[123] Uba K. Ubamanyu, Zheren Baizhikova, Jia-Liang Le, Roberto Ballarini, and Pedro M. Reis, âA numerical study on the buckling of near-perfect spherical shellsâ, Submitted. [arXiv]
[122] Fani Derveni, Florian Choquart, Arefeh Abbasi, Dong Yan, and Pedro M. Reis, âThe most severe imperfection governs the buckling strength of pressurized multi-defect hemispherical shellsâ, Submitted. [arXiv]
[121] Eduardo Gutierrez-Prieto, Michael Gomez, and Pedro M. Reis, âHarnessing centrifugal and Euler forces for tunable buckling of a rotating elastica â, Extreme Mech. Lett., 72, 102246 (2024). [html, pdf]
[120] Kostas Danas, and Pedro M. Reis, âStretch-independent magnetization in incompressible magnetorheological elastomersâ, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 161, 105764 (2024). [html, pdf]
[119] Samuel Poincloux, Pedro M. Reis, Tom W.J. de Geus, âStick-slip synchronization in stack of elastically coupled frictional interfacesâ, Phys. Rev. Res., 6, 013080 (2024). [html, pdf]
[118] P. Johanns, and Pedro M. Reis, âCapsizing due to friction-induced twist in the failure of stopper knotsâ Extreme Mech. Lett., 68, 102134 (2024). [html, pdf]
[117] Arefeh Abbasi, Tian Chen, Bastien F. G. Aymon, and Pedro M. Reis, âLeveraging the snap buckling of bistable magnetic shells to design a refreshable braille dotâ, Advanced Materials Technologies Journal, 2301344, (2023). [html, pdf]
[116] Yuxia Luna Lin, Matteo Pezzulla, and Pedro M. Reis, âFluid-structure interactions of bristled wings: The trade-off between weight and dragâ, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 20, 20230266, (2023). [html, pdf]
[115] Michael Gomez, Pedro M. Reis, Basile Audoly, âTwisting instabilities in elastic ribbons with inhomogeneous pre-stress: a macroscopic analog of thermodynamic phase transitionâ, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, In Press, (2023). [html, pdf]
[114] F. Derveni, A. Abbasi, and P. M. Reis, âDefect-Defect Interactions in the Buckling of Imperfect Spherical Shellsâ, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1-10 (2023). [html]
[113] P. Johanns, C. Baek, P. Grandgeorge, S. Guerid, S. A. Chester, and P. M. Reis, âThe strength of surgical knots involves a critical interplay between friction and elastoplasticityâ, Science Advances, 9, eadg8861 (2023). [html, pdf]
[112] F. Derveni, W. Gueissaz, D. Yan, and P. M. Reis, âProbabilistic buckling of imperfect hemispherical shells containing a distribution of defectsâ, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 381, 20220298 (2022). [html, pdf]
[111] A. Abbasi, T. G. Sano, D. Yan, and P. M. Reis, âSnap buckling of bistable
beams under combined mechanical and magnetic loadingâ, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 381, 20220029 (2023).[html, pdf]
[110] A. Abbasi, F. Derveni, and P. M. Reis, âComparing the buckling strength of spherical shells with dimpled versus bumpy defectsâ, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1-9 (2023). [html, pdf]
[109] S. Poincloux, C. Vallat, T. Chen, T. G. Sano, and P. M. Reis, âIndentation and Stability of Weaved Domesâ, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 59, 101968 (2023). [html, pdf]
[108] C. Dong, A. Leber, D. Yan, H. Banerjee, S. Laperrousaz, T. Das Gupta, S. Shadman, Pedro M. Reis, and Fabien Sorin, â3D stretchable and self-encapsulated multimaterial triboelectric fibersâ, Science Advances, 8, eabo0869 (2022). [html, pdf]
