Coaching in sustainability

Baptisé «the SPOT» (Student Prototyping and Outreach Tank), le nouveau bâtiment dédié au prototypage mécanique et électronique a ouvert ses portes. Soirée avec les étudiants. (Discovery Learning Lab) / © EPFL - Alain Herzog 25 mars 2022
The Student Prototyping and Outreach Tank (SPOT), a new building for prototyping in mechanical and electrical engineering. Evening with the students. (Discovery Learning Lab) – EPFL, 25 March 2022 © Alain Herzog 

We offer individual and group coaching services for students who feel concerned by sustainability issues, and would like to learn knowledge and skills to act for sustainability.

Individual coaching

Individual coaching is designed to help students make sustainability a part of their studies at EPFL.

We help students identify the most appropriate opportunities for their interests and goals. For example, we look at the classes they’re taking and any specializations, secondary specializations, internships, jobs, or academic, entrepreneurship or community programs they may be involved in.

We can also help students incorporate sustainability-related issues into every stage of their student projects.

If sustainability issues make you experience anxiety or other difficult emotions, we are here to help, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Group coaching

Group coaching aims to help groups of students incorporate sustainability-related issues into their academic, entrepreneurship and/or community initiatives.

We work with teams of students to help them develop a strategy for addressing sustainability through their work, and we support them with implementation.


Michka Mélo
[email protected]
+41 21 693 20 98