

Tencers: Tension-Constrained Elastic Rods

L-J. Y. Dandy; M. Vidulis; Y. Ren; M. Pauly 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2024. Vol. 43, num. 6, p. 214. DOI : 10.1145/3687967.

Computational Design of a Kit of Parts for Bending-Active Structures

Q. Becker; U. Kusupati; S. Suzuki; M. Pauly 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2024. Vol. 43, num. 6, p. 230.

Interactive Design of C-shells Using Reduced Parametric Families

Q. Becker; S. Suzuki; M. Pauly 

2024. IASS Symposium 2024 – Redefining the Art of Structural Design, Zürich, Switzerland, 2024-08-26 – 2024-08-30.

Reach For the Arcs: Reconstructing Surfaces from SDFs via Tangent Points

S. Sellán; Y. Ren; C. Batty; O. Stein 

2024. SIGGRAPH ’24: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2024-07-24 – 2024-08-01. p. 1 – 12. DOI : 10.1145/3641519.3657419.

Semantic Shape Editing with Parametric Implicit Templates

U. Kusupati; M. Gaillard; J-M. Thiery; A. Kaiser 

2024. SIGGRAPH ’24: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2024-07-24 – 2024-08-01. DOI : 10.1145/3641519.3657421.

Computational Inverse Design of Shape Morphing Structures

Y. Ren / M. Pauly; F. J. Panetta (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2024. 

Computational Homogenization for Inverse Design of Surface-based Inflatables

Y. Ren; F. J. Panetta; S. Suzuki; U. Kusupati; F. Isvoranu et al. 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2024. Vol. 43, num. 4. DOI : 10.1145/3658125.


C-shells: Deployable Gridshells with Curved Beams

Q. Becker; S. Suzuki; Y. Ren; D. Pellis; F. J. Panetta et al. 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2023. Vol. 42, num. 6, p. 1 – 17. DOI : 10.1145/3618366.

BamX: Rethinking Deployability in Architecture through Weaving

S. Suzuki; A. Martin; Y. Ren; T-Y. Chen; S. Parascho et al. 

Advances in Architectural Geometry 2023; De Gruyter, 2023.

Directionality-Aware Design of Embroidery Patterns

Liu Zhenyuan; M. Piovarci; C. Hafner; R. Charrondiere; B. Bickel 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2023. Vol. 42, num. 2, p. 397 – 409. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.14770.

Computational Design of Flexible Planar Microstructures

Zhan Zhang; C. Brandt; Jouve Jean; Wang Yue; T. Chen et al. 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2023. Vol. 42, num. 6, p. 185. DOI : 10.1145/3618396.

Computational Exploration of Multistable Elastic Knots

M. Vidulis; Y. Ren; J. Panetta; E. Grinspun; M. Pauly 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2023. Vol. 42, num. 4, p. 1 – 15. DOI : 10.1145/3592399.

From kirigami to hydrogels: a tutorial on designing conformally transformable surfaces

Y. Wang; Y. Ren; T. Chen 

Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2023. Vol. 90, num. 4, p. 044801. DOI : 10.1115/1.4056350.

RUM: Reconfigurable Umbrella Mesh

U. Kusupati; F. Isvoranu; S. Suzuki; M. Pauly 

Advances in Architectural Geometry 2023; De Gruyter, 2023.


Computational Design of High-level Interlocking Puzzles

R. Chen; Z. Wang; P. Song; B. Bickel 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2022. Vol. 41, num. 4, p. 150. DOI : 10.1145/3528223.3530071.

Umbrella Meshes: Elastic Mechanisms for Freeform Shape Deployment

Y. Ren; U. Kusupati; J. Panetta; F. Isvoranu; D. Pellis et al. 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2022. Vol. 41, num. 4, p. 1 – 15. DOI : 10.1145/3528223.3530089.


Computational Inverse Design of Surface-based Inflatables

J. Panetta; F. Isvoranu; T. Chen; E. Siefert; B. Roman et al. 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2021. Vol. 40, num. 4, p. 40. DOI : 10.1145/3450626.3459789.

Bistable Auxetic Surface Structures

T. Chen; J. Panetta; M. Schnaubelt; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2021. Vol. 40, num. 4, p. 39. DOI : 10.1145/3450626.3459940.

MOCCA: Modeling and Optimizing Cone-joints for Complex Assemblies

Z. Wang; P. Song; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2021. Vol. 40, num. 4, p. 181. DOI : 10.1145/3450626.3459680.

Computational Design of Weingarten Surfaces

D. Pellis; M. Kilian; H. Pottmann; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2021. Vol. 40, num. 4, p. 114. DOI : 10.1145/3450626.3459939.

3D Weaving with Curved Ribbons

Y. Ren; J. Panetta; T. Chen; F. Isvoranu; S. Poincloux et al. 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2021. Vol. 40, num. 4, p. 127. DOI : 10.1145/3450626.3459788.

State of the Art on Computational Design of Assemblies with Rigid Parts

Z. Wang; P. Song; M. Pauly 

2021. Eurographics 2021 (EG2021), Vienna, Austria, May 3–7, 2021. p. 633 – 657. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.142660.

