Laboratory of Soil Mechanics

Message from Professor Lyesse Laloui

I would like to welcome you to the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics. My research group prioritizes the protection of the environment, landforms, and structures from geo-hazards and industrial damage. Through our experimental and modeling resources, we seek to understand, investigate, and predict the environmental impact of new technologies such as geo-structures, nuclear waste disposal and CO2 storage which we transfer to education and innovative industries.
Based at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, we develop and utilize the very latest approaches in research, education, and technology transfer to ensure our global society and the environment have the tools and technology needed to adapt and thrive in the 21st century.
The LMS focuses its activities around three major fields:

The education delivered by the LMS includes the lectures and exercises delivered at the EPFL, and in other Swiss and foreign universities as well as in some universities of applied sciences. The major fields of education offered by the LMS are Soil Mechanics, Groundwater Flows, Foundation & Geotechnical Engineering, Safety & Reliability, for the Undergraduate Students and some specificically designed courses for the Post-graduate & Doctoral Students.

Research & Development
Research activities within the LMS deal, on the one hand, with theoritical and applied aspects in geotechnical engineering and, on the other hand, with the development of tools and computation methods for the analysis and/or design of geostructures and natural phenomena, aiming at the practical application of the obtained results.

Innovation and Tech Transfer
The laboratory is particularly concerned with technology transfer and innovation. We believe that our research and our institution has a responsibility to innovate, and can play a major role in reshuffling the current codes to build a sustainable future for the next generations.

LMS at a glance
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