Multi-Document Summarization
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2019 – Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization 2019
Link, Cite

Eliciting High-Quality Data via Influence for Linear Regression
AF Richardson Adam, B Faltings,
The 1st International Workshop on Federated Machine Learning for User Privacy and Data Confidentiality (FML 2019) 2019
Link, Cite

Personalized Peer Truth Serum for Eliciting Multi-Attribute Personal Data
N Goel, B Faltings,
35th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Tel Aviv (UAI 2019) 2019
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Anytime Heuristic for Weighted Matching Through Altruism-Inspired Behavior
AF Danassis Panayiotis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 215-222 2019
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On the Computational Complexity of Blind Detection of Binary Linear Codes
A Balatsoukas-Stimming, A Filos-Ratsikas,
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2019
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The Complexity of Splitting Necklaces and Bisecting Ham Sandwiches
A Filos-Ratsikas, PW Goldberg,
The 51st Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2019) 2019
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Stable Fractional Matchings
PK Filos-Ratsikas Aris Caragiannis Ioannis, R Vaish,
The 20th ACM conference on Economics and Computation (ACM EC ’19) 2019
Link, Cite

Meta-Learning for Low-resource Natural Language Generation in Task-oriented Dialogue Systems
F Mi, M Huang, J Zhang, B Faltings,
The 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’19)pp. 3151-3157 2019
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A Truthful, Privacy-Preserving, Approximately Efficient Combinatorial Auction For Single-minded Bidders
S Damle, B Faltings, S Gujar,
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2019)pp. 1916-1918 2019
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Courtesy As a Means to Coordinate
Panayiotis Danassis BF,
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC, pp. 665-673, ISBN: 9781450363099 2019
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Generating Artificial Data for Private Deep Learning
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the PAL: Privacy-Enhancing Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies, AAAI Spring Symposium Seriespp. 33-40, ISSN: 1613-0073 2019
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Context-Tree Recommendation vs Matrix-Factorization: Algorithm Selection and Live Users Evaluation
BF Martin Stephane, V Schickel,
Proceedings of the 31st AAAI Conference on Innovative Applications of AIvol. 31 2019
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Deep Bayesian Trust : A Dominant and Fair Incentive Mechanism for Crowd
N Goel, B Faltings,
33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 2019

Crowdsourcing with Fairness, Diversity and Budget Constraints
N Goel, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics and Society (AIES) 2019 2019
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Walrasian Dynamics in Multi-unit Markets
S Branzei, A Filos-Ratsikas,
The 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’19) 2019
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Publications in 2018 :

Privacy Preserving and Cost Optimal Mobile Crowdsensing Using Smart Contracts on Blockchain
D Chatzopoulos, S Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
IEEE 15th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS)pp. 442-450, ISSN: 2155-6814 2018
Link, Cite

Hardness Results for Consensus-Halving
PW Frederiksen Stiil Kristoffer Soren Filos-Ratsikas Aris, J Zhang,
43rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2018)Dagstuhl, Germany, vol. 117, pp. 24:1-24:16, ISBN: 9783959770866 2018
Link, Cite

Enhancing Session-Based Recommendations through Sequential Modeling
BF Martin Stephane, V Schickel,
32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalizationvol. 32 2018
Link, Cite

Non-Discriminatory Machine Learning through Convex Fairness Criteria
N Goel, M Yaghini, B Faltings,
Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018 2018
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Partial Truthfulness in Minimal Peer Prediction Mechanisms with Limited Knowledge
Goran Radanovic BF,
Link, Cite

Information Gathering with Peers: Submodular Optimization with Peer-Prediction Constraints
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the AAAI 2018
Link, Cite

A Bayesian Approach to Intervention-Based Clustering
I Kulev, P Pu, B Faltings,
ACMNew York, NY, USA, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 44:1-44:23, ISSN: 2157-6904 2018
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Publications in 2017 :

Dataset Construction via Attention for Aspect Term Extraction with Distant Supervision
A Giannakopoulos, D Antognini, C Musat, A Hossmann, M Baeriswyl,
7th ICDM Workshop on Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction (SENTIRE) 2017
Link, Cite

Game Theory for Data Science: Eliciting Truthful Information
Radanovic BF,
Morgan & Claypool Publishersvol. 35, ISBN: 9781627057295 2017
Link, Cite

DUCT: An Upper Confidence Bound Approach to Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems
Brammert Ottens Christos Dimitrakakis BF,
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 69:1-69:27 2017
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Adaptive Sequential Recommendation for Discussion Forums on MOOCs using Context Trees
Fei Mi BF,
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 2017
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L’intelligence artificielle par la pratique
Boi Faltings MS,
PPURISBN: 9782889150755 2017

Auction Based Mechanisms for Dynamic Task Assignments in Expert Crowdsourcing
SP Gujar, B Faltings,
Springerpp. 50-65, ISBN: 9783319542294 2017
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Publications in 2016 :

Incentives for Effort in Crowdsourcing using the Peer Truth Serum
G Radanovic, B Faltings, R Jurca,
Acm Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technologyvol. 7, no. 4, pp. 48:1-28 2016
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LocalCoin: An ad-hoc payment scheme for areas with high connectivity: poster
D Chatzopoulos, SP Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
ACM MobiHoc 2016 2016
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Limiting the Influence of Low Quality Information in Community Sensing
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th AAMASpp. 873-881 2016
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Learning to Scale Payments in Crowdsourcing with PropeRBoost
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Fourth AAAI conference on Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP’16) 2016
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Mechanismen zur Beschaffung korrekter Daten
B Faltings, G Radanovic,
Informatik Spektrum 2016
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Online Auctions for Dynamic Assignment: Theory and Empirical Evaluation
SP Gujar, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligencevol. 22, pp. 1035-1043 2016
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Publications in 2015 :

Incentives for Subjective Evaluations with Private Beliefs
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’15) 2015
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Incentive Schemes for Participatory Sensing
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems (AAMAS’15) 2015
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An Optimal Bidimensional Multi-Armed Bandit Auction for Multi-unit Procurement
S Bhat, S Jain, S Gujar, Y Narahari,
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, May 4-8, 2015pp. 1789-1790 2015
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Dynamic Task Assignments: An Online Two Sided Matching Approach
S Guajr, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 3rd International workshop on Matching Under Preferences, MATCHUP 2015
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Auction Based Mechanisms for Dynamic Task Assignments in Expert Crowdsourcing
S Guajr, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the International workshop on Agent Mediated E-Commerce and Trading Agent Design and Analysis (AMEC/TADA’15) 2015
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RISC: Robust Infrastructure over Shared Computing Resources Through Dynamic Pricing and Incentivization
T Mukherjee, P Dutta, VG Hegde, S Gujar,
29th IEEE International Parallel &Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2015
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Personalizing Product Rankings Using Collaborative Filtering on Opinion-Derived Topic Profiles
CC Musat, B Faltings,
24th IJCAIpp. 830-836 2015
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Predicting Online Performance of News Recommender Systems Through Richer Evaluation Metrics
A Maksai, F Garcin, B Faltings,
ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (Recsys)no. 9, pp. 179-186 2015
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Incentivizing Truthful Responses with the Logarithmic Peer Truth Serum
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. 2015
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Publications in 2014 :

Symmetric Subgame-Perfect Equilibria in Resource Allocation
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 49, pp. 323-361 2014
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A mechanism to optimally balance cost and quality of labeling tasks outsourced to strategic agents
S Bhat, S Nath, S Gujar, O Zoeter, Y Narahari, C Dance,
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systemspp. 917-924 2014
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A quality assuring multi-armed bandit crowdsourcing mechanism with incentive compatible learning
S Jain, S Gujar, O Zoeter, Y Narahari,
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systemspp. 1609-1610 2014
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Acquiring Commonsense Knowledge for Sentiment Analysis Using Human Computation (Poster)
M Boia, CC Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide WebSeoul, Korea, pp. 225-226 2014
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EmotionWatch: Visualizing Fine-Grained Emotions in Event-Related Tweets
R Kempter, V Sintsova, C Musat, P Pu,
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Incentives for Truthful Information Elicitation of Continuous Signals
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’14)pp. 770-776 2014

Constructing Context-Aware Sentiment Lexicons with an Asynchronous Game with a Purpose
M Boia, CC Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Part IIvol. 8404, pp. 32-44, ISBN: 9783642549021 2014
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Acquiring Commonsense Knowledge for Sentiment Analysis through Human Computation_1
M Boia, CC Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial IntelligenceQuébec City, Canada, pp. 901-907 2014
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Swissnoise: Online Polls with Game-Theoretic Incentives
F Garcin, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Innovative Applications of AIpp. 2972-2977 2014
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Incentives to Counter Bias in Human Computation
B Faltings, P Pu, BD Tran, R Jurca,
Proceedings of HCOMP 2014pp. 59-66 2014
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C-Cloud: A Cost-Efficient Reliable Cloud of Surplus Computing Resources
P Dutta, T Mukherjee, VG Hegde, S Gujar,
Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2014 IEEE 7th International Conference onpp. 986-987 2014
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Offline and Online Evaluation of News Recommender Systems at
F Garcin, B Faltings, O Donatsch, A Alazzawi, C Bruttin, A Huber,
ACM Conference on Recommender Systemspp. 169-176 2014
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A Region-Based Model for Estimating Urban Air Pollution
A Jutzeler, JJ Li, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 28th conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)pp. 424-430 2014
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Incentive Mechanisms for Community Sensing
B Faltings, JJ Li, R Jurca,
IEEE Transaction on Computersvol. 63, no. 1, pp. 115-128 2014
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Publications in 2013 :

PEN recsys: a Personalized News Recommender Systems Framework (DEMO)
F Garcin, B Faltings,
7th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (Recsys) 2013
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PEN recsys: a Personalized News Recommender Systems Framework
F Garcin, B Faltings,
News Recommender Systems Workshop (NRS) 2013
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Using Incentives to Obtain Truthful Information
Faltings B,
Communications in Computer and Information Sciencevol. 271, pp. 3-10 2013
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Network Self-organization Explains the Statistics and Dynamcis of Synaptic Connection Strengths in Cortex
P Zhang, C Dimitrakakis, J Triesch,
PLoS Computational Biologyvol. 9, no. 1 2013
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Utility-driven Data Acquisition in Participatory Sensing
M Riahi, T Papaioannou, K Aberer, I Trummer,
16th Int. Conf. on Extending Database Technology 2013

On Selecting the Nonce Length in Distance-Bounding Protocols
A Mitrokotsa, P Peris-Lopez, C Dimitrakakis, S Vaudenay,
The Computer Journal 2013
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Linear Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
N Tziortziotis, C Dimitrakakis, K Blekas,
Proceedings of the 23rd international joint conference on artififical intelligence (IJCAI 2013) 2013
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ABC Reinforcement Learning
C Dimitrakakis, N Tziortziotis,
ICML 2013 2013
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Recommendation Using Textual Opinions
CC Musat, Y Liang, B Faltings,
23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 2684-2690 2013
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A Robust Bayesian Truth Serum for Non-binary Signals
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’13)pp. 833-839 2013
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Probabilistic inverse reinforcement learning in unkown environments
A Tossou, C Dimitrakakis,
UAI 2013 2013
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Decomposition and Tractability in Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
J Huang, JJ Li, J Renz,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 195, pp. 140-164 2013
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Cover Tree Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
N Tziortziotis, C Dimitrakakis, K Blekas,
Link, Cite

Robust, Secure and Private Bayesian Inference
C Dimitrakakis, B Nelson, A Mitrokotsa, B Rubinstein,
Link, Cite

Relational Learning with Hypergraphs
Pu L,
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Monte-Carlo utility estimates for Bayesian reinforcement learning
Dimitrakakis C,
IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013) 2013
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Understanding and Improving Relational Matrix Factorization in Recommender Systems
L Pu, B Faltings,
7th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (Recsys) 2013
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Protecting Privacy through Distributed Computation in Multi-agent Decision Making
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Researchvol. 47, pp. 649-695 2013
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Decentralized Anti-coordination Through Multi-agent Learning_1
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Researchvol. 47, pp. 441-473 2013
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A 🙂 Is Worth a Thousand Words: How People Attach Sentiment to Emoticons and Words in Tweets
M Boia, B Faltings, CC Musat, P Pu,
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Social ComputingWashington D.C., USA, pp. 345-350 2013
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Direct Negative Opinions in Online Discussions
CC Musat, B Faltings, P Roussille,
2013 International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2013) 2013
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A Model of Online Social Interactions based on Sentiment Analysis and Content Similarity
CC Musat, B Faltings, P Rousille,
The Academy of Science and Engineering Human Journal 2013
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A Novel Human Computation Game for Critique Aggregation
CC Musat, B Faltings,
AAAI 2013
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Fine-Grained Emotion Recognition in Olympic Tweets Based on Human Computation
V Sintsova, CC Musat, P Pu,
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media AnalysisAtlanta, Georgia, pp. 12-20 2013
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Personalized News Recommendation with Context Trees
F Garcin, C Dimitrakakis, B Faltings,
7th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (Recsys) 2013
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Publications in 2012 :

Sparse Reward Processes
Dimitrakakis C,
Link, Cite

Expected loss bounds for authentication in constrained channels
C Dimitrakakis, A Mitrokotsa, S Vaudenay,
INFOCOM 2012 2012
Link, Cite

The RADO approach to Quality-Driven Service Composition – Approximating the Pareto-Frontier in Polynomial Time
I Trummer, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Sensing the Air We Breathe – the OpenSense Zurich Dataset
JJ Li, B Faltings, O Saukh, D Hasenfratz, J Beutel,
AAAI 2012
Link, Cite

DUCT: An Upper Confidence Bound Approach to Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems
B Ottens, C Dimitrakakis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 26th conference of the AAAIpp. 528-533 2012
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Symmetric subgame perfect equilibria for resource allocation
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 26th national conference on Artificial intelligence (AAAI-12)Menlo Park, CA, USA, pp. 1326-1331 2012
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Global Optimization for Multiple Agents
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent SystemsValencia, Spain 2012
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Resource-based Planning with Timelines
D Banerjee, JJ Li,
ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Scheduling with Timelines (PSTL). 2012
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Incentive Schemes for Community Sensing
JJ Li, B Faltings,
The 3rd International Conference in Computational Sustainability 2012
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Intrusion Detection in MANET Using Classification Algorithms: The Effects of Cost and Model Selection
A Mitrokotsa, C Dimitrakakis,
Ad Hoc Networks 2012
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Hypergraph Learning with Hyperedge Expansion
L Pu, B Faltings,
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases(ECML-PKDD)pp. 410-425 2012
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Sentiment Analysis Using a Novel Human Computation Game
CC Musat, A Ghasemi, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on the People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources and their Applications to NLPJeju, Republic of Korea, pp. 1-9 2012
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Personalized News Recommendation Based on Collaborative Filtering
F Garcin, K Zhou, B Faltings, V Schickel,
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 2012
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Eliciting Truthful Measurements from a Community of Sensors
B Faltings, R Jurca, JJ Li,
3rd International Conference on the Internet of Thingspp. 51-18 2012
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On selecting the nonce length in distance-bounding protocols
A Mitrokotsa, P Peris-Lopez, C Dimitrakakis, S Vaudenay,
The Computer Journal 2012

