Communauté DH

Curious about the EPFL DH community and what motivates them?

We asked some of our past and present community members to share a few of their views, accomplishments, goals and dreams in the digital humanities field. Here is what they had to say:

The most valuable skill my digital humanities training has provided me is deeper knowledge of the scientific process and how we use it to to discover causalities.

Maryam Zakani

Digital humanities is important because it broadens humanities research to include both quantitative and qualitative research methods and thus explores new frontiers.

Sabine Süsstrunk

Digital humanities is essential to the world because it enables the development of an ethical sensitivity for technology.

Dario Rodighiero

My training as a digital humanities engineer has enabled me to approach problems of creativity and art from a new perspective.

Pushkar Jajoria

I chose to study digital humanities because it helps me to study subjects that are close to my heart using the tools that are close to my brain (technologies that I am good at).

Ravi Annapureddy

I am proud to have developed a tool that allows users to georeference historical cadastral images.

Zaya Khayankhyarvaa

Digital humanities is important because it offers a space for dialogue between many different disciplines and ways of thinking.

Jérôme Baudry

Digital humanities is important because it links two traditionally separated worlds.

Elisa Michelet

Digital humanities is important because it builds bridges between disciplines.

Raphaël Barman

What makes studying digital humanities special is that it makes you feel connected to the society through engineering.

Ciprian Tomoiaga

What makes studying digital humanities special is that by doing various projects, I feel like I become not only an engineer but also a designer and an artist.

Yuanhui Lin

Digital humanities is important because it emphasizes that cultural data is not “just” data.

Fabian Moss

Digital humanities is essential to the world because there is never only one approach to things in life.

Kathleen Collins

The most valuable skill my digital humanities training has provided me is how to approach novel problems effectively and without preconceptions.

Alexander Rusnak

My favorite aspect of digital humanities research is discovering new angles to explore well known questions.

Aurel Mäder

What makes studying digital humanities special is being part of the birth of a new disciplinary field.

Gabriele Cecchetti

Digital humanities will enable the world to engage more cultural activities, rather than only viewing from a distance.

Yumeng Hou

What makes studying digital humanities special is that it is the only field that approaches IT from a human point of view.

Cyril Bornet

Digital humanities is essential to the world because it makes cultural heritage available to the masses.

Johannes Hentschel

I am proud to have built the first visual search engine for visual art.

Benoit Seguin

My favorite aspect of digital humanities research is the diversity and collaborating with people from different backgrounds.

Fabrice Berger

I chose to study digital humanities because I wanted to apply my computer science skills to interdisciplinary projects.

Maxime Jan

My training as a digital humanities engineer has empowered me to be more creative in my approach to problem solving.

Marion Kramer

Thanks to my DH Master studies, I am now able to pursue a career in industry or in the cultural sector, depending on my inclination.

Hakim Invernizzi

I chose to study digitial humanities because I was bored of only collaborating with other technical fields over and over in computer science.

Michał Bień

Digital humanities will enable the world to see research as an interdisciplinary space for collaboration between specialists from very different academic backgrounds.

Olya Nicolaeva

My dream future digital humanities project is writing the history of Swiss video games, from both the humanities and technological points of view.

Yannick Rochat

What makes studying digital humanities special is working people from many different fields and coming from numerous countries.

Hangqian Li

Digital humanities is useful because it tackles problems that neither humanists nor computer scientists would dare to address, even in their most extraordinary dreams.

Rémi Petitpierre

Digital Humanities is important because technology and society are more and more intertwined. Understanding the implications of this is essential for our future.

Kevin Baumer

Digital humanities will enable the world to ensure technical innovations are used for the benefit of society as a whole.

Robert Lieck