Category: thermalaware

ICCAD Award from Opening Session ICCAD 2020

achievements, servers, thermalaware

Servers designed to look like humans

research, servers, thermalaware

David Atienza believes that when it comes to IT systems, everything that can be done locally, should be. That includes processing data where they are generated – thereby substantially reducing the amount of power required. EPFL’s Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) is studying two major energy-related problems with servers. The first is that they aren’t being (…)

David Atienza receives ICCAD award

achievements, research, servers, thermalaware

David Atienza, professor at the School of Engineering and Head of the Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL), has received with his co-authors the IEEE/ACM ICCAD Ten Year Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award for the scientific publication entitled « 3D-ICE: Fast compact transient thermal modeling for 3D-ICs with inter-tier liquid cooling ». Presented at the IEEE/ACM International (…)

ISVLSI 2020 Best Paper Award!

achievements, memory, research, servers, thermalaware, thermalsoc

Congratulations to Halima Najibi, Alexandre Levisse, Marina Zapater and David Atienza for winning a best paper award at the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI. The online presentation: The entire award ceremony:

YINS Summary

presentationvideo, research, thermalaware

When emotions Control Objects

carouselvideo, internetofthings, research, thermalaware

YINS – thermal-aware design for energy-efficient datacenters

carouselvideo, research, thermalaware