A Method for Multi-Objective Quality-Driven Service Selection

Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning with Answer Set Programming
Li JJ,
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’12)ISBN: 9781479902279 2012
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Publications in 2011 :

Reaching Correlated Equilibria Through Multi-agent Learning
L Cigler, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 10th Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS 2011
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Coordinating Logistics Operations with Privacy Guarantees
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’11)Barcelona, Spain 2011
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Distributed Constraint Optimization under Stochastic Uncertainty
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’11)San Francisco, USA 2011
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Distributed Constraint Optimization: Privacy Guarantees and Stochastic Uncertainty
Léauté T,
Lausanne, Switzerland 2011
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Robust Bayesian reinforcement learning through tight lower bounds
Dimitrakakis C,
European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2011) 2011
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Bayesian Multitask Inverse Reinforcement Learning
C Dimitrakakis, CA Rothkopf,
European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2011) 2011
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Preference Elicitation and Inverse Reinforcement Learning
CA Rothkopf, C Dimitrakakis,
European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML 2011) 2011

Context models on sequences of covers
Dimitrakakis C,
Link, Cite

Network Self-organization Explains Distribution of Synaptic Efficacies in Neocortex
P Zheng, C Dimitrakakis, J Triesch,
Link, Cite

Optimizing the Tradeoff between Discovery, Composition, and Execution Cost in Service Composition
I Trummer, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2011) 2011
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Hypergraph Clustering for Better Network Traffic Inspection
L Pu, B Faltings,
The 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Security at IJCAIpp. 18-25 2011
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Dynamically Selecting Composition Algorithms for Economical Composition as a Service
I Trummer, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2011) 2011
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Expected loss analysis of thresholded authentication protocols in noisy conditions
C Dimitrakakis, A Mitrokotsa, S Vaudenay,
Link, Cite

Towards a Qualitative, Region-Based Model for Air Pollution Dispersion
JJ Li, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’11 Workshop on Space, Time and Ambient Intelligence (STAMI’11), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011

Incentives for Answering Hypothetical Questions
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Workshop on Social Computing and User Generated Content, EC-11 2011
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Tag Your Memory with Colors: Semi-automatic Recoloring on Interested Objects via Hypergraph Learning
Chappuis A,
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Asynchronous Forward Bounding (AFB): Implementation and Performance Experiments
alexandra Olteanu, T L’eaut’e, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Asynchronous Forward Bounding (AFB): Implementation and Performance Experiments
Á Olteanu, T Léauté, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Publications in 2010 :

Heuristics for Distributed Pseudo-tree Regeneration
J Helfer, T Léauté, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2010
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Reporting Incentives and Biases in Online Review Forums
R Jurca, F Garcin, A Talwar, B Faltings,
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB)vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1-27 2010
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Citation graph based ranking in Invenio
L Marian, JY Meur, M Rajman, M Vesely,
Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Digital Libraries 2010

Ensuring Privacy through Distributed Computation in Multiple-Depot Vehicle Routing Problems
T Léauté, B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ECAI’10 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Logistics (AILog’10)Lisbon, Portugal 2010
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Relational Network-Service Clustering Analysis with Set Evidences
L Pu, B Faltings, Q Yang, DH Hu,
the 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security 2010
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Efficient methods for near-optimal sequential decision making under uncertainty
Dimitrakakis C,
Springervol. 281, pp. 125-153 2010
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Reid et al.’s Distance Bounding Protocol and Mafia Fraud Attacks over Noisy Channels
A Mitrokotsa, C Dimitrakakis, P Peris-Lopez, JC Hernandez-Castro,
IEEE Communication Lettersvol. 14, no. 2, pp. 121-123 2010
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Context model inference for large or partially observable MDPs
Dimitrakakis C,
ICML workshop on reinforcement learning and search in very large spaces 2010

Bayesian Variable Order Markov Models
Dimitrakakis C,
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)Chia Laguna Resort, Sardinia, Italy, vol. 9, pp. 161-168 2010
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Variable order Markov decision processes: Exact Bayesian inference with an application to POMDPs
Dimitrakakis C,

Cost-Optimal Outsourcing of Applications into the Clouds
I Trummer, F Leymann, R Mietzner, W Binder,
Proceedings of the Second International IEEE Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom) 2010
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Relational Network-Service Clustering Analysis with Set Evidences
L Pu, B Faltings, Q Yang, DH Hu,
The 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security 2010
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Restarts and Nogood Recording in Qualitative Constraint-based Reasoning
M Westphal, S Wölfl, JJ Li,
ECAI 2010 – 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal, August 16-20, 2010pp. 1093-1094 2010
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In Defense of Large Qualitative Calculi
JJ Li, J Renz,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 11-15, 2010 2010
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Publications in 2009 :

Multiversion concurrency control for the generalized search tree
W Binder, A Mosincat, S Spycher, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 2009
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Rank Aggregation in Scientific Publication Databases Based on Logistic Regression
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2009
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FRODO 2: An Open-Source Framework for Distributed Constraint Optimization
T Léauté, B Ottens, R Szymanek,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’09 Distributed Constraint Reasoning Workshop (DCR’09)Pasadena, California, USA, pp. 160-164 2009
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E[DPOP]: Distributed Constraint Optimization under Stochastic Uncertainty using Collaborative Sampling
T Léauté, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’09 Distributed Constraint Reasoning Workshop (DCR’09)Pasadena, California, USA, pp. 87-101 2009
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Distributed Constraint Optimization with Structured Resource Constraints
A Kumar, B Faltings, A Petcu,
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS)pp. 923-930 2009
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Mechanisms for Making Crowds Truthful
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 34, pp. 209-253 2009
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Aggregating Reputation Feedback
F Garcin, B Faltings, R Jurca,
1st International Conference on Reputation (ICORE), pp. 62-74 2009
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Privacy-Preserving Multi-agent Constraint Satisfaction
T Léauté, B Faltings,
2009 IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT-09)pp. 17-25 2009
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Rating Aggregation in Collaborative Filtering Systems
F Garcin, B Faltings, R Jurca, N Joswig,
Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Recommender systems – RecSys ’09pp. 349-352 2009
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Coherence of Theories: Dependencies and Weights
JJ Li, R Kwok, N Foo,
Springer-VerlagBerlin, vol. 28, pp. 297-318 2009
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Statistical Decision Making for Authentication and Intrusion Detection
C Dimitrakakis, A Mitrokotsa,
Machine Learning and Applications, Fourth International Conference on (ICMLA’09)Miami, FL, USA, pp. 409-414, ISBN: 9780769539263 2009
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Complexity of stochastic branch and bound methods for belief tree search in Bayesian reinforcement learning
Dimitrakakis C,
2nd international conference on agents and artificial intelligence (ICAART 2010)Valencia, Spain, pp. 259-264 2009
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Bayesian Variable Order Markov Models: Towards Bayesian Predictive State Representations
Dimitrakakis C,

A Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Solving Interval Algebra Networks
JJ Li, J Huang, J Renz,
IJCAI 2009, Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pasadena, California, USA, July 11-17, 2009pp. 572-577 2009
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Evaluating Cases in Legal Disputes as Rival Theories
P Stenetorp, JJ Li,
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, JSAI-isAI 2009 Workshops, LENLS, JURISIN, KCSD, LLLL, Tokyo, Japan, November 19-20, 2009, Revised Selected Papersvol. 6284, pp. 59-72, ISBN: 9783642148873 2009
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Making Them Remember—Emotional Virtual Characters with Memory
Z Kasap, MB Moussa, P Chaudhuri, N Magnenat-Thalmann,
IEEE Computer Society PressLos Alamitos, CA, USA, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 20-29 2009
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Publications in 2008 :

M-DPOP: Faithful Distributed Implementation of Efficient Social Choice Problems
A Petcu, B Faltings, D Parkes,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 32, pp. 705-755 2008
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Perspectives for Rank Aggregation within Scientific Publication Databases
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008

H-DPOP: Using Hard Constraints to Prune the Search Space
A Kumar, A Petcu, B Faltings,
AAAI’08 – Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial IntelligenceChicago, IL, USA 2008
Link, Cite

Privacy Guarantees through Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, T Léauté, A Petcu,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
Link, Cite

Enhancing Numerical Constraint Propagation using Multiple Inclusion Representations
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (to appear) 2008

Interval Propagation and Search on Directed Acyclic Graphs for Numerical Constraint Solving
XH Vu, H Schichl, D Sam-Haroud,
Journal of Global Optimization (to appear) 2008

Truthful Opinions from the Crowds
R Jurca, B Faltings,
ACM SIGEcom Exchangesvol. 7, no. 2 2008
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Incentives for Expressing Opinions in Online Polls
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceeddings of the 2008 ACM Conference on Electronic Commercepp. 119-128 2008
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Preference-based search with adaptive recommendations
P Viappiani, P Pu, B Faltings,
AI Communicationsvol. 21, no. 2-3, pp. 155-175 2008
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Using Bibliographic Knowledge for Ranking in Scientific Publication Databases
M Vesely, M Rajman, JY Meur,
Knowledge-Based Software EngineeringNieuwe Hemweg 6B, 1013 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands, vol. 180, pp. 201-212 2008

Asynchronous Open DPOP
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning – AAMAS08Estorial Portugal 2008
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ASODPOP: Making Open DPOP Asynchronous
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Doctoral Programme of the 14th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP07Sydney Australia 2008
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Coordination Agent Plans Trough Distributed Constraint Optimization
B Ottens, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Multi Agent Planning Workshop MASPLAN08Sydney Australia 2008
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Comparing Winner Determination Algorithms for Mixed Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions (Short paper)
B Ottens, U Endriss,
Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS08Estorial Portugal 2008
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Managing Collaborative Feedback Information for Distributed Retrieval
P Felber, T Luu, M Rajman, E Riviere,
6th Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems for Information Retrieval (LSDS-IR at CIKM’08) 2008
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Scalable Content-based Ranking in P2P Information Retrieval
M Puh, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman,
12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES’08) 2008
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Query-Driven Indexing for Scalable Peer-to-Peer Text Retrieval
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
Future Generation Computer Systems 2008

Privacy Guarantees through Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, T Léauté, A Petcu,
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’08)Sydney, Australia, pp. 350-358 2008
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Results of the first phase of the d-Rank project
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
Link, Cite

Truck Task Scheduling using DPOP
M Bettex, B Ottens, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
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Efficient Data Structures for Decision Diagrams
N Ouaret, T Léauté, R Szymanek, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2008
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Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
C Dimitrakakis, MG Lagoudakis,
Machine Learningvol. 72, no. 3, pp. 157-171 2008
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Exploration in POMDPs
Dimitrakakis C,
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Artificial Intelligence Journalvol. 1, pp. 24-31 2008

Tree Exploration for Bayesian RL Exploration
Dimitrakakis C,
Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, International Conference onWien, Austria, pp. 1029-1034, ISBN: 9780769535142 2008
Link, Cite

Algorithms and Bounds for Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
C Dimitrakakis, MG Lagoudakis,
EWRLpp. 27-40 2008
Link, Cite

Cost-minimising strategies for data labelling: optimal stopping and active learning
C Dimitrakakis, C Savu-Krohn,
Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS 2008)Pisa, Italy, vol. 4932, pp. 96-111 2008

Automated Complexity Proofs for Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Calculi
J Renz, JJ Li,
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference, KR 2008, Sydney, Australia, September 16-19, 2008pp. 715-723, ISBN: 9781577353843 2008
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Combining binary constraint networks in qualitative reasoning
JJ Li, T Kowalski, J Renz, S Li,
ECAI 2008 – 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Patras, Greece, July 21-25, 2008vol. 178, pp. 515-519, ISBN: 9781586038915 2008

White matter hyperintensities in the forties: Their prevalence and topography in an epidemiological sample aged 44-48
W Wen, PS Sachdev, JJ Li, X Chen, KJ Anstey,
Human Brain Mappingvol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1155-1167 2008
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Publications in 2007 :

MB-DPOP: A New Memory-Bounded Algorithm for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07Hyderabad, India, pp. 1452-1457 2007
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PC-DPOP: A New Partial Centralization Algorithm for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings, R Mailler,
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07Hyderabad, India, pp. 167-172 2007
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OSS: A semantic Similarity Function based on Hierarchical Onotlogies
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07pp. 551-556 2007
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Federated Directories of Semantic Web Services
M Schumacher, T Pelt van, I Constantinescu, A Sousa e Oliveira de, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2007
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H-DPOP: Using Hard Constraints to Prune the Search Space
A Kumar, A Petcu, B Faltings,
IJCAI’07 – Distributed Constraint Reasoning workshop, DCR’07Hyderabad, India 2007
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Eighth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning (DCR’07)
Hyderabad, India, vol. 8 2007
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Aggregating ranking methods for information retrieval: an overview
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007

Scalable P2P Search Engine using Highly Discriminative Keys
I Podnar, M Rajman, T Luu, F Klemm, K Aberer,
23rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’2007)Istanbul, Turkey 2007
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Query-Driven Indexing for Peer-to-Peer Text Retrieval (Poster)
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW’2007)Banff, Canada 2007
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Reliable QoS Monitoring Based on Client Feedback
R Jurca, W Binder, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW07)Banff, Canada, pp. 1003-1011 2007
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Interval Analysis, Constraint Propagation and Applications
C Jermann, Y Lebbah, D Sam-Haroud,
ISTELondon, UK, pp. 223-259 2007

BB-M-DPOP: Budget-Balance in Social Choice based on Problem Structure
A Petcu, B Faltings, D Parkes, W Xue,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007

Collusion Resistant, Incentive Compatible Feedback Payments
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC’07)pp. 200-209 2007
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Understanding User Behavior in Online Feedback Reporting
A Talwar, R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC’07)pp. 134-142 2007
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Web Text Retrieval with a P2P Query-Driven Index
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR’2007)Amsterdam, Netherlands 2007
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Obtaining Reliable Feedback for Sanctioning Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 29, pp. 391-419 2007
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Query-Driven Indexing for Scalable Peer-to-Peer Text Retrieval
G Skobeltsyn, T Luu, IP Zarko, M Rajman, K Aberer,
The Second International Conference on Scalable Information Systems (Infoscale’2007)Suzhou, China 2007

Preference-based search for Configurable Catalogs
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
AAAI 2007 Workshop on ConfigutationVancouver 2007
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User Requirement Analysis for Meeting Information Retrieval Based on Query Elicitation
V Pallotta, V Seretan, M Ailomaa,
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2007)Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 1008-1015 2007
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Archivus: A user performance analysis with speech, keyboard and mouse as interaction modalities
M Ailomaa, A Lisowska,
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Robust Incentive-Compatible Feedback Payments
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg, vol. LNAI 4452, pp. 204-218 2007
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Collective search of a single odour source using cooperation
A Herrmann, A Petcu, T Lochmatter, T Léauté, B Faltings,