Reusable support for additive manufacturing

Y. Xu; Z. Wang; S. Gong; Y. Chen 

Additive Manufacturing. 2021. Vol. 39, p. 101840. DOI : 10.1016/j.addma.2021.101840.

A reprogrammable mechanical metamaterial with stable memory

T. Chen; M. Pauly; P. M. Reis 

Nature. 2021. Vol. 589, num. 7842, p. 386 – 390. DOI : 10.1038/s41586-020-03123-5.

Computational Analysis and Design of Structurally Stable Assemblies with Rigid Parts

Z. Wang / M. Pauly; P. Song (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2021. 

On Linear Interpolation in the Latent Space of Deep Generative Models

M. Y. Michelis; Q. Becker 

2021. ICLR 2021 Workshop on Geometrical and Topological Representation Learning, Online, May 7, 2021. DOI : 10.48550/arXiv.2105.03663.

Human circadian rhythms and urban density: celebrating the natural day-night cycle

M. Andersen; M. N. Danell; A. Proux; F. Isvoranu; M. Pauly et al. 

SBAU 2021 DATA Book; Seoul, South Korea: Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2021. p. 56 – 63.


A Low-Parametric Rhombic Microstructure Family for Irregular Lattices

D. C. Tozoni; J. Dumas; Z. Jiang; J. Panetta; D. Panozzo et al. 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2020. Vol. 39, num. 4, p. 101. DOI : 10.1145/3386569.3392451.

Locally supported tangential vector, n-vector, and tensor fields

A. Nasikun; C. Brandt; K. Hildebrandt 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2020. Vol. 39, num. 2, p. 203 – 217. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.13924.

How to weave a perfect sphere with curved strips

Changyeob Baek; Alison Martin; Tian Chen; Samuel Poincloux; Yingying Ren et al. 

2020. APS March Meeting 2020, Denver, Colorado, March 2-6, 2020.

Method of encoding a 3d shape into a 2d surface

M. Konakovic-Lukovic; K. Crane; M. Pauly; J. Panetta 



Multi-View Triangulation: Systematic Comparison and an Improved Method

J. Chen; D. Wu; P. Song; F. Deng; Y. He et al. 

Ieee Access. 2020. Vol. 8, p. 21017 – 21027. DOI : 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2969082.

The Canopy Pavilion: A lightweight shading structure using a deployable auxetic linkage membrane

F. Isvoranu; T. Chen; E. Bouleau; A. Blanc; D. Dietz et al. 

2020. Advances in Architectural Geometry 2020 (AAG 2020), Online, April 26-29, 2021. p. 376 – 390.


The Reduced Immersed Method for Real-Time Fluid-Elastic Solid Interaction and Contact Simulation

C. Brandt; L. Scandolo; E. Eisemann; K. Hildebrandt 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2019. Vol. 38, num. 6, p. 191. DOI : 10.1145/3355089.3356496.

Design and Structural Optimization of Topological Interlocking Assemblies

Z. Wang; P. Song; F. Isvoranu; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2019. Vol. 38, num. 6, p. 193. DOI : 10.1145/3355089.3356489.

X-Shell, a new spatial deployable lattice compared to traditional reticulated shells

E. Bouleau; F. Isvoranu; F. J. Panetta; M. Pauly 

2019. Form and Force, joint International Conference: IASS Symposium 2019 (60th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures), Structural Membranes 2019 (9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures), Barcelona, Spain, October 7-10, 2019. p. 1 – 8.

X-Shells: A new class of deployable beam structures

J. Panetta; M. Konakovic-Lukovic; F. Isvoranu; E. Bouleau; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2019. Vol. 38, num. 4, p. 83. DOI : 10.1145/3306346.3323040.

Computational Design of Steady 3D Dissection Puzzles

K. Tang; P. Song; X. Wang; B. Deng; C-W. Fu et al. 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2019. Vol. 38, num. 2, p. 291 – 303. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.13638.

X-Shell Pavilion: A Deployable Elastic Rod Structure

F. Isvoranu; F. J. Panetta; T. Chen; E. Bouleau; M. Pauly 

2019. IASS Annual Symposium, Barcelona, Spain,

chi-Shell, a new spatial deployable lattice compared to traditional reticulated shells

E. Bouleau; F. Isvoranu; J. Panetta; M. Pauly 

2019. 60th Anniversary Symposium of the International-Association-for-Shell-and-Spatial-Structures (IASS SYMPOSIUM) / 9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures (STRUCTURAL MEMBRANES), Barcelona, SPAIN, Oct 07-10, 2019. p. 1932 – 1939.

Computational Design of Auxetic Shells

M. Konakovic Lukovic / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2019. 


DESIA: A General Framework for Designing Interlocking Assemblies

Z. Wang; P. Song; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2018. Vol. 37, num. 6, p. 191. DOI : 10.1145/3272127.3275034.

Rapid Deployment of Curved Surfaces via Programmable Auxetics

M. Konakovic-Lukovic; J. Panetta; K. Crane; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2018. Vol. 37, num. 4, p. 106. DOI : 10.1145/3197517.3201373.

