Nissim Zerbib (2015)

Internship project topic:

Theoretical guarantees for M-estimators in high dimension Matrix completion


Nissim is a first year master student in Department of Computer Science at Ecole normale Supérieure, Paris. He joined LIONS as a research intern in April 2015. His primary research interests include high dimensional statistics and machine learning. In LIONS, he is working on constrained M-estimators, especially on matrix completion

Publications (most recent)

Estimation Error of the Constrained Lasso

N. Zerbib; Y-H. Li; Y-P. Hsieh; V. Cevher 

2016. 54th Annual Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 27-30, 2016. p. 433-438. DOI : 10.1109/ALLERTON.2016.7852263.

A Geometric View on Constrained M-Estimators

Y-H. Li; Y-P. Hsieh; N. Zerbib; V. Cevher