[107] D. Yan, B. F. G. Aymon, and P. M. Reis, âA reduced-order, rotation-based model for thin hard-magnetic platesâ, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 170, 105095 (2022). [html, pdf]
[106] E. Bomal, P. Grandgeorge, R. Yeo, N. Candau, P. M. Reis, and H. Frauenrath, âSpontaneous formation of a self-healing carbon nanoskin at the liquid-liquid interfaceâ, Nature Communications, 13, 4950 (2022). [html, pdf]
[105] Y. L. Lin, and P. M. Reis, âNot gone with the wind: active microscale flight with highly porous bristled wingsâ, Matter, 5, 2550-2552 (2022).[html, pdf]
[104] P. Leroy-Calatayud, M. Pezzulla, A. Keiser, K. Mulleners, and P. M. Reis, âTapered foils favor traveling-wave kinematics to enhance
the performance of flapping propulsionâ, Physical Review Fluids, 7, 074403 (2022). [html, pdf]
[103] C. Boni, P.M. Reis, and G. Royer-Carfagni. ”Flexural-tensegrity snapping tails for bio-inspired propulsion in fluids”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 56, 101853 (2022). [html, pdf]
[102] T. G. Sano, P. Johanns, P. Grandgeorge, C. Baek, and P. M. Reis, âExploring the inner workings of the clove hitch knotâ, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 55, 101788 (2022). [html, pdf]
[101] M. Pezzulla, D. Yan, and P. M. Reis, âA geometrically exact model for thin magneto-elastic shellsâ, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 166, 104916 (2022). [html, pdf]
[100] P. Grandgeorge, T. G. Sano, and P. M. Reis, âAn elastic rod in frictional contact with a rigid cylinderâ, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 164, 104885 (2022). [html, pdf]
[99] T. G. Sano, M. Pezzulla, and P. M. Reis, âA Kirchhoff-like theory for hard magnetic rods under geometrically nonlinear deformation in three dimensionsâ, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 160, 104739 (2022). [html, pdf]
[98] D. Yan, A. Abbasi, and P. M. Reis, âA comprehensive framework for hard-magnetic beams: Reduced-order theory, 3D simulations, and experimentsâ, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 257, 111319 (2021). [html, pdf]
[97] C. Baek, A. G. Martin, S. Poincloux, T. Chen, and P. M. Reis, âSmooth triaxial weaving with naturally curved ribbonsâ, Phys. Rev. Lett., 127, 104301 (2021). [html, pdf] (Editorâs Suggestion & Cover Story [pdf], Physics Synopsis [html], Nature Reviews Physics Research Highlight [html])
[96] A. Abbasi, D. Yan, and P. M. Reis, âProbing the buckling of pressurized spherical shellsâ, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 155, 104545 (2021). [html, pdf]
[95] B. Shrimali, M. Pezzulla, S. Poincloux, P. M. Reis, and O. Lopez-Pamies, âThe remarkable bending properties of perforated platesâ Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 154, 104514 (2021). [html, pdf]
[94] S. Poincloux, T. Chen, B. Audoly, and P. M. Reis, âBending response of a book with internal frictionâ Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, 218004 (2021). [html, pdf]
[93] D. Yan, M. Pezzulla, L. Cruveiller, A. Abbasi, and P. M. Reis, âMagneto-active elastic shells with tunable buckling strengthâ Nat. Commun., 12, 2831 (2021). [html]
[92] P. Grandgeorge, C. Baek, H. Singh, P. Johanns, T. G. Sano, A. Flynn, J. H. Maddocks, and P. M. Reis, âMechanics of two filaments in tight orthogonal contactâ Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 118, e2021684118 (2021). [html, pdf]
[91] P. Johanns, P. Grandgeorge, C. Baek, T. G. Sano, J. H. Maddocks, and P. M. Reis, âThe shapes of physical trefoil knotsâ Extreme Mech. Lett., 43, 101172 (2021). [html, pdf]