Computational Design of Deployable Auxetic Shells

M. Konaković-Luković; P. Konaković; M. Pauly 

2018. Advances in Architectural Geometry 2018 (AAG 2018), Gothenburg, Sweden, September 22-25, 2018.

Real-Time Generative Hand Modeling and Tracking

A. Tkach / M. Pauly; A. Tagliasacchi (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2018. 


Low-Dimensionality Calibration through Local Anisotropic Scaling for Robust Hand Model Personalization

E. Remelli; A. Tkach; A. Tagliasacchi; M. Pauly 

2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Venice, Italy, Octobre 22-29, 2017.

Physics-based Reconstruction and Animation of Humans

A. E. Ichim / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2017. 

Design Transformations for Rule-based Procedural Modeling

S. Lienhard; C. Lau; P. Mueller; P. Wonka; M. Pauly 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2017. Vol. 36, num. 2, p. 39 – 48. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.13105.

Discovering Structured Variations Via Template Matching

D. Ceylan; M. Dang; N. J. Mitra; B. Neubert; M. Pauly 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2017. Vol. 36, num. 1, p. 76 – 88. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12788.

Visualization, Adaptation, and Transformation of Procedural Grammars

S. Lienhard / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2017. 

Phace: Physics-based Face Modeling and Animation

A. E. Ichim; P. Kadlecek; L. Kavan; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2017. Vol. 36, num. 4, p. 153. DOI : 10.1145/3072959.3073664.

Quasi-Newton Methods for Real-Time Simulation of Hyperelastic Materials

T. Liu; S. Bouaziz; L. Kavan 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2017. Vol. 36, num. 3, p. 43. DOI : 10.1145/2990496.

Online Generative Model Personalization for Hand Tracking

A. Tkach; A. Tagliasacchi; E. Remelli; M. Pauly; A. Fitzgibbon 

2017. 10th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia, Bangkok, THAILAND, NOV 27-30, 2017. DOI : 10.1145/3130800.3130830.


Building and Animating User-Specific Volumetric Face Rigs

A. E. Ichim; L. Kavan; M. E. Nimier-David; M. Pauly 

2016. SCA ’16: ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, Zurich, Switzerland, July 11 – 13, 2016. p. 107 – 117. DOI : 10.2312/sca.20161228.

Patient MoCap: Human Pose Estimation under Blanket Occlusion for Hospital Monitoring Applications

F. Achilles; A. E. Ichim; H. Coskun; F. Tombari; S. Noachtar et al. 

19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2016), Athens, Greece, October 17-21, 2016.

Discovering Structured Variations via Coupled Template Matching

D. Ceylan; N. M. Dang; N. J. Mitra; B. Neubert; M. Pauly 


Semantic parametric body shape estimation from noisy depth sequences

A. E. Ichim; F. Tombari 

Robotics And Autonomous Systems. 2016. Vol. 75, p. 539 – 549. DOI : 10.1016/j.robot.2015.09.029.

Modern techniques and applications for real-time non-rigid registration

S. Bouaziz; A. Tagliasacchi; H. Li; M. Pauly 

2016. SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Courses, Macao, China, December 5-8, 2016. p. 1 – 25 (Article No.: 11). DOI : 10.1145/2988458.2988490.

Sphere-Meshes for Real-Time Hand Modeling and Tracking

A. Tkach; M. Pauly; A. Tagliasacchi 

2016. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Conference. DOI : 10.1145/2980179.2980226.

Exploratory Topology Modelling of Form-Active Hybrid Structures

A. H. Deleuran; M. Pauly; M. Tamke; I. F. Tinning; M. R. Thomsen 

2016. International Symposium on Novel Structural Skins – Improving Sustainability and Efficiency through New Structural Textile Materials and Designs’, u’International Symposium on Novel Structural Skins – Improving Sustainability and Efficiency through New Structural Textile Materials and Designs. p. 71 – 80. DOI : 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.008.

Reconstructing Personalized Anatomical Models for Physics-based Body Animation

P. Kadlecek; A-E. Ichim; T. Liu; J. Krivanek; L. Kavan 

2016. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Conference. DOI : 10.1145/2980179.2982438.

Analysis and Synthesis of Structured Variations in 3D Geometries

N. M. Dang / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2016. 

Beyond Developable: Computational Design and Fabrication with Auxetic Materials

M. Konakovic; K. Crane; B. Deng; S. Bouaziz; D. Piker et al. 

2016. ACM SIGGRAPH Conference. DOI : 10.1145/2897824.2925944.

Building and Animating User-Specific Volumetric Face Rigs

A. E. Ichim; L. Kavan; M. E. Nimier-David; M. Pauly 

2016. The 37TH Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics – EUROGRAPHICS 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-13 may, 2016. DOI : 10.5555/2982818.2982834.

A Double-Layered Timber Plate Shell – Computational Methods for Assembly, Prefabrication, and Structural Design

C. Robeller; M. A. Konakovic; M. Dedijer; M. Pauly; Y. Weinand 

2016. Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016, Zürich, Switzerland, September 9-13, 2016. p. 104 – 122. DOI : 10.3218/3778-4.


Interactive Architectural Modeling from Point Clouds

N. Maître 


Robust Articulated-ICP for Real-Time Hand Tracking

A. Tagliasacchi; M. Schröder; A. Tkach; S. Bouaziz; M. Botsch et al. 


Interactive Design of Probability Density Functions for Shape Grammars

M. Dang; S. Lienhard; D. Ceylan; B. Neubert; P. Wonka et al. 

2015. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Conference. DOI : 10.1145/2816795.2818069.

