GREENsPACK is a multidisciplinary BRIDGE-Discovery project funded by the SNF being performed in collaboration with EMPA and CSEM. The aim is to provide
The aim of the GREENsPACK project is to develop fully biodegradable and very low-cost sensing-tags for the smart packaging of perishable goods (i.e medicine & food). These chipless RF sensing tags will be additively manufactured via printing onto cost-effective cellulosic substrates. At EPFL, to achieve these targets, our role will be on the development of both new sensing materials and their integration into wireless biodegradable sensor structures for Identification, Temperature and Relative Humidity monitoring.
GREENsPACK addresses specific scientific challenges within materials, sensing, manufacturing to read-out communication. The project will advance the state of the art by developing fully biodegradable printed wireless circuits integrating sensors and adapted communication and read-out strategies. These advancements have the potential to unlock technological developments within biodegradable materials and transducers and their implementation by additive manufacturing in green and transient electronics.

Wireless and chipless environmental sensing systems based on resonant circuits and made solely of biodegradable materials have been produced for continuous temperature and humidity monitoring as well as irreversible sensing of temperature threshold.

Scientific publications
J. Bourely, L. De Sousa, N. Fumeaux, O. Vorobyov, C. Beyer, D. Briand, Biodegradable materials as sensitive coatings for humidity sensing in S-band microwave frequencies, Micro Nano Engineering (2023) 19, 100185.
X. Aeby, J. Bourely, A. Poulin, G. Siqueira, G. Nyström, D. Briand, Printed humidity sensors from renewable and biodegradable materials, Advanced Materials Technologies (2022) 2201302.
Contact person
Project web page:
Funding source: SNF Bridge Discovery