Stefania Ebli

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About me

I am a PhD student at EPFL in the Laboratory for Topology and Neuroscience, where I am very fortunate to be advised by Kathryn Hess. My research interests lie in the intersection of topological data analysis, machine learning, and neural networks. I am particularly interested in applications to neuroscience and biology. Here is my CV.

Publications and Preprints

  1. Nerve theorems for fixed points of neural networks, D.Egas Santander, S.Ebli, A.Patania, N.Sanderson, F.Burtscher, K.Morrison, C.Curto, to appear in Research in Computational Topology 2, Springer, (2021). [arXiv]
  2. Combinatorial Conditions for Directed Collapsing, R.Belton, R.Brooks, S.Ebli, L.Fajstrup, B.Fasy, N.Sanderson, E.Vidaurre, to appear in Research in Computational Topology 2, Springer, (2021).
  3. Simplicial Neural Networks, S.Ebli, M.Defferrard and G.Spreemann, in NeurIPS 2020 Workshop on Topological Data Analysis and Beyond, (2020).  [arXiv, TDA@NeurIPS, OpenReview, poster, talk, data, code]
  4.  Towards Directed Collapsibility, R.Belton, R.Brooks, S.Ebli, L.Fajstrup, B.Fasy, C.Ray, N.Sanderson, E.Vidaurre, in Advances in Mathematical Sciences AWM, pp.255-271, 2020 [arXiv, publication]
  5. A Notion of Harmonic Clustering in Simplicial Complexes, S.Ebli, G.Spreemann, in Proceedings 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 2019. [arXiv, publication]

Synergistic Activities