Interactive design exploration for constrained meshes

B. Deng; S. Bouaziz; M. Deuss; A. Kaspar; Y. Schwartzburg et al. 

Computer-Aided Design. 2015. Vol. 61, p. 13 – 23. DOI : 10.1016/j.cad.2014.01.004.

Realtime Face Tracking and Animation

S. Bouaziz / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2015. 

Robust Articulated-ICP for Real-Time Hand Tracking

A. Tagliasacchi; M. Schroeder; A. Tkach; S. Bouaziz; M. Botsch et al. 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2015. Vol. 34, num. 5, p. 101 – 114. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12700.

ShapeOp – A Robust and Extensible Geometric Modelling Paradigm

M. M. Deuss; A. H. Deleuran; S. Bouaziz; B. Deng; D. Piker et al. 

2015. Design Modelling Symposium 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 30 – October 2, 2015. p. 505 – 515. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-24208-8_42.

Dynamic 3D Avatar Creation from Hand-held Video Input

A. E. Ichim; S. Bouaziz; M. Pauly 

2015. SIGGRAPH 2015, Los Angeles, California, USA, August 9-13, 2015. DOI : 10.1145/2766974.

Fabrication-Aware Design with Performative Criteria

Y. Schwartzburg / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2015. 

Registration with the Point Cloud Library A Modular Framework for Aligning in 3-D

D. Holz; A-E. Ichim; F. Tombari; R. B. Rusu; S. Behnke 

Ieee Robotics & Automation Magazine. 2015. Vol. 22, num. 4, p. 110 – 124. DOI : 10.1109/Mra.2015.2432331.

Self Tuning Texture Optimization

A. Kaspar; B. Neubert; D. Lischinski; M. Pauly; J. Kopf 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2015. Vol. 34, num. 2, p. 349 – 359. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12565.

Computational Methods for Fabrication-aware Modeling, Rationalization and Assembly of Architectural Structures

M. M. Deuss / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2015. 


Semi-Supervised Facial Animation Retargeting

S. Bouaziz; M. Pauly 


Dynamic 2D/3D Registration

S. Bouaziz; A. Tagliasacchi; M. Pauly 

2014. Eurographics 2014, Strasbourg, France, 7-11 april, 2014.

Assembling Self-Supporting Structures

M. Deuss; D. Panozzo; E. Whiting; Y. Liu; P. Block et al. 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2014. Vol. 33, num. 6, p. 214. DOI : 10.1145/2661229.2661266.

Projective Dynamics: Fusing Constraint Projections for Fast Simulation

S. Bouaziz; S. Martin; T. Liu; L. Kavan; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2014. Vol. 33, num. 4, p. 154. DOI : 10.1145/2601097.2601116.

Computational Shape Understanding for 3D Reconstruction and Modeling

D. Ceylan / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2014. 

SAFE: Structure-aware Facade Editing

N. M. Dang; D. Ceylan; B. Neubert; M. Pauly 

2014. EUROGRAPHICS 2014, Strasbourg, France, April 7-11, 2014. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12313.

State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds

M. Berger; A. Tagliasacchi; L. M. Seversky; P. Alliez; J. A. Levine et al. 

2014. Eurographics 2014, Strasbourg, France, 7-11 april, 2014. DOI : 10.2312/egst.20141040.161-185.

State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds

M. Berger; A. Tagliasacchi; L. Seversky; P. Alliez; J. A. Levine et al. 

2014. Eurographics 2014 – State of the Art Reports, Strasbourg, France, 2014.

Thumbnail galleries for procedural models

S. Lienhard; M. Specht; B. Neubert; M. Pauly; P. Mueller 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2014. Vol. 33, num. 2, p. 361 – 370. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12317.

Coupled Structure-from-Motion and 3D Symmetry Detection for Urban Facades

D. Ceylan; N. J. Mitra; Y. Zheng; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2014. Vol. 33, num. 1, p. 2. DOI : 10.1145/2517348.

Creating Personalized Jigsaw Puzzles

C. Lau; Y. Schwartzburg; A. Shaji; Z. Sadeghipoor; S. Süsstrunk 

2014. 12th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. p. 31 – 39. DOI : 10.1145/2630397.2630405.

Wire Mesh Design

A. Garg; A. O. Sageman-Furnas; B. Deng; Y. Yue; E. Grinspun et al. 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2014. Vol. 33, num. 4, p. 66. DOI : 10.1145/2601097.2601106.

Local Barycentric Coordinates

J. Zhang; B. Deng; Z. Liu; G. Patanè; S. Bouaziz et al. 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2014. Vol. 33, num. 6, p. 188. DOI : 10.1145/2661229.2661255.

Iso-level tool path planning for free-form surfaces

Q. Zou; J. Zhang; B. Deng; J. Zhao 

Computer-Aided Design. 2014. Vol. 53, p. 117 – 125. DOI : 10.1016/j.cad.2014.04.006.

