Our team

Currently our team consists of 1 professor, 3 postdoctoral researchers, 15 PhD students, 2 interns and 1 administrative assistant. We are 12 nationalities and our average age is 29.9.
Head of laboratory
Administrative staff
PhD Students
LIONS alumni, listed in the reversed chronological order
PHD students:
Igor Krawczuk (2019-2024; now Lead ML & Automation Engineer at Adaptyv Biosystems Inc, CH)
Fabian Latorre (2018-2023; now Quantitative Researcher at Squarepoint Capital, UK)
Ali Kavis (2018-2023; now postdoc at UT Austin, CH)
Mehmet Fahin Sahin (2018-2022; now postdoc at UNIGE, CH)
Paul Rolland (2017-2022; now system specialist at EPFL, CH)
Thomas Sanchez (2018-2022; now postdoc at UNIL, CH)
Ahmet Alacaoglu (2017-2021; postdoc at University of Wisconsin–Madison; faculty at University of British Columbia, CA)
Arda Uran (2017-2021; Analog Design Engineer at Kandou Bus SA, CH)
Ya-Ping Hsieh (2015-2020; now postdoc at ETHZ, CH)
Baran Gözcü (2013-2019; postdoc at ETHZ, Senior Researcher at ETHZ, CH)
Ilia Bogunovic (2013-2018; postdoc at ETHZ,, CH; Faculty at UCL, UK)
Alp Yurtsever (2013-2019; postdoc at MIT, USA; Faculty at Umeå, SE)
Marwa El Halabi (2012-2018; postdoc at MIT; scientist at Samsung AI, CA)
Cosimo Aprile (2013-2018; now Analog Design Engineer at Kandou Bus SA, CH)
Yen-Huan Li (2013-2018; Faculty at Taiwanese, National University, TW)
Anastasios (Tasos) Kyrillidis (2011-2014; Goldstine PostDoctoral Fellow at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (NY), and a Simons Foundation PostDoc member at the University of Texas at Austinat, now CS Faculty at Rice University, USA)
Afsaneh Asaei (2010-2013; co-advised, now head of AI at TUM, D)
Dr Angeliki Kamoutsi (2023-2024)
Dr. Stratis Skoulakis (2021-2024; Faculty at University of Aarhus, DK)
Dr. Grigorios Chrysos (2020-2024; Faculty at University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Dr. Fanghui Liu (2021-2023; Faculty at University of Warwick, UK)
Dr. Ali Ramezani (2021-2022; Faculty at University of Oslo, NO)
Dr. Nadav Hallak (2019-2020; Faculty at Technion, IL)
Dr. Yurii Malitskyi (2019-2020; Faculty at Vienna University, AT)
Dr. Kamalaruban Parameswaran (2017-2020; Senior Research Associate at Alan Turing Institute, UK)
Dr. Armin Eftekhari (2018-2019; Faculty at UMEA University, SE)
Dr. Junhong Lin (2017-2018; CS Faculty at Zheijang University, CN)
Dr. Bang Cong Vu (2015-2019; Math Faculty at University of Hanoi, VN)
Dr. Jonathan Scarlett (214-2017; CS/Math Faculty at NUS, SG)
Dr. Quang Van Nguyen (2015-2018; postdoc at McGill, CA)
Dr. Quoc Tran Dinh (2012-2015; Math Faculty at UNC, USA)
Dr. Bubacar Bah (2012-2013; Humbolt Chair Faculty at AIMS South Africa)
Dr. Luca Baldassarre (2012-2015; Group Leader at SwissRE),