Autour de l’exposition TERRAFIBRA architectures

A. Bengana; E. Cauderay; A. N. E. de Buren; M. Pretolani; L. d. Wurstemberger 

Autour de l’exposition TerraFibra architectures / ARCHIZOOM, Lausanne, Avril 18, 2023.

Teaching Circular Architecture On-site

N. Rogeau; C. Fauvel 

Matters of Abstraction x Thinking/Making 2023 – Intermediating Objects, Ghent, Belgium, February 3, 2023.


Culture du bñti dans l’existant – Baukultur im Bestand

S. Nichols; D. Dietz 

Culture du bñti dans l’existant – Baukultur im Bestand, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 23-24, 2022.


Land of thousand dances

C. Fauvel; J. Lafontaine Carboni; J. Gamerro 

Colloque- Rencontres du RĂ©seau Scientifique ThĂ©matique PhilAU (ENSACF École nationale supĂ©rieure d’architecture de Clermont-Ferrand) intitulĂ© “ Architecture & philosophie – Prendre soin ” 2021, Clermont-Ferrand, France, December 10 2021.


Milieu statt Container

D. Dietz; A. Humpert 

2019 Lucerne Talk Symposium, Lucerne, Switzerland, May 17, 2019.

Protofigurations, geometries of transindividuation

J. Lafontaine Carboni 

Potential for an Archaic Today, Paris, France, 15 june 2018.


Mapping Democracy: Exploring Political Polarization with Social Network Analysis

S. A. Koseki 

62st Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, United States of America, 2017-04-05.


Moral, Ethics and Geography: An Empirical Perspective on Political, Economical and Sociability Behaviors

S. A. Koseki 

61st Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States of America, 2016-03-26.

Écologie politique de la mĂ©tropole Suisse: Analyse des rĂ©seaux idĂ©ologiques du vote

S. A. Koseki 

2e Journée de la recherche Bernardo Secchi, Geneva, Switzerland, 2016-09-27.

New Urban Social Movements, Situated Practice and the Affordances of a Porous Urban Space.

D. Negueruela Del Castillo 

JournĂ©e d’étude Bernardo Secchi 2016″La ville des riches et la ville des pauvres”, Maison de la Paix, Chemin EugĂšne-Rigot 2, GenĂšve, September 27, 2016.

Moral, Ethics and Geography: An Empirical Perspective on Political, Economical and Sociability Behaviors

S. A. Koseki 

61st Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, March 28 – April 2, 2016.


The Harp – a hiking shelter for Les Diablerets

D. Karacsony; M. Skjonsberg 

Inauguration of The Harp hiking shelter, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, August 20-21, 2015.


D. Dietz 

Interior Architecture in Words International Symposium, HEAD Geneva, April 21, 2015.

Immersive Devices: The expanded eye in space

D. Dietz 

Invited Conference, University Geneva, Mai 30, 2015.

Literary imagination as a modality of collective space making in Paul RicƓur’s polysemy of action

C. Dionne 

Reading Architecture Symposium, Athens, Greece, June 16-18, 2015.

Usage, satire and wit in ‹the lexicography of Antoine Furetiùre and Samuel Johnson

C. Dionne 

Poetics of Knowledge Conference, Berne, Switzerland, November 5-7 2015.

Geography of Moral Intuitions

S. A. Koseki 

38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, San Diego, California, USA, July 3-6, 2015.

Moral Sentiments & Intuitions in Geography: Urban Studies and the Descriptive Ethics

S. A. Koseki 

5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference of Emotional Geographies, Edinburgh, Lothan, UK, June 10-12, 2015.


Metro_Space, A Topological Shift in User Centered Mobility Infrastructures

D. Dietz 

Invited Conference, Alstom, Valencienne, June 24, 2014.

Lausanne Hyperstation

D. Dietz 

Invited Conference, CFF Lausanne, June 11, 2014.


D. Dietz 

Invited Conference, Les Diablerets, August 28, 2014.

Territorial Devices / Visisble Forces

D. Dietz 

Lecture series, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Boston, May 6, 2014.

Territorial Devices / Visisble Forces

D. Dietz 

SwissNex, Boston, May 7, 2014.

Metro_Space, A Topological Shift in User Centered Mobility Infrastructures

D. Dietz 

Project presentation at Alstom Production Facilities, Valencienne, June 24, 2014.

Lausanne Hyperstation

D. Dietz 

Master Project Presentation in the context of the LĂ©man 2030 project by the Swiss Federal Railways, Lausanne, June 11, 2014.

Architecture and Territory

D. Dietz 

eco.villages congress, Les Diablerets, August 28, 2014.