[90] T. Chen, M. Pauly, and P. M. Reis, âA reprogrammable mechanical metamaterial with stable memoryâ Nature, 589, 386â390 (2021). [html] (Nature News and Views [html] and EPFL News [html])
[89] C. Baek, P. Johanns, T. G. Sano, P. Grandgeorge, and P. M. Reis, âFinite element modeling of tight elastic knotsâ J. Appl. Mech., 88, 024501 (2021). [html, pdf]
[88] M. Pezzulla, E. F. Strong, F. Gallaire, and P. M. Reis, âDeformation of porous flexible strip in low and moderate Reynolds number flowsâ Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 084103 (2020). [html, pdf]
[87] L. Cai, J. Marthelot, C. Falcon, P. M. Reis, and P.-T. Brun, âPrinting with liquid elastomersâ Soft Matter 16, 3137 (2020). [html, pdf]
[86] D. Yan, M. Pezzulla, and P. M. Reis, âBuckling of pressurized spherical shells containing a through-thickness defectâ Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 138, 103923 (2020). [html, pdf]
[85] A. Leber, A. G. Page, D. Yan, Y. Qu, Sh. Shadman Yazdi, P. M. Reis, and F. Sorin, âCompressible and electrically conducting fibers for large-area sensing of pressuresâ Adv. Funct. Mater., 30, 1904274 (2020). [html, pdf]
[84] M. Pezzulla and P. M. Reis, âA weak form implementation of nonlinear axisymmetric shell equations with examplesâ J. Appl. Mech., 86, 124502 (2019). [html, pdf]
[83] E. F. Strong, M. Pezzulla, F. Gallaire, P. M. Reis, and L. Siconolfi, âHydrodynamic loading of perforated disks in creeping flowsâ Phys. Rev. Fluids, 4, 084101 (2019). [html, pdf]
[82] A. Lee, D. Yan, M. Pezzulla, D. P. Holmes, and P. M. Reis, âEvolution of critical buckling conditions in imperfect bilayer shells through residual swellingâ Soft Matter, 15, 6134-6144 (2019). [html, pdf]
[81] M. Guttag, D. Yan, and P.M. Reis, “Programmable aerodynamic drag on active dimpled cylinders” Adv. Eng. Mater., 1801315 (2019). [html, pdf]
[80] C. Baek and P.M. Reis, “Rigidity of hemispherical elastic gridshells under point load indentation” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 124, 411-426 (2019). [html, pdf]
[79] P.M. Reis, F. Brau, and P. Damman, “The mechanics of slender structures” Nature Physics, 14, 1150-1151 (2018). [html, pdf]
[78] J. Marthelot, E. F. Strong, P. M. Reis, and P.-T. Brun, “Designing soft materials with interfacial instabilities in liquid films” Nature Communications, 9, 4477 (2018). [html, pdf]
[77] J. Miller, N. Wicks, P.M. Reis, and T. Su, “Method and system for extending reach in deviated wellbores using selected injection speed” U.S. Patent 10,041,313, issued August 7 (2018). [html]
[76] J. Miller, N. Wicks, J. Pabon, and P.M. Reis, “Method and system for extending reach in deviated wellbores using selected vibration frequency” U.S. Patent 10,030,456, issued July 24 (2018). [html]
[75] J. Marthelot, E. F. Strong, P. M. Reis, and P.-T. Brun, “Solid structures generated by capillary instability in thin liquid films” Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 100506 (2018). [html, pdf, poster]
[74] M. Guttag, H.H. Karimi, C. FalcĂłn, and P.M. Reis, “Aeroelastic deformation of a perforated strip” Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 014003 (2018). [html, pdf]
[73] M.K. Jawed, N. Hadjiconstantinou, D. Parks, P.M. Reis, “Patterns of carbon nanotubes by flow-directed deposition on substrates with architectured topographies” Nano Lett., 18, 1660-1667 (2018). [html, pdf]