Adaptive and Distributed Speed Limitation in a Simulation of the Swiss Highway Network
CF Rey, A Petcu, M Schumacher, T Léauté, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007

Conversational Recommenders with Adaptive Suggestions
P Viappiani, P Pu, B Faltings,
Recommender Systems 2007Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2007
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Governing Environments for Agent-based Traffic Simulations
M Schumacher, L Grangier, R Jurca,
Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V – 5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2007vol. 4696 2007
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Discovering Semantic Web Services in Federated Directories
M Schumacher, T Pelt van, I Constantinescu, A Sousa e Oliveira de, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’07) 2007

R-DPOP: Optimal Solution Stability in Continuous-Time Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IAT 2007 – International Conference on Intelligent Agent TechnologyFremont, CA, USA 2007
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LS-DPOP: A Hybrid of Inference and Local Search for Distributed Combinatorial Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IAT 2007 – International Conference on Intelligent Agent TechnologyFremont, CA, USA 2007
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Morpho-lexical Processing and Part-of-Speech Tagging
Chappelier JC,
EPFL Presspp. 145-175 2007

Syntactic Processing
M Rajman, JC Chappelier, A Rozenknop,
EPFL Presspp. 177-203 2007

Ontology Filtering
Schickel-Zuber V,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Incentive-compatible Online Opinion Polls
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Providing Cooperative Incentives through the Structure of Social Networks
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Reporting Incentives in Online Feedback Forums: The Influence of Effort
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Automated Design of Prediction Market Pricing Functions
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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A Class of Algorithms for Distributed Constraint Optimization
Petcu A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2007
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Automated Dynamic Maintenance of Composite Services Based on Service Reputation
D Bianculli, R Jurca, W Binder, C Ghezzi, B Faltings,
Fifth International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC-2007)vol. 4749, pp. 449-455 2007
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Intrusion Detection Using Cost-Sensitive Classification
A Mitrokotsa, C Dimitrakakis, C Douligeris,
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense (EC2ND’07)Heraklion, Greece, vol. 30, pp. 35-46 2007

Beliefbox: A framework for statistical methods in sequential decision making
Dimitrakakis C,

Publications in 2006 :

Design and Implementation of Preference-based Search
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
The 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems EngineeringWuhan, China, pp. 72-83 2006
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PC-DPOP: A New Partial Centralization Algorithm for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
ECAI’06 DCSP Workshop on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction ProblemsRiva del Garda, Italy 2006
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ALVIS Peers: A Scalable Full-text Peer-to-Peer Retrieval Engine
T Luu, F Klemm, I Podnar, M Rajman, K Aberer,
Workshop on Information Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer Networks P2P-IR at CIKM 2006 2006
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Using an Ontological A-priori Score To Infer User’s Preferences
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
In Workshop on Recommender Systems – ECAI06pp. 102-106 2006
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Proceedings of the European Conference on eHealth 2006
H Stormer, A Meier, M Schumacher,
GI-EditionGermany, vol. P-91 2006

Efficient Networking for Pervasive eHealth Applications
H Helin, T Pelt van, M Schumacher, A Syreeni,
Proceedings of the European Conference on EHealth (ECEH06)vol. P-91 2006
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Context-aware Service Coordination for Mobile e-Health Applications
F Bergenti, C Caceres, A Fernandez, N Fröhlich, H Helin, O Keller, A Kinnunen, M Klusch, H Laamanen, A Lopes, S Ossowski, H Schuldt, M Schumacher,
Proceedings of the European Conference on EHealth (ECEH06)Germany, vol. P-91 2006
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Explicit Passive Analysis in Electronic Catalogs
D Portabella-Clotet, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06). Member PosterMenlo Park, CA 2006
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A Study of User’s Online Decision Making Behavior
J Zhang, P Pu, P Viappiani,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Preference-based Search using Example-Critiquing with Suggestions
P Viappiani, B Faltings, P Pu,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)vol. 27, pp. 465-503 2006
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Revisiting Fisher Kernels for Document Similarities
M Nyffenegger, JC Chappelier, E Gaussier,
Machine Learning: ECML 2006 (Proc. of 17th European Conference on Machine Learning)vol. 4212/2006, pp. 727-734 2006

Random Subset Optimization
B Faltings, QH Nguyen,
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’06)pp. 88-92 2006
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A Multiagent System for the Reliable Execution of Automatically Composed Ad-hoc Processes
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings, K Haller, C Turker,
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systemsvol. 12, no. 2, pp. 219-237 2006
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Nearly optimal exploration-exploitation decision thresholds
Dimitrakakis C,
Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2006

Online statistical estimation for vehicle control
Dimitrakakis C,

Ensembles for Sequence Learning
Dimitrakakis C,

Offline Grammar-based Recognition of Handwritten Sentences
M Zimmermann, Chappelier, H Bunke,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligencevol. 28, no. 5, pp. 818-821 2006
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Secure Combinatorial Optimization simulating DFS tree-based Variable Elimination
MC Silaghi, B Faltings, A Petcu,
9th Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and MathematicsFt. Lauderdale, Florida, USA 2006
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Distributed Generator Maintenance Scheduling
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the First International ICSC Symposium on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN ENERGY SYSTEMS AND POWER: AIESP’06Madeira, Portugal 2006
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M-DPOP: Faithful Distributed Implementation of Efficient Social Choice Problems
A Petcu, B Faltings, D Parkes,
AAMAS’06 – Autonomous Agents and Multiagent SystemsHakodate, Japan, pp. 1397-1404 2006
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Distributed Constraint Programming
Faltings B,
Handbook of Constraint Programmingpp. 699-729 2006
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The Governing Environment
M Schumacher, S Ossowski,
Springer Verlagvol. 3830, pp. 88-104 2006
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FRODO: A FRamework for Open/Distributed constraint Optimization
Petcu A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Research on Environments in Multiagent Systems: Reflection on the State-of-the-Art
D Weyns, A Helleboogh, M Schumacher, T Holvoet,
Multiagent and Grid Systems 2006
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Increasing User Decision Accuracy using Suggestions
P Pu, P Viappiani, B Faltings,
ACM Conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI06)Montreal, Canada, pp. 121-130 2006
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Using CHI-Scores to Reward Honest Feedback from Repeated Interactions
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of AAMAS06Hakodate, Japan, pp. 1233-1240 2006
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Minimum Payments that Reward Honest Reputation Feedback
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic CommerceAnn Arbor, Michigan, USA, pp. 190-199 2006
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The Lookahead Principle for Preference Elicitation: Experimental Results
P Viappiani, B Faltings, P Pu,
Seventh International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS)Milan, Italy, pp. 378-389 2006
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Extending the Wizard of Oz Methodology for Language-enabled Multimodal Systems
M Rajman, M Ailomaa, A Lisowska, M Melichar, S Armstrong,
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)Genoa, Italy, pp. 2539-2543 2006
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Implementing Example-based Tools for Preference-based Search
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
The Sixth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 06)Menlo Park, California, USA, pp. 89-90 2006
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O-DPOP: An algorithm for Open/Distributed Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-06Boston, USA, pp. 703-708 2006
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Evaluating Preference-based Search Tools: a Tale of Two Approaches
P Viappiani, B Faltings, P Pu,
Proceedings of the Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06)Boston, MA, USA, pp. 205-211 2006
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Optimizing Streaming Applications with Self-Interested Users using M-DPOP
B Faltings, D Parkes, A Petcu, J Shneidman,
COMSOC’06: International Workshop on Computational Social ChoiceAmsterdam, The Netherlands 2006
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Recent Advances in Dynamic, Distributed Constraint Optimization
Petcu A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Overcoming Incomplete User Models in Recommendation Systems via an Ontology
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
Springer Berlin / Heidelbergvol. 4198, pp. 39-57 2006
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Inferring User’s Preferences using Ontologies
V Schickel-Zuber, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06)pp. 1413-1416 2006
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Adaptive Suggestions for Example based Tools
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
ECAI 06 Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference HandlingRiva del Garda, Italy, pp. 134-140 2006
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Design and Implementation of Preference-based Search
P Viappiani, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Branch-and-Prune Search Strategies for Numerical Constraint Solving
XH Vu, M Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2006
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Explicit Trade-off and Prospective Analysis in Eletronic Catalogs
DP Clotet, M Rajman,
Workshop on Recommender Systems. European Conference on Artificial IntelligenceRiva del Garda, Italy 2006
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From Vocal to Multimodal Dialogue Management
M Melichar, P Cenek, M Ailomaa, A Lisowska, M Rajman,
Eighth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI’06)Banff, Canada, pp. 59-67 2006
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A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Information Retrieval Across Digital Library Collections
I Podnar, T Luu, M Rajman, F Klemm, K Aberer,
European conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries (ECDL’2006) 2006
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Beyond term indexing: A P2P framework for Web information retrieval
I Podnar, M Rajman, T Luu, F Klemm, K Aberer,
Informatica, Special Issue on Specialised Web Searchvol. 30, no. 2 2006
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Archivus: A multimodal system for multimedia meeting browsing and retrieval
M Ailomaa, A Lisowska, M Melichar, S Armstrong, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Interactive Presentation SessionsSydney, Australia, pp. 49-52 2006
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Archivus: A multimodal system for multimedia meeting browsing and retrieval
P Cenek, M Melichar, A Lisowska, M Ailomaa, M Rajman,
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Publications in 2005 :

Solving Meeting Scheduling Problems Using Distributed Pseudotree-Optimization Procedure
Ushakov G,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Natural Language Techniques for Model-Driven Semantic Constraint Extraction
M Ailomaa, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Answering natural language queries on spoken dialogs in meeting discussions
Ghorbel, M Rajman,
Link, Cite

Online Policy Adaptation for Ensemble Classifiers
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
Neurocomputingvol. 64, pp. 211-221 2005

CONFESS: Eliciting Honest Feedback without Independent Verification Authorities
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springervol. 3435, pp. 59-72 2005
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Gradient-based estimates of return distributions
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
PASCAL workshop on principled methods of trading exploration and exploitation 2005

Boosting word error rates
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)vol. 5, pp. 501-504 2005

Gradient estimates of return
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,

Introduction: Special Issue on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, M Yokoo,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 161, pp. 1-5 2005
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Asynchronous Aggregation and Consistency in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
MC Silaghi, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 161, pp. 25-53 2005
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Rigorous Solution Techniques for Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Vu XH,
Switzerland 2005
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Agile Preference Models based on Soft Constraints
B Faltings, P Pu, J Zhang,
Challenges to Decision Support in a Changing World 2005
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DPOP: A Scalable Method for Multiagent Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IJCAI 05Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 266-271 2005
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Approximating Partial Interchangeability in CSP Solutions
N Neagu, B Faltings,
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Resource Allocation in Communication Networks Using Abstraction and Constraint Satisfaction
C Frei, B Faltings, M Hamdi,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communicationvol. 23, no. 2, pp. 304-320 2005
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Open Constraint Programming
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 161, no. 1-2, pp. 181-208 2005
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Efficient Integration of Automated Speech Recognition in the Framework of Dialogue-based Systems
Trutnev A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Optimally Distributing Interactions between Composed Semantic Web Services
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
Second European Semantic Web ConferenceHeraklion, Grece, vol. 3532, pp. 32-46 2005
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S-DPOP: Superstabilizing, Fault-containing Multiagent Combinatorial Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-05Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 449-454 2005
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Multi-agent Coordination using Local Search
B Faltings, QH Nguyen,
IJCAI 05Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 953-958 2005
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An Efficient Constraint Optimization Method for Large Multiagent Systems
A Petcu, B Faltings,
AAMAS 05 – LSMAS workshop (Large Scale Multi-Agent Systems)Utrecht, the Netherlands 2005
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Flexible and Efficient Matchmaking and Ranking in Service Directories
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005)Florida, USA, pp. 5-12 2005
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A-DPOP: Approximations in Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
poster in Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP 2005Sitges, Spain, pp. 802-806 2005
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A-DPOP: Approximations in Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
CP05 – workshop on Distributed and Speculative Constraint Processing, DSCPSitges, Spain 2005
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R-DPOP: Optimal Solution Stability in Continuous-Time Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IJCAI 2005 – DCR Workshop (Distributed Constraint Reasoning)Edinburgh, Scotland 2005
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Stimulating Preference Expression Using Suggestions
P Viappiani, B Faltings, V Schickel-Zuber, P Pu,
IJCAI-05 Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in PreferenceEdinburgh, UK, pp. 186-191 2005
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Eliminating Undesired Equilibrium Points from Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce (AMEC VII)Utrecht, The Netherlands 2005
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Eliminating Undesired Equilibrium Points from Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Reputation-based Pricing of P2P Services
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Wokshop on Economics of P2P SystemsPhiladelphia, USA 2005
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LS-DPOP: A Propagation/Local Search Hybrid for Distributed Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
CP 2005- LSCS’05: Second International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint SatisfactionSitges, Spain 2005
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Selection and Ranking of Propositional Formulas for Large-Scale Service Directories
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2005)Pittsburgh, USA, pp. 1406-1411 2005
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Incentive Compatible Multiagent Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
LNCS 3828: WINE’05 – Workshop on Internet and Network EconomicsHong Kong, pp. 708-717 2005
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CASCOM: Context-Aware Service Co-ordination in Mobile P2P Environments
H Helin, M Klusch, A Lopez, A Fernandez, M Schumacher, H Schuldt, F Bergenti, A Kinnunen,
Proceedings of Third German Conference on Multiagent System Technologiesvol. 3550, pp. 242-243 2005
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Context-aware Business Application Service Co-ordination in Mobile Computing Environments
H Helin, M Klusch, A Lopez, A Fernandez, M Schumacher, H Schuldt, F Bergenti, A Kinnunen,
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Workshop on Ambient Intelligence – Agents for Ubiquitous Environments – AAMAS 2005 2005
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Environments for Multiagent Systems
D Weyns, M Schumacher, A Ricci, M Viroli, T Holvoet,
Knowledge Engineering Reviewvol. 20:2, pp. 127-141 2005
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Minimum Redundancy Cut in Ontologies for Semantic Indexing
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: Proc of the 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2005 (TeMA Workshop on Text Mining and Applications)Covilha, Portugal, vol. 3808 / 2005, pp. 658-668 2005
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Probing the robustness of the clustering
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS’05) 2005
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Semantic Indexing using Minimum Redundancy Cut in Ontologies
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2005)Borovets, Bulgaria, pp. 486-492 2005

TORCS, The Open Racing Car Simulator
E Espié, C Guionneau, B Wymann, C Dimitrakakis, R Coulom, A Sumner,
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Robust Stochastic Parsing using Optimal Maximum Coverage
V Kadlec, M Ailomaa, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2005)pp. 258-263 2005

Hypernyms Ontologies for Semantic Indexing
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Proc. of the Workshop on Methodologies and Evaluation of Lexical Cohesion Techniques in Real-world Applications (ELECTRA’2005), the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR ConferenceSalvador, Brazil, pp. 49-55 2005

Indexation sémantique au moyen de coupes de redondance minimale dans une onthologie
F Seydoux, JC Chappelier,
Actes de la 12e conf. sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2005)Dourdan, France, vol. 1, pp. 33-42 2005