High-contrast Computational Caustic Design

Y. Schwartzburg; R. P. Testuz; A. Tagliasacchi; M. Pauly 

2014. SIGGRAPH 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 10-14, 2014. p. 74:1 – 74:11. DOI : 10.1145/2601097.2601200.


Dynamic 2D/3D registration for the Kinect

S. Bouaziz; M. Pauly 

2013. SIGGRAPH ’13: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, Anaheim, California, US, July 21 – 25, 2013.

Online Modeling For Realtime Facial Animation

S. Bouaziz; Y. Wang; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2013. Vol. 32, num. 4, p. 40. DOI : 10.1145/2461912.2461976.

Designing and Fabricating Mechanical Automata from Mocap Sequences

D. Ceylan; W. Li; N. J. Mitra; M. Agrawala; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2013. Vol. 32, num. 6, p. 186. DOI : 10.1145/2508363.2508400.

An Algorithm to Improve Parameterizations of Rational Bézier Surfaces Using Rational Bilinear Reparameterization

Y-J. Yang; W. Zeng; C-L. Yang; B. Deng; X-X. Meng et al. 

Computer-Aided Design. 2013. Vol. 45, num. 3, p. 628 – 638. DOI : 10.1016/j.cad.2012.10.048.

Exploring Local Modifications for Constrained Meshes

B. Deng; S. Bouaziz; M. Deuss; J. Zhang; Y. Schwartzburg et al. 

2013.  p. 11 – 20. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12021.

Sparse Iterative Closest Point

S. Bouaziz; A. Tagliasacchi; M. Pauly 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2013. Vol. 32, num. 5, p. 113 – 123. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12178.

Symmetry in Shapes-Theory and Practice

Niloy J Mitra; Maksim Ovsjanikov; Mark Pauly; Michael Wand; Duygu Ceylan 

Eurographics 2013, Girona, Spain, May 6-10, 2013.

Realtime Deformation of Constrained Meshes Using GPU

A. Kaspar; B. Deng 

2013. 2013 Symposium on GPU Computing and Applications, Singapore,

Automatic Generation of Constructable Brick Sculptures

R. P. Testuz; Y. Schwartzburg; M. Pauly 

2013. EUROGRAPHICS 2013.

Controlling caustics

Mark Pauly; Michael Eigensatz; Philippe Bompas; Florian Rist; Raimund Krenmuller 

2013. Glass Performance Days 2013, Tampere, Finland, June 11-15, 2013.

Symmetry in 3D Geometry: Extraction and Applications

N. J. Mitra; M. Pauly; M. Wand; D. Ceylan 

2013. Eurographics 2012, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, May 12-16, 2012. p. 1 – 23. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12010.

Fabrication-aware Design with Intersecting Planar Pieces

Y. Schwartzburg; M. Pauly 

2013. Eurographics 2013, Girona, Spain, May 6-10, 2013. p. 317 – 326. DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12051.

Realtime Performance-Based Facial Avatars for Immersive Gameplay

M. Pauly 

2013. ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2013, Dublin, Ireland, November 7-9, 2013. p. 23 – 28. DOI : 10.1145/2522628.2541252.

Automatic Generation of Constructable Brick Sculptures

R. P. Testuz; Y. Schwartzburg; M. Pauly 

2013.  p. 81 – 84. DOI : 10.2312/conf/EG2013/short/081-084.


Coupled Structure-from-Motion and 3D Symmetry Detection for Urban Facades

D. Ceylan; N. J. Mitra; Y. Zheng; M. Pauly 


Caustic Art

T. Kiser; M. Pauly 


Capturing and Animating the Morphogenesis of Polygonal Tree Models

S. Pirk; T. Niese; O. Deussen; B. Neubert 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2012. Vol. 31, num. 6, p. 169. DOI : 10.1145/2366145.2366188.

Dynamic Geometry Processing

W. Chang; H. Li; N. Mitra; M. Pauly; M. Wand 

2012. The European Association for Computer Graphics 33rd Annual Conference Eurographics 2012 (EG12), Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, May 13-18, 2022. DOI : 10.2312/conf/eg2012/tutorials/t3.

Architectural Caustics — Controlling Light with Geometry

T. Kiser; M. M. Nguyen; P. Bompas; M. Pauly 

2012. 3rd AAG Advances in Architectural Geometry conference, 2012. p. 91 – 106. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-7091-1251-9_7.

Factored Facade Acquisition using Symmetric Line Arrangements

D. Ceylan; N. J. Mitra; H. Li; T. Weise; M. Pauly 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2012. Vol. 31, p. 671 – 680. DOI : 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2012.03046.x.

Design and Optimization of Orthogonally Intersecting Planar Surfaces

Y. Schwartzburg; M. Pauly 

2012. Design Modelling Symposium Berlin 2011, Berlin, Germany, October 10-12, 2011. p. 191 – 199. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-23435-4_22.

Temporally Coherent Completion of Dynamic Shapes

H. Li; L. Luo; D. Vlasic; P. Peers; J. Popovic et al. 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2012. Vol. 31, num. 1, p. 2. DOI : 10.1145/2077341.2077343.

Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction for analyzing high-dimensional data with constraints

S. Yan; S. Bouaziz; D. Lee; J. Barlow 

Neurocomputing. 2012. Vol. 76, p. 114 – 124. DOI : 10.1016/j.neucom.2011.03.057.

