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× 2022 2021 Design of Integrally-Attached Timber Plate Structures Y. Weinand
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2022 , 2021-09-27. Structural design methodology in Integrally-Attached Timber Plate structures A. Rezaei Rad ; P. Vestartas
Design of Integrally-Attached Timber Plate Structures ; London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group , 2021. p. 216. 2020 Holz-Holz-Verbindungen fĂŒr einen nachhaltigen modernen Holzbau Y. Weinand
Architektur fertigen Konstruktiver Holzelementbau ; ZĂŒrich : Triest Verlag , 2020-12-17. p. 208. 2017 Structures Innovantes En Bois: Conception Architecturale Et Dimensionnement NumĂ©rique Y. Weinand
BĂąle : BirkhĂ€user , 2017. 2016 Neue Holztragwerke – Architektonische EntwĂŒrfe und digitale Bemessung
BirkhĂ€user , 2016. Advanced Timber Structures – Architectural Designs and Digital Dimensioning
BirkhÀuser , 2016. Projekt Grubenmann / Grubenmann Project Y. Weinand
Ed. Stiftung Grubenmann-Sammlung , 2016. A hybrid simulation workflow for timber fabric structures S. Nabaei ; O. Baverel ; Y. Weinand
Advancing Wood Architecture: A Computational Approach ; London and New York : Routledge , 2016. p. 85-93. Integral joints for timber folded structures C. Robeller ; Y. Weinand
Advancing Wood Architecture: A Computational Approach ; London and New York : Routledge , 2016. p. 73-83. Timber fabric structures: innovative wood construction Y. Weinand
Advancing Wood Architecture: A Computational Approach ; London and New York : Routledge , 2016. p. 61-72. Fabrication-Aware Design of Timber Folded Plate Shells with Double Through Tenon Joints C. Robeller ; Y. Weinand
Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2016 ; Springer International Publishing , 2016. p. 166-177. 2015 La costruzioni in legno dell’IBOIS. Forme curvate, intessute, intrecciate: una conversazione con Yves Weinand E. Bergmann
Form-Finding, Form-Shaping, Designing Architecture. Experimental, Aesthetical, and Ethical Approaches to Form in Recent and Postwar Architecture ; Mendrisio Academy Press / Silvana Editoriale , 2015. p. 113-129. Entre Tradition et Innovation : Nouvelles Architectures Contemporaines en Bois Y. Weinand
Savoir & faire : le bois ; Actes Sud , 2015. p. 261-272. 2014 Einklang Zwischen der GewĂŒnschten Form und den Besonderheiten eines Materials Y. Weinand
Holz : Stoff oder Form / Transformation einer Konstruktionslogik ; Zurich : Niggli , 2014. p. 21-27. Design and Fabrication of Robot-Manufactured Joints for a Curved-Folded Thin-Shell Structure Made from CLT C. Robeller ; S. S. Nabaei ; Y. Weinand
Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014 ; Vienna / New York : Springer International Publishing , 2014. p. 67-81. Timberfabric – Textile Assembly Principles and Wood Construction M. Hudert ; Y. Weinand
Form – Rule / Rule – Form / 2013 ; Innsbruck : Innsbruck University Press , 2014. p. 30-35. 2011 The Tectonics of Timber Architecture in the Digital Age H. U. Buri ; Y. Weinand
Building with Timber Paths into the Future ; Munich, Germany : Prestel Verlag , 2011. p. 56-63. New Structural Potential of Wood: the Ibois Research Laboratory at EPF Lausanne Y. Weinand
Cooperation. The Engineer and the Architect ; Basel, Switzerland : BirkhÀuser Verlag , 2011. p. 91-101. Die Tektonik der Holzarchitektur im digitalen Zeitalter H. U. Buri ; Y. Weinand
Bauen mit Holz. Wege in die Zukunft ; Munich : Prestel Verlag , 2011. Neue Wege fĂŒr Holztragwerke. Das Forschungslabor IBOIS an der EPF Lausanne Y. Weinand
Kooperation. Zur Zusammenarbeit von Ingenieur und Architekt ; Basel : BirkhĂ€user GmbH , 2011. p. 91-101. 2010 Timber Project, Nouvelles formes d’architecture en bois Y. Weinand
Lausanne : PPUR , 2010. 2009 La structure portante réalisée en panneaux en bois massif contrecollé Y. Weinand
Visions, Architectures publiques ; Bruxelles : Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles , 2009. p. 90-95. 2008 The Importance of Modelling Y. Weinand
Form defining strategies ; Tuebingen, Berlin : Ernst Wasmuth Verlag , 2008. p. 98-101. 2006 Die Maschinen des Salomon de Caus- Dokumentation der Planung und Realisierung einer Konstruktion Y. Weinand
Maschinen und Mechanismen in der Musik ; Wissner-Verlag , 2006. 2004 New Modeling : Projeter ensemble Y. Weinand
PPUR , 2004.