©Eddy Mottaz / Le Temps
Homotopy theory, category theory,
applications of algebraic topology.
Notes and videos from selected talks
Hochschild shadows for motivic spaces and spectrum (video of lecture at the conference “Homotopy theory, K-theory, and trace methods”, 07.2023) |
Topological adventures in neuroscience: Lecture 1, Lecture 2 (slides of lectures at the annual meeting of the GDR topologie algébrique, 10.2021) |
Topological adventures in neuroscience: Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3 (videos of lectures at the Young Topologists Meeting, 07.2021) |
From comonads to calculus (video of Topos Colloquium lecture, 06.2021) |
Topological explorations in neuroscience (video of public lecture at the 8th European Congress of Mathematics, 06.2021) |
Topological Hochschild homology and topological cyclic homology: from classical to modern (video of three lectures from MSRI Introductory Workshop in Derived Algebraic Geometry, 02.2019) |
An introduction to topological coHochschild homology (video from Newton Institute seminar, 11.2018) |
High-throughput topological screening of nanoporous crystalline materials (video from MSRI Hot Topics Workshop, 10.2018) |
Topology meets neuroscience (video from Bedlewo Applied Topology Conference, 06.2017) |
Configuration spaces of products (video from UIUC homotopy theory conference, 07.2017) |
Waldhausen K-theory and topological coHochschild homology (video from BIRS, 05.2016) |
A calculus for knot theory (video from SMC colloquium, 11.2015) |
Interview of Jim Stasheff and Dennis Sullivan (05.2015) |
Simplicial and chain models for free loop spaces I, II, and III (video from minicourse in Nantes, 09.2014) |
Waldhausen K-theory via comodules (Dubrovnik, 06.2014) |
Galois, Hopf, Grothendieck, Koszul, and Quillen (MSRI-Evans lecture, 03.2014) |
Operads in algebraic topology I and II (video from MSRI mini-course, 01.2014) |
Homotopic descent and Hopf-Galois extensions (Mini-course in Louvain-la-Neuve, 09.2013) |
The Boardman-Vogt tensor product of operadic bimodules (video from Newton Institute, 04.2013) |
Operads and their (bi)modules in topology (video from Newton Institute, 01.2013) |
Spaces of long embeddings and iterated loop spaces (Oberwolfach, 09.2012) |
Duality, descent and extensions (Luminy, 06.2012) |
Twisting structures (CTAG, 05.2011) |
What is André-Quillen (co)homology and why is it important? (video from BIRS, 03.2011) |