G1 continuous approximate curves on NURBS surfaces

Y-J. Yang; W. Zeng; C-L. Yang; X-X. Meng; J-H. Yong et al. 

Computer-Aided Design. 2012. Vol. 44, num. 9, p. 824 – 834. DOI : 10.1016/j.cad.2012.04.004.

Multi-view hair capture using orientation fields

Linjie Luo; Hao Li; S. Paris; T. Weise; M. Pauly et al. 

2012. The 25th Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2012), Providence, RI, US, June 16-21, 2012. p. 1490 – 1497. DOI : 10.1109/CVPR.2012.6247838.

Shape-Up: Shaping Discrete Geometry with Projections

S. Bouaziz; M. Deuss; Y. Schwartzburg; T. Weise; M. Pauly 

2012.  p. 1657 – 1667. DOI : 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2012.03171.x.


Computing correspondences in geometric data sets

2011. Eurographics 2011 (32nd annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics).

Photo-Realistic Real-time Face Rendering

D. Chappuis 


Dynamic hair capture

L. Luo; H. Li; T. Weise; S. Paris; M. Pauly et al. 


Realtime Performance-Based Facial Animation

T. Weise; S. Bouaziz; H. Li; M. Pauly 

Acm Transactions On Graphics. 2011. Vol. 30, num. 4, p. 77. DOI : 10.1145/1964921.1964972.

FingerGlass: Efficient Multiscale Interaction on Multitouch Screens

D. P. Käser; M. Agrawala; M. Pauly 

2011. The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 7-12, 2011. p. 1601 – 1610. DOI : 10.1145/1978942.1979175.

Online loop closure for real-time interactive 3D scanning

T. Weise; T. Wismer; B. Leibe; L. Van Gool 

2011. Workshop on 3D Imaging and Modelling (3DIM)/ICCV, Kyoto, JAPAN, 2009. p. 635 – 648. DOI : 10.1016/j.cviu.2010.11.023.

Real Time Head Pose Estimation from Consumer Depth Cameras

G. Fanelli; T. Weise; J. Gall; L. Van Gool 

2011. 33rd DAGM Symposium, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Aug 31-Sep 2, 2011. p. 101 – 110. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-23123-0_11.


Polygon Mesh Processing

M. Botsch; L. Kobbelt; M. Pauly; P. Alliez; B. Levy 

A K Peters/CRC Press, 2010.

Animation reconstruction of deformable surfaces

H. Li / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

ETH Zurich, 2010. 

Case Studies in Cost-Optimized Paneling of Architectural Freeform Surfaces

2010. Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010.

Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010

C. Ceccato; L. Hesselgren; M. Pauly; H. Pottmann; J. Wallner 

2010. Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010.

Geometric Registration for Deformable Shapes

W. Chang; Q. Huang; H. Li; N. Mitra; M. Pauly et al. 

2010. 31st Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, Eurographics 2010, Norrköping, Sweden, May 3-7, 2010. DOI : 10.2312/egt.20101067.

A 3-D Audio-Visual Corpus of Affective Communication

G. Fanelli; J. Gall; H. Romsdorfer; T. Weise; L. Van Gool 

Ieee Transactions On Multimedia. 2010. Vol. 12, p. 591 – 598. DOI : 10.1109/TMM.2010.2052239.

Example-Based Facial Rigging

H. Li; T. Weise; M. Pauly 

2010. DOI : 10.1145/1833349.1778769.

Constraint-based surface processing for geometric modeling and architecture

M. Eigensatz / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

ETH Zurich, 2010. 

The Scale Axis Transform

B. Miklós / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

ETH Zurich, 2010. 

Discrete Scale Axis Representations for 3D Geometry

B. Miklos; J. Giesen; M. Pauly 

2010. DOI : 10.1145/1778765.1778838.

Paneling architectural freeform surfaces

M. Eigensatz; M. Kilian; A. Schiftner; N. J. Mitra; H. Pottmann et al. 

2010. ACM SIGGRAPH. DOI : 10.1145/1778765.1778782.


Robust single-view geometry and motion reconstruction

H. Li; B. Adams; L. J. Guibas; M. Pauly 

2009. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Yokohama, Japan, p. 175:1 – 175:10. DOI : 10.1145/1661412.1618521.

Shadow art

N. J. Mitra; M. Pauly 

2009. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Yokohama, Japan, p. 156:1 – 156:7. DOI : 10.1145/1661412.1618502.

The scale axis transform

J. Giesen; B. Miklos; M. Pauly; C. Wormser 

2009. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, Aarhus, Denmark, p. 106 – 115. DOI : 10.1145/1542362.1542388.

Face/off: Live facial puppetry

T. Weise; H. Li; L. Van Gool; M. Pauly 

2009. Computer Animation, Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, LA, United states, p. 7 – 16. DOI : 10.1145/1599470.1599472.

The scale axis picture show

J. Giesen; B. Miklos; M. Pauly; C. Wormser 

2009. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, Aarhus, Denmark, p. 94 – 95. DOI : 10.1145/1542362.1542381.

Detail-preserving fluid control

N. Thurey; R. Keiser; M. Pauly; U. Rude 

Graphical Models. 2009. Vol. 71, num. 6, p. 221 – 228. DOI : 10.1016/j.gmod.2008.12.007.

