Currently active research grants, contracts and fellowships

European Commission

    Edge AI-deployed DIGItal Twins for PREDICTing disease progression and need for early intervention in infectious and cardiovascular diseases beyond COVID-19

    January 2021 to December 2024

Swiss NSF Research

    Heating Bits Initiative

    September 2023 to September 2029

    An urban digital twin for climate action: Assessing policies and solutions for energy, water and infrastructure
    In collaboration with ETHZ, Eawag, EMPA, WSL
    April 2023 to April 2027

Industrial Research Contracts and Private Foundation Grants

    Non-invasive Neuromodulation of Subcortical Structures, Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering

    January 2024 to January 2027

    ACCESS – AI Chip Center for Emerging Smart Systems, sponsored by InnoHK funding, Hong Kong SAR

    September 2022 to September 2026

    EPFL / Huawei Cloud : Intelligent Cloud Technologies Initiative

    October 2022 to October 2024

Archive of Research Grants, Contracts and Fellowships

ESL Funding