[72] C. Baek, A.O. Sageman-Furnas, M.K. Jawed, and P.M. Reis, “Form finding in elastic gridshells” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 115, 75 (2018). [html, pdf]Â (Supplementary Information, including videos [html, pdf])
[71] M. Guttag and P.M. Reis, “Active aerodynamic drag reduction on morphable cylinders” Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2, 123903 (2017). [html, pdf]Â
[70] R. Al-Rashed, F. LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, J. Marthelot, and P.M. Reis, “Buckling patterns in biaxially pre-stretched bilayer shells: wrinkles, creases, folds and fracture-like ridges” Soft Matter, 13, 7969-7978 (2017). [html, pdf]
[69] J. Marthelot, F. LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, A. Lee, J. Hutchinson, and P.M. Reis, “Buckling of a pressurized hemispherical shell subjected to a probing force” J. Appl. Mech., 84, 121005 (2017). [html, pdf]
[68] J. Marthelot, P.-T. Brun, F. LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, and P.M. Reis, “Reversible patterning of spherical shells through constrained buckling” Phys. Rev. Materials, 1, 025601 (2017). [html, pdf]
[67] M.K. Jawed and P.M. Reis, “Dynamics of a flexible helical filament rotating in a viscous fluid near a rigid boundary” Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2, 034101 (2017). [html, pdf]
[66] F. LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, J. Marthelot, A. Lee, J.W. Hutchinson, and P.M. Reis, “Knockdown factor for the buckling of spherical shells containing large-amplitude geometric defects” J. Appl. Mech., 84, 034501 (2017). [html, pdf]
[65] F. LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, P. Upadhyaya, P.M. Reis, and S. Kumar, “Soft optical composites for tunable transmittance” Extreme Mech. Lett., 9, 297 (2016). [html, pdf]
[64] A. Lee, F. LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, J. Marthelot, J.W. Hutchinson, and P.M. Reis, “The geometric role of precisely engineered imperfections on the critical buckling load of spherical elastic shells” J. Appl. Mech., 83, 111005 (2016). [html, pdf]
[63] A. Lee, P. -T. Brun, J. Marthelot, G. Balestra, F. Gallaire, and P. M. Reis, “Fabrication of slender elastic shells by the coating of curved surfaces” Nature Communications, 7, 11155 (2016). [html, pdf]
[62] F. LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, N. Stoop, R. Lagrange, J. Dunkel, and P. M. Reis, “Curvature-Controlled Defect Localization in Elastic Surface Crystals” Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 104301 (2016). [html, pdf] (Cover Story [html, pdf])
[61] R. Lagrange, F. LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, D. Terwagne, M. Brojan, and P.M. Reis, “From wrinkling to global buckling of a ring on a curved substrate” J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 89, 77-95 (2016). [html, pdf]
[60] C. G. Mulcahy, T. Su, N. Wicks, and P.M. Reis, “Extending the Reach of a Rod Injected Into a Cylinder Through Axial Rotation” J. Appl. Mech., 83, 051003 (2016). [html, pdf]
[59] F. LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, S. Kumar, and P.M. Reis, “Soft color composites with tunable optical transmittance” Adv. Opt. Mater., 4, 620 (2016). [html, pdf]
[58] M.K. Jawed and P.M. Reis, “Deformation of a soft helical filament in an axial flow at low Reynolds number” Soft Matter, 12, 1898-1905 (2016). [html, pdf]
[57] M.K. Jawed, N. Khouri, F. Da, E. Grinspun, and P.M. Reis, “Propulsion and instability of flexible helical rod rotating in a viscous fluid” Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 168101 (2015). [html, pdf]
