Claire Logoz is an architect who graduated from EPFL in 2021, with a research focusing on the performativity of the built environment. She co-created the practice detritus. in 2021 with which she can keep researching how architecture materializes social and political constructs while archiving pieces of Swiss postmodern design.
Claire is also active in the pedagogic field and has been involved in the teaching and planning of several courses at EPFL, from graphic figuration and art fundaments Y1 courses to the Y5 master Superstudio Latent Futures. She also teaches the DRAG(UE) course, which introduces the notions of performativity and gender in the built environment.
Claire joined the ALICE laboratory in 2022 as part of the Design Research Team and is now ALICE’s Head of Communication.
+41 (0) 79 855 46 01
Office: BP4221