Picture by C. Costoya, February 2012
Euler course
I am in charge of this program for youth with a gift in mathematics. If your child is about 12 years old, shows a (very) high potential in mathematics, and lives in a French speaking canton, or nearby, she or he might want to take our entrance exam in late April or May.
You can find more information on the Euler course webpage: euler.epfl.ch/
Editorial duties
I am on the editorial board of Algebraic and Geometric Topology:
The Arolla Conference on Algebraic Topology (2016 edition) has published Proceedings of the conference, just like it has been done with the AMS in 1999, 2004, 2008, and 2012. You can have a look at the latest proceedings here: http://www.ams.org/bookstore-getitem/item=CONM-617, https://bookstore.ams.org/conm-708/
Barcelona Topology Group
For sentimental reasons here is a link to the webpage of the Barcelona Topology Group: mat.uab.es/topalg/
Please have a look at the publication subpage
PhD Students
- Kay Werndli, 2011-2016, PhD thesis available on infoscience: Cellular Homotopy Excision
- Lyne Moser, 2017-2021, PhD thesis available on her website Homotopical relations between 2-dimensional categories and their infinity-analogues
- Victor Torres Castillo, 2019-2023, supervised by Prof. José Cantarero in CIMAT, Mérida, Mexico: Biset functors and the homotopy type of classifying spectra of saturated fusion systems
- Samuel Lavenir, 2020-2024 (expected)
- Olivia Monjon, 2021-2022 (interrupted), see our two papers with Florence Sterck on Localization functors for crossed modules
- Virgile Constantin, 2023-2027 (expected)