Documentation of gem5-X

The code of gem5-X is available on Github for download:

The gem5-X technical manual (August, 2021) is available here:
Gem5 X TechnicalManual Version 2

Gem5-X is supported for RedHat7/CentOS7 and Ubuntu. For making gem5-X work, you will need to follow three steps:

  1. Install the following package pre-requisites
    • RedHat/CentOS: git python python-devel scons swig zlib-devel m4 protobuf{-c,}-compiler protobuf protobuf-devel google-perftools google-perftools-devel dtc
    • Ubuntu: git python python-dev scons swig zlib1g-dev m4 protobuf{-c,}-compiler libprotobuf libprotobuf-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev device-tree-compiler
  2. Register on the following link to download the full-system images available here (around 3GB).
  3. Decompress the images: “tar -xvzf full_system_images.tar.gz”
  4. Clone the gem5-X repository and follow the instructions in the file

Here’s an example on how to launch a simulation:

./build/ARM/ –remote-gdb-port=0 -d log_dir configs/example/ –cpu-clock=1GHz –kernel=vmlinux –machine-type=VExpress_GEM5_V1 –dtb-file=<PATH_TO_GEM5-X>/gem5-X/system/arm/dt/armv8_gem5_v1_1cpu.dtb -n 1 –disk-image=gem5_ubuntu16.img –caches –l2cache –l1i_size=32kB –l1d_size=32kB –l2_size=1MB –l2_assoc=2 –mem-type=DDR4_2400_4x16 –mem-ranks=4 –mem-size=4GB –sys-clock=1600MHz

IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  Any usage of gem5-X for research, commercial or other purposes must be properly acknowledged in the resulting products or publications. Specifically, these publications must be cited in all cases :

Release history

May 1, 2019 Version 1.0.0


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