Development of the Sustainable Grocery on EPFL campus

Healthy eating, local and zero waste? Yes, I'd like to, but it's a pain in the ass. . . it looks expensive. . . and I don't have time. . . If only there was a bio-local-bulk grocery store on campus!
Project description
EpiLibre, it’s the bulk grocery store that’s going to roll over on you!
It’s been a year since the sustainable grocery project won the Act for Change Lab contest, and it’s the beginning of the adventure. The fact is that there is a real demand for a Bio-Local-Bulk grocery store on campus. The idea was then born and the construction of a prototype cabinet that could accommodate silos and bulk bins became a reality. The desire is that it can move around to be as close as possible to the students: on the Esplanade on market days or on other days in the SV hall, and then close to put it away. After a few months of reflection and searching for local materials, construction can begin. And when the new school year starts, the store will finally be able to open its doors!
For more information or to join the team, you can write an email to [email protected]
For more information about the project: