We run various programs to help teachers incorporate sustainability into their classes.
Teacher training
We offer a workshop called “Sustainability in my course” (in English), given in association with the Teaching Support Center. Using interactive methods, this in-person workshop introduces participants to sustainability and how they can incorporate it into their classes. During this workshop, participants will:
- Get an overview of our sustainability-related education strategy
- Learn about the key issues related to sustainability and the skills needed to tackle them
- Brainstorm how their specific fields and classes relate to sustainability
- Get tips on how to incorporate sustainability into their classes and see some concrete examples
Visit this web page to find out about upcoming dates and to register.
One-to-one teacher coaching
Contact us if you would like advice about a specific class you’re teaching or planning to teach.
Expert student assistants to form tandem teams
Looking to make sustainability a part of your teaching but can’t find the time? We can pair you up with an enthusiastic, competent student assistant to help you out. For example, the assistant could research what sustainability entails in your specific area of expertise, identify teaching best practices and find ready-to-use case studies.
Teaching toolkit
Resources in English
- Seed Library: A searchable database of open-access educational resources
- Sustainicum Collection: A database of teaching units and teaching methods
- SDG academy: A platform with classes on each of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- The MIT Sustainability and Climate Change Across Learning Environments platform: A platform with: a) Climate and Sustainability Explainers, b) a Lesson & Activity Database, and c) Pedagogical Practice Explainers
- GeorgiaTech’s serve-learn-sustain teaching toolkit: A toolkit that you can search by category, type and length
- Sowing seeds – How to make your modules a bit more sustainability oriented (PDF, 440 KB): A guide developed by the University of Plymouth’s Center for Sustainable Futures
- En-Roads: An MIT climate scenario simulator
- Vanderbilt University’s Tips for Teaching Sustainability: A guide to teaching sustainability
- SDG Impact Assessment Tool: A free, online learning program that displays the results of a self-assessment to see how an activity, organization or innovation relate to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Sustainability Portal: the EPFL, Unil and IMD portal to find experts in sustainability-related domains
- Sustainability in Academia – The place for high quality sustainability learning material: material (slight focus on economic sciences) and resources for sustainability inclusion into university courses
Resources in French
- Enseigner le climat: A database of climate-related educational resources
- Université Virtuelle Environnement et Développement Durable: A virtual university with MOOCs, podcasts and educational resources
- Guide pour l’intégration de la durabilité dans les enseignements: A guide developed by HES-SO as part of its “Former pour transformer” program
Contact us if you would like to discuss incorporating sustainability into your classes or curriculum.
Melanie Studer
[email protected]
Adélie Garin
[email protected]