
Why lunch&LEARN?
At the Center LEARN we have the mission to develop evidence-based educational practices and support innovative teaching and learning.
In order to capture and showcase some interesting examples, we have set up a series of lunch&LEARN sessions which portray projects from the community and their respective teaching and learning experiences.
The aim of lunch&LEARN sessions is to gather an audience interested in novel and effective learning and teaching approaches, and create a rich discussion around successful paradigms based on evidence.
As an informal event, lunch&LEARN allows participants to have their meals while gaining new insights about interesting pedagogical approaches, opening possibilities for knowledge sharing and further collaborations.
Our guests encompass a range of innovative teachers from EPFL as well as researchers from labs working on learning (CHILI, REACT, MOBOTS, ML4ED), service units (CEDE, CAPE), and educators with new visions for education at EPFL.
This event is open to EPFL teachers and teaching assistants interested in innovative teaching and learning and, regardless of whether you are curious or doubtful, active participation in lunch&LEARN discussions is very welcomed!
If you’d like to give a talk or have any ideas, suggestions or questions regarding lunch&LEARN sessions, contact us on [email protected]
Sessions in 2024
Sessions in 2023
Sessions in 2022
Sessions in 2021
More past sessions
- On motivation
Caroline Pulfrey
Session recording, slides and questionnaire
- EPFL Graph Search
Francisco Pinto, Patrick Jermann
- Transferable skills in student engineering projects
Ivan Istomin
- Scaffolding engineering students’ thinking from paper-based exercises to open-ended projects: towards epistemic sophistication
Siara Isaac
- Investigating collaboration as a process with theory-driven learning analytics
Carmel Kent, Mutlu Cukurova (UCL)
- Configuration of learning and teaching spaces
Isabelle Lermigeaux-Sarrade
- Discovery of EdTech Startups and the Swiss EdTech Collider, featuring Calerga, Isyflow and Classtime
Roman Brügger, Guillaume Zufferey, Yves Piguet, Jan Rihak
- Human resilience against automation, robotics and artificial intelligence: how to predict and improve it
Rafael Lalive (UNIL), Nicola Nosengo
- Design, implementation and evaluation of the Flipped Classroom model in a mandatory Linear Algebra course
Simone Deparis, Cécile Hardebolle, Roland Tormey, Himanshu Verma
- Maker education in higher education: what’s possible?
Paulo Blikstein (Columbia University)
- Active learning: from concepts to blended implementation with open access platform
Denis Gillet, Juan Carlos Farah
- Teaching programming to large classes with Jupyter Notebooks
Mauro Cherubini, Thibault Estier (UNIL)
- Improgineering
Simon Henein, Susanne Martin
- Developing a questionnaire to assess interdisciplinary project management skills
Marc Laperrouza, Roland Tormey
- FROG for classroom orchestration
Stian Haklev