
Verilog-A implementation of the EPFL-EKV v2.6 model (long channel)

Verilog-A is high level modeling language for writing behavioral models of analog systems. It is an analog-only subset of the Verilog-AMS  language, developed by Accellera (formerly known as Open Verilog International – OVI). The complete Verilog-AMS language encompasses both Verilog-A and the well-known Verilog digital language. As of mid-2001, the the Verilog-AMS standard is still undergoing some revisions.

Verilog-AMS is directly competitive with VHDL-AMS. A simulator with VHDL-AMS is now available from Mentor and other software vendors.

Main Verilog-A features:

  • Differential-algebraic equations
  • Conservative or signal-flow systems
  • Mixed disciplines (mechanical, electrical, rotational …) capability
  • Parameterization and hierarchy
  • Programming structures: loops, if-then-else, assignments, standard math functions
  • Analog operators: delay, transition, slew, noise
  • Analog events: cross, timer, initial/final steps

Moreover, Verilog-A models can be shared which offers global standardization. Large high-level systems including mixed-discipline and non-electrical systems could be quickly investigated with deeper design exploration.

An example of the EKV Verilog-A code and corresponding netlist are provided below. All model equations are listed in the EKV model documentation [doc]. For Verilog-A syntax details refer to literature [1].

Verilog-A code for the long channel EKV MOSFET model

`include “std.va”
`include “const.va”

// ****************************************************************
// * EKV MOS model (long channel) based on version 2.6 rev.15
// * Function name : ekv26_dc_long for verilog-a implementation
// * The model documetation: http://legwww.epfl.ch/ekv
// ****************************************************************

module ekv(d,g,s,b);
// Node definitions
inout           d,g,s,b ;   // external nodes
electrical      d,g,s,b ;   // external nodes
//*** Local variables
real x, VG, VS, VD, VGprime, VP;
real beta, n, iff, ir, Ispec, Id;
//*** model parameter definitions
parameter real L      =  10E-6  from[0.0:inf];
parameter real W      =  10E-6  from[0.0:inf];

//***  Threshold voltage
//     substrate effect parameters (long-channel)
parameter real VTO    =  0.5    from[0.0:inf];
parameter real GAMMA  =  0.7    from[0.0:inf];
parameter real PHI    =  0.5    from[0.2:inf];

//***  Mobility parameters (long-channel)
parameter real KP     =  20E-6   from[0.0:inf];
parameter real THETA  =  50.0E-3 from[0.0:inf];

analog begin // EKV v2.6 long-channel

VG = V(g, b); VS = V(s, b); VD = V(d, b);

// Effective gate voltage (33)
VGprime = VG – VTO + PHI + GAMMA * sqrt(PHI);

// Pinch-off voltage (34)
VP = VGprime – PHI – GAMMA
* (sqrt(VGprime+(GAMMA/2.0)*(GAMMA/2.0))-(GAMMA/2.0));

// Slope factor (39)
n = 1.0 + GAMMA / (2.0*sqrt(PHI + VP + 4.0*$vt));

// Mobility equation (58), (64)
beta = KP * (W/L) * (1.0/(1.0 + THETA * VP));

// forward (44) and reverse (56) currents
x=(VP-VS)/$vt; iff = (ln(1.0+exp( x /2.0)))*(ln(1.0+exp( x /2.0)));
x=(VP-VD)/$vt; ir  = (ln(1.0+exp( x /2.0)))*(ln(1.0+exp( x /2.0)));

// Specific current (65)
Ispec = 2 * n * beta * $vt * $vt;

// Drain current (66)
Id = Ispec * (iff – ir);

// Branch contributions to EKV v2.6 model (long-channel)
I(d,s) <+ Id;

end // analog

Netlist to test Verilog-A EKV model

* EKV long channel MOSFET Model – using Verilog-A

.verilog  “ekv.va”

vd  1  0 3
vg  2  0 5
vb  4  0 0

xekv  1 2 0 4 ekv L=20E-6 W=20E-6
.dc vd 0 5 0.1


References and Links:

  1. D. Fitzpatrick, I. Miller. ‘Analog Behavioral Modeling with the Verilog-A Language’
    ISBN 0-7923-8044-4
  2. OVI Verilog Analog Mixed-Signal Group
  3. Verilog-2001 Information Page
  4. IEEE 1076.1 Working Group Analog and Mixed-Signal Extensions to VHDL
  5. L. Lemaitre, C. McAndrew,  S. Hamm, ‘ADMS – Automatic Device Model Synthesizer’, CICC 2002