[56] P.M. Reis, H.M. Jaeger, and M. van Hecke, “Designer Matter: A perspective”, Extreme Mech. Lett., 5, 25-29 (2015) [html, pdf]
[55] P.M. Reis, F. LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, and J. Marthelot, “Transforming architecture inspired by origami” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 112(40), 12234-12235 (2015). [html, pdf]
[54] P.M. Reis, “A Perspective on the Revival of Structural (in)stability with Novel Opportunities for Function: from Buckliphobia to Buckliphilia” J. App. Mech., 82, 111001 (2015). [html, pdf]
[53] M.K. Jawed, P. Dieleman, B. Audoly, and P.M. Reis, “Untangling the Mechanics and Topology in the Frictional Response of Long Overhand Elastic Knots” Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 118302 (2015). [html, pdf] (Supplemental Material [pdf]) (Physics Focus)
[52] M.K. Jawed, P.-T. Brun, and P.M. Reis, “A geometric model for the coiling of an elastic rod deployed onto a moving substrate” J. Appl. Mech., 82, 1210007 (2015). [html, pdf]
[51] J.T. Miller, T. Su, E.B. Dussan, J. Pabon, N. Wicks, K. Bertoldi, and P.M. Reis, “Buckling-induced lock-up of a slender rod injected into a horizontal cylinder” Int. J. Solids Struct., 72, 153-164 (2015). [html, pdf]
[50] M. Fryer, D. Terwagne, P.M. Reis, and H. Nepf, “Fabrication of flexible blade models from a silicone-based polymer to test the effect of surface corrugations on drag and blade motion” Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods, 13, 630-639 (2015). [html, pdf]
[49] J.T. Miller, T. Su, J. Pabon, N. Wicks, K. Bertoldi, and P.M. Reis, “Buckling of a thin rod inside a horizontal cylindrical constraint” Extreme Mech. Lett., 3, 36-44 (2015). [html, pdf]
[48] N. Stoop, R. Lagrange, D. Terwagne, P.M. Reis, and J. Dunkel, “Curvature-induced symmetry breaking selects elastic surface patterns” Nature Materials, 14, 337â342 (2015). [html, pdf] (Supplementary Information [html, pdf]).
[47] J.T. Miller, C.G. Mulcahy, J. Pabon, N. Wicks, and P.M. Reis, “Extending the Reach of a Rod Injected into a Cylinder Through Distributed Vibration” J. Appl. Mech., 82, 021003 (2015). [html, pdf]
[46] A. Lazarus and P.M. Reis, “Soft Actuation of Structured Cylinders through Auxetic Behavior” Adv. Eng. Mater., 17, 815-820 (2015). [html, pdf]
[45] M.K. Jawed and P.M. Reis, “Pattern morphology in the elastic sewing machine” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 1, 76-82 (2014) [html, pdf] (Supplementary Information [html, pdf])
[44] M. Brojan, D. Terwagne. R. Lagrange, and P.M. Reis, “Wrinkling crystallography on spherical surfaces” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 112, 14-19 (2014). [html, pdf]
[43] A. Nasto and P.M. Reis, “Localized Structures in Indented Shells: a Numerical Investigation” J. Appl. Mech., 81, 121008 (2014). [html, pdf]
[42] M.K. Jawed, F. Da, J. Joo, E. Grinspun, and P.M. Reis, âCoiling of elastic rods on rigid substratesâ Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 111, 14663 (2014). [html, pdf] (Supplementary Information, including videos [html, pdf])
[41] T. Su, J. Liu, D. Terwagne, P.M. Reis, and K. Bertoldi, “Buckling of an elastic rod embedded on an elastomeric matrix: planar vs. non-planar configurations” Soft Matter, 10, 6294-6302 (2014). [html, pdf] (Supplementary Information [html, pdf])