Efficient Processing of Extra-grammatical Sentences: Comparing and Combining two approaches to Robust Stochastic Parsing
M Ailomaa, V Kadlec, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2005)pp. 81-88 2005
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Synonym Dictionary Improvement through Markov Clustering and Clustering Stability
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
Proc. of International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2005)pp. 106-113 2005
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Robust Stochastic Parsing: Comparing Two Approaches for Processing Extra-Grammatical Sentences
M Ailomaa, V Kadlec, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
Proceedings of the 15th NODALIDA conferenceJoensuu, Finland, pp. 1-7 2005
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Stimulating Preference Expression Using Suggestions
P Viappiani, B Faltings, V Schickel-Zuber, P Pu,
Mixed-Initiative Problem-Solving AssistantsArlington, VA, USA, vol. FSS07-05, pp. 128-133 2005
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Using the EDR large scale semantic dictionary: application to conceptual document indexing
M Rajman, P Andrews, M Almenta Pérez Mar del, F Seydoux,
Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, AMSDA 2005Brest, France, pp. 98-105 2005

Enforcing Truthful Strategies in Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springer Verlagvol. 3828, pp. 268-277 2005
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Systematic definition and assent to eContracts for Web Services
DP Clotet, V Pallotta, M Rajman,
CoAla 2005 Workshop on Contract Architectures and LanguagesEnschede, The Netherlands 2005
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Reputation-based Service Level Agreements for Web Services
R Jurca, B Faltings,
vol. 3826, pp. 396-409 2005
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Random Subset Optimization
B Faltings, QH Nguyen,
Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction LSCS-05Barcelona, pp. 32-45 2005
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Randomization for Multi-agent Constraint Optimization
QH Nguyen, B Faltings,
Proceedings of CP2005Sitges, Spain, pp. 864-864 2005
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Heterogeneous Attribute Utility Model: A new approach for
SZ Vincent, B Faltings,
WebKDD 2005pp. 80-91 2005
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Concept Expansion Using semantic Fisheye Views
Janecek PP,
ICADL 2005pp. 273-282 2005
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Finding instabilities in the community structure of complex networks
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
Physical Review Evol. 72, pp. 056135 2005
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A Framework for Rapid Multimodal Application Design
P Cenek, M Melichar, M Rajman,
SpringerKarlovy Vary, Czech Republic, vol. 3658, pp. 393-403 2005
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Introducing reset patterns: An extension to a Rapid Dialogue Prototyping Methodology
S Quarteroni, M Rajman, M Melichar,
The IEE International Workshop on Intelligent EnvironmentsUniversity of Essex, Colchester, UK 2005
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Rapid Multimodal Dialogue Design: Application in a Multimodal Meeting Retrieval and Browsing System
M Melichar, A Lisowska, S Armstrong, M Rajman,
Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (MLMI’05)Edinburgh, UK 2005
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A Portable and Customizable Profiling Framework for Java Based on Bytecode Instruction Counting
Binder W,
The Third Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2005)Tsukuba, Japan, vol. 3780, pp. 178-194 2005

Portable Profiling of Memory Allocation in Java
Binder W,
Net.ObjectDays 2005 (NODe 2005)Erfurt, Germany, vol. P-69, pp. 110-128 2005

Optimal Workflow Execution in Grid Environments
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings, N Heterd,
2nd International Conference on Grid Service Engineering and Management (GSEM 2005)Erfurt, Germany, vol. P-69, pp. 276-295 2005

Directory Support for Large-Scale, Automated Service Composition
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Software CompositionEdinburgh, UK, vol. 3628, pp. 57-66 2005

Java Bytecode Transformations for Efficient, Portable CPU Accounting
W Binder, J Hulaas,
First Workshop on Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation (Bytecode 2005)Edinburgh, UK, vol. 141, pp. 53-73 2005

Using Bytecode Instruction Counting as Portable CPU Consumption Metric
W Binder, J Hulaas,
3rd Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (QAPL 2005)Edinburgh, UK 2005

Combining Text Mining and Information Retrieval Techniques for Enhanced Access to Statistical Data on the Web: A preliminary report
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Springer Verlagvol. 185/2005, pp. 213-222 2005
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Evaluating a System for Enhanced Access to Statistical Data on the Web: The StatSearch Evaluation Experiments
M Vesely, M Rajman, IM Boynton, B Fridlund, A Fyhrlund, L Peter, B Sundgren, H Thelander, M Wanerskar,
Proceedings og the 3rd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI2005)Las Vegas, USA 2005

Combining Text Mining and Information Retrieval Techniques for Enhanced Access to Statistical Data on the Web
M Vesely, M Rajman,
Proceedings og the 3rd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI2005)Las Vegas, USA 2005

Portable, Efficient, and Accurate Sampling Profiling for Java-Based Middleware
Binder W,
Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware (SEM 2005)Lisbon, Portugal 2005

Using Highly Discriminative Keys for Indexing in a Peer-to-Peer Full Text Retrieval System
T Luu, F Klemm, M Rajman, K Aberer,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Building a peer-to-peer full-text Web search engine with highly discriminative keys
K Aberer, F Klemm, T Luu, I Podnar, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2005
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Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction
C Jermann, A Neumaier, Deds Sam-Haroud,
Springer 2005
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A Budget-balanced, Incentive-compatible Scheme for Social Choice
Faltings B,
Springervol. 3435, pp. 30-43 2005
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Publications in 2004 :

Clustering for Disconnected Solution Sets of Numerical CSPs
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Recent Advances in Constraints: Joint ERCIM/CoLogNET International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2003, Budapest, Hungary, June 30 – July 2, 2003. Selected Papevol. LNAI 3010, pp. 25-43 2004
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Rapid Dialogue Prototyping Methodology
TH Bui, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Context-aware Mobile Assistants for Optimal Interaction: a Prototype for Supporting the Business Traveler
M Torrens, P Hertzog,
International Conference on Intelligent User InterfacesIsland of Madeira, Portugal, pp. 256-258 2004
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Designing Example-critiquing Interaction
B Faltings, P Pu, M Torrens, P Viappiani,
International Conference on Intelligent User InterfacesMadeira, Portugal, pp. 22-29 2004
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A Value Ordering Heuristic for Local Search in Distributed Resource Allocation
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Springer Verlag, pp. 86-97 2004
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Speech recognition simulation and its application for Wizard-of-Oz experiments
M Rajman, A Rozenknop, A Trutnev,
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004)Lisbon, Portugal 2004
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The Wall Street Journal experiment (and useful programs)
Rozenknop A,
Link, Cite

Applying interchangeability techniques to the distributed breakout algorithm
A Petcu, B Faltings,
IOS Press 2004
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Large scale testbed for type compatible service composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
ICAPS 04 workshop on planning and scheduling for web and grid servicesWhistler, Canada 2004
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Directory Services for Incremental Service Integration
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS 2004)Heraklion, Greece, vol. 3053, pp. 254-268 2004
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Type based service composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
Poster at International World Wide Web ConferenceNew York, USA, pp. 268-269 2004
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A Generic Scheme for Combining Multiple Inclusion Representations in Numerical Constraint Propagation
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Large scale, type-compatible service composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004)San Diego, USA, pp. 506-513 2004
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“CONFESS”. An Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanism for the Online Hotel Booking Industry
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on E-CommerceSan Diego, CA, USA, pp. 205-212 2004
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Truthful Reputation Information in Electronic Markets without Independent Verification
R Jurca, B Faltings, 2004
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Using Directed Acyclic Graphs to Coordinate Propagation and Search for Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems
XH Vu, H Schichl, D Sam-Haroud,
Lausanne, Switzerland 2004
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Rapid Dialogue Prototyping Methodology
TH Bui, M Rajman, M Melichar,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin HeidelbergBrno, Czech Republic, vol. 3206, pp. 579-586 2004
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ARCHIVUS: A System for Accessing the Content of Recorded Multimodal Meetings
A Lisowska, M Rajman, TH Bui,
In Procedings of the JOINT AMI/PASCAL/IM2/M4 Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms, Bourlard H. & Bengio S., eds. (2004), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.Martigny, Switzerland 2004
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Portable CPU Accounting in Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
10th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object SystemsOslo, Norway 2004

Reducing the Overhead of Portable CPU Accounting in Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
10th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object SystemsOslo, Norway 2004

An Extensible Directory Service for Efficient Service Integration
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
10th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object SystemsOslo, Norway 2004

Self-Accounting as Principle for Portable CPU Control in Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World (Net.ObjectDays’2004)Erfurt, Germany 2004

Program Transformations for Portable CPU Accounting and Control in Java
J Hulaas, W Binder,
ACM SIGPLAN 2004 Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM’04)Verona, Italy 2004
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Automated Generation of Finalized Dialogue Based Interfaces
M Rajman, TH Bui, D Portabella,
Swiss Computer Science Conference – SCSC04: Multimodal TechnologiesBern, Switzerland 2004

Enhancing Java Grid Computing Security with Resource Control
J Hulaas, W Binder, GD Serugendo,
International Conference on Grid Services Engineering and Management (GSEM 2004)Erfurt, Germany 2004
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Eliciting Truthful Feedback for Binary Reputation Mechanisms
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web IntelligenceBeijing, China, pp. 214-220 2004
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A Directory for Web Service Integration Supporting Custom Query Pruning and Ranking
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 2004)Erfurt, Germany, pp. 87-101 2004

Assessing the usability of a dialogue management system designed in the framework of a rapid dialogue prototyping methodology
M Rajman, TH Bui, A Rajman, F Seydoux, A Trutnev, S Quarteroni,
ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA, the Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA): International Journal on Acoustics. Vol. 90, no. 6 pp. 1096-1111 (Nov. /Dec. 2004) – ISSN 1610-1928 S. Hirze 2004
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Type-based composition of information services in large scale environments
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, W Binder,
The 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI’04)Beijing, China 2004
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A Distributed, Complete Method for Multi-Agent Constraint Optimization
A Petcu, B Faltings,
CP 2004 – Fifth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning (DCR2004)Toronto, Canada 2004
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Using Directed Acyclic Graphs to Coordinate Propagation and Search for Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems
XH Vu, H Schichl, D Sam-Haroud,
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2004)Florida, USA, pp. 72-81 2004
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Combining Multiple Inclusion Representations in Numerical Constraint Propagation
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2004)Florida, USA, pp. 458-467 2004
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Solution Generation with Qualitative Models of Preferences
B Faltings, M Torrens, P Pu,
Computational Intelligencevol. 20, no. 2, pp. 246-263 2004
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Boosting HMMs with an application to speech recognition
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)vol. 5, pp. 621-624 2004
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A Budget-balanced, Incentive-compatible Scheme for Social Choice
Faltings B,
Agent-mediated E-commerce (AMEC) VI 2004
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Recent Advances in Constraints
B Faltings, A Petcu, F Fages, F Rossi,
Springer VerlagLausanne, Switzerland, vol. 3419 2004

Online Policy Adaptation for Ensemble Classifiers
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
12th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANNvol. 4 2004
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An Extensible Directory Enabling Efficient Semantic Web Service Integration
I Constantinescu, W Binder, B Faltings,
3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC04)Hiroshima, Japan 2004
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Context-aware Mobile Assistants for Optimal Interaction: a prototype for supporting the business traveler
P Hertzog, M Torrens,
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-2004)pp. 256-258 2004
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Towards an Intelligent Mobile Travel Assistant
M Torrens, P Hertzog, P Pu, B Faltings,
19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC-2004) 2004
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Context-aware Computing for Business Traveler Care
P Hertzog, M Torrens, P Pu, B Faltings,
IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2004 2004
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Estimates of Parameter Distributions for Optimal Action Selection
C Dimitrakakis, S Bengio,
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Efficiently Distributing Interactions between Composed Information Agents
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2004)Barcelona, Spain 2004
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A Multiagent System for the Reliable Execution of Automatically Composed Ad-hoc Processes
W Binder, I Constantinescu, B Faltings, K Haller, C Türker,
Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2004)Barcelona, Spain 2004
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Enhancing Java Grid Computing Security with Resource Control
J Hulaas, W Binder, GD Serugendo,
Second European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2004)Barcelona, Spain 2004
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A Portable CPU Management Framework for Java
W Binder, J Hulaas,
IEEE Internet Computingvol. 8, no. 5, pp. 74-83 2004

Decision Tradeoff using Example-Critiquing and Constraint Programming
P Pu, B Faltings,
Constraintsvol. 9, no. 4, pp. 289-310 2004
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Heuristics for the Distributed Breakout Algorithm
Petcu A,
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP 2004Toronto, Canada, pp. 804 2004
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Dynamic Distributed backjumping
V Nguyen, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Joint Annual Workshop of ERCIM/CoLogNet on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming. 2004

Incentive-compatible Social Choice
Faltings B,
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE./ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencepp. 8-16 2004
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Comparative evaluations in the domain of automatic speech recognition
A Trutnev, M Rajman,
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004)Lisbon, Portugal 2004
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C++ par la pratique. Recueil d’exercices corrigés et aide-mémoire
JC Chappelier, F Seydoux,
Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR) 2004

Discriminative Models of SCFG and STSG
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of 7th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2004)vol. 3206, pp. 187-194 2004
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Two approaches to Robust Stochastic Parsing
Ailomaa M,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Analysis of a Synonymy Network
D Gfeller, JC Chappelier, PL Rios,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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Tool for robust stochastic parsing using optimal maximum coverage
V Kadlec, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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A Dialogue-based Grounding mechanism and new Service Description Features for adapting Semantic (Web) Services to Personal Assistants
D Portabella, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2004
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INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control
S Moeller, J Krebber, A Raake, P Smeele, M Rajman, M Melichar, V Pallotta, G Tsakou, B Kladis, A Vovos, J Hoonhout, D Schuchardt, N Fakotakis, T Ganchev, I Potamitis,
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1603-1606 2004
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Turn on the lights: investigating the Inspire voice controlled smart home system
H Boland, J Hoonhout, C Schijndel van, J Krebber, M Melichar, D Schuchardt, H Baesekow, R Pegam, S Moeller, M Rajman, P Smeele,
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe ChapterDelft University, NL 2004

Wizard-of-Oz tests for a dialog system in smart homes
J Krebber, S Möller, R Pegam, U Jekosch, M Melichar, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the joint congress CFA/DAGAStrasbourg, France 2004
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Extending Standard Java Runtime Systems for Resource Management
W Binder, J Hulaas,
Software Engineering and MiddlewareLinz, Austria, vol. 3437, pp. 154-169 2004

Publications in 2003 :

