Integer Optimisation

Instructor: Prof. Friedrich Eisenbrand

Assistant: Neta Singer




The course aims to introduce the basic concepts and results of integer optimisation. 


  1. Integer Programming: definition, examples and complexity
  2. The linear programming relaxation, Branch & Bound, the integer hull
  3. Approximation algorithms via LP-rounding: Set Cover
  4. Dynamic Programming: the Knapsack problem, PTAS, Steinitz Lemma and related open problems
  5. The Greatest Common Divisor, Branch&Bound and Euclidean Algorithm
  6. Lattices, Hermite Normal Form, Shortest and Closest Vector problems 
  7. Minkowski’s Theorem
  8. Transference Bounds: Ellipsoids & general convex bodies, HKZ-reduced bases 
  9. Integer Programming in Fixed Dimension
  10. 2^O(n) algorithm for Shortest Vector Problem 


Linear Algebra, Discrete Optimisation (or Introduction to Algorithms)


20.02: Basic concepts, examples, integer hull
27.02: Integer hull, Minkowski-Weyl
06.03: Knapsack
13.03: FPTAS for Knapsack, sizes of solutions (notes courtesy of Edmund Hofflin)
20.03: Dynamic Programming for IP (Papadimitriou 1981)
27.03: Steinitz Theorem and speedup for integer programming
03.04: Lattices [5. Chapter 7.1]
17.03:  Minkowski’s Theorem [5. Chapter 7.2]
24.03: Transference Bound in 2D [5. Chapter 7.8]
01.05: Transference Theorem [5. Theorem 7.4] Closest vector in 2^O(n^2)
08.05: The LLL-algorithm [2. Chapter 1.4]
15.05: Approximating shortest vector via Minkowski [2. Chapter 1.6.2]
22.05: CVP in time 2^O(n^2) and Babai’s nearest plane algorithm


Question forum for exercises:

  1. Homework 1 presentation on Mon. Feb 27.
  2. Homework 2 presentation on Mon. Mar 6. 
  3. Homework 3 presentation on Mon. Mar 13.
  4. Homework 4 presentation on Mon. Mar 20.
  5. Homework 5 presentation on Mon. Apr 3.
  6. Homework 6 presentation on Mon. Apr 24.
  7. Homework 7 presentation on Mon. May 1.
  8. Homework 8 presentation on Mon. May 8. 
  9. Homework 9 presentation on Mon. May 15. 
  10. Homework 10 presentation on Mon. May 22.


  1. Alexander Schrijver, Theory of linear and integer programming
  2. Thomas Rothvoß, Integer Optimisation and Lattices
  3. Oded Regev, Lattices in Computer Science
  4. Vijay Vazirani, Approximation Algorithms
  5. Alexander Barvinok, A course in Convexity,  AMS