[40] A.W. Epstein, S. Rudolph, H.H. Einstein, and P.M. Reis, “Enhancing Design Studentsâ Comfort and Versatility in the Shop: A Project-Based Approach.” Proc. Amer. Soc. Eng. Edu. Annual Conference, paper # 2014-9085 (2014). [html, pdf]
[39] D. Terwagne, M. Brojan, and P.M. Reis, “Smart Morphable Surfaces for Aerodynamic Drag Control” Adv. Mater., 26, 6608 (2014). [html, pdf] (Supplementary Information [html, pdf]) Cover Story [html,pdf]
[38] J.T. Miller, A. Lazarus, Basile Audoly, and P.M. Reis, “Shapes of a Suspended Curly Hair” Phys. Rev. Lett, 112, 068103 (2014). [html, pdf] (Editor’s Suggestion & Cover Story)
[37] A. Lazarus, J.T. Miller, M. Metlitz, and P.M. Reis, “Contorting a heavy and naturally curved elastic rod” Soft Matter, 9, 8274 (2013). [html, pdf] (Special themed issue on “Geometry and Topology of Soft Materials”)
[36] A. Nasto, A. Ajdari, A. Lazarus, A. Vaziri, and P.M. Reis, “Localization of deformation in thin shells under indentation” Soft Matter 9, 6796 (2013). [html, pdf] (Special Themed Issue on “Emerging Investigators in Soft Matter”)
[35] A. Lazarus, J.T. Miller, and P.M. Reis, “Continuation of equilibria and stability of slender elastic rods using an asymptotic numerical method” J. Mech. Phys. Solids., 61(8), 1712(2013). [html, pdf]
[34] A. Lazarus, H. C. B. Florijn, and P. M. Reis, “Geometry-Induced Rigidity in Nonspherical Pressurized Elastic Shells” Phys. Rev. Lett, 109, 144301 (2012). [html, pdf] (Cover [pdf], Editor’s Suggestion and Physics Focus).
[33] J. Shim, C. Perdigou, E.R. Chen, K. Bertoldi, and P.M. Reis, “Buckling induced encapsulation of structured elastic shells under pressure” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 109, 16 (2012). [html, pdf] (Supplementary Information [pdf])
[32] P.M. Reis, “Thin films: Folded in hierarchy” Nature Materials 10, 907 (2011). [html, pdf]
[31] H. Vandeparre, M. Pineirua, F. Brau, B. Roman, J. Bico, C. Gay, W. Bao, C.N. Lau, P.M. Reis, and P. Damman, “Wrinkling Hierarchy in Constrained Thin Sheets from Suspended Graphene to Curtains” Phys. Rev. Lett, 106, 224301 (2011) [html, pdf] (Cover Story [pdf])
[30] A-T. Akono, P.M. Reis, and F-J. Ulm, “Scratching as a Fracture Process: From Butter to Steel” Phys. Rev. Lett, 106, 204302 (2011). [html, pdf] (Physical Review Focus)
[29] J.M. Aristoff, R. Stocker, P.M. Reis, and S. Jung, “On the water-lapping of felines and the water-running of lizards: a unifying physical perspective” Communicative & Integrative Biology, 4, 213-215 (2011). [html, pdf]
[28] R. Stocker, S. Jung, J. Aristoff, and P.M. Reis, “Response to Comment on “How Cats Lap: Water Uptake by Felis catus”” Science, 334, 331-c (2011). [html, pdf] (Original Comment by M. Nauenberg [html, pdf])
[27] P.M. Reis, S. Jung, J. Aristoff, and R. Stocker “How Cats Lap: Water uptake by Felis catus” Science, 330 , 1231 (2010). [html, pdf] (Cover Story, Supporting Online Material [html, pdf])
[26] P.M. Reis, J. Hure, S. Jung, J.W.M. Bush, and C. Clanet, “Grabbing Water” Soft Matter, 6, 5705 (2010). [html, pdf] (selected as a ‘hot article‘)
[25] P. Buchak, C. Eloy, and P.M. Reis, “The Clapping Book: wind-driven oscillations in a stack of elastic sheets” Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 194301 (2010). [html, pdf]
[24] P.S. Raux, P.M. Reis, J.W.M. Bush, and C. Clanet, “Rolling ribbons” Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 044301 (2010). [html, pdf] (selected as “Editor Suggestion”)
[23] D. Sen, K. Novoselov, P.M. Reis, and M.J. Buehler, “Tearing of graphene sheets from adhesive substrates produces tapered nanoribbons” Small, 6, 1108 (2010). [html, pdf] (Supplementary Info [html, pdf])