MEL / User-centered Mobility Infrastructures. Transitional spaces and devices in modern mobility networks / Presentation of research by design results

D. Dietz 

Conference, Paris, January 16, 2015.

MEL / User-centered Mobility Infrastructures. Transitional spaces and devices in modern mobility networks / Presentation of research by design results.

D. Dietz 

Conference, Paris, October 2.

Porte des Savoirs, Embodied experience of immersion and information flow / Presentation of research by design results

D. Dietz 

Press Conference at Vaudoise Insurance, Lausanne, March 12, 2014.

Ingenious Architecture: Usage and knowledge in Furetiùre’s Lexicography

C. Dionne 

Canadian Centre for Architecture – CCA Visiting Scholars Programme, Montreal, Canada, August 7 2014.

Les murs de la critique

T. Favre-Bulle 

20e biennale de gĂ©ographie d’Avignon, GĂ©opoint 2014, Controverses et gĂ©ographies, Avignon, France, June 12-13, 2014.

Faut-il vraiment dĂ©fragmenter les mĂ©tropoles? Une controverse politique en quĂȘte de spatialitĂ©.

T. Favre-Bulle 

20e biennale de gĂ©ographie d’Avignon, GĂ©opoint 2014, Controverses et gĂ©ographies, Avignon, France, June 12-13, 2014.

Metropolitan dynamics and institutional fragmentation in the United States, 1950-2010

T. Favre-Bulle 

Annual Conference of the IGU Urban Commission Poznan 2014, Poznan, Poland, August 11-14, 2014.

Digital humanities methods in comparative law. Quantitative analysis of a plain text corpus of books to trace the diffusion of legal concepts in public spheres.

T. Favre-Bulle 

JurisDiversitas Annual Conference 2014, Aix-en-Provence, France, July 17-19, 2014.

Tracing the Contours of An Urban Morality: A Harmonization of Languages Between Moral Psychology, Urban Anthropology, and Political Geography

S. A. Koseki 

37th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Rome, Italy, July 4-7, 2014.

Quand le langage construit : invention, usage et vérité dans le discours architectural moderne

C. Dionne 

Conférence publique, ENAC Faculty, EPFL Lausanne, Suisse, March 18, 2014.

Espace social et architecture: jeux et récits

C. Dionne 

DidactiqueS, Master I theoretical course, Ecole Nationale SupĂ©rieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais, May 23, 2014.


New Methods to City’s Otherness: Ethical Substance, Relational Metrics and Scale of Sociality

S. A. Koseki 

7th International PhD Seminar on Urbanism and Urbanization, Paris, France, 2013-10-15.

The Influence of Urban Spatial Practices on Moral Schemes: Analyzing the Cognitive Construction of Spatial Globalization Through Experimental Moral Philosophy

S. A. Koseki 

58th Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, April 9-13, 2013.

MEL / User-centered Mobility Infrastructures, A Topological Shift / Presentation of ‘Demonstrateur’ models and immersive devices

D. Dietz 

Conference, Paris, December 20, 2013.

MEL / User-centered Mobility Infrastructures, A Topological Shift / Presentation of research by design results

D. Dietz 

Conference, Paris, September 9, 2013.

L’Étoile d’Avenches / Innovating ephemeral large-span light-weight structures / Presentation of research by design results

D. Dietz 

Press Conference, Avenches, November 15, 2013.

L’Étoile d’Avenches / Innovating ephemeral large-span light-weight structures / Presentation of research by design results

D. Dietz 

Conference, Avenches, September 17, 2013.

A Space for Others: Exploring Cognitive Urban Geography With Ethics of Care, Concern and Empathy in Affective Social Networks in Geneva

S. A. Koseki 

4th International & Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies, Groningen, the Netherlands, July 1-3, 2013.

Direct democracy and metropolitan fragmentation in Switzerland and in California

T. Favre-Bulle 

1st Annual Meeting of JurisDiversitas: Diffusion, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 3-4, 2013.

Spatial Democracy, a Capability Approach towards Commensurability

T. Favre-Bulle 

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Los Angeles, California, USA, April 13, 2013.


CH2048: Developing Spatial Strategies

S. A. Koseki; D. Dietz; C. Dionne 

Pre-Doc/PhD CCC Masters’ Program Seminar – University of Art and Design, Geneva, Switzerland, October 9, 2012.

ALICE : Atelier de la conception de l’espace

S. A. Koseki; C. Dionne 

Pre-Doc/PhD CCC Masters’ Program Seminar, Geneva, Switzerland, October 9, 2012.