Numerical Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Non-isolated Solutions
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, MC Silaghi,
Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: First International Workshop on Global Constraint Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, COCOS 2002vol. LNCS 2861, pp. 194-210 2003
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Solving Mixed and Conditional Constraint Satisfaction Problems
E Gelle, B Faltings,
Constraintsvol. 8, no. 2, pp. 107-141 2003
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On the Computation of Local Interchangeability in Soft Constraint Satisfaction Problems
N Neagu, S Bistarelli, B Faltings,
The 16th International FLAIRS ConferenceFlorida 2003
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Towards Incentive-Compatible Reputation Management
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg, vol. Lecture Notes in AI 2631, pp. 138-147 2003
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Applying interchangeability techniques to the distributed breakout algorithm
A Petcu, B Faltings,
Poster at the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-03Acapulco, Mexico 2003
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An Incentive Compatible Reputation Mechanism
R Jurca, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on E-CommerceNewport Beach, CA, USA, pp. 285-292 2003
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Prototypage rapide et évaluation de modèles de dialogue finalisés
M Rajman, A Rajman, F Seydoux, A Trutnev,
Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)Batz-sur-Mer 2003
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Assessing the usability of a dialogue management system designed in the framework of a rapid dialogue prototyping methodology
M Rajman, A Rajman, F Seydoux, A Trutnev,
First ISCA Tutorial & Research Workshop on Auditory Quality of SystemsAkademie Mont-Cenis 2003
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Parsing DOP with Monte-Carlo Techniques
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
CSLI Publications, Stanford, USpp. 83-106 2003

Parsing N-Best Lists of Handwritten Sentences
M Zimmermann, JC Chappelier, H Bunke,
Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition — ICDAR2003Edinburgh 2003
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Gibbsian Tree Substitution Grammars
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proceedings of Formal Grammar 2003Vienna, Austria, pp. 137-148 2003
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Apprentissage discriminant pour les Grammaires à Substitution d’Arbres
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Actes de la 10$^mboxème$ conf’erence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2003)Batz-sur-Mer, vol. I, pp. 225-234 2003
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Incentive Compatible Open Constraint Optimization
Faltings B,
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Electronic Commercepp. 278-279 2003
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Incentive Compatible Open Constraint Optimization
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Proceedings of AAMAS 2003 2003
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Open Constraint Optimization
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-2003) 2003
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Incremental Breakout Algorithm With Variable Ordering
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
The 16th International FLAIRS ConferenceSt. Augustine, Florida, USA 2003
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Soft Interchangeability for Case Adaptation
N Neagu, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2003)Trondheim, Norway, vol. LANI, pp. 347-362 2003
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Experimental Evaluation of Interchangeability in Soft CSPs
N Neagu, S Bistarelli, B Faltings,
Joint Annual ERCIM/CoLogNet Workshop on Constraint and Logic ProgrammingHungary 2003
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reality: a Scalable Intelligent Travel Planner. Decision Support for the Business Traveler
M Torrens, P Hertzog, L Samson, B Faltings,
The Eigthteenth ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC-2003)Melbourne, Florida, USA, pp. 623-630 2003
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User-Involved Preference Elicitation
P Pu, B Faltings, M Torrens,
Working Notes of the Workshop on Configuration. Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2003)Acapulco, Mexico 2003
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Making the Breakout Algorithm Complete Using Systematic Search
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2003)Acapulco, Mexico, pp. 1374-1375 2003
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A Multi-Agent System for Integrating a Large-Scale Project
C Eisenberg, B Faltings, L Leistam,
AAMAS 2003Melbourne, Australia 2003
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Hybrid Solving Scheme for Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
The Fourth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning at IJCAI 2003Acapulco, Mexico 2003
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Using the Breakout Algorithm to Identify Hard and Unsolvable Subproblems
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-2003), Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceKinsale, County Cork, Ireland 2003
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Using the Breakout Algorithm to Identify Hard and Unsolvable Subproblems
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2003
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Représentation vectorielle de connaissances sémantiques pour la recherche d information
R Besançon, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
HermesParis 2003

Algorithms for Identifying Rigid Subsystems in Geometric Constraint Systems
C Jermann, B Neveu, G Trombettoni,
18th International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-03pp. 233-238 2003
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Distributed Constraint Satisfaction For Coordinating And Integrating A Large-Scale, Heterogeneous Enterprise
Eisenberg C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2003
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Problem-solving in open environments
S Macho, B Faltings,
International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology 2003
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Efficient Matchmaking and Directory Services
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
The 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI’03)Halifax, Canada 2003
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Integrating Directories and Service Composition
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Poster at 2nd International Semantic Web Conference 2003 2003
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Benchmarking Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction Codes
O Shcherbina, A Neumaier, D Sam-Haroud, XH Vu, TV Nguyen,
Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction: First International Workshop on Global Constraint Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, COCOS 2002vol. LNCS 2861, pp. 211-222 2003
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The Agentcities DAML-S Style Guide,
S Thompson, I Constantinescu,
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Deliverable 2.3: Agentcities Network Architecture
I Constantinescu, S Willmott, J Dale,
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Dialogue Management with weak speech recognition : a pragmatic approach
F Seydoux, A Trutnev, M Rajman,
ISCA workshop on Error handling in dialogue systemsChateau-d’Oex, Switzerland 2003
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Grammaires à Substitution d’Arbres Polynomiales et Discriminantes
A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Traitement Automatique des Languesvol. 44, no. 3, pp. 141-165 2003
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Clustering the Search Tree for Numerical Constraints
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Notes of the Second International Workshop on Global Constrained Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, COCOS 2003Lausanne, Switzerland 2003
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Natural Language Queries on Natural Language Data: a Database of Meeting Dialogues
S Armstrong, A Clark, G Coray, M Georgescul, V Pallotta, A Popescu-Belis, D Portabella, M Rajman, M Starlander,
NLDB 2003 (8th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems)Burg/Cottbus, Germany 2003
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Publications in 2002 :

FAMING: supporting innovative design using adaptation – a description of the approach, implementation, illustrative example and evaluation
Faltings B,
Springer Verlag 2002
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Smart Clients: Constraint Satisfaction as a Paradigm for Scaleable Intelligent Information Systems
M Torrens, B Faltings, P Pu,
Special issue on Constraints and Agents. CONSTRAINTS: an Internation Journal. Kluwer Academic Publishersno. 7, pp. 49-69 2002
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Using Soft CSPs for Approximating Pareto-Optimal Solution Sets
M Torrens, B Faltings,
AAAI Workshop on Preferences in Constraint Satisfaction (Technical Report WS-02-13)pp. 99-106 2002
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A Definition of Interchangeability for Soft CSPs
S Bistarelli, B Faltings, N Neagu,
Ercim Workshop 2002
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Validation de la notion de similarité textuelle dans un cadre multilingue
R Besançon, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT)St Malo 2002
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Evaluation of a Vector Space similarity measure in a multilingual framework
R Besançon, M Rajman,
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resource and Evaluation (LREC’2002)May 2002
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Filtrages syntaxiques de co-occurrences pour la représentation vectorielle de documents
R Besançon, M Rajman,
Actes de la 9ème conférence annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)Nancy 2002
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Intégration de connaissances syntaxiques et sémantiques dans les représentations vectorielles de textes
Besançon R,
Lausanne (Suisse) 2002
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Résolution de problèmes non-linéaires avec continuum de solutions
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, MC Silaghi,
Actes des Onzièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation Logique et Programmation par Contraintes (JFPLC’2002)France, vol. Programmation en logique avec, pp. 27-41 2002
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Approximation Techniques for Non-linear Problems with Continuum of Solutions
XH Vu, D Sam-Haroud, MC Silaghi,
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation, SARA 2002Canada, vol. LNAI 2371, pp. 224-241 2002
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Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Innovations using Statistical Analysis of Patents
M Rajman, V Peristera, JC Chappelier, F Seydoux, A Spinakis,
6th Int. Conf. on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT 2002)Saint-Malo, France, vol. 2, pp. 641-652 2002
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Polynomial Tree Substitution Grammars: Characterization and New Examples
JC Chappelier, M Rajman, A Rozenknop,
Proc. of 7th conference on Formal GrammarTrento, Italy, pp. 29-39 2002
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Grammaires à substitution d’arbre polynomiales : caractérisation et nouveaux exemples
JC Chappelier, M Rajman, A Rozenknop,
Proc. of 9ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2002)vol. Tome 1, pp. 359-364 2002
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Integrating Information Gathering and Problem-Solving in Open Environments
M Santiago, B Faltings,
Sixth International Workshop Cooperative Information Agents (CIA-2002) 2002
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Acquiring User Preferences for Personal Agents
P Viappiani, P Pu, B Faltings,
Personalized Agents – papers from 2002 AAAI Fall SymposiumCape Code, MA, pp. 53-59 2002
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Open Constraint Satisfaction
B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez,
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2002pp. 356-370 2002
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Interchangeability in Soft CSPs
S Bistarelli, B Faltings, N Neagu,
the 8th International Conference in Constraint Programming (CP 2002)Ithaca, USA, vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Scie 2002

Une grammaire hors-contexte valuée pour l’analyse syntaxique
Rozenknop A,
9ème Conférence Annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues NaturellesNancy, vol. 1, pp. 95-104 2002
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Gibbsian Context-Free Grammar for Parsing
Rozenknop A,
Text, Speech and Dialogue (5th International Conference, TSD 2002)Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 49-56 2002
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Scalable Intelligent Electronic Catalogs
Torrens M,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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A Distributed Breakout Algorithm for Solving a Large-Scale Project Scheduling Problem
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning at the First Intl. Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsBlogna, Italy 2002
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A Multi-Agent System for Integrating a Large-Scale Project
C Eisenberg, B Faltings,
Workshop on Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints at the Fithteenth European Conference on Artificial IntelligenceLyon, France 2002
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Behavioural Description Formalisms for Service Integration – Survey and Comparation
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Enterprise Java Beans, Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Group Communication
I Constantinescu, S Willmott, M Calisti,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Abstract Behaviour Representation for Service Integration
I Constantinescu, S Willmott, B Faltings,
First International Workshop on Challenges in Open Agent Systems 2002
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Abstract Agents for Shared Instantiation in ABT
M Silaghi, I Constantinescu,
Third International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning 2002
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Intelligent Services Integration – Overview of Work at LIA-EPFL
I Constantinescu, B Faltings, S Willmott,
Intelligent Service Integration Workshop at AAAI Spring Symposium 2002
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The Agentcities Network Architecture
S Willmott, M Somacher, I Constantinescu, J Dale, S Poslad, D Bonnefoy, J Picault, JJ Tan,
First International Workshop on Challenges in Open Agent Systems 2002
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The Agentcities Network Architecture
S Willmott, M Somacher, I Constantinescu, J Dale, S Poslad, D Bonnefoy, J Picault, JJ Tan,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Efficient Matchmaking and Directory Services
I Constantinescu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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An FPGA-based syntactic parser for large size real-life context-free grammars
Ciressan CR,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2002
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Personalized Navigation of Heterogeneous Product Spaces using SmartClient
P Pu, B Faltings,
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2002
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Publications in 2001 :

Exploiting Interchangeabilities for Case Adaptation
N Neagu, B Faltings,
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR’01)Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Scie 2001
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Algorithms for Solving Non-Linear Constrained and Optimization Problems: The State of The Art
C Bliek, P Spellucci, L Vincente, A Neumaier, L Granvilliers, E Monfroy, F Benhamou, E Huens, P Hentenryck van, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,

Localized Search by Interchangeability in Discrete Constraint Satisfaction Problems
N Neagu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems Engineering. Design and Implementation
Schumacher M,
Springer VerlagHeidelberg, Germany, vol. 2039 2001
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Constraint Satisfaction for Modelling Scalable Electronic Catalogs
M Torrens, B Faltings,
Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce; A European Perspective.pp. 214-228 2001
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Time in Connectionist Models
JC Chappelier, M Gori, A Grumbach,
Springerpp. 105-134 2001
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Search Techniques for Non-Linear Constraints with Inequalities
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 14th Canadian Conference on AI 2001
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Grammaire à substitution d’arbre de complexité polynomiale : un cadre efficace pour DOP
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Actes de la 8$^mboxème$ conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2001)vol. 1, pp. 133-142 2001
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Improving Text representations through Probabilistic Integration of Synonymy Relations
R Besançon, JC Chappelier, M Rajman, A Rozenknop,
Proceedings of the X$^mboxth$ International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA’2001)vol. 1, pp. 200-205 2001
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Intégration probabiliste de sens dans la représentation de textes
R Besançon, A Rozenknop, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Actes de la 8$^mboxème$ conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN’2001)vol. 1, pp. 83-91 2001
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An FPGA-based syntactic parser for real-life almost unrestricted context-free grammars
C Ciressan, E Sanchez, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
11th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2001) 2001
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Integrating external dictionaries into stochastic part-of-speech taggers
JG Gil, JC Chappelier, MV Ferro,
Proc. of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2001) 2001
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Polynominal tree-substitution grammars: an efficient framework for Data-Oriented Parsing
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2001) 2001
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ABT with Asynchronous Reordering
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’2001) World Scientificpp. 54-63 2001
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Asynchronous Consistency Maintenance
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’2001) World Scientific 2001

Secure Asynchronous Search
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT’2001) World Scientific 2001

Maintaining Consistency for ABT
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of CP’2001 2001

Parallel Proposals in Asynchronous Search
MC Silaghi, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Generalized English Auctions by Relaxation in Dynamic Distributed CSPs with Private Constraints
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, M Calisti, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’2001 workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoningpp. 45-54 2001
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Polynomial Space and Complete Multiply Asynchronous Search with Abstractions
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the IJCAI’2001 Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoningpp. 17-32 2001
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Asynchronous Consistency Maintenance with Reordering
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Hybridizing ABT and AWC into a polynomial space, complete protocol with reordering
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, R Weigel, XH Vu, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Negotiation by Relaxation in Dynamic DisCSPs with Private Constraints
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, M Calisti, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001

Algorithme de décodage de treillis selon le critère du coût moyen pour la reconnaissance de la parole
A Rozenknop, MC Silaghi,
TALN 2001Tours, pp. 391-396 2001
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A Multi-Agent System for Planning Meetings
S Macho-Gonzalez, M Torrens, B Faltings,
Workshop Hispano-Luso de Agentes Fisicos (WAF’2001) 2001
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Multilingual Agents: Ontologies, Languages and Abstractions
S Willmott, I Constantinescu, M Calisti,
First International Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems, Autonomous Agents 2001, Montreal, Canadapp. 77-84 2001
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Agentcities Platform Interoperability Test Suite
D Bonnefoy, S Willmott, N Lhuillier, I Constantinescu, J Picault, Y Camenen,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Asynchronous Search for Numeric DisCSPs
MC Silaghi, S Sabau, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
LNCSvol. 2239, pp. 785 2001
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Multilingual Agents: Ontologies, Languages and Abstractions
S Willmott, I Constantinescu, M Calisti,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001

Polynomial Tree Substitution Grammars: an efficient framework for Data-Oriented Parsing
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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An FPGA-based syntactic parser for real-life unrestricted context-free grammars
C Cristian-Raul, S Eduardo, R Martin,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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May your Information Service Live in Interesting Times: Engineering Dynamic Service Environments
S Willmott, B Burg, P O’Brien,
Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS2001) 2001

Agentcities: A Worldwide Open Agent Network
S Willmott, J Dale, B Burg, P Charlton, P O’Brien,
Agentlink Newsvol. 8 2001