Positional, metric, and curvature control for constraint-based surface deformation

M. Eigensatz; M. Pauly 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2009. Vol. 28, num. 2, p. 551 – 558. DOI : 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01395.x.


Symmetry for Architectural Design

N. Mitra; M. Pauly 

2008. First Symposium on Architectural Geometry (AAG 2008), Vienna, Austria, September 13-16, 2008. p. 13 – 16.

Global correspondence optimization for non-rigid registration of depth scans

H. Li; R. W. Sumner; M. Pauly 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2008. Vol. 27, num. 5, p. 1421 – 1430. DOI : 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2008.01282.x.

Curvature-domain shape processing

M. Eigensatz; R. W. Sumner; M. Pauly 

2008. Computer Graphics Forum, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2XG, United Kingdom, p. 241 – 250. DOI : 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2008.01121.x.

Automatic generation of tourist maps

F. Grabler; M. Agrawala; R. W. Sumner; M. Pauly 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2008. Vol. 27, num. 3, p. 1 – 11. DOI : 10.1145/1360612.1360699.

Discovering structural regularity in 3D geometry

M. Pauly; N. J. Mitra; J. Wallner; H. Pottmann; L. J. Guibas 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2008. Vol. 27, num. 3, p. 1 – 11. DOI : 10.1145/1360612.1360642.


Medial Axis Approximation of Planar Shapes from Union of Balls: A Simpler and more Robust Algorithm

J. Giesen; B. Miklos; M. Pauly 

2007.  p. 105 – 108.

Surface reconstruction using local shape priors

R. Gal; A. Shamir; T. Hassner; M. Pauly; D. Cohen-Or 

2007.  p. 253 – 262. DOI : 10.1145/1281991.1282025.

The medial axis of the union of inner Voronoi balls in the plane

J. Giesen; B. Miklos; M. Pauly 

2007. 19th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG), Ottawa, CANADA, Aug 20-22, 2007. p. 515 – 523. DOI : 10.1016/j.comgeo.2010.03.006.

Adaptive space deformations based on rigid cells

M. Botsch; M. Pauly; M. Wicke; M. Gross 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2007. Vol. 26, num. 3, p. 339 – 347. DOI : 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2007.01056.x.

Embedded deformation for shape manipulation

R. W. Sumner; J. Schmid; M. Pauly 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2007. Vol. 26, num. 3, p. 80 – es. DOI : 10.1145/1276377.1276478.

Medial axis approximation from inner Voronoi balls: A demo of the Mesecina tool

B. Miklos; J. Giesen; M. Pauly 

2007. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, Gyeongju, Korea, Republic of, p. 123 – 124. DOI : 10.1145/1247069.1247090.


N. J. Mitra; L. J. Guibas; M. Pauly 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2007. Vol. 26, num. 3, p. 63 – es. DOI : 10.1145/1276377.1276456.

Adaptively sampled particle fluids

B. Adams; M. Pauly; R. Keiser; L. J. Guibas 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2007. Vol. 26, num. 3, p. 48 – es. DOI : 10.1145/1276377.1276437.

Geometric modeling based on polygonal meshes

M. Botsch; M. Pauly; L. Kobbelt; P. Alliez; B. Levy et al. 

2007. ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, San Diego, CA, United states, DOI : 10.1145/1281500.1281640.


Multiresolution particle-based fluids

R. Keiser; B. Adams; P. Dutre; L. J. Guibas; M. Pauly 


Deformation transfer for detail-preserving surface editing

Mario Botsch; Robert Sumner; Mark Pauly; Markus Gross 

Vision, Modeling & Visualization. 2006.  p. 357 – 364.

Geometric modeling based on triangle meshes

2006. ACM SIGGRAPH 2006.

Partial and approximate symmetry detection for 3D geometry

N. J. Mitra; L. J. Guibas; M. Pauly 

2006. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Boston, MA, United states, p. 560 – 568. DOI : 10.1145/1141911.1141924.

Detail-preserving fluid control

N. Thürey; R. Keiser; M. Pauly; U. Rüde 

2006.  p. 7 – 12. DOI : 10.1145/1218064.1218066.

Point-based multiscale surface representation

M. Pauly; L. P. Kobbelt; M. Gross 

ACM Transactions on Graphics. 2006. Vol. 25, num. 2, p. 177 – 193. DOI : 10.1145/1138450.1138451.

The conformal alpha shape filtration

F. Cazals; J. Giesen; M. Pauly; A. Zomorodian 

Visual Computer. 2006. Vol. 22, num. 8, p. 531 – 540. DOI : 10.1007/s00371-006-0027-1.

PriMo: coupled prisms for intuitive surface modeling

M. Botsch; M. Pauly; M. H. Gross; L. Kobbelt 

2006.  p. 11 – 20. DOI : 10.1145/1281957.1281959.

Meshless Lagrangian methods for physics-based animations of solids and fluids

R. Keiser / M. Pauly (Dir.)  

ETH Zurich, 2006. 

Probabilistic fingerprints for shapes

N. J. Mitra; L. J. Guibas; J. Giesen; M. Pauly 

2006.  p. 121 – 130. DOI : 10.1145/1281957.1281973.