[22] K. Bertoldi, P.M. Reis, S. Willshaw, and T. Mullin, “Negative Poissonâs ratio behavior induced by an elastic instability” Adv. Mater., 21, 1 (2009). [html, pdf]
[21] M.D. Shattuck, R.A. Ingale, and P.M. Reis, “Granular Thermodynamics” AIP Conf. Proc., 1145, 43 (2009). [html, pdf]
[20] P.M. Reis, F. Corson, A. Boudaoud, and B. Roman, “Localization through surface folding in solid foams under compression” Phys. Rev. Lett, 103, 045501 (2009). [html, pdf]
[19] D. Vella, J. Bico, A. Boudadoud, B. Roman, and P.M. Reis, “The macroscopic delamination of thin films from elastic substrates” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 106, 10901 (2009). [html, pdf]
[18] S. Jung, P.M. Reis, J. James. C. Clanet, and J.W. Bush, “Capillary Origami in Nature” Phys. Fluids, 21, 091110 (2009). [html, pdf]
[17] P.M. Reis, B. Audoly, and B. Roman, “Cracking sheets: Oscillatory fracture paths in thin elastic sheets ” Chaos, 18, 041108 (2008). [html, pdf]
[16] E. Hamm, P.M. Reis, M. LeBlanc, B. Roman, and E. Cerda, “Tearing as a test for mechanical characterization of thin adhesive films” Nature Materials, 96, 386 (2008). [html,pdf] (Supplementary Material [html, pdf], Front Cover [html, pdf], [Video])
[15] P.M. Reis, A. Kumar, M.D. Shattuck, and B. Roman, “Unzip Instabilities: straight to oscillatory transitions in the cutting of thin elastic sheets” Europhys. Lett., 82, 64002 (2008). [html, pdf]
[14] P.M. Reis, R.A. Ingale, and M.D. Shattuck, “Forcing independent velocity distributions in an experimental granular fluid” Phys. Rev. E, 74, 051311 (2007). [html, pdf]
[13] P.M. Reis, R.A. Ingale, and M.D. Shattuck, “Caging dynamics in a granular fluid” Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, 188301 (2007). [html, pdf]
[12] P.M. Reis, T. Sykes, and T. Mullin, “Phases of granular segregation in a binary mixture” Phys. Rev. E, 74, 051306 (2006). [html, pdf]
[11] P.M. Reis, R.A. Ingale, and M.D. Shattuck, “Crystallization of a quasi-two-dimensional granular fluid” Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 258001 (2006). [html, pdf]
[10] P.M. Reis, B. Roman, and B. Audoly, “Oscillating fracture paths in thin elastic sheets: when geometry rules the fracture path” Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, “Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures”, 119 (Springer 2006). [pdf]
[9] B. Audoly, B. Roman, and P.M. Reis, “Cracks in Brittle thin Sheets: When Geometry Rules the Fracture Path” Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 025502 (2005). [html, pdf]
[8] B. Audoly, B. Roman, and P.M. Reis, “Comment on The Cycloidal Wake of a cylinder Tearing Through a Thin Sheet” Phys, Rev. Lett., 94, 129601 (2005). [html, pdf]
[7] G. Ehrhardt, A. Stephenson, and P.M. Reis, “Segregation Mechanisms in a Numerical Model of a Binary Granular Mixture” Phys. Rev. E, 71, 041301 (2005). [html, pdf]
[6] B. Audoly, P.M. Reis, and B. Roman, “Oscillating fracture paths in thin brittle sheets: when geometry rules the fracture path” Proceedings of the XI International Conference on Fracture, Turin, Italy, ed. A. Carpinteri (2005). [pdf]
[5] B. Roman, B. Audoly, and P.M. Reis, “La dĂ©chirure en fermeture Ă©clair” Pour la Science, 323 (September 2004).
[4] P.M. Reis, G. Ehrhardt, A. Stephenson, and T. Mullin, “Gases, Liquids and Crystals in Granular Segregation” Europhys. Lett., 66, 357 (2004). [html, pdf]
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