Coordination Structures for the Intelligent Control of Dynamic Distributed Systems
Willmott S,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2001
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Applying Adversarial Planning to Go
S Willmott, J Richardson, A Bundy, J Levine,
Journal of Theoretical Computer Sciencevol. B, no. 252, pp. 45-82 2001
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Open Standards and Open Source for Agent-Based Systems
B Burg, J Dale, S Willmott,
Agentlink Newsvol. 6 2001
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Publications in 2000 :

Structural Engineering Design Support by Constraint Satisfaction
E Gelle, B Faltings, IF Smith,
Artificial Intelligence in Design 2000pp. 311-331 2000
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Constraint Satisfaction Methods for Applications in Engineering
E Gelle, B Faltings, DE Clément, IF Smith,
Engineering with Computers, 16 (2000) 2pp. 81-95 2000
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The DSIR model: a Distributional Semantics approach to Information Retrieval
M Rajman, R Besançon, JC Chappelier,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000

Collaborative Design using Solution Spaces
Lottaz C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000
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Increasing understanding during collaboration through advanced representations
C Lottaz, R Stouffs, I Smith,
Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (http://www. itcon. org)vol. 5, pp. 1-24 2000
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Abstraction Techniques for Resource Allocation in Communication Networks
Frei C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000
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Abstraction and Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning Bandwidth Allocation
C Frei, B Faltings,
IEEE INFOCOM’2000Tel-Aviv, Israel 2000
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IconoNet: a tool for automated bandwidth allocation planning
C Frei, B Faltings,
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS’2000)Honolulu, Hawaii 2000
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Planning bandwidth allocation in communication networks
C Frei, B Faltings,
ICON Journal, Special Issue on Multimedia Network and Service Control 2000
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The Benefits of Environment Adaptive Organisations for Agent Coordination and Network Routing Problems
S Willmott, B Faltings,
The Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems (ICMAS-2000)Boston MA, USA., pp. TBD 2000

CCL: Expressions of Choice in Agent Communication
S Willmott, M Calisti, B Faltings, S Macho-Gonzalez, O Belakhdar, M Torrens,
The Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems (ICMAS-2000)Boston MA, USA 2000
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Integrating a Distributed and Heterogenous Organisation Using Constraint Programming
Eisenberg C,
Workshop on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction at the Sixth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2000)Singapore 2000
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An Agent Future for Network Control?
S Willmott, M Calisti,
Swiss Journal of Computer Science “Informatique”vol. 2000, no. 1, pp. 25-32 2000
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Using Topology for Spatial Reasoning
Faltings B,
Proceedings of the 2000 Symposium on AI and Mathematics 2000
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Enriching buyers’ experiences: the SmartClient approach
P Pu, B Faltings,
ACM Confernce on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)pp. 289-296 2000
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Designing and Implementing Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems
Schumacher M,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 2000
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An FPGA-based coprocessor for the parsing of context-free grammars
C Ciressan, E Sanchez, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
2000 IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines 2000
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Development of Acoustic and Linguistic Ressources for Research and Development in Interactive Vocal Information Servers
G Bernardis, H Bourlard, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
proc. of Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2000)Athens (Greece) 2000
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Monte-Carlo Sampling for NP-Hard Maximization Problems in the Framework of Weighted Parsing
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Springerpp. 106-117 2000
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Using Information Extraction to Classify Newspapers Advertisements
RA Peleato, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT 2000)Lausanne (Switzerland), pp. 309-316 2000
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Fractionnement Intelligent de domaine pour CSPs avec domaines ordonnes
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. RFIA2000Paris, vol. III, pp. 439-448 2000
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Distributed Asynchronous Search with Private Constraints
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of AA2000Barcelona, pp. 177-178 2000
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A new keyword spotting approach based on iterative dynamic programming
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
ICASSP2000Istanbul 2000
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Asynchronous Search with Aggregations
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
AAAI2000Austin 2000
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Visualization of Local Movements
R Boulic, MC Silaghi, D Thalmann,
Procs. of AMDO2000 2000
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Automated Information Extraction out of Classified Advertisements
RA Peleato, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
proc of 5th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB’2000)pp. 204-214 2000
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Constraints Extraction out of Airplane Fare Rules
M Malviya, JC Chappelier,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000
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Le modèle DSIR : une approche à base de sémantique distributionnelle pour la recherche documentaire
M Rajman, R Besançon, JC Chappelier,
Traitement automatique des languesvol. 41, no. 2, pp. 549-578 2000
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ISIS: Interaction through Speech with Information System
A Ballim, JC Chappelier, M Rajman, V Pallotta,
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Text, Speech and Dialogue—TSD 2000Brno (Czech Republic), vol. 1902, pp. 339-344 2000

Towards NLP-coprocessing: An FPGA implementation of a context-free parser
C Ciressan, M Rajman, E Sanchez, JC Chappelier,
7ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN 2000)Lausanne, Suisse, pp. 91-100 2000

Maintaining Hierachical Distributed Consistency
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the CP2000 Workshop on Distributed Constraint Satisfaction 2000
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A new optimization algorithm
MC Silaghi, V Berinde,

A Prosodic/Syntactic Model for Integrating Prosody in a Continuous Speech Recognition System
A Rozenknop, A Drygajlo,
Workshop “Prosody 2000: speech recognition and synthesis”Krakov, Pologne 2000
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A Multi-Agent Recommender System for Planning Meetings
S Macho-Gonzalez, M Torrens, B Faltings,
Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Workshop on Agent-based Recommender Systems (WARS2000) 2000
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Bandwidth Adaptive Hierarchies for On-Line ATM Quality of Service Routing
S Willmott, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Routing and Switching: joint IEEE ATM Workshop 2000 and 3rd International Conference on ATM 2000
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Using Adaptation and Organisational Knowledge to Coordinate Mobile Agents
S Willmott, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications (ASA2000) and Mobile Agents (MA2000) 2000
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Publications in 1999 :

Constraint Satisfaction for Case Adaptation
N N, B Faltings,
Adaptation Workshop of International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning 1999Munich, Germany 1999
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Constraint-Based Support for Collaboration in Design and Construction
C Lottaz, D Cl‰ment, B Faltings, I Smith,
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineeringvol. 13, no. 1 1999
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Rewriting Numeric CSPs for Consistency Algorithms
Lottaz C,
Short paper in Principles and Practice of Constraint ProgrammingWashington DC, USA, pp. 486-487 1999
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Bandwidth allocation heuristics in communication networks
C Frei, B Faltings,
1ˆres Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des T‰l‰communications, ALGOTEL’99Roscoff, France, pp. 53-58 1999
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Resource Allocation in Networks Using Abstraction and Constraint Satisfaction Techniques
C Frei, B Faltings,
Fifth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP’99)Alexandria, Virginia, USA, pp. 204-218 1999
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Bandwidth allocation planning in communication networks
C Frei, B Faltings,
Symposium on High Speed Networks, IEEE Globecom’99Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 1473-1477 1999
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Constraint Choice Language (CCL), Language Specification v2.01
S Willmott, B Faltings, M Calisti, S Macho-Gonzalez, O Belakhdar, M Torrens,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Active Organisations for Routing
S Willmott, B Faltings,
First International Working Conference on Active NetworksBerlin, Germany, pp. 262-273 1999
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Organisation and Co-ordination for On-line Routing in Communications Networks
S Willmott, C Frei, B Faltings, M Calisti,
Springer Verlag 1999

Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Information Networking, papers from the AAAI Workshop, Technical WS-99-03
AAAI Press 1999

SmartClients: Constraint satisfaction as a paradigm for scaleable intelligent information systems
M Torrens, B Faltings,
AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commercevol. Technical Report WS-99-01, pp. 10-15 1999
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Textual Similarities based on a Distributional Approach
R Besançon, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA99)Firenze (Italy), pp. 180-184 1999
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Lattice Parsing for Speech Recognition
JC Chappelier, M Rajman, R Aragüés, A Rozenknop,
Proc. of 6ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN99)Cargèse (France), pp. 95-104 1999
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Métriques et premiers résultats de l’évaluation GRACE des étiqueteurs morphosyntaxiques pour le français
G Adda, J Mariani, P Paroubek, M Rajman, J Lecomte,
Proc. of 6ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN99)Cargèse (France) 1999
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L’action GRACE d’évaluation de l’assignation des parties du discours pour le français
G Adda, J Mariani, P Paroubek, M Rajman, J Lecomte,
revue Languesvol. 2, no. 2, pp. 119-129 1999
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Stochastic Distributional Models for Textual Information Retrieval
M Rajman, R Besançon,
Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA-99)Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 80-85 1999
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Disambiguation Experiment for Spanish
JG Gil, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Using Syntactic Constraints in Natural Language Disambiguation
JG Gil, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Integration of syntactic constraints within a speech recognition system: Coupling a speech recognizer and a stochastic context-free parser
RA Peleato, JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Rewriting Numeric CSPs for Consistency Algorithms
Lottaz C,
Workshop on Non-Binary Constraints at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)Stockholm, pp. E:1-E:13 1999
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Intelligent and Self-Managed Service-Driven Networks
Belakhdar O,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Negotiated ATM VPN Service Provisioning: A Multi-operators Based Framework
Belakhdar O,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Supporting Interworking among Network Providers using a Multi-agent Architecture
M Calisti, S Willmott, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications, NOC’99Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 215-222 1999

A Multi-Agent Paradigm for the Inter-domain Demand Allocation Process
M Calisti, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the tenth IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed System: Operations & Management, DSOM’99Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 76-88 1999

A Distributed Approach for QoS-based multi-domain routing
M Calisti, C Frei, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the AiDIN’99, AAAI-Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Information NetworkingOrlando, FL, USA, pp. 44-50 1999

Constraint Satisfaction for Case Adaptation
N Neagu, B Faltings,
Workshop on Case Adaptation of the International Conference on Case-based Reasoning, ICCBR’99Kaiserslautern, Germany, pp. III:34-41 1999
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Reinforcement Learning with Continuous Action Values
Dimitrakakis C,

Eine Modellierungssprache f’r ein wissensbasiertes System zur computerunterst’tzten Gesch„ftsfallbearbetung in Diensleistungsunternehmen
Margelisch A,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

The STL++ Coordination Language: A Base for Implementing Distributed Multi-Agent Applications
M Schumacher, F Chantemargue, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION’99)vol. 1594, pp. 399-414 1999
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The STL++ Coordination Language: Application to Simulating the Automation of a Trading System
M Schumacher, F Chantemargue, O Krone, S Schubiger, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’99)pp. 292-299 1999
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INtegrating SPEech acoustic and linguistic Constraints: Baseline System Development
G Bernardis, H Bourlard, M Rajman, JC Chappelier,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Ways of Maintaining Arc Consistency in Search using the Cartesian Representation
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of ERCIM’99Paphos,Cyprus 1999
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Intelligent Domain Splitting for CSPs with Ordered Domains
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of CP’99pp. 488-489 1999
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Iterative Posterior-Based Keyword Spotting Without Filler Models
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
Proc. of ASRU’99Keystone, Colorado 1999

Search Techniques for CSPs with Ordered Domains
MC Silaghi, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999

Path Consistency for Triangulated Constraint Graphs
C Bliek, D Sam-Haroud,
Proc. of IJCAI’99 1999
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Iterative Posterior-Based Keyword Spotting Without Filler Models: Iterative Viterbi Decoding and One-Pass Approach
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
Martigny (Switzerland) 1999
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Posterior-Based Keyword Spotting Approaches Without Filler Models –Iterative Viterbi Decoding and One-Pass Approaches–
MC Silaghi, H Bourlard,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1999
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Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Information Networking, papers from the AAAI Workshop, Technical WS-99-03
Willmott S,

Compiling Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 115, pp. 257-287 1999
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Publications in 1998 :

On the Generation of Locally Consistent Solution Spaces in Mixed Dynamic CSPs
Gelle E,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998
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Constraint Techniques for Collaborative Design
C Lottaz, D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings, I Smith,
IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence ICTAITaipei, R.O.C., pp. 34-41 1998
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A Dynamic Hierarchy of Intelligent Agents for Network Management
C Frei, B Faltings,
2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Agents for Telecommunications Applications, IATA’98Paris, France, pp. 1-16 1998
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Distributing Problem Solving on the Web Using Constraint Technology
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’98)Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 42-49 1998
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Interchangeability for Case Adaptation in Configuration Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings, M Torrens,
AAAI Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning Integrations (AAAI-98)Madison, Wisconsin, USA, vol. Technical Report WS-98-15, pp. 166-171 1998
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Knowledge Management: A Text Mining Approach
R Feldman, M Fresko, H Hirsh, Y Aumann, O Liphstat, Y Schler, R Martin,
Proc. the 2nd Int. Conf. on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM98)Basel (Switzerland), pp. 9.1-9.10 1998
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Text Mining at the Term Level
R Feldman, M Fresko, Y Kinar, Y Lindell, O Liphstat, M Rajman, Y Schler, O Zamir,
Proc. of the 2nd European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD’98)Nantes (France) 1998
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Text Mining – Knowledge extraction from unstructured textual data
M Rajman, R Besançon,
Proc. of 6th Conference of International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS-98)Roma (Italy), pp. 473-480 1998
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A Practical Bottom-Up Algorithm for On-Line Parsing with Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998
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Extraction stochastique d’arbres d’analyse pour le modêle DOP
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of 5e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN 98)Paris (France), pp. 52-61 1998
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Linguistic Issues in GRACE (evaluation of Part-Of-Speech tagging for French)
J Lecomte, N Lucas, M Rajman,
Proc. of LREC’98 (1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)Granada (Spain) 1998
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The GRACE French Part-Of-Speech Tagging Evaluation Task
G Adda, J Mariani, J Lecomte, P Paroubek, M Rajman,
Proc. of LREC’98 (1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)Granada (Spain), pp. 433-441 1998
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A generalized CYK algorithm for parsing stochastic CFG
JC Chappelier, M Rajman,
Proc. of 1st Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD’98)Paris (France), pp. 133-137 1998
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Similarit‰s pour donn‰es textuelles
M Rajman, L Lebart,
Proc. of 4th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT’98)Nice (France), pp. 545-555 1998
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Constraint Solving and Preference Activation for Interactive Design
C Lottaz, R Stalker, I Smith,
Artifical Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturingvol. 12, no. 1, pp. 13-27 1998
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Stereotype-Based Defeasible Argumentation in Multi-agent Systems
Belakhdar O,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998

Product Configuration Frameworks-A Survey
D Sabin, R Weigel,
Journal of the IEEE Intelligent Systems & their applicationspp. 42-49 1998
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Interaction of a TMN-oriented Network Management Platform with a Network Planning Application
M Calisti, B Faltings,
European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC’98) -pp. 267-274 1998

Generalizing Dynamic and Partial Order Backtracking
Bliek C,
15th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI’98, Madison, Wisconsin, USApp. 319-325 1998

On Reformulation of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, C Bliek,
13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI98Brighton, UK, pp. 254-258 1998

Using Graph Decomposition for Solving Continuous (CSP)s
C Bliek, B Neveu, G Trombettoni,
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP98Pisa, Italy, pp. 102-116 1998

