The Swiss Space Office, EPFL, the University of Geneva, the University of Zurich, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, and Brugg HET are strongly involved in the Euclid space telescope mission.
This page provides a short summary of their respective contributions. The tasks listed here are performed in close collaboration with international collaborators and universitites.
Ongoing work:
– Design of a pipeline to find strongly lensed systems (contact: Prof. Courbin & kneib)
– Definition of science goals for the strong gravitational lensing measurements, addressing for example the distribution of dark matter, galaxy formation and evolution, and cosmology (contact: Profs. Kneib & Courbin)
Past work:
– Design of the pipeline to measure the shape of galaxies in view of of the weak lensing measurement
– Data driven Point Spread Function reconstruction
– Simulations of images in view of weak lensing measurements
– Image deconvolution algorithms
University of Geneva (ISDC)
– Development and evaluation of algorithms to measure photometric redshifts
– Source classification based on morphology and colors
IT infrastructure for the Swiss Euclid Science Data Center
– Participation in the development of the common development environment of the Euclid ground-segment
– Implementation of the processing software for the production of photometric redshifts and strong-lensing analyses
– The Swiss Euclid Science Data Center is responsible for the production of a part of the Euclid data products during the mission’s scientific operation
University of Geneva (Theory Group)
– Development of the beyond-standard model science case, for example modified gravity, dark matter and dark energy
– Model definitions and input into simulations and forecasting groups
– Algorithms to compute predictions for beyond-standard model science
University of Zurich
– N-body simulations and mock galaxy catalogs for the end-to-end Euclid simulation pipeline
– Production of accurate emulators for key theoretical predictions, such as the power spectrum and the mass function
– Study of baryonic effects on the aforementioned key observables
– N-body and hydrodynamics code development in the context of high performance computing
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
– Development of a workflow system to manage the Euclid pipeline workflow during data production
– Development of the Infrastructure Abstraction Layer to integrate all Science Data Centers into a distributed data processing grid for the Euclid data production