The next generation of video optimisation
Given the growing number of users and the widening range of devices, streaming is no longer viable in its current form owing to the substantial amount of power and storage capacity it requires. But researchers at EPFL’s Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) have found a way to reduce those requirements without impacting the quality of the (…)
STI Industry Day
internetofthings, presentationvideo, research
YINS Summary
presentationvideo, research, thermalaware
Embedded systems for Solar Impulse
biomedical, carouselvideo, internetofthings, research
When emotions Control Objects
carouselvideo, internetofthings, research, thermalaware
YINS – thermal-aware design for energy-efficient datacenters
carouselvideo, research, thermalaware
Pocket Electrocardiograms
biomedical, carouselvideo, internetofthings, research
David Atienza is named IEEE Fellow
Prof. David Atienza of the Embedded Systems Laboratoryhas been named IEEE Fellow “for contributions to design methods and tools for multiprocessor systems on chip“. David Atienza, only two years ago, you received an Early Career Award. Now you have been elected Fellow, and you are still in your thirties. If you were speaking to young, (…)
PhD in the Embedded Systems Laboratory