Solving Mechanical Configuration Problems Using Graph Decomposition and Continuous Domain (CSP) Solvers
C Bliek, P Spiess, G Trombettoni, B Faltings,
4th ILOG International Users MeetingParis, France 1998

Interchangeability for Case Adaptation in Configuration Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Multimodal Reasoningpp. 69-73 1998

Dynamic Abstractions and Reformulations in Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Weigel R,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1998

STL: Un Modèle et Langage de Coordination pour les Systèmes Distribués
M Schumacher, O Krone, F Chantemargue, B Hirsbrunner,
Actes des Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme des Architectures et des Systèmes (RENPAR’10) 1998
Link, Cite

Autonomous Agents: from Concepts to Implementations
F Chantemargue, O Krone, M Schumacher, T Dagaeff, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceeding of the 14th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR ’98) 1998
Link, Cite

Coordinating Autonomous Entities
O Krone, F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’98), Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications 1998
Link, Cite

STL++: A Coordination Language for Autonomy-based Multi-Agent Systems
M Schumacher, F Chantemargue, K Oliver, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1998
Link, Cite

Coordinating Autonomous Entities with STL
O Krone, F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher,
The Applied Computing Review – Special issue on Coordination Models Languages and Applicationsvol. 6 (2), pp. 18-32 1998
Link, Cite

On NICAM Datacasting
C Ciressan, L Prodan,
2nd Int. Conf. on Technical Informatics 1998
Link, Cite

Local and Global Skeleton Fitting Techniques for Optical Motion Capture
MC Silaghi, R Plaenkers, R Boulic, P Fua, D Thalmann,
Modeling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environmentspp. 26-40 1998
Link, Cite

An Anatomic Human Body For Motion Capture
R Boulic, P Fua, L Herda, MC Silaghi, JS Monzani, L Nedel, D Thalmann,
Proc. EMMSEC 98Bordeaux 1998
Link, Cite

Publications in 1997 :

Intelligent Agents for Network Management
C Frei, B Faltings,
Working Notes of the Colloquium on AI for Network Management Systems 1997
Link, Cite

A dynamic hierarchy of intelligent agents for network management
C Frei, B Faltings,
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Distributed Information Networks, IJCAI’97Nagoya, Japan 1997
Link, Cite

Constraint-based Algorithms in Java: the JCL
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
Working Notes of the Swiss Workshop on Collaborative and Distributed SystemsLausanne, Switzerland 1997

Java Constraint Library: bringing constraints technology on the Internet using the Java language
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
Workshop on Constraints and Agents (AAAI97)Providence, Rhode Island, USA, vol. Technical Report WS-97-05 1997
Link, Cite

Java Constraint Library
M Torrens, R Weigel, B Faltings,
Workshop on Constraint Reasoning on the Internet (CP-97)Linz, Austria 1997
Link, Cite

Text Mining: Natural Language techniques and Text Mining applications
M Rajman, R Besançon,
Proc. of the 7th IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Database Semantics (DS-7)Leysin (Switzerland) 1997
Link, Cite

Progress report on the GRACE evaluation program for French Part-Of-Speech taggers
J Mariani, J Lecomte, P Paroubek, M Rajman, G Adda,
Proc. of Speech and Language Technology (SALT) Club Workshop on Evaluation in Speech and Language TechnologySheffield (UK) 1997

Text Mining, knowledge extraction from unstructured textual data
Rajman M,
Proc. of EUROSTAT ConferenceFrancfort (Deutchland) 1997

Le Systˆme D-SIR et le projet Amaryllis
A Rungsawang, M Rajman,
Proc. of Atelier Amaryllis, 1ˆres Journ‰es Scientifiques et Techniques du r‰seau FRANCophone de l’Ing‰nierie de la Langue (FRANCIL) de AUPELF-UREFAvignon (France) 1997

Les proc‰dures de mesure automatique de l’action GRACE pour l’‰valuation des assignateurs de Parties du Discours pour le Fran‡ais
P Paroubek, G Adda, J Mariani, M Rajman,
Proc. of 1ères Journ‰es Scientifiques et Techniques du r‰seau FRANCophone de l’Ing‰nierie de la Langue (FRANCIL) de AUPELF-UREFAvignon (France) 1997

Ressources pour l’apprentissage, le d‰veloppement et l’‰valuation des systˆmes de dict‰e vocale en fran‡ais : corpus de texte, de parole et lexical
G Adda, M Calmˆs de, G P‰rennou, L Lamel, M Rajman, S Rosset, J Zeiliger,
Proc. of 1ères Journ‰es Scientifiques et Techniques du r‰seau FRANCophone de l’Ing‰nierie de la Langue (FRANCIL) de AUPELF-UREFAvignon (France) 1997

Verbatim analysis and usability in operational management
M Rajman, T Delbecque,
Proc. of 9th Conference on the Scientific Use of Statistical Software (SoftStat’97)Heidelberg 1997

Collaborative Design using Constraint Solving
C Lottaz, I Smith,
Swiss Workshop on Collaborative and Distributed SystemsLausanne (Switzerland) 1997
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Using Ontology-Sharing to Designing Automated Cooperation in Protocol-Driven Multi-Agent Systems
Belakhdar O,
Second International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology (PAAM’97)London, pp. 133-144 1997

Ontology-Sharing Based Approach to Design Cooperation Protocols for Collaborative Decision systems
Belakhdar O,
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing (special issue on Agent-Oriented and Knowledge-Oriented Approaches)vol. 8 1997

Modelling Approach and Tool for Designing Protocols for Automated Cooperation in Multiagent Systems
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
Springer Verlagpp. 100-115 1997

Conversation-Based Multi-Agent Architecture for Computer Supporting Collaborative Work
Belakhdar O,
Swiss Workshop on Collaborative Design 1997

Research at the Laboratoire d’Intelligence Artificielle, EPFL
Faltings B,
Revue d’Intelligence Artificiellevol. 11, no. 1, pp. 11-26 1997

DISA: A Distributed scheduler using abstractions
L Friha, P Berry, B Choueiry,
Revue d’Intelligence Artificiellevol. 11, no. 1, pp. 27-42 1997

Probabilistic Indexing for Case-Based Prediction
Faltings B,
Case-Based Reasoning – Research and Developmentvol. 1266, pp. 611-622 1997
Link, Cite

Case Reuse by Model-Based Interpretation
Faltings B,
Lawrence-Earlbaumpp. 39-60 1997
Link, Cite

Local Consistency for Ternary Numeric Constraints
B Faltings, E Gelle,
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceNagoya, Japan, pp. 392-400 1997
Link, Cite

Structuring Techniques for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceNagoya, Japan, pp. 418-423 1997

Constructing Problem-Specific Abstractions for Case Adaptation
Faltings B,
IJCAI-97, Workshop on Using Abstraction and Reformulation in Analogy 1997
Link, Cite

Using Topology for Spatial Reasoning
Faltings B,
IJCAI-97 Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, 1997

Coordinating Autonomous Entities
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, O Krone, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1997
Link, Cite

Qualitative Models as Indices for Memory-Based Prediction
Faltings B,
IEEE Expert – Intelligent Systems and their Applicationsvol. 12, pp. 47-53 1997
Link, Cite

Publications in 1996 :

Creating design objects from cases for interactive spatial composition
I Smith, R Stalker, C Lottaz,
Artificial Intelligence in Design ’96pp. 97-116 1996

Constraint Solving, Preference Activation and Solution Adaptation in IDIOM
Lottaz C,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996
Link, Cite

Protocol Sharing Oriented Cooperation: Ontologies based approach
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
Second International Conference of Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS96)Kyoto, pp. 16-27 1996

Meeting Scheduling: an Application for Protocols Driven Cooperation
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
First International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent TechnologyLondon, UK, pp. 25-44 1996

Impl‰mentation d’un systˆme multi-agent dans MASCOOF pour la restauration des circuits dans d’un r‰seau t‰l‰phonique aux ressources limit‰es
O Belakhdar, J Astor,
Chamb‰ry, France 1996

Les Protocoles de Coop‰ration dans les Systˆmes Multi-Agents : langage de sp‰cification, modˆle d’agent et cadre de d‰veloppement
Belakhdar O,
Chamb‰ry, France 1996

Modelling Approach and Tool for Designing Protocols for Automated Cooperation in Multiagent Systems
O Belakhdar, J Ayel,
Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligencepp. 100-115 1996

FAMING: supporting innovative mechanism shape design
B Faltings, K Sun,
Computer-Aided Designvol. 28, pp. 207-216 1996
Link, Cite

Dynamic constraint satisfaction with conflict management in design
E Gelle, IF Smith,
Over-Constrained Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1106, Springerpp. 237-251 1996
Link, Cite

Interactive Configuration using Constraint Satisfaction Techniques
E Gelle, R Weigel,
Second International Conference on Practical Application of Constraint Technology, PACT-96London, UK 1996
Link, Cite

Interactive Configuration using Constraint Satisfaction Techniques
E Gelle, R Weigel,
AAAI-Symposium on ConfigurationBoston,MA USA 1996
Link, Cite

CADRE : Case-based geometric design
K Hua, B Faltings, IF Smith,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineeringvol. 10, pp. 171-183 1996
Link, Cite

A Qualitative Model of Physical Fields
Lundell M,
Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Reasoning, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)Portland, USA 1996

A Qualitative Model of Physical Fields
Lundell M,
International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning about Physical SystemsLake Tahoe, USA 1996

Context in discrete Constraint Satisfaction Problems
R Weigel, B Faltings, B Choueiry,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)Wiley. UK, pp. 205-209 1996

Solving Non-Binary Convex CSPs in Continuous Domains
D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lecture notes in computer science 1118: Principles and practice of constraint programming – CP96 1996
Link, Cite

Consistency Techniques for Continuous Constraints
D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Constraintsvol. 1, no. 1&2, pp. 85-118 1996
Link, Cite

Multi-agent interaction in a complex virtual environment
G Schmitt, M Engeli, D Kurmann, B Faltings, S Monnier,
AI Communicationsvol. 9, pp. 74-78 1996
Link, Cite

Interactive design – time to bite the bullet
Smith IF,
Information Processing in Civil and Structural Engineering DesignEdinburgh, UK, pp. 23-30 1996

Augmenting design interaction and communication using IDIOM
Smith IF,
Construction on the information highway, CIB Proceedings 198, International Council for Building Research Studiespp. 467-478 1996

Support for spatial configuration tasks
Smith IF,
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering IIIpp. 1-8 1996

Implementation and Evaluation of a WWW multiple choice question server
H Warkentyne, IF Smith, E Forte,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1108pp. 228-235 1996

Qualitative Modelling and Simulation of Spatially Distributed Parameter Systems
Lundell M,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996

A Functional Model of Software and its Application in Troubleshooting, Design and Reuse
Liver B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996
Link, Cite

Model Based Supervisory Control using Empirical Knowledge
Sauthier E,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996
Link, Cite

Spatial Reasoning in Two Dimensions using Topology
Faltings B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996

The Design and Development of IDIOM-GUI, Graphical User Interface for Interactive Design using Intelligent Objects and Models
Stalker R,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1996

Coopération Implicite et Antagonisme dans les Systèmes Multi-Agents
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1996

Coopération implicite et Performance
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Actes du 6ème colloque de l’Association pour la Recherche Cognitive (ARC) 1996

Implicit Cooperation and Antagonism in Multi-Agent Systems
F Chantemargue, T Dagaeff, M Schumacher, B Hirsbrunner,
Fribourg (Switzerland) 1996

Learning to Cope with an Open World
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM)vol. 10, pp. 143-145 1996
Link, Cite

FAMING: supporting innovative mechanism shape design
B Faltings, K Sun,
Computer-Aided Designvol. 28, pp. 207-216 1996
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Working group in model-based design and reasoning. Part II: design
Faltings B,
AI Communicationsvol. 9, pp. 65-73 1996
Link, Cite

Working group in model-based design and reasoning. Part I: modeling and diagnosis
Faltings B,
AI Communicationsvol. 9, pp. 59-64 1996
Link, Cite

Publications in 1995 :

Spatial composition using cases : IDIOM
I Smith, C Lottaz, B Faltings,
CBR Research and Developmentpp. 88-97 1995

Using Abstractions for Resource Allocation
B Choueiry, B Faltings,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automationpp. 1027-1033 1995

Abstraction by Interchangeability in Resource Allocation
B Choueiry, B Faltings, W Rainer,
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 1694-1701 1995

Case-based Modeling with Qualitative Indices
B Richards, B Faltings, P Duxburry-Smith,
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 1757-1763 1995
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Computer-aided Creative Mechanism Design (incl. Video)
B Faltings, K Sun,
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)pp. 2055-2056 1995

Topology-Based Spatial Reasoning
Faltings B,
KI-95pp. 99-100 1995

Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Using Algebraic Topology
Faltings B,
Spatial Information Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 988pp. 17-30 1995
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Resolving Conflicts as Knowledge Evolves
Smith I,
Product and Process Modelling in the Building IndustryRotterdam (The Netherlands), pp. 191-197 1995

Management of conflict for preliminary engineering design tasks
D Sam-Haroud, S Boulanger, E Gelle, I Smtih,
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturingvol. 9, pp. 313-323 1995

Case combination and adaptation of buildings spaces
I Smith, D Kurmann, G Schmitt,
Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCEpp. 155-162 1995

Taking Advantage of design process models
S Boulanger, E Gelle, I Smtih,
IABSE Report 72pp. 87-96 1995

Conflict managment in design
Smith I,
Special Issue of Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturingvol. 9 1995

A Qualitative Model of Gradient Flow in a Spatially Distributed Parameter
Lundell M,
International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning about Physical SystemsAmsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 131-138 1995
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Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction with Conflict Management in Design
E Gelle, I Smith,
CP95 Workshop on Over-Constrained SystemsCassis, France 1995
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Interactive Configuration Based on Incremental Constraint Satisfaction
E Gelle, R Weigel,
IFIP TC5/WG 5.2 Workshop Series Knowledge-Intensive CADHelsinki, Finland, pp. 117-126 1995
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Constraint Consistency Techniques for Continuous Domains
D Sam-Haroud, B Faltings,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995

Computing Glue Device Implementations in ZD
Liver B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995

Formalizing Aspects of Design Patterns
Liver B,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995

Constraint consistency techniques for continuous constraints
Haroud JS,
Lausanne (Switzerland) 1995
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Publications in 1994 :

Arc-consistency for continuous variables
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 65 1994
Link, Cite

Diagnosis of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems
E Gelle, B Faltings,
Proc. of SPICIS-94 , B309-314, Singapore 1994
Link, Cite

Assumptions and conflict resolution in preliminary engineering design
D Haroud, S Boulanger, IF Smith, E Gelle,
Workshop on Conflict Management in design, AIEDAM’94 1994

Global Consistency for Continuous Constraints
D Haroud, B Faltings,
Proc. of PPCP’94 1994
Link, Cite

Publications in 1993 :

Computer-aided Creative Mechanism Design
B Faltings, K Sun,
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 1451-1457 1993
Link, Cite