Versatile Virtual Materials Using Implicit Connectivity

M. Wicke; P. Hatt; M. Pauly; M. Müller; M. Gross 

2006. Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2006, Massachusetts, USA, July 29-30, 2006. DOI : 10.2312/spbg/spbg06/137-144.

Resolution-independent detail preservation for 3D shape editing

R. W. Summer; M. Pauly 



Example-Based 3D Scan Completion

M. Pauly; N. J. Mitra; J. Giesen; M. H. Gross; L. J. Guibas 

2005.  p. 23 – 32.

Conformal alpha shapes

F. Cazals; J. Giesen; M. Pauly; A. Zomorodian 

2005. Point-Based Graphics, 2005 – Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium Proceedings, Stony Brook, NY, United states, June 21-22, 2005. p. 55 – 61. DOI : 10.1109/PBG.2005.194064.

Efficient raytracing of deforming point-sampled surfaces

B. Adams; R. Keiser; M. Pauly; L. J. Guibas; M. Gross et al. 

Computer Graphics Forum. 2005. Vol. 24, num. 3, p. 677 – 684. DOI : 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2005.00892.x.

Meshless animation of fracturing solids

M. Pauly; R. Keiser; B. Adams; P. Dutre; M. Gross et al. 

2005. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Los Angeles, CA, United states, p. 957 – 964. DOI : 10.1145/1073204.1073296.


Interactive 3D painting on point-sampled objects

M. Alexa; S. Rusinkiewicz 

2004. First Eurographics conference on Point-Based Graphics.

Bounds on the k-neighborhood for locally uniformly sampled surfaces

2004. Symposium on Point-Based Graphics (SPBG 2004).

Post-processing of scanned 3D surface data

Marc Alexa; Markus Gross; Hanspeter Pfister; Szymon Risinkiewicz 

2004. First Eurographics conference on Point-Based Graphics.

Perspective accurate splatting

M. Zwicker; J. Rasanen; M. Botsch; C. Dachsbacher; M. Pauly 

2004. Proceedings – Graphics Interface, London, Ont, Canada, p. 247 – 254.

Uncertainty and variability in point cloud surface data

2004. Eurographics symposium on point-based graphics.

Point-based Computer graphics

M. Zwicker; M. Pauly 

Computers & Graphics. 2004. Vol. 28, num. 6, p. 799 – 800. DOI : 10.1016/j.cag.2004.08.008.

Point based animation of elastic, plastic and melting objects

Norman.Badler; D. Mathieu; B. Ronan; P. Dinesh 

2004. 2004 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation.

Robust watermarking of point-sampled geometry

D. Cotting; T. Weyrich; M. Pauly; M. Gross 

2004. Proceedings – Shape Modeling International SMI 2004, Genova, Italy, p. 233 – 242. DOI : 10.1109/SMI.2004.1314510.

Point-based computer graphics

M. Alexa; M. Gross; M. Pauly; H. Pfister; M. Stamminger et al. 

2004. SIGGRAPH04: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Los Angeles CA, August 8-12, 2004. DOI : 10.1145/1103900.1103907.

Quasi-Rigid Objects in Contact

M. Pauly; D. K. Pai; L. J. Guibas 

2004. Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation 2004. p. 109 – 119. DOI : 10.2312/sca/sca04/109-119.


Shape modeling with point-sampled geometry

M. Pauly; R. Keiser; L. P. Kobbelt; M. Gross 

2003. ACM Transactions on Graphics, San Diego, CA, United states, p. 641 – 650. DOI : 10.1145/882262.882319.

Point primitives for interactive modeling and processing of 3D geometry

M. Pauly / M. Gross (Dir.)  

ETH Zurich, 2003. 

Multi-scale Feature Extraction on Point-Sampled Surfaces

M. Pauly; R. Keiser; M. Gross 

2003. Computer Graphics Forum, Granada, Spain, p. 281 – 289. DOI : 10.1111/1467-8659.00675.


Efficient simplification of point-sampled surfaces

M. Pauly; M. Gross; L. P. Kobbelt 

2002. Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization Conference, Boston, MA, United states, p. 163 – 170. DOI : 10.1109/VISUAL.2002.1183771.

Pointshop 3D: An interactive system for point-based surface editing

M. Zwicker; M. Pauly; O. Knoll; M. Gross 

2002. ACM Transactions on Graphics, United states, p. 322 – 329. DOI : 10.1145/566654.566584.

Multiresolution Modeling of Point-Sampled Geometry

M. Pauly; L. Kobbelt; M. Gross 


Point-based computer graphics

2002. EUROGRAPHICS 2002.


Spectral processing of point-sampled geometry

M. Pauly; M. Gross 

2001. Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Computer Graphics, Los Angeles, CA, United states, p. 379 – 386. DOI : 10.1145/383259.383301.


Metropolis light transport for participating media

M. Pauly; T. Kollig; A. Keller 

2000. Rendering Techniques 2000. Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop, Wien, Austria, p. 11 – 391.


Robust Monte Carlo Methods for Photorealistic Rendering of Volumetric Effects

M. Pauly / S. Heinrich (Dir.)  

University of Kaiserslautern, 1999.