On October 13th 2016, Dr. Mojtaba Talebian gave an interresting talk on carbon sequestration technology. During his presentation, entitled “An overview of the current status and opportunities in Carbon Sequestration technology and research”, Dr. Tabelian explains covered the following topics:
- An introduction to CCSÂ technology
- Overview of Carbon Storage Research
- Mapping of Priorities vs Funding Support
- UK benchmark
- An Update on Ongoing European R&D
- The Way Forward
About the speaker:
Dr. Mojtaba Talebian obtained a BSc degree in Petroleum Engineering at Petroleum University of Technology in 2002. He received his MSc degree in Reservoir Engineering from University of Calgary in Canada in 2004. His research course focused on effects of gravity drainage in simulation of naturally fractured reservoir. After master program, Mojtaba worked for four years in National Iranian Oil Company as a reservoir engineer. He was involved in a project concerning CO2 and N2 injection into Iranian oil reservoirs. In 2009 he joined the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of TU Delft as a PhD researcher. The focus of his work was on the development of a computational model for the simulation of CO2 sequestration. Mojtaba joined SGS in 2013 as a reservoir engineer and since then he has been involved in many projects concerning field development in Europe, Asia and Africa.