Imagery for Open-World Spatial Problems
B Faltings, P Pu,
Computational Intelligencevol. 9, no. 4 1993
Link, Cite

Exploring Case-Based Building Design-CADRE
K Hua, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM) 1993
Link, Cite

Publications in 1992 :

A Symbolic Approach to Qualitative Kinematics
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 56, no. 2 1992
Link, Cite

Domain Modeling for Monitoring Systems
J Primus, B Faltings,
10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1992
Link, Cite

Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction with Continuous Variables
B Faltings, D Haroud, IF Smith,
10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1992
Link, Cite

Mechanical Engineering is more than Differential Equations
Faltings B,
Computational Intelligencevol. 8, no. 2, pp. 319-322 1992
Link, Cite

Applying Means-Ends Analysis to Spatial Planning
B Faltings, P Pu,
AAAI Spring Symposium on Reasoning with Diagrammatic Representations 1992
Link, Cite

Model-based Traffic Control
B Faltings, E Sauthier,
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineeringvol. 7 1992
Link, Cite

Supporting Creativity in Symbolic Computation
Faltings B,
Second International Round-Table Conference on Computational Models of Creative Design 1992
Link, Cite

Publications in 1991 :

Qualitative Models in Conceptual Design: A Case Study
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligence in Design ’91 1991
Link, Cite

Applying Means-Ends Analysis to Spatial Planning
B Faltings, P Pu,
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systemspp. 80-85 1991
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Publications in 1990 :

Qualitative Kinematics in Mechanisms
Faltings B,
Artificial Intelligencevol. 44, no. 1, pp. 89-119 1990
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Publications in 2023 :

AI-driven Prices for Externalities and Sustainability in Production Markets
P Danassis, A. Filos-Ratsikas, H Chen, M Tambe, B Faltings
In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 2463-2465. 2023
Link, Cite

Incentive Mechanism Design for Responsible Data Governance: A Large-Scale Field Experiment
C Timko, M Niederstadt, N Goel, B Faltings
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality 15(2), pp. 1-18, 2023
Link, Cite

Game-theoretic mechanisms for eliciting accurate information
B Faltings
In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-23, pp. 6601-6609. 2023.
Link, Cite

Language Model Decoding as Likelihood-Utility Alignment
M Josifoski, M Peyrard, F Rajic, J Wei, P Debjit, V Hartmann, B Patra, V Chaudhary, E Kiciman, B Faltings, R West,
17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023)Dubrovnik, Croatia 2023
Link, Cite

Assistive Recipe Editing through Critiquing
D Antognini, S Li, B Faltings, J McAuley,
17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023)Dubrovnik, Croatia 2023
Link, Cite

A Practical Influence Approximation for Privacy-Preserving Data Filtering in Federated Learning
L Rokvic, P Danassis, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Publications in 2022 :

Positive and Negative Critiquing for VAE-based Recommenders
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

Interlock-Free Multi-Aspect Rationalization for Text Classification
S Li, D Antognini, B Faltings,
Link, Cite

SLIM: Explicit Slot-Intent Mapping With Bert For Joint Multi-Intent Detection And Slot Filling
F Cai, W Zhou, F Mi, B Faltings,
IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech And Signal Processing (Icassp)pp. 7607-7611, ISBN: 978-1-6654-0540-9, ISSN: 1520-6149 2022

Generating Higher-Fidelity Synthetic Datasets with Privacy Guarantees
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Algorithmsvol. 15, no. 7, pp. 232, ISSN: 1999-4893 2022
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T-RECS: a Transformer-based Recommender Generating Textual Explanations and Integrating Unsupervised Language-based Critiquing
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,

Active Learning for Imbalanced Civil Infrastructure Data
T Frick, D Antognini, M Rigotti, I Giurgiu, B Grewe, A Malossi,
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Vision for Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (ECCV)Tel-Aviv, Israel 2022
Link, Cite

Textual Explanations and Critiques in Recommendation Systems
D Antognini,
Link, Cite

A Distributed Differentially Private Algorithm for Resource Allocation in Unboundedly Large Settings
P Danassis, A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC 2022
Link, Cite

Putting Ridesharing to the Test: Efficient and Scalable Solutions and the Power of Dynamic Vehicle Relocation
P Danassis, M Sakota, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Artificial Intelligence ReviewISSN: 1573-7462 2022
Link, Cite

Exploiting Environmental Signals to Enable Policy Correlation in Large-scale Decentralized Systems
P Danassis, ZD Erden, B Faltings,
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systemsvol. 36, no. 1, pp. 13, ISSN: 1573-7454 2022
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Publications in 2021 :

Momentum-based Gradient Methods in Multi-Objective Recommendation
B Mitrevski, M Filipovic, E Lejal Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat, D Antognini,
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2955Amsterdam, Netherlands 2021
Link, Cite

Modeling Online Behavior in Recommender Systems: The Importance of Temporal Context
M Filipovic, B Mitrevski, D Antognini, E Lejal Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat,
Perspectives 2021 – Proceedings of the Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems Workshop 2021 2021
Link, Cite

Recommending Burgers based on Pizza Preferences: Addressing Data Sparsity with a Product of Experts
D Antognini, M Milenkoski, C Musat,
RecSys Workshop on Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender SystemsAmsterdam, Netherlands 2021
Link, Cite

Differentially Private Multi-Agent Constraint Optimization
S Damle, A Triastcyn, B Faltings, S Gujar,
WI-IAT ’21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencevol. 20 2021
Link, Cite

Blockchain-based Practical Multi-agent Secure Comparison and its Application in Auctions
S Damle, B Faltings, S Gujar,
WI-IAT ’21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligencevol. 20 2021
Link, Cite

Towards Mobile Distributed Ledgers
D Chatzopoulos, A Jain, S Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2021
Link, Cite

Self-training Improves Pre-training for Few-shot Learning in Task-oriented Dialog Systems
F Mi, W Zhou, F Cai, L Kong, M Huang, B Faltings,
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processingpp. 1887-1898 2021
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Improving Multi-agent Coordination by Learning to Estimate Contention
P Danassis, F Wiedemair, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 125-131 2021
Link, Cite

Multi-Step Critiquing User Interface for Recommender Systems
D Petrescu, D Antognini, B Faltings,
Demo Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems Proceedings (RecSys 2021) 2021

Fast Multi-Step Critiquing for VAE-based Recommender Systems
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems Proceedings (RecSys 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Addressing Fairness in Classification with a Model-Agnostic Multi-Objective Algorithm
K Padh, D Antognini, EL Glaude, B Faltings, C Musat,
Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Rationalization through Concepts
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Findings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Improved Cooperation by Exploiting a Common Signal
P Danassis, ZD Erden, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC, pp. 395–403, ISBN: 9781450383073 2021
Link, Cite

Interacting with Explanations through Critiquing
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Multi-Dimensional Explanation of Target Variables from Documents
D Antognini, C Musat, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021) 2021
Link, Cite

Orthos: A Trustworthy AI Framework for Data Acquisition
Gujar S,
Springervol. 12589, pp. 100-118 2021
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Publications in 2020 :

Multi-Gradient Descent for Multi-Objective Recommender Systems
N Milojkovic, D Antognini, G Bergamin, B Faltings, C Musat,
Link, Cite

Budget-Bounded Incentives for Federated Learning
AF Richardson A., B Faltings,
Springervol. 12500, pp. 176-188 2020
Link, Cite

ADER: Adaptively Distilled Exemplar Replay Towards Continual Learning for Session-based Recommendation
Fei Mi Xiaoyu Lin BF,
The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)pp. 408-413 2020
Link, Cite

Efficient Allocations in Constant Time: Towards Scalable Solutions in the Era of Large Scale Intelligent Systems
P Danassis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 2895-2896 2020
Link, Cite

Memory Augmented Neural Model for Incremental Session-based Recommendation
F Mi, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 2169-2176 2020
Link, Cite

Continual Learning for Natural Language Generation in Task-oriented Dialog Systems
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020pp. 3461–3474 2020
Link, Cite

Peer-Prediction in the Presence of Outcome Dependent Lying Incentives
N Goel, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 124-131 2020
Link, Cite

Infochain: A Decentralized, Trustless and Transparent Oracle on Blockchain
N Goel*, C Schreven* van, A Filos-Ratsikas, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)pp. 4604-4610 2020
Link, Cite

Tackling Peer-to-Peer Discrimination in the Sharing Economy
N Goel, M Rutagarama, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 2020)pp. 355-361 2020
Link, Cite

Generalized Class Incremental Learning
F Mi, L Kong, T Lin, K Yu, B Faltings,
CVPR2020 Continual Learning Workshoppp. 1897-1906 2020
Link, Cite

Federated Generative Privacy
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
IEEE Intelligent Systemsvol. 35, no. 4, pp. 50-57, ISSN: 1541-1672 2020
Link, Cite

HotelRec: a Novel Very Large-Scale Hotel Recommendation Dataset
D Antognini, B Faltings,
LREC 2020, Twelveth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluationpp. 4917-4923 2020
Link, Cite

GameWikiSum: a Novel Large Multi-Document Summarization Dataset
D Antognini, B Faltings,
LREC 2020, Twelveth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 2020
Link, Cite

Bayesian Differential Privacy for Machine Learning
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020 – Workshop on Interactive and Conversational Recommendation Systems (WICRS) 2020

Publications in 2019 :

Learning to Create Sentence Semantic Relation Graphs for Multi-Document Summarization
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization (EMNLP)Hong Kong 2019
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The Pareto Frontier of Inefficiency in Mechanism Design
YG Filos-Ratsikas Aris, P Lazos,
The 15th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE 2019).pp. 186-199 2019
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Federated Learning with Bayesian Differential Privacy
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)pp. 2587-2596, ISBN: 9781728108582 2019
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Learning to Create Sentence Semantic Relation Graphs for Multi-Document Summarization
D Antognini, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2019 – Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization 2019
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Eliciting High-Quality Data via Influence for Linear Regression
AF Richardson Adam, B Faltings,
The 1st International Workshop on Federated Machine Learning for User Privacy and Data Confidentiality (FML 2019) 2019
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Personalized Peer Truth Serum for Eliciting Multi-Attribute Personal Data
N Goel, B Faltings,
35th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Tel Aviv (UAI 2019) 2019
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Anytime Heuristic for Weighted Matching Through Altruism-Inspired Behavior
AF Danassis Panayiotis, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligencepp. 215-222 2019
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On the Computational Complexity of Blind Detection of Binary Linear Codes
A Balatsoukas-Stimming, A Filos-Ratsikas,
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2019
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The Complexity of Splitting Necklaces and Bisecting Ham Sandwiches
A Filos-Ratsikas, PW Goldberg,
The 51st Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2019) 2019
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Stable Fractional Matchings
PK Filos-Ratsikas Aris Caragiannis Ioannis, R Vaish,
The 20th ACM conference on Economics and Computation (ACM EC ’19) 2019
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Meta-Learning for Low-resource Natural Language Generation in Task-oriented Dialogue Systems
F Mi, M Huang, J Zhang, B Faltings,
The 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’19)pp. 3151-3157 2019
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A Truthful, Privacy-Preserving, Approximately Efficient Combinatorial Auction For Single-minded Bidders
S Damle, B Faltings, S Gujar,
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2019)pp. 1916-1918 2019
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Courtesy As a Means to Coordinate
Panayiotis Danassis BF,
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsRichland, SC, pp. 665-673, ISBN: 9781450363099 2019
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Generating Artificial Data for Private Deep Learning
A Triastcyn, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the PAL: Privacy-Enhancing Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies, AAAI Spring Symposium Seriespp. 33-40, ISSN: 1613-0073 2019
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Context-Tree Recommendation vs Matrix-Factorization: Algorithm Selection and Live Users Evaluation
BF Martin Stephane, V Schickel,
Proceedings of the 31st AAAI Conference on Innovative Applications of AIvol. 31 2019
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Deep Bayesian Trust : A Dominant and Fair Incentive Mechanism for Crowd
N Goel, B Faltings,
33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 2019

Crowdsourcing with Fairness, Diversity and Budget Constraints
N Goel, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics and Society (AIES) 2019 2019
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Walrasian Dynamics in Multi-unit Markets
S Branzei, A Filos-Ratsikas,
The 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’19) 2019
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Publications in 2018 :

Privacy Preserving and Cost Optimal Mobile Crowdsensing Using Smart Contracts on Blockchain
D Chatzopoulos, S Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
IEEE 15th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS)pp. 442-450, ISSN: 2155-6814 2018
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Hardness Results for Consensus-Halving
PW Frederiksen Stiil Kristoffer Soren Filos-Ratsikas Aris, J Zhang,
43rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2018)Dagstuhl, Germany, vol. 117, pp. 24:1-24:16, ISBN: 9783959770866 2018
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Enhancing Session-Based Recommendations through Sequential Modeling
BF Martin Stephane, V Schickel,
32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalizationvol. 32 2018
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Non-Discriminatory Machine Learning through Convex Fairness Criteria
N Goel, M Yaghini, B Faltings,
Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018 2018
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Partial Truthfulness in Minimal Peer Prediction Mechanisms with Limited Knowledge
Goran Radanovic BF,
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Information Gathering with Peers: Submodular Optimization with Peer-Prediction Constraints
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the AAAI 2018
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A Bayesian Approach to Intervention-Based Clustering
I Kulev, P Pu, B Faltings,
ACMNew York, NY, USA, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 44:1-44:23, ISSN: 2157-6904 2018
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Publications in 2017 :

Dataset Construction via Attention for Aspect Term Extraction with Distant Supervision
A Giannakopoulos, D Antognini, C Musat, A Hossmann, M Baeriswyl,
7th ICDM Workshop on Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction (SENTIRE) 2017
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Game Theory for Data Science: Eliciting Truthful Information
Radanovic BF,
Morgan & Claypool Publishersvol. 35, ISBN: 9781627057295 2017
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DUCT: An Upper Confidence Bound Approach to Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems
Brammert Ottens Christos Dimitrakakis BF,
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 69:1-69:27 2017
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Adaptive Sequential Recommendation for Discussion Forums on MOOCs using Context Trees
Fei Mi BF,
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 2017
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L’intelligence artificielle par la pratique
Boi Faltings MS,
PPURISBN: 9782889150755 2017

Auction Based Mechanisms for Dynamic Task Assignments in Expert Crowdsourcing
SP Gujar, B Faltings,
Springerpp. 50-65, ISBN: 9783319542294 2017
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Publications in 2016 :

Incentives for Effort in Crowdsourcing using the Peer Truth Serum
G Radanovic, B Faltings, R Jurca,
Acm Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technologyvol. 7, no. 4, pp. 48:1-28 2016
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LocalCoin: An ad-hoc payment scheme for areas with high connectivity: poster
D Chatzopoulos, SP Gujar, B Faltings, P Hui,
ACM MobiHoc 2016 2016
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Limiting the Influence of Low Quality Information in Community Sensing
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the 15th AAMASpp. 873-881 2016
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Learning to Scale Payments in Crowdsourcing with PropeRBoost
G Radanovic, B Faltings,
Proceedings of the Fourth AAAI conference on Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP’16) 2016